Bids Are Invited For Bench Grinding Machine , Digital Pyrometer , Metallurgical Microscope , Heat Treatement Furnace Muffle Surface , Spark Test Apparatus , Metallurgical cut off machine , Standard Prepared Readymade Samples Specimen with Photographs , Apparatus for Verification of Law of Polygon of Forces , Simply Supported beam apparatus , Inclined Plane and Friction Slide Apparatus , Winch Crab single purchase apparatus , Apparatus for determining centre of gravity of regular and irregular lamina , Pressure Measuring Bench , Digital Tortion Testing machine , Leak dedector to detect CFC and HFCs , Thermostatic Switch LP and HP Cut Out Overload Protector Filters Strainers and filter driers , Refrigeration Cycle Testing Rig , Gas Charging Kit , Model of Open type Refrigerant Compressor , Models of Safety valve blow off cock steam stop valve Feed check valve economizer , Demonstration Actual Cut Section Model of Two Stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine , Model of Solex carburettor , Model of Amal carburettor , Model of Water Cooling System of an Automobile , Model of Lubrication System of I.C. Engine , Four Stroke three Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig with Electrical Dynamometer , Model of MPFI system , Cylinder rollers and spherical balls , Slip gauges set , Surface roughness tester , Dial indicator with stand , Auto Collimator with stand , Angle Deckor with set of angle gauges , Screw thread micrometer , Feeler Gauge , Comparator Stand , Mechanical comparator with stand , Clinometer , Gear Tooth Vernier , Electronic Weighing machine , Digital Tachometer , CNC Milling Machine , CNC Turning Lathe , Single plate clutch , Multi plate Clutch unit , Centrifugal cluth unit , Cut section of synchromesh gear box , Model of ABS Brake system , Model of rack and pinion steering gear , Model of power steering gear or recirculating Type Worm and Wheel or other type of Steering gear , Model of SU pump , Training vehicle , Automobile Electric System , Brake Master cylinder , Sliding mesh gear box , Cut section model of 4 cylinder 4 stroke petrol engine , AC Induction Motor with VFD for Motorizing already existing models in Lab , Open Hearth Furnace with blower electric , Wood working lathe , Spot welding set , Electric Metal Cut Off Saw , Hand Lever Shearing Machine , Single Phase Arc Welding Machine with Eye Protecting Goggels Black and Welding Gloves , Pipe Threading Die Set , MIG welding set , TIG welding set , Mould making hand tools set hand rammer lifter trowels shovels vent wire hand riddle sprue pin , Moulding flasks cope and drag , Bench grinder , Shaper machine with standard accessories , Slotting machine with standard accessories , Horizontal milling machine Arbor size 23mm and 32mm with standard accessories , Grinder attachment for lathe , Portable hand drill machine Total Quantity : 99