Tenders Are Invited For Linkages And Collaboration With Stakeholders On Technology Innovation And Developmen ... in Nigeria
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Linkages And Collaboration With Stakeholders On Technology Innovation And Development Of R & D North-Central And South-West Zone.
Tenders are invited for Linkages and Collaboration with Stakeholders on Technology Innovation and Development of R & D North-Central and South-West Zone. 4. COLLECTION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS Tenders are obtainable from the office of the Director General/CEO, for headquarters projects as indicated above Addresses upon payment of non-refundable fee of N10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira) per LOT through Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) platform in favour National Board for Technology Incubation (NBTI). 5. SUBMISSION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS The Bid document should be returned in a sealed envelope with the LOT marked at the top left hand corner of the envelope. Two envelopes tendering in one Bigger envelope (i.e. technical and Financial in separate envelopes and both put in one big envelope). The bid must be clearly marked as indicated above and must be returned in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Director General/CEO, as indicated on Addresses not later than 12:00 noon on Monday 31st March 2025. 6. OPENING OF TECHNICAL BIDS Only the Technical Bids shall be opened immediately after deadline for submission at 12:00 noon on Monday 31st March 2025, for all projects as indicated in their corresponding addresses. 7. IMPORTANT NOTICE This advertisement shall not be constructed as commitment on the part of the National Board for Technology Incubation (NBTI). Applicants are entirely liable to the veracity of the document submitted by them. No Bidder is entitled to make any claim and/or seek any indemnity from NBTI, by virtue of such bidder having responded to the advertisement. Presence of bidders/representatives and members of the public shall not be required during the bid opening ceremony in compliance with COVID-19 Guidelines. The Bids Opening will be covered by video recording with the presence of two (2) representatives of private sector professional bodies and Civil Society Organization in the areas of Anti-Corruption/Transparency. Bid documents can also be collected in soft copies and Bidders can submit through Post (Courier Services); Only the pre-qualified bidders at technical evaluation will be invited at a later date for financial bids opening, while the financial bids of un-successful bidders will be returned un-opened; The National Board for Technology Incubation is not bound to pre-qualify any bidder and reserves the right to annul the Procurement process at any time without incurring any liabilities in accordance with Section 28 of the Public Procurement Act, 2007. Tender Link : https://etenders.com.ng/national-board-for-technology-incubation-abuja-invitation-to-tender-for-the-execution-of-projects/
Contact Information
Block C 4th Floor Federal Secretariat Phase Ii p.m.b 364, Garki Abuja Tel: +234-7036412161/ 8033361174
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