Consumer Material For The Conduct Of The Police Training Course And Other Courses Within The Corporate University Of The Federal Highway Police.. Universal Pliers, Tools Set, Rod Rod, Rod Switch, Screwdriver, Key Game, Flip Chart Block, Ballpoint Pen, Stapler Stapler, Formatted Printing, Scissors, Pipeline, Multipurpose Mask, Multipurpose Mask, Timer, Dynamometer, Head/Helmet Flashlight, Non -Electric Flashlight, Repellent, Tnt, Tire Traction, Refractor, Paddle, Paddle Thermal, Thermos, Traffic Flag, Disposable Knife, Coffee, Disposable Strainer Coffee, Toilet Paper, Microphone Pedestal, Megaphone, Beacon, Tachograph Disc, Permanent Marker Cd, Socket Key, Cardboard, Tape, Stapler, Envelope, Tape, Microtubo, Safety Helmet, Device Percentage Body Fat, Device, Device For Anthropometric Measurements, Extensible Aluminum Staircase, Plywood, Led Lamp, Halogen Lamp, Sunscreen, Artistic Paint, General Toy, Whistle, Tachograph Disc, Tachograph