Supply Of Laboratory Material For Biology Lab - 1 Magnus MagMaster Monocular Microscope Model: SM – 100 (10x WF eyepiece & 4x, 10x, 40x & 100x Objective, mechanical stage) with LED & Battery Backup.1 pcs 2 Eye piece Pointer 10x. 3 Ocular micrometer(Good Quality) 4 Stage micrometer ( good quality) 5 Dissecting paraffin tray. 6 Stethoscope ( good quality). 7 Sphigmomanometer (Dial model) 8 Biology box Good Quality 9 Test tube holder. 10 Test tube cleaning brush. 11 Mortar and Pastle. 12 Slide box(100 slide capable). 13 Cover glass .Round (Blue star) 14 Test tube stand. 15 Pipette(Graduated) 10ml. Borosil 16 Dropper (Good quality) 17 Ph Paper broad range box 18 Cavity slide (1cavity ) 19 Measuring Cylinder 25m , 100ml 20 Reagent bottle with lid 100ml. 21 Beaker (Borosil) 100ml. 250ml. 500ml 22 Glass rod 23 Filter paper. 24 Hand glaves 3 25 Water bath 6 hole digital 26 Test tube (Borosil) 100 pcs 27 Stand for chart. 28 Sterile cotton 29 Blood lancet 30 Funnel 31 Glass jar with lid for specimens preserve 20 pcs 32 Ziplock pouch bag (10 eanch approx) 33 Thermometer (F/C) 1 pcs 1 Plant Kingdom 2 Animal Kingdom 3 Mitosis of plant cell 4 Meiosis of animal cell 5 Cell cycle 6 Animal cell 7 Plant cell 8 Prokaryotic cell 9 Monocot steam T.S. 10 Monocot root T.S. 11 Dicot root T.S. 12 Dicot stem T.S. 13 Monocot leaf T.S. 14 Dicot leaf T.S. 15 Pedigree chart- Rolling tongue, Blood group, Ear lobes, Widow's peak and colour blindness. 16 Homologous and Analogue organ 17 Human brain parts 18 Human spinal cord 19 Human bone joint 20 Human heart cycle 21 Human peripheral nervous system 22 Structure of protein (Alpha helix and beta pleated sheet). 23 Frog- digestive system 24 Frog circulatory system 25 Frog respiratory system 26 Frog nervous system 27 Fog reproductive system (male and female) 1 Mitosis of Onion 2 Meiosis of Grasshopper 3 Pollen germination 4 Xylem tissue 5 Human blood 6 Frog blood 7 Ring worm 8 Nostoc 9 Anabaena 10 Paramoecium 11 Amoeba 1 Euglena 2 Paramoecium 3 Scypha 4 Neptune Cup( Poterion) 5 Sagar Kusum(Metridium) 6 Sea Pen( Pennatula) 7 Obelia 8 Hormiphora 9 Pleurobranchia 10 Planeria 11 Wuchereria 12 Ancylostoma 13 Neris 14 Glycera 15 Aphrodite 16 Macrobrachium 17 Limulus 18 Scolopendra 19 Scorpion 20 Peripetus 21 Hermit crab 22 Loligo 23 Sepia 24 Pinctada( Mukta jhinuk) 25 Cucumaria( Sea Shasa) 26 Sea lili 27 Balanoglossus 28 Saccoglossus 29 Ascidia 30 Salpa 31 Branchiostoma. 32 Naja naja( snake) 33 Myxin( Hagfish). 34 Petromyzon 35 Trygon fish 36 Singi fish 37 Magur fish 38 Flying fish( Exocoetus) 39 Salamander 40 Necchurus 41 Ichthyophis 42 Calotes 43 Viper snake 44 Draco 45 Pteropus 46 Baero 47 Penaeus( Prawn) Sl No Name of Items 1 Ethanol 2 Rectified spirit 3 Cobalt chloride solution 5% 4 Barford's solution. 5 HCL diluted. 6 HCL concentrate 7 Distilled water 8 Molish Reagent (Alpha naphthol 10%Alchohol) 9 Sulphuric acid concentrate 10 Felings reagent A & B 11 20% Sodium hydroxide solution 12 copper sulphate solution 13 Ammonium hydroxide concentrate 14 Sudan III solution 15 Ether. 16 Chloroform 17 Acetic acid 18 Safranin 19 Light Green 20 Benedict's Reagent qualitative 21 Iodine Solution 22 Millon's Reagent
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