Wooden Tongue Decliner (Individual Packaging).:, Distilled Water 10 Ml: 10 Ml Per Unit: 10 Ml Per Unit, 13X4 Disposable Needle, 5 Mm :,, Dispredible Needle 20X 0, 55Mm:, Disposal Needle 25X 0, 6Mm: 11/03/2025, Disposable Needle 25 X 0, 7Mm: 8Mm: 40X12mm:, Alcohol Gel 70% Fr 52G .: Alcohol Gel 70% Vial 500Ml. Soft And Absorbent. Packed In Individual Plastic Bag. Syntible And Exempt From Chemical Products Such As: Optical Bleaches, Corrective Dyes And Any Others That Can Assault The Skin., Stainless Stainless Auricular Pressure Pressure:, Nasal Aspirator For Pear Type. Crepom 20X1, Bandage Crepe 25X1, Bandage Crepe 30X1, Tnt Apron Disposal Without Sleeve Grammature 35. Provides Relief For Inflammary Processes, Muscle Injuries, Fevers, Colic, Bruises And Stiff Necks.Differential:- It Can Be Used Hot Or Cold.- Flexible, Light And Practical.- Not Toxic.- Reusable.- Can Be Heated In The Microwave Or Hot Water And Cooled In Freezer And Refrigerator :, Heavy Surgical Field, 100% Fabric, 100% Fabric Fabric Algodao, Simple Sheath Finish, Size 40Cm X 40Cm:, Simple Surgical Field, Intravenous Catheter With Security Device N16 (Jelco):, Intravenous Catheter With Safety Device N18 (Jelco):, Intravenous Catheter With Safety Device N20 (Jelco):, Intravenous Catheter With Safety Device N22 (Jelco): With Security Device N24 (Jelco):, Nasal Oxygen Catheter Type - Adult:, Nasal Catheter Oxygen Type - Child :,, Intermittent Urinary Catheter Male Hydrophilic N12:, Billet Blanket Single Fiber Fiber Smooth Design. Dimensions: 1, 50 Cm X 2.00M. 100% Polyester Microfiber Composition:, Exam Customer Collector 80Ml:, Cutting Capacity Collector Capacity 13 Liters :, Compress Surgical Operation Field 45Cm X 50Cm Pct C/ 50 Units .: Hydrofila 7, 5Cm Cutted Gaze Surgical 13 Wire Stem Wires Package With 10 Units .:,, Cheese Gase Compresso 13 Wires 91Mm X 91M :, Detergent Enzyme 4 Enzymes 1000Ml Enzymes. Electrode Type Small Straight Knife 67Mm For Electrocauto Brand Bp100 .: (Side Injector Macrogota Equpeus:, Cervical Brush For Citopathologic Uterus Examination Collection: Disposable Brush, Nylon Micro -Bristle And Stainless Polystyrene Sustaining Axis, Atxic And Resistant Tractions. Stem., Waterproofing 10Cm X 4, 5 M .: Ayre Pct 100 Units Spatula.:, Vaginal Disposable Vaginal: Dispredible Vaginal Spectrum Large Size, Disposable Vaginal Speculation: Dispredible Vaginal Size, Small Dispredible Vaginal Speed: Small Success Success Far, 2.0 Suture With Needle 20Mm: Box With 24 Units, Suture Wire 3.0 Monofilament With Needle