Adapter With 20Mm Flange. Specification: 20Mm Flange Adapter, 25Mm Flange Adapter. Specification: 25Mm Flange Adapter, 32Mm Flange Adapter. Specification: 32Mm Flange Adapter, Wire Wire Wire 12, Roll. Specification: Galvanized Wire Wire 12, Roller, Recipined Wire, Roll. Specification: Appelled Wire, Finish For Pvc Lining. Specification: Pvc Lining, Concrete Plastic Bucket, 12L. Specification: Concrete Plastic Bucket, 12L, 10Mm Iron Bar. Specification: 10Mm Iron Bar, 8Mm Iron Bar. Specification: 8Mm Iron Bar, Ceramic Block 9X19x24. Specification: Ceramic Block 9X19x24, Peripheral Water Pump, 1/2Cv, 220V. Specification: Peripheral Water Pump, 220V, Frog Submerged Pump, Minimum Of 340W, 220V. Specification: Submerged Pump Frog, Gravel 0. Specification: Gravel 0, Fast Steel Drill, 8Mm. Specification: Fast Steel Drill, 8Mm, 100X75 Sewage Reduction Bushing. Specification: 100X75 Sewage Reduction Bushing, Latoned Lock, 30Mm. Specification: Latoned Lock, 30Mm, 40Mm. Specification: Latoned Lock, 40Mm, Polyethylene Water Box, 1,000L Capacity. Specification: Polyethylene Water Box, 1,000L Capacity, Capacity For 250L. Specification: Polyethylene Water Box, 250L Capacity, Capacity For 500L. Specification: Polyethylene Water Box, 500L Capacity, Capacity For 5,000L. Specification: Polyethylene Water Box, 5,000L Capacity, Hand Cart, 3.25X8. Specification: Hand Cart Chamber, 3.25X8, Pvc Channel, With Partition, 20X10x2, Double -Sided Tape Fixation. Specification: Pvc Channel, Double -Sided Tape Fixation, Hand Cart, Steel Bucket, Minimum 45L Volume, 100Kg Load Capacity. Specification: Hand Cart, 100Kg Loading Capacity, Polished Iron Hinge 3.1/2, 3. Specification: Polished Iron Hinge 3.1/2, 3 -Seal Silicone Glue, 256G Tube. Specification: Silicone Glue For Sealing, 256G Tube, Porcelain Floor Column Washbasin. Specification: Washing With Floor Column, White Color, Silk Rope, 8Mm. Specification: Silk Rope, Extensive Staircase With 23 Steps, Type D And Fiber Leaked Fiber, 4, 20 X 7, 20 M. Specification: Extensive With 23 Steps, 20 M, Xxtensive Aluminum Ladder, 2 X 7 Steps, 2, 25 X 3, 65M, With A Capacity Of At Least 120 Kg. Wide Hoe, 29Cm, With A 145Cm Cable. Specification: Wide Hoe With 145Cm Cable, Synthetic Enamel, Platinum Gray, 3, 6L. Specification: Synthetic Enamel, 6L, Assorted Colors. Specification: Synthetic Enamel, Assorted Colors, Steel Spatula, 10X19cm. Specification: Steel Spatula, 10X19cm, Latch Internal Lock Made Of Polished Iron. Specification: Internal Lock With Latch, Made Of Polished Iron, Bolt Boring Boring, In Galvanized Steel, 8, 5 Cm X 3, 0 Cm, With Scarry, 6 Holes. Specification: Bolt Boring, 6 Holes, Bolt Round Closure, 2.1/2, 6 Holes. Specification: Roller Rural Closure, Line Filter With 3 Plate, 10A, Bivolt. Specification: Line Filter With 3 Sockets, Bivolt, Flexible Wire 2, 5Mm. Specification: Flexible Wire 2, 5Mm, Flexible Wire 4, 0Mm. Specification: Flexible Wire 4, 0Mm, Flexible Wire 6, 0Mm. Specification: Flexible Wire 6, Nylon Wire For