Price Registration For Future And Eventual Acquisition Of Disposable Utensils And Materials To Meet The Demands Of All Sectors Of The Municipal Health Secretariat.. Baking Dish, Platter, Dish, Platter, Basin, Tray, Tray, Dish, Firefighter, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Pantry, Dish, Disposable Spoon, Disposable Spoon, Spoon, Spoon, Disposable Cup, Glass Glass, General Cleaning, Disposable Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Coffee, Coffee Colander, Phosphorus, Frying Pan, Disposable Cutleher, Disposable Cutlery, Table Fork, Thermos, Thermos, Thermos, Thermos, Thermos, A Portable Lighter, Jar, Jar, A Plate, A Clerk, Food Container, Dolly, Pan, Toothpick, Potted Paper, Pot, Pot, Pot Paper Porcelain, Bombaneira, Dish, Plate, Dish, Ebuller, Bag, Jar, Bowl, Doormat, Doormat, Doormat, Table Table, Table Table, Table Table, Table, Table, Food Containers, Food Container, Food Glass, Glass Container, Glass Container, Glass Container, Glass Container, Glass Containe