Tender For Purchase Of Laboratory Equipment, Chemicals And Test Kits, Blood Bank Equipment (Elisa/Photometer ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Purchase Of Laboratory Equipment, Chemicals And Test Kits, Blood Bank Equipment (Elisa/Photometer):- (2025-26) - For Lab - A.S.L.O. Kit 1X100 (Beacon) Acetic Acid 500 Ml Alkine Phosp. Erba 6X6 Ml Amylase Test Kit Erba 6X6 Auto Analyze
Tender for purchase of laboratory equipment, chemicals and test kits, blood bank equipment (ELISA/Photometer):- (2025-26) - For Lab - A.S.L.O. Kit 1x100 (beacon) Acetic Acid 500 ml Alkine Phosp. Erba 6x6 ml Amylase test kit Erba 6x6 Auto analyzer paper role Mars msy Auto Pippetes Tips (tarson) 1000 ul Blood Sugger Kit 2x200 ml Erba Blood Urea Kit 5x20 ml Erba Blue Tipes 500 pcs tarson Yellow Tipes 1000 pcs tarson C.R.P. Kit (quantative) 50 ml Erba C.R.P. Kit (100 test Beacon Capilary Tube(ISI Marked) Stop watch Abx CBC cleaner 1 Itr Horiba Abx CBC Diluent (20 Itr) HORIBA CO. Abx CBC Lyse (1 Itr) HORIBA CO. CBC Diluent 20 Itr mars medical systems smart cell 80pro CBC Lise 500 ml mars medical systems smart cell 80pro CBC Proclen 100 ml mars medical systems smart cell 80pro CBC Special Cleaner 100 ml mars medical systems smart cell 80pro CBC Detergernt Solution 10 ltr mars medical systems smart cell 80pro CBC Printer Paper Horiba CBC Probe Cleaner (1 Itr) CBC mono clair (500 ml) CBC Controll HORIBA CO. Centirfuse Tube(ISI Marked) Chamber Cover Slip Cholstol Kit 5x20 ml Erba CK Nac 25 ml Beacon CKMB 25 ml Beacon CI+ Coombes Test (Direct) Coombes Test (indirect) HIV RAPID CARD Acon per test Cubette Calorimeter Chikengunia Elisa Jemitra 96 Test Chikengunia Rapid Jemitra per Test Dengue Kit(Elisa Method Kit) NS1, IGg, Igm (OTHER) 96 test Dengue Kit(Elisa Method Kit) NS1, IGg, Igm (J.MITRA) 96 test Dengue Kit(Elisa Method Kit) NS1, IGg, Igm(S.D.) 96 test Dengue Rapid Kit NS1 IgM/IgG (OTHER) per test Dengue Rapid Kit NS1 IgM/IgG (J.MITRA) per test Dengue Rapid Kit NS1 IgM/IgG (S.D.) per test Disttil Water (5 Itr. Tin) DLC Counter Dropper E.D.T.A. Powder 250gr Plane vial vaccutainor prrless 1x100 E.S.R. Pipett's prriess Electolyte kit chlorine Erba Cell Wash For Biochem. ESR Stand ESR Tube Glass Tissue paper role Filter Paper/Blooting Paper Fuchet Regent For Bile Pigment 125 ml Glass PFNcil (Marking) Gluco Strips cold free SD per strip Glucometer per pc Glucometer Strip (on call plus) per strip JSB ist & lind 125 ml K+ Lactin "A" Kit (Rapid) LDH Test kit 25 ml beacon Lenset 1x100 Lipidprofile Liqucilince(E) Lisman's Stain 250ml/500ml M.T. Vail 10 TU 5 mi Malaria fild Stain A 125 ml Malaria fild Stain B 125 ml Slide box (100 slide) blue star Slide staning stand per pc Beakar 250-350ml (slide staning) borosil per po Micro Clear Glass Slide (76*26*0.95) With Ground Polish Edge (ISI Marked) 1x50 blue star Micro Pipette 0-50 Other Micro Pipette 0-50 tarson Micro Pipette 0-100 Other Micro Pipette 0-100 tarson Micro Pipette 0-500 Other Micro scopice cober slip per pc blue star Eye piece 5x (microscope) Labomed Eye piece 10x (microscope) Labomed Microscope lense 10x Labomed Microscope lense 40x Labomed Microscope lense 100x Labomed Xylene (for microscope lence cleaning) Labomed Micro Pipette 10-100 ul tarson Multistrips (For Urine) simens N/10 Solution lanser Na+ Neuber's chamber w-germany Nitic Acid 500ml P.T. Tube (ISI Marked) with Cork & Sticker per pc Platelet Counting Fluid(Rees Ecker) 125 ml Pregnancy Kit Card OTHER Pregnancy Kit Card ACON per pc Pregnancy Kit Card perga news per pc. Pregnancy Kit Card labgen per pc Promthrombin TestKit tulip 5 ml R.A. Factor 1x100 beacon RBC Pipette w-germany RH view box S. Calcium 100 ml Erba S.G.O.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) OTHER 5x20 ml S.G.O.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) ERBA. CO. 5x20 ml S.G.P.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) OTHER 5x20 ml S.G.P.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) ERBA. CO. 5x20 ml Seman Analysis Sierm count 125 ml Serum Albumin 200 ml Erba Serum Bilirubin 4x60 ml Erba Serum Cretinine Kit 4x60 ml Erba Serum HDL 40 ml Erba Serum LDL 40 ml Erba Serum protin 200 ml Erba Serum Protine 200 mi others Serum Trigly Ceride 5x20 ml Erba Sodium Citrate 500 ml lansar Sulfur Powder 500gm lansar Scrub Typhous Elise Kit Elise for IgG/lgm 96 test jmitra -Scrub Typhous Elise 96 test CTK -Scrub Typhous Rapid Test J mitra T.S.H. 96 test J mitra T3 96 test J mitra T4 96 test J mitra TEC Fluid 500 ml Test Tube 10" borosil Test Tube 4" borosil Test Tube Holder Test Tube Stand Test Tube(ISI Marked) TLC Fluid TLC Pipett's(ISI Marked) Triglyceride 5x20 ml Erba Uric Acid 5x20 ml Erba Urine Analizer (Strip) simnes Urine Container 50ml hi media Urinstrip(Alb & Sugger) simnes Multistrip (Urin) simnes V.D.R.L. 1x100 Beacon VDRL Rapid Card Acon Yellow Tipes 1x1000 tarson WBC Fluid 500 ml Widal Test (Slide Method) beacon ASLO 50T beacon Blood Cell Counter Peutra 60 CT Reageuts, Chemicals, & Vaccume Tubes Abx diluents 20 ltr Abx Alphalyse 1 Itr Abx Eosinofix 1 Itr abx Cleaner 1 Itr abx Minoclear 500 ml Reagents for elisa reader HIV ELISA 1x96 T jmitra HBs Ag ELISA 1x96T jmitra HCV ALISA 1x96T jmitra Fully Auto Analyser Model ERBAXL 300 Reageuts, Chemicals & Disposables Albumin System Pack Amylase System Pack Bilirubin T&D System Pack Urea System Pack Cholestrol System Pack Alkaline Phosphate System Pack Glucose System Pack S. Creatnin System Pack Calcium System Pack Total Protein System Pack Trigly Ceride System Pack HDL Colestrol Direct System Pack SGOT System Pack SGPT System Pack Chloride System Pack Uric Acid System Pack CK System Pack CKMB System Pack Sample Cup System Pack GGT System Pack LDL Cholestrol with Calibrator System Pack LDHP System Pack Microprotein System Pack Phosporus System Pack XL Multical System Pack XL Wash System Pack Regent For Fully Auto Anlyzar (Randox)s Human Assayed Multi Sera Level-2 Human Assayed Multi Sera Level-3 Calibration Sera Level-3 Wash Solution No.1 Wash Solution No. 2 AST (GOT) Liquid ALT(GPT)(Liquid) Alk. Phos. (Liquid) 3 Bilirubin Direct Liquid Bilirubin Total Liquid Calcium Liquid Cholesterol Liquid 2 Glucose Liquid Creatinine Liquid Urea Liquid Uric Acid Liquid Triglycerides Liquid C1 Wash Solution Regent Trop-t Test kit (Roch) Trop-i Test kit (Roch) Quantitative CRP Kit 50 ml Erba K3EDTA Vaccutanior prriess Heamoglobin meter (Squar shape)(ISI mark) Cloted vial Vaccutanior prrless Multi channel pippet (0µl -50µl)(50μί -100μί)(100μί -1000µl) fine pippet (CBC Rotater) per pc Cross match card tulip per test Blood group card tulip per test Glass measuring cylinder borosil VDRL Rotater per pc ELISA Machine/Reader/Washer one set 96 test (Rayto) Wave length range 400-750 nm per pc Blood Weight Machine () per pc Blood Donation Donor Coatch pr pc Binocular Microscope labomed per pc Tissu paper role pr pc Cover slip size (18x18mm micro cover glass) no.1 blue star per pc For Blood Bank - H.I.V Tridot Kit J mitra H.I.V. Test Kit(Rapid) medonica H.I.V. Test Kit(Rapid) ACON per pc H.I.V. Test Kit(Rapid) S.D. per pc H.I.V.(Elisa Method Kit) 96 test Jmitra Hemoque Hb 301 Per 200 pc Haemoglobin Pipette w-germany Haemoglobinmeter (sahli) w-germany Hb Tube (squar shape) w-germany HCV(Rapid Method Kit) medonica HCV(Rapid Method Kit) ACON HCV(Rapid Method Kitt S.D. HBS Ag(Elisa Method Kit) 96 test J mitra HBS Ag(Rapid Method Kit) Medonica per pc HBS Ag(Rapid Method Kit) ACON per pc HBS Ag(Rapid Method Kit) S.D. per pc Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid) Medonica Hitachi Cup Troponin-1 Card per pc Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid) S.D per pc Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid) JMITRA per pc K3 EDTA Vaccutanior prrless per pc Blood bag 350 ml Blood bag 100 ml Anti Sera A, B, D 10ml (Jimitra) Anti Sera A, B, D 10ml (Arrkaray) Anti RH 10 ml tulip Digital Microscope per pc
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