Tender For Yearly Maintenance Work For Khed Municipal Council Khed(6Th Call)-2 Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material uptoa distanceo f50m.beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 0.00 to 1.50 m.) By Manual/Mechanical Means 3 Excavation for foundation in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto distance of 50metres beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering ,preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling ,ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m) By Manual/mechanical Means 4 Providingdry/trap/granite/quartzite/gneissrubblestonesoling15cmto20cmthick including hand packing and compacting etc. complete. 5 Providing selected hard murum filling including laying in layers of 15 to 20cmwith watering and compacting etc. complete. 6 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mixcement concrete in M15 of trap/ granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for foundation and bedding / steps including steel centering, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting,rougheningthemifspecialfinishistobeprovided,finishingunevenand honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven and honeycombed surface, only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered bygunnybag,plastic,tarpaulinetc.(Woodencenteringwillnotbeallowed.),withfully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc.complete.Withfineaggregate(Crushed sand VSI Grade) 7 Providing and laying in situ /Ready Mixcement concreteM-20of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metalforR.C.C.work infoundationslikeraft,stripfoundations,grillageand footingsofR.C.C.columnsandsteelstanchions etc.includingbailingoutwater, Steel centeringformwork,laying/pumpingcoverblocks,compactionandcuring roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete, with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade) 8 Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators, etc. 15 Kilogram/ One Square Metreasperdrawingincludingfixturesnecessaryweldingandpaintingwithonecoatof anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting complete. 9 Providing secondclassBurntBrickmasonrywithconventional/I.S.typebricksincement mortar1:6infoundation/plinth/superstructureincludingstrikingjoints,rakingoutjoints,wateringand scaffolding etc. Complete 10 Providinguncoursedrubblemasonryoftrap/granite/quartzite/gneissstonesincement mortar1:6infoundation/plinth/superstuctureandplinthofinnerwalls/inplinthofexternalwallsincluding bailing out water manually , striking joints on un exposed faces and watering etc.complete. 11 Providing cement based water proofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike) with brick bats laid in required slope to drain the water for any span after cleaning the base surface. Applying a coat of cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound and laying the brick bats on bottom layer in C.M.1:5 admixed with approved water proofing compound filling up to half depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3 days, applying cement slurry over this layer joints of brick bats with C.M.1:3 admixed with approved water proofing compound and finally top finishing with average 20 mm. thick layers of same mortar added with jute fiber at 1Kilogramper bag including finishing the surface smooth with cement slurry admixedwithapprovedwaterproofingcompound.Markingfinishedsurfacewithfalse squares of 300mm x 300 mm. making the junctions at the parapet rounded and tapered top for requiredheight,withdripmouldatthejunctionofplasterandparapetandcuringand covering10yearsGuaranteeagainstleakproofnessonCourtfeestamppaperofRs.500/- including ponding test etc. complete. 12 Providing and laying cement concrete flooring 50mm thick with M20 cement concrete laid to proper level and slope in alternate bays including compaction, filling joints, marking lines to give the appearance of tiles of 30cm x 30cm or other size laid diagonally/ square etc. finishing smooth (with extra cement) in any colour as directed and curing etc. complete.with Crushed sand VSI Grade 13 Providing and applying two coats of lead/zinc base oil paint/ bituminious paint of approved colourtonewstructuralsteelworkandironworkinbuildingsincludingscaffoldingif necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface etc.complete. (excluding primer coat). 14 Providing and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour to new /old structural steel work and wood work in buildings, including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface (excluding primer coat) etc. complete. 15 Providing and applying two coats of water proof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface, watering for two days etc.complete. 16 Providing and applying interior wall finish luster of approved make on internal wall surface as detailed below Scrapping the surface with emery paper andwipe clean wall primer with brush withmineralturpentinewithbrush8to10%andoil15to20%withrollerand allowingtodryforaperiod6to8hours.wallputtywithappropriateproportionofwater allowing to dry forperiod4to 6hours.Scrapping withEmerypaper180andwipe clean. Applyingwall primer withbrushwithmineral turpentine 8 to 10% andoil 15 to 20% with rollerScrappingEmerypaper320andwipeclean,interiorwallfinishluster1stcoatwith brush/rubber/spraywithmineralturpentine 7to 9%andOilwithroller19 to 21% After8 hours of activity Applying 2nd coat or wall finish Lustre with mineral turpentine 7 to 9% withbrushandOil withroller 19 to 21% after allowing dry for the period of 6 to 8 hours activity. 17 Providingandfixingcorrugatedgalvanisedironsheetsof0.63mmthick(24B.W.G.)for roofing without wind tiles including fastening with galvanised iron screws and bolts, lead and bitumen washers as per drawing etc. complete.(Weight of 5.5 Kilogram/sq.m.). 18 Removing G.I. or A.C. sheet roofing including purlins, principal rafters etc. including sorting serviceableandunserviceablematerials,stackingthesameasandwheredirectedinthe compound including scaffolding etc. complete. 19 Providing and fixing of colour coated Zincaluminium( R ) AZ150 ( min 150 gms/sq.mt. total on each side ) profiled sheets for roofing. The feed material is manufactured out of nominal 0.45 mm Base Metal Thickness ( BMT ) (0.5 mm TCT ), Hi-strength steel with min.550 MPa yield strength, metallic hot dip coated withAluminium-Zinc alloy (55% aluminiumm 43.4% zinc 1.6% silicon) with COLORBOND ( R ) steel quality super durable polyster paint coat ( withinorganic pigment). The paint shallhave atotal coating thickness ofnominal 35mm, comprising of nominal 25mmexterior coat on top surface and nominal 10 um reverse coat on back surface. Profile sheet shall have nom. 950-1050 mm effective cover width and nominal 25-30 mm deep ribs with sublet square fluting in the five pan at nominal 180-250 mmcenter- to-center.Theendribshallbedesignedforanti-capacitygroove.andreturnleg.Thefeed material should have coil manufacturers product details marked a regular interval. including fasteners with min. fastened with min. 25 um Zinc-Tin alloy coated, Hex head, self-drilling screw etc. complete. (weight of profile 4.52 Kilogram/ One Square Metre)600 mm girth (Surface Width). 20 Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, chromium platedfixturesandfastenings,withbrassmortiselock,chromiumplatedhandlesonboth sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. complete. 21 Providing and fixing rolling shutter fabricated from steel laths of minimum thickness 0.9 mm with lock plate of 3.15 mm thickness reinforced with 35 x 35 x 5 mm angle section fitted with sliding bolts and handles for both sides, deep M.S. channel section of depth and thickness not less than 65 mm and 3.15 mm respectively with hold fast arrangements, M.S. Bracket plate 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm minimum size and shape with square bar, suspension shaft of minimum 32 mm diameter, hood cover of M.S. sheet not less than 0.9 mm thickness and of any size at top and safety devices including mechanical gear operation arrangement consisting of worm gear wheels and worms of high grade cast iron or mild steel and one coat of red lead primer etc. complete. (I.S. 62481979) (Without mechanical gear) 22 Providing and fixing collapsible steel gate in one / two leaves with hot rolled vertical channels of 18 x 9 x 3 mm minimum size, crossings of M.S. flats of size 18 x 5 mm T or E section for runner of minimum 40 x 6 mm size for flange, M.S. flat for top runner of minimum size 40 x 12mmwithrollerwheelsconfirmingtogradeF.G.150fittedwithsnapheadedrivetsof minimum size 6 mm max. spacing of vertical channels be 100 mm enclosed gate position and clearspaceof150mmbetweentwosetsofcrossingswithholdfasts,stoppers,spaces, handles, locking arrangement and one coat of red lead primer and oil painting etc. complete. (I.S. 105211983). 23 Providing and fixing in position. (as per I.S.1868 / 1982) Aluminium sliding window of two trackswithrectangularpipe having overalldimension63.50x38.10x1.02mm atweight 0.547 Kilogram/One Running Metre. and window frame bottom track section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.20 mm atweight0.695Kilogram/One Running Metre.Topandside track section61.85x31.75x 1.30 mm at weight 0.659 Kilogram/One Running Metre. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/One Running Metre. Inter locking section 40 x 18 x 1.10 mm at weight 0.469 Kilogram/One Running Metre. And handle section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/One Running Metre. and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Runningmetre.AsperdetaileddrawingsandasdirectedbyEngineerincharge with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mm thick plain glass with all required screws and nuts etc, complete. With colour Anodising with box. 24 Providing and fixing in position. (as per I.S.1868 / 1982) Aluminium sliding window of two trackswithrectangularpipe having overalldimension63.50x38.10x1.02mm atweight 0.547 Kilogram/One Running Metre. and window frame bottom track section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.20 mm atweight0.695Kilogram/One Running Metre.Topandside track section61.85x31.75x 1.30 mm at weight 0.659 Kilogram/One Running Metre. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/One Running Metre. Inter locking section 40 x 18 x 1.10 mm at weight 0.469 Kilogram/One Running Metre. And handle section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/One Running Metre. and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Runningmetre.AsperdetaileddrawingsandasdirectedbyEngineerincharge with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mm thick plain glass with all required screws and nuts etc, complete. With powder coating with box 25 Providing andfixing in position(as per 1868 / 1982) Alluminium sliding window of three tracks with rectangular pipe 95 x 38.10 x 0.90 mm at weight 0.637 Kilogram/One Running Metre. with window frame bottom track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 1.070 Kilogram/One Running Metre.. Top and side track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 0.933 Kilogram/Runningmetre.Theshuttershouldbeofbearingbottom40x18x1.25mmat weight 0.417Kilogram/One Running Metre.Inter locking section 40x 18x 1.10mm atweight 0.469Kilogram/Runningmetre.andhandleandtopsection40x18x1.25mm atweight 0.417Kilogram/Runningmetre.Asperdetaileddrawingsandasdirectedby Engineerincharge with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mmthickplainglassandaluminiummosquitonetshutterwithstainlesssteeljailwithall required screws and nuts etc, complete. With colour Anodising with box 26 Providing and fixing fiber glass reinforced polyster door shutter 30 mm thick as per IS 14856 (2000) (Reaffirmed 2006) without ventilator includingchromium plated fixtures and fastening with chromium plated handles on both sides, etc complete 27 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 450mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 28 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 600mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 29 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 900mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 30 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-4 class of 1200mm diameter in proper line, level and slope etc. complete. 31 Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections like joists, channels, angles, teesetc.asperdetaileddesignanddrawingsorasdirectedincludingcutting,fabricating, hoisting,erecting,fixinginpositionmakingriveted/bolted/weldedconnectionswithout connecting plates, braces etc. andincluding one coat of anticorrosive paint andover ittwo coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete. 32 Providing Gas or Electrical welding for structural steel section, plates as per detailed drawing. For less than 10 mm thick section. 33 Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C.pilecaps,footings,foundations,slabs,beamscolumns,canopies,staircase,newels, chajjas,lintelspardis,copings,fins,archesetc.asperdetaileddesigns,drawingsand schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete. 34 Providing and fixing mild steel grill gate with angle iron frame 65mm x 65mm x 10mm with iron bars at 150mm C/C and diagonal flats as per the detailed drawing including hinges, pivot block locking arrangement, welding riveting and oil painting of three coats of approved shade Weight of gate 35 Kilogram/Smt. 35 Providing & Applyingchemicalfor cleaning the exposed steel structure, TMT bars, etc. of structure by grinding the surface by grinder machine, wire brush, removing existing corrosion from the metal also removing loose particles, of the area by water jet, (using other mechanical / manual means) and apply on prepared surface ofas corrosion preventive coat on prepared TMT bars, steel structure,metal surface etc. to protect it from corrosion etc. as per manufacturer"sspecification(using othermanual/mechinicalmeans)afterthat Providing andapplyinghigh abrasiveresistant,selfcuring,UVresistant,impermeable ,highstrength, nonshrink,PolyIroniteCeramicCementatious(PICC) repairmortarresurfacingon concretesurfaceofthicknessupto10mmincludingbreakinghoneycombarea, (using manual/mechanical means) , clean the concrete surface with special chemical clonon with pressure water jet for removing of algae fungi, apply bond coat Keloxwater misible epoxy before PICC applicationwith all leads and lifts, Material, Machinery, labour, scaffolding, etc. complete as per specification and as directed by engineer-in-charge. 36 PICC Coating for concrete Bridge repair work :-Providing and applying Poly Ironite Ceramic Cementitious(PICC) materialofSelfcuring ,HighAbrasionresistant,Nonshrink,High strength,UV resistant, repair mortar coating on bond coat Kelox water missable epoxy ofon concrete surfaceupto 10 mm thickness including Cleaning the concrete surface of bridge by grinding the surface by grinder machine withwire brush /diamond wheel, removing existing looseparticlesetc.byusinggrinder,wirebrush,breakermachine,waterjet(usingother mechanical/manualmeans)alsoremovingofalgaefungibyspecialchemicalofclonon etc.complete with all leads and lifts, Material, Machinery, Labour, Scaffolding etc. complete as per specification and as directed by engineer-in-charge. 37 Providing ,supplying and laying chamber coverwith frame of cover size 0.60 X 0.45(medium duty) 38 Providing ,supplying and laying chamber coverwith frame of cover size 0.60 X 0.45(Heavy duty) 39 Providing ,supplying and laying chamber coverwith frame of cover size 0.60 X 0.90 (MD) 40 Providing ,supplying and laying chamber coverwith frame of cover size 0.60 X 0.60 (HD) 41 Providing ,supplying and laying chamber coverwith frame of cover size 0.90 X0.45 (medium duty) 42 Providing ,supplying and laying chamber coverwith frame of cover size 0.90 X0.45 (Heavy duty) 43 Providing internal cement plaster 6 mm thick in a single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete surface in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 44 Providinginternalcementplaster12mm thickinsinglecoatincementmortar1:5without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 45 Providing flush grooved pointing with cement mortar 1:3 for stone masonry work including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 46 Providing and supplying Cement Sheet 4 mm 47 Providing and supplying Cement Sheet 8 mm 48 Providing and supplying Cement Sheet 12 mm 49 Providing and supplying A.C.Corrugated sheet 6mm thick 50 Providing and supplying Mangalore tiles class AA 51 Providing and supplying Mangalore Ridge / Hip tiles 52 Handle Stainless Steel 100 mm 53 Alluminium SECTION WITH COATING 54 FRP Door Shutter 30 mm thick Factory Made Shutter 55 FRP Door Shutter 35 mm thick Factory Made Shutter 56 Providing and supplying Door StopperStainless Steel 57 Providing and supplying Cement bag 58 Providing ,supplying of Laterite stone 59 Providing and supplying Stone Dust 60 Providing and supplying Aggregate 20 mm 61 Providing and supplying Aggregate 40/60 mm 62 Providing and supplying Rough Shahabad 40 to 45 mm thick 63 Providing and supplying Quarry spall material 64 Telephone Black Granite 65 Scrapping sand paper size (30 * 20cm) 66 Mali 67 Computer Typist 68 Computer Operator 69 Mazdoor - Unskilled Heavy Male 70 Carpenter 71 Tree Cutter - Semi Skilled 72 Hydraulic Excavator(BEML BE 200, Tata Hitachi EX200 or equivalent) 73 Excavator (JCB JS 80) 74 Static Road Roller 8MT 75 Tractor