Instruments; 1 Adapter For Ultrasound Digital Fetal Doppler 1 no. 2 3 Fold Curtain With Stand 1 No. 3 45 degree Nose Endoscope 1 No. 4 70 degree Nose Endoscope 1 No. 5 Adult Colonoscope 1 No. 6 Air Bed/ Water Bed 1 No. 7 Allied Ventilator Battery 1 No. 8 Allies forcep 6" curved 1 No. 9 Aluminum Walker Adjustable 1 No. 10 Aluminum Walker fixed 1 No. 11 Aphigiotomy scissor (size : 6.5 to 7 Inch) 1 no. 12 Artery forcep 4" curved 1 No. 13 Artery forcep 6" curved 1 No. 14 Artery forcep 8" curved 1 No. 15 Assisted Reproductive Technique 1 no. 16 Autoclave Horizental (2 Drum System) - Horizontal Cylindrical high speed steam sterilizer pressure type for hospital. - Sterilizer Chamber Size : 400mm (Diameter) X 600mm (Length), fitted with Silicon door gasket. - Operation on 3 phase 4 wire 400/440 V 50Hz AC Supply -IS :4195/2002 duly BIS Marked and Complying with safety requirements as per IS : 302-2-201(1992) - Material : SS 304 - Manual Lock - Radial Type - Alarm indicator - Warranty : Min. 2 to 3 Yr. 1 No. 17 Autoclave Vertical: Model : AC123 , lab Tech -Should be fully automatic vertical autoclave for total destruction of all living microorganisms -Pressure adjustable from 10psi to 20psi with an accuracy of +/- 1 to 3 psi, with automatic pressure control switch -Outer and inner chamber made up of stainless steel -Size of the inner chamber:- 50 x 75 cm (diameter x depth) -Should be providing 2 carriers of stainless steel. Size of the carriers should be 35-40 x 30-35 cm (Ø x D) -Should be provided with silicon/ rubber/ neoprene gasket -Lid should be stainless steel and should be fitted with • Pressure gauge • Safety valve • Manual exhaust valve • Vacuum breaker • Ports of calibration check -All the hinges should be of stainless steel -Should be provided with stainless steel heated cover stand -Drain valve at bottom for draining the water -Electrically heated -Micro processor controller based system to provide digital display of cycle processes like temperature, pressure -Should be provided with low water level alarm and cut off -Automatic pressure control switch- To cut off the current from the heating elements, when the desired/ set pressure value level is attained inside the chamber and restarts the mechanism once the pressure inside the chamber falls from the desired level -Should be fixed with chart and data recorder -ISO/ CE marked -Should provide test certificates, calibration certificate and traceability certificates for temperature and pressure gauges -The downtime of the equipment must not be more than 10 days annually and system must be made 1 No. 18 Automatic hand Dryer 1 No. CATEGORY-H (INSTRUMENTS) 2025-26 19 Auxiliary Crutches Adjustable 1 No. 20 B P Instrument Manual 1 No. 21 B.P. Instrument Digital 1 No. 22 B.P.Instrument Digital 1 No. 23 B.P.Instrument with Charger and Adeptar 1 no. 24 Baby cycle 1 No. 25 Binocular Microscope 1 No. 26 Blood Bag Weighing Scale 1 No. 27 Blood Bag Weight Scale 1 No. 28 Bolster Set (Small, Medium, Large ) 1 No. 29 Bolster Size Large 1 No. 30 Bolster Size Medium 1 No. 31 Bolster Size Small 1 No. 32 Bosu ball 1 No. 33 BP Instrument (mercury) 1 No. 34 BP Instrument LED (mercury less) 1 No. 35 BPL Charger 1 No. 36 Bubble CPAP With Compressor 1 No. 37 C P Chair (Wooden + Metal) 1 No. 38 C P Walker ( Metal) 1 No. 39 CBC 5 part Auto Analyser 1 No. 40 Centrifuge machine, 16 tube digital display & 5000 RPM 1 No. 41 Centrifuge machine, 24 tube digital display & 5000 RPM 1 No. 42 Centrifuge machine, 8 tube digital display & 5000 RPM 1 No. 43 Centrifuge Specification: Rotor Capacity (ml) 8 x 15 ml Type of head; Swing out Rotor head No.of tube :8 Maximum Speed ( RPM) : 4000 RPM LED Display of Speed & Time 44 Cervical Traction 1 No. 45 Chital forcep 10" 1 No. 46 Chital Forcep Stand (steel) 2'' x 7 '' 1 no. 47 Chivate Proctoscope 1 No. 48 Clock Wall with Temprature and Humidity Display Type-LCD Temperature Range--50 to 70 C Power Source-Battery Battery Type-AAA Dimension-10 x 8 x 4 cms Humidity Range-10-99% RH Item Code-288-CTH Voltage-1.5V Humidity-10% RH to 99% RH Power Supply-Battery Humidity10% to 99%Temp.range-50 to 70 C UsageIndustry, Household Accurate measurement C/F temperature switch display-12/24 hour clock Alarm clock function-Max/Min temperature and humidity memory Battery AAA 1.5V. 1 49 Cold Light Source Cable 1 No. 50 Colposcope Highlights • High-Precision Op. room Optics. • Reliable for in-office surgical applications. • Conveniently movable from one place to another, even by lightly built/lady gynaecologists. • Very economically priced. Applications • Gynaecological (including vaginal and uterine) diagnosis and/or surgery or Post-op. inspection. • Detection of uterine cancer. • Very accurate Biopsy of uterus or vagina. Advantageous Features • Objective lens. • Moveable binocular eyepieces. • Height is adjustable. • Fine focussing. • Tilting arrangement. Specifications and Technical Data Colposcopes Tilting 30° upward Adjustments 30° downward Working Range 50 mm Cross slide 50 mm Light Source Halogen Fibre Optic, Single or Double outlet Individual Components Eye piece 15x Objective lens 200 mm / 300 mm / 400 mm Field of Vision 32 mm Magnification : 5x, 10x, 20x Steppe Cross slide 50 mm Light Source Halogen Fibre Optic, Single or Double outlet 1 no. 51 Composite Mixture 1 No. 52 Computerised Four Channel Tens Specification Technical Detail: - Input Supply: 230 VAC, 50Hz - Size: L290mm x x W 250mm x H 110mm - Weight: 1.5 Kg Approx - Out Put Valtage: 0 to 50V with load of 500 0hm - Pulse Width : 50 to 350 micro sec. - Frequency: 16 to 200Hz - Buzzer : Audio Buzzer at the end of Treatment time. - Five Types of Mode (Continuos , Fast Burst, Slow Burst, Ramp & Sweep. 1 53 Computerised Two Channel Tens Specification Technical Detail: - Input Voltage: 230 VAC, 50Hz - Size: L185mm x W 120mm x H 80mm - Weight: 1.3 Kg Approx Treatment Mode: - Five Types of Mode (Continuous, Fast Burst, Slow Burst, Ramp& Sweep) - Pulse Width: 50 to 350 Micro Sec. - Frequency: 16 to 200Hz - Buzzer : Audio Buzzer at the end of Treatment time. 1 54 Computerized Lumbar Traction Unit - Fully Computerized Traction Unit - Static And Intermittent Facility Available - Full Feather Touch Control Panel - Screen LCD Display Size: 95 x 60 mm - Computerized Hold , Rest, Treatment Time Selection - Used in Lumber Treatments - Inbuilt Patient memory for storage 1 No. 55 COMPUTERIZED MUSCLE STIMULATOR WITH TENS Specification Technical Detail: - Input Voltage : 230 VAC, 50 Hz - Dimensions: L 290mm x W 205mm x H 110mm - Weight : 2.0 Kg Approx Treatment Mode: - Galvanic: Maximum output 0 to 145 volts DC - Interrupted Galvanic: A Switch with Select 9 different mode of frequency : (1,2,3,5,10,30,50,60,100Hz) - Pulse Width : 0.01, 0.03, 0.10, 0.30, 0.40, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 Mili per seconds - Faradic: 1 Mili Second Pulse width and 60 Hz. Frequency. Amplitude continuously adjustable from 0 to 145 volts - Surge Faradic - Contraction Period : Adjustable from 1 to 9 Seconds - Rest Period : Adjustable from 1 to 9 seconds - Tens: Pulse width 400 micro sec & frequency 50 Hz - Buzzer: Audio Buzzer at the end of Treatment time 1 56 COMPUTERIZED ULTRA SOUND 1 & 36 Mhz THERAPY Technical Detail: - Input Voltage : 230VAC, 50Hz - Dimensions : L 240mm x W 280mm x H 100mm - Output Mode: Continuous and Pulse - Audio Buzzer at the End of treatment time - Frequency : 1 Mhz & 3 Mhz - Weight: 3 .Kg. Approx 1 57 CONTINUOUS PASSIVE MOTION UNIT Technical Detail: - Input Voltage : 230VAC, 50Hz - Dimensions : L 11.5’’ x W 9.5’’ X H4.25’’ - Weight: 17.0Kg. Approx - Buzzer: Audio Buzzer at the end of treatment time - Tretment Mode: 1. Flexion Hold Time : 1 Sec./5 Sec./10 Sec./15 Sec. - Extension Hold Time : 1 to 10 Second - Flexion Angle: 10 to 120 - Treatment Time: 0 to 60 Minute 1 58 COUTRY MACHINE ELECTRIC Electrosurgical Unit ES350. Two-Pedal Foot switch, cable 5mm, 6 inch plug. Neutral silicon electrode, Reusable, For Adults 30×17cm, cable 4m, EU/6.3mm plug. Electrode handles 4mm, large, 2 switches, cable 4mm, 3-pin plug. Lancet electrode ,straight, oval shape, 25×3.5mm, handle 4mm Knife electrode, straight, and 25mm, handle 4mm. Needle electrode, straight, 0.7mm, handle 4mm. Ball electrode, straight, 2mm, handle 4mm. Spatula electrode, oval shape, straight, 2×24mm, handles 4mm. Bipolar forceps, straight, 1mm, Length 160mm. Bipolar cable, Length 3m, straight connecter, 2 pin, 29mm plug. 1 59 Crash cart Trolly 1 No. 60 Curved Artery Forcep (Size : 6.5 Inch) 1 no. 61 D & C Set 1 No. 62 Dental Chair 1 No. 63 Dial thermometer for refrigerator 1 No. 64 Diathermy 500 Watts With Disc Electrode with Digital Timer - Input Voltage : 230VAC,50Hz - Dimensions: (L20'' x W12'' x H 30'') - Weight : 36Kg. Approx - Output Power : 500 w of R.F - Freqency : 27.12 MHz (Approx) 1 No. 65 Difibrillator • 5.7” LCD Monochrome display with backlight delivers crisp and accurate readings with better contrast and brightness • It takes only less than 5 seconds to charge to 360J with battery Stores and prints pre & post event data up to 24 events • Allows the printing of recorded events using a high Resolution thermal printer It provides visual and audible alerts about the level of energy in the machine • It ensures 100 charge/discharge of 360J with fully charged new battery Technical Specification Power Supply 100-240 V AC; 50/60 Hz Power Consumption < 5 secs to 360 J with battery (fully charged new battery) < 15 secs to 360 J without battery (AC mains only) Charge Indicator Charge ready LED on the Front Panel & audible tone Charge ready LED on Apex Paddle Available & Delivered Energy Displayed on the screen Synchronization Defibrillation synchronized to the R wave Marker indication on ECG waveform Sync Mode Indication Message on monitor screen and LED indication on front panel Paddles Integrated adult and paediatric paddles Defibrillator Waveform 5 milliseconds Monophasic Lown pulse Monitor Display 5.7 inch STN LCD Display ECG Input Modes ECG input through paddles or 3 Lead Patient cable ( Lead I,II and III) Leads Off Message On Screen Message with alert tone CMRR > 90 dB @ 50 Hz Input Impedance > 2.5M Ohm Frequency Response 0.5 to 35 Hz Sweep Speed 25 ± 1 mm/Sec Display Time 5 secs. HR Display & Accuracy 10-300 bpm ±2 Bpm or ±2%, whichever is higher 1mV Cal Signal Vertical bar indication (varies with gain) ECG Out 1V/mV(depends on gain setting) Defibrillator Protection Available Paper Speed 25 ± 1 mm/Sec Recorder Mode Configurable to print either realtime or 6 seconds delayed ECG Event Recording Stores and prints 3 seconds of pre critical data and 7 seconds post critical event data up to 24 events. Print Annotates Time, Date, HR, HR limits, Event marker, ECG input source, ECG gain, Defibrillator mode, Selected and Delivered energy, Patient Impedance, Peak current and Hospital name. Standard Accessories Defibrillator Paddles (Adult & Paediatric) 1 no. Disposable Electodes 30 nos. Patient Cable (3 Lead) 1 no. Mains Cable (Power Cord) 1 no. 1 No. 66 Difibrillator Battery Model Sealer DG 400 1 No. 67 Digital Binocular Microscope With LED ( LCD) Display Having 4X,10X,20X,40X,60X, And 100 X Lenses Having LED ( LCD) Display Headlight (Rigid circumstances, Rechargable LED) 68 Digital Thermometer 1 No. 69 Digital weight Machine Adult Capacity: 180 Kg Fiber Body 1 No. 70 Digital Weight Scale Led Display, Micro Computer Based System For Ease In Operation And Accuracy, Hold Facility, Folding Seat To Weight Siting Baby , Zero Setting Facility, Can Weight For Neonate, Infant Adult. Calibration Facility, Electrical Operated With Bettery Backup Facility, Maximum Weighing Capacity 200 Kg 1 No. 71 Digital Weight Scale For NICU LCD Or LED Display, Micro Computer Based System For Ease In Operation And Accuracy, Hold Facility, Folding Seat To Weight Siting Baby , Zero Setting Facility, Can Weight For Neonate, Infant Baby, Calibration Facility, Electrically Operated With Battery Backup Facility, 1 No. 72 Donar Weighing Scale 1 No. 73 Donor Weighting Scale 1 No. 74 Double Chamber Oxygen Concentrator - Portable, Flow rate (Minimum) at 93% + 3 % oxygen purity (Liters per minute) 5 , Electric Power Source, , 230 watt , 240 power efficiency (W/LPM) ,Alarm and Alerts, Continuous flow type operation , humidity 95% , temperature range from 12 degree C to 32 degree C or better for Portable type , Oxygen outlet Single or Dual , with oxygen Concentration monitor, oxygen tank Capacity 0.5(Ltrs), Warranty: 1 years , FDA approved, Conformity to ISO 80601-2-69:2014 Of Medical Electrical Equipment- Part 2-69: Particular requirement for basic safety. 1 No. 75 Double Done O.T.LED With Camera 1 No. 76 Dragegr Ventilator Work Station 1 No. 77 Dressing Set 1 Set 78 DRUG TROLLEY BIG MS FRAME WORK Overall Approx. dimension: 515 mm L x 595 mm W x 1180 mm H Mild Steel tubular framework Top SS shelf approx. dimension: 485 mm L x 530 mm W Other Three SS shelves approx. dimension: 485 mm L x 430 mm W Rubber padded SS Handle Four castors 100 mm dia, Two with Brake Pretreated and powder coated finish 1 No. 79 Dry Heater 30” x 26” 1 no. 80 Dumbels (Metal) with Rack (500gm, 1 Kg , 2Kg, 3Kg,4 Kg, 5Kg ) 1 No. 81 ECG Cable for Difibrillator Model Sealer DG 400 1 No. 82 ECG MACHINE- CARDIART 108 T DIGI 1 No. 83 ECG MACHINE- CARDIART 6108T 1 No. 84 ECG MACHINE- CARDIART 7108 1 No. 85 ECG Machine 6 Chennel 1 No. 86 ECG Machine Battery (BPL) Model No. CARDIART 108T-DIGI 1 No. 87 ECG Machine Battery (BPL) Model No. CARDIART 6108T 1 No. 88 ECG Machine Battery (BPL) Model No. CARDIART 6208 1 No. 89 ECG Machine Battery Model- Cardioflex (Medicad System) 1 No. 90 ECG MACHINE- CARDIART 6208 1 No. 91 ECG Machine Patient Cable (BPL) Model No. CARDIART 108T-DIGI 1 No. 92 ECG Machine Patient Cable (BPL) Model No. CARDIART 6108T 1 No. 93 ECG Machine Patient Cable (BPL) Model No. CARDIART 6208 1 No. 94 ECG Machine roll For Allenger ( 105 x 20 mtr.) 1 No. 95 ECG Patient Cable Allengers 1 No. 96 ECG roll for BPL 108 T machine 1 No. 97 ECT Machine 1 No. 98 ECT Machine Pulse Configuration-Bidirectional square wave Output Current-0.9 Ampere (constant) Frequency Range-20 to 90 Hz in 6 steps Pulse Width-0.1 to 2 cms. In 6 steps Mode-Timer & Manual Stimulus Duration in Timer Mode-to 5.9 sec. in step of 0.1 sec. Time is displayed on LCD and down counting starts on pressing the TREAT switch Minimum Power-2.7 joules for 220 ohm patient impedance Maximum Power-160 joules for 220 ohm patient impedance Energy Display-Energy in joules gets calculated automatically by built in microcomputer and displayed on LCD panel meter in both Timer and Manual mode Charge-12 to 1400 mill coulombs in both manual and timer mode Impedance Check-Impedance of patient is displayed as Pass/Fail on LCD Size-370 X 250 X 100(H) 1 no. 99 Electric Drill Cord Wire (Ortho) 1 No. 100 Electric needle/ syringe destroyer ABCS plastic body with IS:302 mark, 100wattes, 230v, 50hz AC,shock proof 1 No. 101 Electric needle/ syringe destroyer steel body, 100 watts, 230v, 50hz AC, shock proof 1 No. 102 Electric Negative Suction machine 1 No. 103 electric Sterilizer 1 No. 104 Electric Suction Machine Rotoay Oil lmmersed High Vocuum Suction 1 No. 105 Electric Suction Machine Trolley Model EUROVAC 1 No. 106 Electronic Weight Machine (Adult & Pediatric ) Specification:- -Display : LCD Screen -Range: 100gm TO 200 Kg. -Material : Acrylic & stainless Steel. 1 No. 107 Electronic Weight Machine (New born) Specification:-- -Display : LCD Screen -Range: 20gm TO 10Kg. -Accuracy : 1 gm -Material : Acrylic & stainless Steel. 1 No. 108 Endoscope With monitor,Light Source Set up Trolley 0' , 70 1 No. 109 Ephisiotomy Scissors 1 no. 110 ETO Sterilizer 1 No. 111 Exercise Mattress (6 x 3 ft) 1 No. 112 Fetal Monitor Doppler 1 No. 113 Fetal Monitor Doppler Color 1 No. 114 Fetal Monitor Doppler Digital Fetal Doppler color digitalFeatures Solid state-portable Microcontroller based circuitry Ultrasound frequency 2 MHz Digital display of Beats Per Minute of Fetal and Adults heart beats 3-Digit LED Range-60 B.P.M. to 250 BPM Low Alarm - 100 BPM - High Alarm - 160 BPM Earphone & Tape Recording facility available.TechnicalFrequency: 2 MHzIntensity: <10 mW/sq.cmHeart Rate: 60–220 BPMInput: 230V, 50 HzMains & Battery operated: (6 Dry Cells Eveready 1050 type)PhysicalHoused in moulded ABS cabinetDepth: 205mmWidth: 216mmHeight: 90mmWeight: 2 KGObstetrical ApplicationsDigital Display of FHR.Detection of foetal heart at 10 to 12 weeks.Localization of Placenta.Detects Foetal Distress & Intrauterine death.Determine multiple pregnancies 1 No. 115 Fiber Optic Laryngoscope Neonate with 4 Blades 1 no. 116 Finger tip Pulse oxymeter 1 No. 117 Fogger Machine Specification : 1 . Body & Tank: 304 Grade Stainless Steel 2. Tank Capacity : 5 Lit of Chemical Storage 3. Blower Motor : >26000 RPM Motor 4. Nozzle : 1 Counter Rotation Vortex Nozzle 5. Chemicals : Can atomize both oil - Based and water- based liquids 6. Partical Size: 5-30 u, adjustable. Liquid Viscosity and density can affect partical size 7. Range: Visible fog, 20-30 fit (7.5m)8. Input: 220V,50Hz, Single Phase, AC Supply, 9. Dimention : (33 x 41 x 23.5 cm) L x H x x Dia 10 . Net Weight: 5.50 Kg (Aprrox) 1 no. 118 Foot Operated Suction Machine 1 No. 119 Formalin Chamber 14" x 8" x8" 1 No. 120 Formalin Chamber 21" x 8" x8" 1 No. 121 Formalin Chamber 24" x 8" x8" 1 No. 122 Formalin Chamber 26" x 8" x 8" 1 No. 123 Formalin Chamber 30" x 12" x 12" 1 No. 124 Freez 300 Litre 1 No. 125 Front Loaded Dental Autoclave Machine, 16 Liter 1 No. 126 Fully Auto Biochemistry Analyser 1 No. 127 Fumigator machine 1 No. 128 Fumigator Machine With Timer 1 no. 129 GI Stapler With All cartidges Circular 1 No. 130 GI Stapler With All cartidges T Stapler 1 No. 131 GI Stapler With All cartidges Vertical 1 No. 132 Glucometer with 10 Strips 1 no. 133 Goniometer 360 degree 1 No. 134 Hand Power Drill Cautery Ped. 1 No. 135 HB METER Methodology -Reflectance Photometry Detection Principle - Methemoglobin Time to Results-< 15 seconds Memory-1,000 tests with date/time and ID number Specimen Volume-10 µL Specimen Type-Capillary and Venous whole blood Hb Measurement Range-4.5-25.6 g/dL Hct Range-13-75% Wavelengths-525 nm PC Interface-Mini USB Port Calibration-Automatic Hb Within Run Precision-≤ 3% Hb Total Precision CV-≤ 3% Accuracy-Venous Blood: Y=0.9582X+0.5673, R2=0.992 Capillary Blood: Y=1.006X+0.026, R2=0.993 Operating Conditions-10 – 40 ºC (50 -104 ºF); ≤90% RH Meter Storage Conditions-0-50 °C (32-122 °F); ≤90% RH Strip Storage Conditions-2-30 °C (36-86 °F); ≤85% RH Strip Shelf Life-2 years unopened canister; 3 months opened canister Power Source-3 AAA Batteries or AC Adapter Battery Life-2,700 tests or 360 hours Automatic Shut Off-8 minutes Meter Dimensions-127 × 58 × 25 mm (5.0″ x 2.28″ x 0.09″) LCD Dimensions-39 × 37 mm (1.54″ x 1.46″) 1 136 Head Light 1 No. 137 Height Measuring Tape 1 no. 138 High Flow Oxygen Nasal Cannula Adult (for BMC High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Machine Model: H 80M ) 1 139 Hight Scale for Adult 1 no. 140 Hight Scale for Child 1 no. 141 Hormone Analyser 1 No. 142 Hot Water Bath 1 No. 143 Hub Cutter 1 No. 144 Humidifier Bottle 1 No. 145 Hydrometer 1 No. 146 Hydrometer 1 No. 147 I – GEL, MEDIUM ADULT, SUPRAGLOTTIC AIRWAY SIZE -4 (50-90 Kg) (As per Specifications of Size-5) 1 No. 148 I – GEL, SMALL ADULT, SUPRAGLOTTIC AIRWAY SIZE -3 (30-60 Kg) (As per Specifications of Size-5) 1 No. 149 I – GEL, SMALL PEDIATRIC, SUPRAGLOTTIC AIRWAY SIZE -2 (10-25 kg)(As per Specifications of Size-5) 1 No. 150 I GEL FOR SECURE AIRWAY IN DIFFICULT INTUBATION SIZE -5 - 15mm connector –reliable connection to any standard catheter mount or Connection. - clearly displayed product information –for quick, easy reference and confirmation of size and weight guidance - position guide –easy confirmation of optimum insertion depth - gastric channel- improve and enhances patient safety, and allows for suctioning - integral bite block –reduces the possibility of airway channel occlusion - Buccal cavity stabilizer-aids insertion and eliminates the potential for rotation - epiglottis blocker –reduces the possibility of epiglottis down folding and airway obstruction - the non-inflatable cuff-made from a unique soft gel-like material allowing ease of insertion and reduced trauma 1 No. 151 Ice Packs 1 No. 152 Incentive spirometer 1 No. 153 Infantometer - Made of acrylic plates - Length 45 cm - base and 45 cm - sliding central panel Breadth 30 cm - Foldable foot and head plates - Instrument Accuracy 0.1 cm - Measurable length 45 - 90cm 1 154 Infusion Pump Bolus: 600ml/h Flow rate range: 1-600ml/h Volume limit: 1-9999 ml Accuracy:±5% KVO flow rate: 1ml/h, keep vein open KVO rate Power supply: AC100-240V, 50/60 Hz, 25VA Water Proof: IP *I Battery: Rechargeable lithium polymer battery, 7.4 V,1650mAh Electrical safety: compliance with the requirements of IEC 60601-1. Max. Power consummation: 25W Battery recharge: When the pump is connected to the AC power, the battery will automatically recharge About 8-14 hours to recharge fully Can run for more than 5 hours continuously after fully recharged. Fuse Type: 220V 2A*2,12V 2A*2 Display or information: Flow rate, volume limit, accumulated volume, power indicator light, bed No., air, occlusion, empty. Alarm function: Infusion completion, occlusion, air bubble, low battery, control abnormal, no AC power supply, installation error. Max. size of outer shell: 120*140*190 mm-length* width* height Max. weight:<2.5 kg Classification: Type B. Outer shell material: ABS plastic operating condition: Environment temperature:+5 TO +40 atmosphere pressure 50-106kPa, related humidity 30%-90% Storage and transport condition: Environment temperature -15 TO +50atmosphere pressure 50-106kPa,relative humidity 30%-90%. Applicable infusion pipe: All standard infusion pipe use "double dove" to test EMC: Complies with IEC/EN60601-1-2 and IEC/EN60601-2-24. 1 155 Instrument trolly S.S 28'' x 18'' 1 No. 156 Interferancial Therapy Unit 1 No. 157 IV Infusion Pump 1 No. 158 IV Stand 1 No. 159 KMC Chair 1 No. 160 KMC CHAIR Material-Steel Color-Blue, Red and many more Is It Folded-Folded Usage/Application-Hospitals, Clinics and many more Finishing-Matte Finish Pattern-Plain Seat Material-Foam, PU. 1 161 Laryngoscope Adult Set with 3 Macintosh Blade Size( 1,2 & 3 ) 1 Standaed Handle with 3 Laryngoscope Bulb & 2 Cell in Pouch 1 no. 162 Laryngoscope Adult Set with 4 Macintosh Blade Size ( 1,2,3 & 4 ) 1 Standaed Handle with 4 Laryngoscope Bulb & 2 Cell in Pouch 1 no. 163 Laryngoscope Paediatric Set with 2 Miler Blade (Size 0,1 ) 1 Penlite Handle with 2 Laryngoscope Bulb & 2 Cell in Pouch 1 no. 164 LED OT Light With Camera For UG Teaching 1 No. 165 Lumber Traction With Table 1 No. 166 Micro pipette 0.2 to 10micro lit. 1 No. 167 Micro pipette 10 micro lit. fix 1 No. 168 Micro pipette 100 to 1000 micro lit. 1 No. 169 Micro pipette 1000 micro lit. fix 1 No. 170 Micro pipette 20 to 200 micro lit. 1 No. 171 Micro pipette 5 to 50 micro lit. 1 No. 172 Micro pipette 50 micro lit. 1 No. 173 Micro pipette multi channel 8 channel 20-200 ul 1 No. 174 Micro pipette multi channel 8 channel 5-50 ul 1 No. 175 Micro pipette stand for 6 pipette 1 No. 176 microscope 1 No. 177 Minor OT Light 1 No. 178 Mobile Shdowless Light Should have Single Colour high performance LEDs with life time more than 40,000 hours. Should be a dual dome and the main light and satellite should have the following specifications a. LUX intensity 1,40,000 Lux & Satellite 1,40,000 Lux or above. Light Field diameter shall be above 24 cm or better. Colour temperature should be between 4000 to 4500 degree K Colour rendering index should not be less than 95 Depth of illumination should not be less than 100 cm. Illumination adjustment 30% to 100% The light dome shall be compatible for laminar air flow. Should have stable illumination throughout the life period of the light. If the intensity reduces during the warranty or CMC period the LEDs has to be replaced at free of cost if required. The LED’s must be of a single color suitable for long term maintenance and ease of replacement. Temperature rise at the surgeon head level should be less than 2 degree C. Should have control panel for light focusing adjustment fixed on the dome or arms. Should supply autoclavable handle 3 Nos. for each dome Unit should function with 200-240Vac, 50/60 Hz input power supply. Should have safety certificate from a competent authority CE / FDA (US) / STQC CB certificate / STQC S certificate or valid detailed electrical End. 1 No. 179 Mosquito artery forcep 5" 1 No. 180 Multipara Monitor 1 No. 181 Multipara Monitor Battery Model - Altima Prime (BPL) 1 No. 182 Multipara Monitor with 12.1" Screen - Modular Monitor , Audio Visual Alarm , Continuously Measure Display multiple vital Physiological parameter of Adult, Newborn and Premature infants , 3 Lead ECG, 5 Waves ECG selected from 12 Points Display to be Digital of All Active Parameter, Number of Leads for ECG 5 Lead at a time, Temperature Probe to be reusable, Noise in Db < 50 , Power Supply Replaceable and Rechargeable Battery Operated (Min One Hour Operation Support in the Event Of Power Failure and 220 Volt, 50 HZ AC both, Main Cable to be at Least 3 m Length, Accessories and Sapir Parts: Pairs of ECG Cable 5 sets of ECG Connection electrodes 1 unit each of reusable SPO2 probe (Adult/ Pediatric) 1 unit of SPO2 Probe (Neonatal0 2 Unit of NIBP Cuffs for adult 2 units of NIBP Cuffs for Pediatric 1 unit each of skin and rectal Temperature probe. Operating condition: apable of operating continuously in ambient temperature of 0 to 50 deg C and Humidity of 15 to 90% , FDA/CE/BIS Approved product. Seller to perform supply, installation, safety and operation checks and training before handover of the product (Training of users in operation and basic maintenance shall be provided. Warranty: Comprehensive warranty of 3 years with free servicing (min 3 / year) During Warranty. Availability of Test Report from Central Govt/ NABL/ILAC/Any OPCW accredited lab to prove Conformity to specification. 1 No. 183 MVA Syringe 1 no. 184 MVA Syringe 1 No. 185 Nebulizer Machine Efficient Aerosol Therapy - Superfine aerosol mist for easy inhalation Efficient compressor ensures minimal noise while operation Compact design ensures hassle-free operation Consumes very less energy and uses efficient oil free piston compressor 1 No. 186 Nebulizer Machine -Type of Compressor : Piston - Pressure………………..: 2.5 bar - Air Flow ………………..: 8 LMP - Noise at 1 meter …..: Less than 60 dBA - Operating times …….: 60 mins ON 30 mins OFF - Particles sizes ………..: MMAD Approx 2.13um - Power Consumption...:20100 VA 1 No. 187 Needle & Syringe Destroyer (Manual) 1 No. 188 Needle holder 6" 1 No. 189 Needle holder 8" 1 No. 190 Neonatal Probe for Pulse Oxymeter Model:CMC 5000 1 191 Newbar Chamber Impruved 1 No. 192 NIMHANS INDEX OF Specific Learning Disability 1 No. 193 Noiseless electric suction machine 1 No. 194 Non Heating Compressor Nebulizer big size Technology - works on an oil free piston compressor based technology which helps in an easy and comfortable nebulization Usage - it can be used for adults and kids Nebulization rate - 0.25ml/min - 0.5ml/min Particle size - 3.15Um Noise level - produces noise less than 55DB (A) making it comfortable for all age group of patients Reusage - after every use, the mouth piece, the mask and the medication cup can be washed with hot water for 3 -4mins and can be washed with mild detergent at the end of the last use of the day Power - 220 v AC 1 No. 195 Normal delivery set : 1 Fcps., Artery. Sp-Wells. Cvd. 20cm/8" 2 Pc 2 Fcps., Artery. Sp-Wells. Str. 15cm/6" 2 Pc 3 Fcps., Dsctg. Sup. 3mm. 1x2 Tth. 15cm/6" 1 Pc 4 Fcps., Sponge. Big Loop. Foerster. Str.25cm/10" 1 Pc 5 Fcps., Obstetric. Low. Wringley. Cvd. 28cm/11" 1 Pc 6 Surgical Dressing Scissor, SS. Str. 15cm/6". 1 Pc 7 Scissors, Umbilical Cord. American Pattern 10.5cm/4.25" 1 Pc 8 Clamps., Umbilical Cord. Ring Handle 2 Pc 9. Silicon Vaccum Cup 60mm 1 Pc 10 Needle Holder 6" 1 Pc 11 S.S.TRAY 12"*10" 1 Pc 1 Set 196 NST Machine Multicrystal wide –beam transducer. Technique: Autocorrelation. Quantity :2 nos (FHR 1, FHR 2) Frequency : 1MHz to 2 MHz. Intensity : Less than 10mW/Sq cm. Resolution: 1BPM. Heart Rate counting Range: 30 to 250BPM. Printer : Facility to print on Inbuilt thermal printer (On thermal paper) as well as on plain paper via any Deskjet/Laser printer. Paper : Z –fold Pre-printed chart scale Speeds: 1 to 3cm/ minute. Twin fetal monitoring with TOCO transducers – 01 It should have clinical event marker. It should have monitoring of Bradycardia & Tachycardia alarm events. It should have facility to control the volume of FHR sound. It should have battery back up of 4-6 hours. Power Supply: 230Vac, 50/60Hz 5 Accessories Should provide rechargeable battery along with recharging unit (Charger/ Adaptor). Should provide a pre-cut non-fray elasticized belt with buckle shall enable easy transducer positioning for more accurate traces.- 03Nos. Vibroacoustic stimulator Display Minimum 5”. Actual FHR1 & FHR2 in BPM. Uterine Contraction/Activity in %. High / Low FHR limits. Alarm Message Display. Battery charging and Low indication. 1 no. 197 O degree Nose Endoscope 1 No. 198 O.T.Light ( Ceiling ) With Camera 1 No. 199 O2 Concentration Machine ( PHIL1PS) 1 No. 200 O2 Cylinder B Type 1 No. 201 O2 Humidifier Set For Central Line 1 No. 202 Ortho electric Drill 1 No. 203 OTOSCOPE 200 F.O. 1. 3 X magnification for high resolution 2. All-metal housing, matt chrome plated 3. Instrument head matt black inside 4. Distal fiber optic illumination with XHL Xenon Halogen Technology 5. Min 1 year warranty 6. Manufacturing company should be ISO certified 1 204 OTOSCOPE 400 F.O. 1. 4.2 X Magnification with XHL illumination 2. All metal housing and scratch resistant glass lenses 3. Provides sharp spatial image in a convenient working range 4. Large field of view 5. Multi-coated precision optics 6. Fiber optic illumination 7. Min 1 year warranty 8. Manufacturing company should be ISO certified 1 205 OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR CAPACITY – 5 LPM Specification 1. Flow from 0.5 per Minute with variation of 0.5 LPM 2. Purity of Oxygen Should be 93%+3% 3. Built-in Nebulizer and Double Oxygen Outlets with two flow meters. 4. Sound Level Less than 50db(A) 5. Alarm for (1) Power Failure (2) High Pressure (3)Low Pressure (4)High Temperature 6. Inbuilt Oxygen Sensing Device, to Indicate High/Low Oxygen Purity. 7. Built in Castors for easy mobility 8. Digital LCD Timer showing aggregate run time of the machine and also time counter since machine put on for use. 9. Time Setting device with 10 minute variation , to set time for oxygen administration after which machine should shut off automatically. 10. Inbuilt Box for keeping accessories like mask/Cannula/power cord/cover and manual etc. 11. Air Suction Inlet Filters on both the side. 12. Low Power Consumption. 13. Power Supply 220+ 10%V AC:50Hz. 14. Provided with Cannula/mask, Humidifier, one extra Set of Air Filter and Descriptive working manual. 15. Should be CE,ISO, and USFDA Approved 1 No. 206 Oxygen Connector for Central Line For Ventilator (Single Adaptor) 1 no. 207 Oxygen hood (adult) 1 No. 208 Oxygen hood (infant) 1 No. 209 Oxygen hood (neonatal) 1 No. 210 Oxygen valve with humidifying bottle 1 No. 211 P.U. WHEELS- SIMPLE 150MM HEIGHT * 40MM THICKNESS NEWDEL BERRINGS, 400 KG CAPACITY 1 212 P.U. WHEELS- WITH LOCKING SYSTEM 150MM HEIGHT * 40MM THICKNESS NEWDEL BERRINGS, 400 KG CAPACITY 1 213 Paraffin wax bath unit (With wax) 1 No. 214 Parallel Bar with Mirror & Frame 1 No. 215 Patient Stretcher * Framing Structure - Powder Coated -25mm round CRC pipe, 18 Gauze -2.5 feet Height * TOP -- - 5 feet --9 inch Length - 1 feet 1--0 inch Width - S.S. Quality SS 304 - Handle F-olding – 4.5 inch both side *WHEEL -PU Material - 200mm diameter - 40 mm thickness 1 No. 216 Pediatric Colonoscope 1 No. 217 Pedo Cycle 1 No. 218 Physio ball 65cm 1 No. 219 Physio ball 75cm 1 No. 220 Plain forceps 6" 1 No. 221 Plastic Gloves Disposable 1 no. 222 Plastic Tray Medium 1 no. 223 Plastic Tray Small 1 no. 224 Plastic Tray Large 1 no. 225 PNS (PERIPHERAL NERVE STIMULATOR ) For brachial plexus block with Insulated Needle -Should have a current range from 0.1 to 5mA -Should have a resolution of 0.01mA -Should have a digital display for current -Should have short stimulus pulse durati9on of 0.1ms -Should be able to monitor single twitch, Train of four, PTC and DBC -Should have integrated electrode cable with lead -Should be battery operated -Should be supplied with 5 set of insulated needles in varied length -Should have safety certificate from a competent authority CE/FDA (US) STQ CB certificate/ STQC S certificate or valid detailed electrical and functional safety test report from ERTL. Copy of the certificate/ test report shall be produced along with the technical bid. 1 No. 226 Portable Donar Chair 1 No. 227 Portable Donor Chair 1 No. 228 PORTABLE FETAL MONITOR DOPPLER 1 229 Portable Shadowless Lamp 1 No. 230 Praffin Wax Machine 1 No. 231 Pulse Oximeter Colour LED Display - Four Direction, Demo Mode & Six Display Modes Displays SpO2, PR, Pleth, Bargraph & Perfusion Index . Convient and Portable design, Alarms for Abdominal Measurements Auto Power Off. Accuracy: Pulse Rate: 30 ~ 250 BPM(+ 2 bpm) SpO2: 35% ~100% (+ 2%) 1 232 Pulse Oximeter (new born) Specification:- 1. Technical Features SPO2 -Measurement range 0-100% -Accuracy: • ±2% for 70-100% • Unspecified for 0-69% . Alarm range 0-100% Pulse rate • Range: 30-250Bpm • Accuracy: ±2% or ±2Bpm (Select Larger) NIBP -Method: Oscillometry -Operation Mode: Manual/Automatic/Continuous Continuous -Measurement Range: 10-270 mmHg -Auto Measure Time: 1-255 min adjustable, interval of 5 min -Alarm for High and Low systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure 2. General Features • 7 segment LED for Systolic Pressure, Diastolic Pressure, SPO2 and Pulse rate • 2.4˝ Color LCD for Waveforms, Bar Graphic, Trend and System Menu • Compact and Portable allowing for uninterrupted monitoring with built in battery • High bright LED’s display of NIBP, SPO2 and Pulse rate • High Resolution color LCD for trend tabular and SPO2 waveforms display • Adjustable audible and visual alarms • Up to 2000 groups of NIBP and 10hrs of SPO2 data can be stored • Suitable for Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal Patient. 1 No. 233 Pulse Oxymeter 1 No. 234 PULSE OXYMETER: Colour LED Display - Four Direction, Demo Mode & Six Display Modes Displays SpO2, PR, Pleth, Bargraph & Perfusion Index . Convient and Portable design, Alarms for Abdominal Measurements. Auto Power Off. Accuracy: Pulse Rate: 30 ~ 250 BPM(+ 2 bpm) SpO2: 35% ~100% (+ 2%) 235 PULSE OXYMETER: -SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation): -Range: 40 to 100% -Accuracy: 70 – 100%, ±2%0-69%unspecified -BPM (heartbeat): -Range: 30 to 250 bpm -Accuracy: ±2 bpm -Trend: Memory: 30 days at 10 second interval -Type: 3.2” TFT LCD (resolution 240 x 400 pixel) -Display parameter: SpO2, BPM, SpO2 limit, BPM limit, Level bar, heartbeat wave, time and date, alarm volume, battery status and brightness -LED display: Sonsor separation, alarm silence, charging status and power connection -Power consumption: 24VA (max) -Adaptor: -Input: 100-240V, 50-60Hz, 0.4A -Output: +5V, 2.0A -Battery: -Type: Lithium-ion battery 4400mAh, 3.7V -Operating time: Up to 20 hours -Charging time: 6.5 hours -Operating temperature: 5o C to 40o C -Non-Operating temperature: -20o C to 70o C -Humidity: 5% to 95% -Operating altitude: -1,000 ft to 12,000 ft -Weight: 300g -Size: 45(H) x 210(W) x 75(D)mm -Standard: Adult reusable SpO2 finger sensor, AC adaptor, Pole mount bracket -Option: Neonate reusable SpO2 finger sensor (Y-Type), Extension cable -Total (2) SpO2 sensors -(1) Resolution Nellco Wrap SpO2 sensor (1mtr) -(2) Resolution Adult/ Pediatric SpO2 sensor (3mtr) -(3) Extension Cable (2 meter reusable) 1 No. 236 Push up Block 1 No. 237 Quadriceps Board 1 No. 238 Quadriceps table 1 No. 239 Refrigerator Thermometer 1 No. 240 Resuscitation Tray (KIT) Adult 1 no. 241 Resuscitation Tray (KIT) New Born, 1 no. 242 Retractors (Large) 1 no. 243 Retractors (Medium) 1 no. 244 Retractors (Small) 1 no. 245 Ring Applicator 26174RA 1 No. 246 Rocker Board 1 No. 247 RUBBER WHEELS- SIMPLE 150MM HEIGHT * 40MM THICKNESS NEWDEL BERRINGS, 400 KG CAPACITY 1 248 RUBBER WHEELS- WITH LOCKING SYSTEM 150MM HEIGHT * 40MM THICKNESS NEWDEL BERRINGS, 400 KG CAPACITY 1 249 Saline stand SS 1 No. 250 Sand bag set (500gm , 1 Kg, 1.5Kg, 2 Kg, 3 Kg ) 1 Set 251 Set of Hagger dialator 1 No. 252 Shoe Cover machine 1 No. 253 SHORT WAVE DIATHERMY 500 WATTS Technical Detail: - Input Voltage : 230VAC, 50Hz - Dimensions : (L20’’ x W12’’ x H 30’’) - Weight: 36Kg. Approx - Output Power : 500w of R.F - Frequency: 27.12 MHz (Approx) 1 254 Shoulder ladder wooden 1 No. 255 Shoulder Wheel 1 No. 256 Single Puncture Laproscopy Instrument Set Full digital HDTV compatible, superhigh resolution image with stable and flicker free image quality. Large LED screen provides clear, easy –to- see image with lower power consumption. Laparoscopic Camera with control unit: HD camera: 1 no. It should have unprecedented colour reproduction and highest degree of fidelity. It also should have horizontal image resolution. Compatible with all flexible videoscopes and video laparoscopes. Autoclavable manual and auto white balancing system. Light source Xenon (>=300 watt). It should have high intensity for sufficient illumination of whole abdomen and compatible with HD camera. Light intensity continuously, manually adjustable. Fiber optic cable (5 mm & 250 cm): 1no HD Video system with video recorder. Electronic CO2 laproflattor with tubings. High degree of safety, large display for status checking and powerful 35 L/min insufflations and responds to abdominal gas leaks by quickly returning to the preset level with automatic overpressure release for patient safety. Laparoscopic suction irrigation machine or pelvis cleaner system –Laparo –pump & holder for irrigation stand reusable tube set, power supply cable, Hygine filter for aspiration, aspiration container, 3L autoclable pack & mounting for securing aspiration container to irrigator stand & suction irrigation tube set. Electro-surgical unit with accessories: It should have high frequency surgical unit more than adequate for all surgical procedures, can set a lower limit. Power –pack system gives intelligent cutting and coagulation support for initial incisions for all situations. Bi –polar coagulation has to be included in the above unit. Sophisticated self –check program: Minimum power consumption and patient’s safety in top quality must be present. Cut control for consistent regulation of cutting quality & soft coagulation with no carbonization to reduced adhesive effect. 1 257 Spirometer 1 No. 258 Sponge holding forcep 10" 1 No. 259 Stadiometer - Capacity: 215cm 1 260 Static Cycle - Monitor Display: Scan, Time, Speed, Distance, Calories - Resistance System: Manual Control - Adjustable Seat - Adjustable Handle - Maximum User Weight: 110kg - N.W. : 13 Kg - Infra Red Lamp With Stand 1 No. 261 Steel Sterilizer Horizontal Rectangular High Pressure High Vacuum steam Sterilizer. Chamber size shall be minimum of 2 feet width x 2 feet height x 4 feet length. Should be operated on 400-440V, 3 phase with neutral, AC power supply. Chamber volume shall be minimum of 420 liters. Steam generator volume shall be minimum of 60 liters and should be fitted with suitable electrical heater load of 18KW, to produce steam to sterilizer. The sterilizer shall have single door (Hinge type ) with radial locking using shooting bolts having high pressure locking safety facility and made of good quality stainless steel 304 quality . Should provide heat resistant SILICON door gasket withstand upto 140 Deg. C. The sterilizer shall have to draw the water, automatically, when needed in the inbuilt boiler. Thickness of chamber of sterilizer shall be minimum 6mm and to be made of stainless steel 316 quality is capable to withstand the negative pressure (vaccum) of 24-26’’Hg created by the vaccum pump. Thickness of door of sterilizer shall be minimum of 12mm and to be made of stainless steel 316 quality. Sterilizer jacket shall be made of Boiler quality steel plate with a material thickness of 6-8mm. Glass wool insulation thickness shall be 50mm. Insulation cover shall be made of good quality stainless steel 304 quality. All connecting pipes shall be made of good quality stainless steel. Stand shall be made of Mild steel with anticorrosion paint. The unit shall be fitted with suitable water ring Vacuum pump, motor capacity: 3 HP, to create high vacuum of 26”hg for efficient drying and sterilization of loads. The sound level of vacuum pump shall be Silent. 262 Stitch Removal Set 1 Set 263 Stretcher Trolley 80" x 22" x 32" (H) M.S. Tubular frame work mounted on four 100mm dia castors Removable stretcher top made from CRCA sheet supported on tubular frame. 1 No. 264 Suction Irrigation machine For Laproscopy 1 No. 265 SUCTION MACHINE: For Neonate Use -Portable Electric operated slow suction -Regulator knob -Dial suction gauge -Completely autoclavable polycarbonate double vacuum jar with lid (500ml capacity) 1 No. 266 SUCTION MACHINE: For Adult -Housing: Powder coated Anti corrosive MS -Jars: Polycarbonate 2 x2.5 liters capacity -Overflow protection: Mechanical type -Tubing: Non-collapsible suction tubing -Vacuum Gauge: 3.0 inch, 0-760 mmHg -Filter: Bacterial filter Autoclavable/Reusable -Pump type: Oil immersed rotary vene -Capacity: -710mmHg ± 10 at 32-35 LPM -Noise level: <50 dB A ± 3 almost whispers -Motor: ¼ HP, FHP -Power: 220/230V AC, 50Hz, 180W -RPM: 1440 1 No. 267 SUCTION MACHINE: For Pediatric Use -Portable Electric operated slow suction -Regulator knob -Dial suction gauge -Completely autoclavable polycarbonate double vacuum jar with lid (500ml capacity). 1 No. 268 Supination pronator with gripper 1 No. 269 Surgeon’s Height- Rotating Stool/ Chair With Support 1 No. 270 Suspension bed with Accessories 1 No. 271 Syringe Pump 1 No. 272 Table top BP apparatus with LED without mercury 1 No. 273 Temperature Gun 1 No. 274 Temperature Gun 1 No. 275 Three Fold Bedside Screen with Stand 1 no. 276 Tooth forceps 6" 1 No. 277 Tooth forceps 8" 1 No. 278 T-piece Resuscitator Gauge Range -20 to 50 cm H2O Manometer Accuracy ± 2 L/min Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) 05L/min : 02 to 24 cm H2O 08L/min : 04 to 40 cm H2O 10L/min : 06 to 48 cm H2O Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) 05L/min : 02 to 08 cm H2O 08L/min : 04 to 14 cm H2O 10L/min : 06 to 20 cm H2O Gas Inlet Flow Range 05L/min (min) to 10L/min (max) Maximum Pressure Release Up to 50 cm H2O Mechanical Specification Width : 7 inch (178 mm) Depth : 4 inch (101 mm) Height : 10.5 inch (266 mm) 1 No. 279 Tracheostomy Tray 1 No. 280 Treatment table wooden 1 No. 281 Vein Detector Ring Diameter (mm) 21 Batteries 2 Nos AA 1.5 V Weight 90 Gram (10 % +/-) with battery Size (mm) L x B x H 88 x 56.5 x 21.3 Can be used for Obese/Dark skin patients Can be used for Agitated & restless patients 1 282 Ventiuse/ Vaccum Machine 1 no. 283 Vessel Sealer/ Harmonis Scalpel 1 No. 284 Vulsellum Forcep 1 no. 285 Walking stick quadruped 1 No. 286 Walking stick single 1 No. 287 Walking stick tripod 1 No. 288 Wall bars wooden 1 No. 289 Wedges Medium 1 No. 290 Wedges Small 1 No. 291 Weight machine adult 1 No. 292 Wheel Chair (Lifting Type) MS Framework Overall approx. dimension: 560 mm L x 890 mm W x 960 mm H Mild steel tubular framework with MS seat and back Complete with MS Foot rests, Foldable lifting handles and cushioned hand rests Four heavy duty castors 125 mm dia, two with brake Pretreated and powder coated finish 1 No. 293 Wheel chair Folding 1 No. 294 Wheel chair for adult (With Metal Seat) 1 No. 295 Wheel chair for adult foldable with Magwheel 296 Wheel chair for adult nonfoldable with Magwheel 297 Woble Board 1 No. 298 Zeiss Microscope With full monitor Setup 1 No.