Tenders Are Invited For Selection And Hiring Of A Consulting Firm That Will Develop The Construction Supervi ... in Honduras
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Selection And Hiring Of A Consulting Firm That Will Develop The Construction Supervision Consultancy For The Lamaní Irrigation Project, Comayagua, Within The Framework Of The Irrigated Agricultural Development Program (Pdabr)
Tenders are invited for Selection and Hiring of a Consulting Firm that will Develop the Construction Supervision Consultancy for the Lamaní Irrigation Project, Comayagua, within the Framework of the Irrigated Agricultural Development Program (PDABR) Supervision of the Construction of the Lamaní Irrigation Project, Comayagua. The consulting firm will be selected through an international competition in accordance with the procedures of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration established in the Policy for Obtaining Goods, Works, Services and Consultancies with Resources from the CABEI and its Rules for Application found on the following website: https://www.bcie.org 3 Presentation of the Competition Process 3.1 General objectives of the consultancy to be carried out is to hire a consulting firm to supervise the construction of the Lamaní Irrigation System, Comayagua; this project aims to provide an efficient and effective water distribution system for irrigation, which producers in the area of the municipality of Lamaní, Comayagua, need to increase their water collection, conduction and distribution efficiencies, and therefore allow them to incorporate a larger agricultural area under irrigation, through modern practices of rational exploitation of the water resources available in the area. 3.2 The contractor makes available to interested parties all documentation related to this consultancy that is necessary for the preparation of the offers. This information will be available at no cost. This information will be available and can be downloaded from the website: https://www.adquisiciones.sag.gob.hn/ or you can request the standard document for international public tender at the following email: procesospdabruapsag@gmail.com, we will also have it available at the State Secretariat in the Office of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG), Project Management Unit, Miraflores Boulevard, FAO Avenue, next to INJUPEMP The Proposals will be Opened Publicly, in the Presence of the Representatives Designated by the Bidders and Any Person Who Chooses to Attend, at the Address Listed below on March 28, 2025 at 2:15 p.m. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://adquisiciones.bcie.org/avisos-de-adquisicion
Contact Information
Unidad Administradora de Proyectos (UAP) Ing. Dennis Ernesto Funes / Coordinador General de la UAP/SAG Bulevar Centroamérica, Avenida La FAO, contiguo a INJUPEMP Tegucigalpa, M.D.C. Francisco Morazán, Honduras
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