Tenders are invited for Supply of 3,600,000 Tablets of Anastrozole Tablet 1mg. Non-Refundable Bid Fee : Rs. 12,500/- + Taxes Bids should be prepared as per particulars given in the Bidding Documents available to prospective bidders on working days between 0930 hours and 1500 hours at the Head Office of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka, "Mehewara Piyasa", 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 5. These could be purchased on cash payment of a non-refundable Bid Fee per set as mentioned above. Offers received without enclosing original payment receipt are liable to be rejected. Wherever applicable potential bidder/bidders should get registered in terms of the Public Contracts Act No.3 of 1987 before collecting the Bidding Documents and also should get the contract registered after the tender is awarded. All bids should be accompanied by a Bid Bond as specified in the Bidding Documents. Sealed bids may be sent by post under registered cover or may be personally deposited in the box available for this purpose at Administration Department of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation, "Mehewara Piyasa", 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka. Bids will be closed at the Head Office of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation on the dates and time mentioned above and will be opened immediately thereafter. Bidders or their authorized representatives will be permitted to be present at the time of opening of Bids. Tender Link : https://tenders.lk/site/tenders/view_tender?tender_id=522705&slug=state-pharmaceuticals-corporation-of-sri-lanka-invite-bidders-for-supply-of-following-items-98
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