Tenders are invited for Building Demolition and Excavation Work will be Done for Scrap Materials Nature, type and quantity: 1 Piece 2nd Or.IS.A.K. C) Earth to be done/will be delivered/Malatya ç) Duration/Delivery is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the delivery of the date. D) The date of starting work will be delivered by the municipality after the giving the destruction license by the municipality. e) Muhammen price55.289,89 TL (fifty five thousand two hundred and two hundred eighty -nine Turkish liras eighty -nine cents) f) Temporary guarantee fee (at least §3 of the Muhammad) at least 1,658,70 TL (a thousand six hundred and fifty eight Turkish liras) (on the condition of not less than the §3 of Muhammen price) 3- a) Tender (final bid) date and time20.03.2025 - 10:00 b) Meeting Place of the Tender Commission (address to be opened) Ministry of National Defense Malatya Construction Real Estate Regional Presidency c) Procedure shall be carried out by closed bid procedure in accordance with Article 36 of the State Tender Law No. 2886. 4. In order for the tenderers to participate in the tender, they must submit the following documents within the scope of their proposals: Certificate of Trade and/or Industry or Related Professional Certificate to which it is registered in accordance with its legislation; In case of a real person, according to his interest, the document indicating that he is registered to the registry of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry or Tradesmen and Craftsmen, In the event of a legal person, the document that the legal personality is registered in the registry, which was taken from the commercial or industry chamber of commerce or industry where the legal personality is registered in the registry, or from a similar authority from the place where the administrative center is located, is registered in the registry. The signature declaration or signature circular showing that it is authorized to bid, Notary certified signature declaration in case of a real person, In case of a legal entity, the partners, members or founders of the legal entity according to their interest shows the latest situation indicating the officials under the management of the legal entity.If all of this information is not found in a trade registry newspaper, the relevant trade registry newspapers or documents showing these issues to show all of these information, and the notarized signature circular of the legal entity, If the tender is participated in the tender on behalf of the tenderers, the notarized power of attorney of the people who will make a proposal on behalf of the tenderer and the notarized signature declaration of the participation by proxy, Giving the proposal letter determined in the form and content of the specification, Decontication/receipt that the bid bond letter or bid bond has been deposited, not less than þ3 of the amount determined in this specification, Written commitment that this specification is not in the cases of Article 9.1. (G), If the tenderer is a joint venture, the declaration of business partnership in accordance with the standard form in the annex of this specification, In case of proposal as a business partnership to the tender, the documents contained in paragraphs (a), (b) and (f) of this article by each partner must be presented separately by each partnership. In case of a real person, it was taken after the first announcement date;Archives Judicial Registration Registration, In case of a legal person, the joint stock company is the board of directors of the board of directors, and the limited company, the company manager and partners, all of the first announcement date of the archives received after the date of the first announcement. The tenderers who will participate in the tender;All partners in the Trade Registry Gazette and the signature people, T.C.The Partnership Certificate, which shows their identity numbers and partnership situations, shall hold the approved copy of one of the commercial registry certificate or authorization certificate from the chamber of commerce during the tender stage.If requested, the tender commission will be submitted. Business completion certificate;Work experience and/or finishing is not sought. Location Visual Certificate;Form of Vision Form in accordance with the attached sample in the tender document indicating that the immovables subject to the tender are seen in place Document and receipt/receipt that the tender document was purchased. 5. Tender document fee;300,00 TL (three hundred Turkish Lira zero penny) (Tender document fee in cash to the 2nd Army Treasurer Directorate in cash or TR45 0001 0001 0001 8300 0010 0056 59 IBAN account (Tax Office, Tax Number, Tax Number and the name of the work will be deposited in exchange for the date of the Ministry of Defense.The tender specifications and other documents can be seen during working hours (08:30-17: 30) at the Ministry of National Defense Ministry of National Defense Malatya Construction Real Estate Regional. Tender and Bid Opening Date: 20.03.2025 10:00 Type of Ad: Tender [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.ilan.gov.tr/ilan/1714544/ihale-duyurulari-satis-trampa-devir-ve-intikal-ihaleleri-hurda-malzemeler-karsiligi-bina-yikim-ve-hafriyat-isi-yaptirilacaktir