Basic Basic Assistance 2025-202602 Pct White Rice Need: Type: 1 Long Fine Class, Polished Subgroup. Packaging: Provide In 5 Kg Transparent Polyethylene Packages Containing The Registration Number In The Ministry Of Agriculture02 Pct Crystal Sugar: Crystal Sugar-Plant Origin, Sugarcane Sacarose, White, Fine And Medium Freeding, Free Of Early Matter, Moisture Free And Strange Fragments. Provide In 5 Kg Packages In Transparent Polyethylene, Containing The Registration Number In The Ministry Of Agriculture.03 Unid Refined Soybean Oil, Edible, Extracted From Soybean By Refinement Process, Clean, Obtained From Plant Species And Strange Substances, Which Is 900 Ml, Light -Colored, Flavor, Flavor, Flavor And Flavor Characteristics Exempt From Impurities.03 Pct Beans Type I: Carioquinha, Fresh, New, Whole Grains, Bright, Clear, Smooth, Stones Or Foreign Bodies, Fungi Or Parasites, Moisture Free, Dry, 1, 0Kg Containing Information Required By Current Law, Identifying The Registration Number In The Competent Organ. Spaghetti Shape. Iron -Enriched Wheat And Folic Acid, Eggs And Natural Dye Of Urucum And Turmeric. Free Of Dirt, Parasites, Packed In Transparent, Non -Toxic Plastic Bag. 500 Gram Packaging.02 Pct Noodles Screw: Dough With Dry -Type Eggs, Screw Shape. Semolus Of Iron -Enriched Wheat And Folic Acid, Eggs And Natural Dye Of Annatto And Turmeric. 500 Grass Packaging.01 Pct Refined Salt, Iodado, Uniform Granulation And White Crystals, With At Least 98, 5% Sodium Chloride And Dose Of At Least 10Mg Iodine And Maximum Of 15Mg Per Kilo According To Specific Federal Legislation. 1 Kg Packaging 01 Kg Wheat Flour: Enriched With Iron And Folic Acid, 1St Product