Providing Science Lab Equipments To Tswr School And Degree College For Girls Jagadgirigutta At Bachupally In Medchal Malkajgiri District-"Science Lab: Supply of Centrifuge Make: Doctor" "Supply of Burette stand with clamp Make: Victor" "Supply of Distilled water (5Ltr) Make: Virat Lab" "Supply of Activated charcoal (500 gms pack) Make: Virat Lab" Supply of CTC (500 ml) "Supply of Round Bottom Flask (500 ML) Make: Borosilicate" "Supply of Condencer lebig Make: Borosilicate" "Supply of Hot plate round Make: Ambassador" Supply of Rubber coil Supply of Rubber cork No.6 Supply of Rubber cork No.8 "Supply of Stalgnometer Make: Borosilicate" "Supply of Potentiometer Digital Make:Labtronics" "Supply of EDTA Disodium salt (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of DM Water (5 Ltr) Make:Virat Lab" Supply of Digital Electronic balance 10 mg-300mg Make: Scale Tech Supply of Test tube brush "Supply of Benzyl chloride (500 ML) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Sodium sulphite (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Glacial Acetic Acid (500 ML) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Beta-Naphthol (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" Supply of Plain slide packs "Supply of Ostwald viscometer Make: Borosilicate" "Supply of Labolene (5 Ltr) Make: Fisher" Supply of Laminar Air flow 2x2 "Supply of Colorimeter digital Make: Labtronics" "Supply of Gel electrophorsis unit Make: Biotech" "Supply of Power pack for electrophorsis Make: Biotech" "Supply of Blood grouping kit Make: SPAN" "Supply of Benedicts Reagent (500 ML) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Iodine soln (500 Ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Picric Acid (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Sodium hydroxide pellets (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Molish Reagent (125 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Millons Reagent (125 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Biuret Reagent (125 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Trichloro Acetic Acid (100 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Methyl Red (125 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Sodium Bicarbonate (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Sudan III (25 gm) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Nesslers Reagent (125 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Jack Bean meal (100 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Sodium carbonate (500 gms) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Folin Reagent (100 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Ammonia Soln (500 ml) Make:Virat Lab " "Supply of Uric Acid Reagent (100 ml) Make:Virat Lab" "Supply of Water bath 6 hole double wall Make:BTI" "Supply of Measuring cylinder (5 ml) Make:Borosilicate" "Supply of Beaker (100 ml) Make:Borosilicate " Supply of Plasmoidum slide
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