Tender For Monitoring Of Environment Parameters At Htps,Kasimpur (Aligarh) - Testing charges of effluent analysis including heavy metals as per MINAS/CPCB for thermal power plants as per U.P.Pollution Control Board Norms. 12 locations for 12 months 2 Testing charges for Ground water as per ISI standard including heavy metals and bacteriology test at 08 locations/month. 3 Testing charges of Ambient Air Quality for PM10, PM2.45, SO2, Nox as per CPCB for 10 locations (5 outside and 5 inside) for 12months 4 Testing charges for Ambient Air Quality for PM10, PM2.5, Pb, SO2, NO2, O3, NH3, CO, C6, H6, AS, NI & BAP on quarterly basis asper CPCB guidelines. 5 Testing charges of stack emission, monitoring for Hg, F and CO as per CPCB and Pb, Ni and As 04 stacks on quarterly basis. 6 Testing charges of stack emission, monitoring for CO2, SPM, SO2, Nox, and CO as per CPCB 4 stacks per month. 7 Environmental audit statement (Half yearly and annual) including fly ash metal analysis 8 Noise monitoring at work zone area unit no. 7, 8, 9 and 10 (per month) rest 3 locations out side the plant per month. 9 Influent and effluent water analysis at STP of ETPS and STP of colony on quarterly basis . 10 Water quality analysis of Piezometer wells installed at old Ash dyke and new ash dyke on quarterly basis. 11 Water Quality analysis of upper ganga canal and talimnagar pokhara on quarterly basis. 12 Sludge testing of ETP sludge from ETP located at ETPS and DTPS which must include metal analysis of Arsenic,Barium,Cadmium,Chromium and /orchromium(iii),compounds,lead,manganese,mercury,selenium,silver,ammonia,cyanide,nitrate(as nitrate-nitrogen),sulphide,antimony,berllium,chromium(VI),cobalt,copper,molybdenum,nickel,thallium,vanadium,zinc,fluoride,PAH,PCB,VOC & Pesticides.