Discount Percentage For Products Described In The National Construction Costs And Index System, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Cement Artifacts. (Concrete Blocks, Pit Caps, Simple And Armed Concrete Tubes, Paver Lid), Paver Lid) Exclusive Quota Me/Epp, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Hydraulics. (Tubes, Connections, Metals, Boxes And Drains, Records And Valves, Tap Dishes, Showers, Reservoirs, Pvc Pipes, Flange Adapters, Hoses Adapters, Plastic Stickers, Rubber Rings, Discharge Box For Water Box, Water Boxes, Water Pipe Boxes, Bowls, Hydrometers, Hydrometers, Hydrometers, Hydrometers Knees, Gloves, Screws For Fixation, Sphere, Drawer And Pressure Records, Pvc Cap, Tee, Seal And Related Bushings, Seal And The Like Exclusive Quota Me/Epp, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Painting. Brushes, Rollers, Waiting, Roll Cable, Cascorez Glue, Synthetic Enamel, Crepe Tape, Background, Sandal Sheet, Acrylic Pasta, Running Pasta, Sealing, Texture, Synthetic Nail Polish/Latex, Epoxy, Varnish Trinchas And The Like), 07/03/2025, Varnish And Like) Exclusive Me/Epp, Percentage Discount For Products Described In The National Costs And Index Research Sitema, Called Sinapi (%) - Coating Material (Covering Floors, Coating And Other Complements, Called Sinapi (%) - Aggregates For Construction (Sand, Gravel, Stone Powder And The Like, Percentage Of Discount For Products Described In The National Cost Research System And Indexes Of Civil Construction, Called Sinapi (%) Civil Construction Exclusive Quota Me/Epp, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Hardware. (Wires, Singers, Steel Columns, Lattice Columns, Cloaks, Staples, Stems, Mesh, Fences, Meshes, Welded Screens Ca -25 Steel Ca 50, Rectangular Iron Bars, Laminate Profile, Steel Tube, Round Tubes, Nails, Screws, Supports, Supports, Supports Hooks And Other Complements, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Hardware. Exclusive Cotting Me/Epp, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Coverage. (Ceramic Tiles, Fiber Cement, Polycarbonate, Cumieiras And The Like), Called Sinapi Table (%) - Bricks. (Slabes And Bricks), Called Sinapi Table (%) - Madeira. (Woods, Plywood, Barrot, Rafters, Boards, Timber, Doors, Stupid, Beams, Floors, Door Boxes, Tuesdays, Boards, Logs, Sticks, Piles, Plywood And The Like), Called Sinapi Table (%) - Wood. Me/Epp Quota, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Tools. (Signaling Cones, Polypropylene Ropes, Stairs, Brushes, Zebra Ribbon, Black Canvas, Tapes, Brooms, Pliers, Mountain Range, Buckets, Drills, Bushings, Cables, Padlocks, Padlocks, Turnstiles, Key, Hitching Spoon, Hinge, Hoe, Machete, Lock, Sickle, Sink, Lime, Mace, Mace Hammer, Level, Pa, Pick, Plumb, Scrap, Water, Mountain Range, Scissors And The Like, Called Sinapi Table (%) - Electric (Chonds Bars, Fastening Bushings, Nozzles, Flexible Cables, Pp Cables, Gutters, Bipolar And Tripolar Circuit Breakers, Insulating Ribbons, Swamples, Lamps, Plafon, Plaofon Plug, Distribution Board, Socket, Spot, Socket, Connectors, Reactors, Letricen Tap), Called Sinapi Table