Tender For Lab Equipments Tender FOR Principal Sant Singaji Govt. College Mundi (M.P.)-- 1 Package1 2 digital conductivity meter 3 electronic balance (0.1 grm to 600 grm) 4 digital photoelectric colorimeter 5 digiatl melting point apparatus 6 spectrophotometer 340-900nm range 7 water bath double wall (6 holes) stainless steel 8 desk top computer 9 electronic balance (0.1 grm to 600 grm) 10 graman gps 11 maximum minimum thermometer 12 kjeldal digestion unit 6 test 13 water an soil testin analysis kit (digital) 14 thin layer chromatography apparatus 15 wilmotts bubbler 16 flame photometer 17 centrifuge machine 3500 rpm 18 blood cell calculator 19 chart & cds related to syllabus 20 digital heamoglobinometer 21 gel electophorosis unit with power supply (vertical) 22 heamocytometer (complete box) 23 micropipette 0.5-1ml 24 rotatory microtome with accessories 25 apparatus to study characteristics of tunnel diode 26 apparatus to study charging and discharging of a capacitor 27 apparatus to verify newtons law of cooling 28 bending of beam apparatus to determine youngas modulus 29 cantilever to determine youngacs modulus 30 choke of mercury lamp 31 complete apparatus to determine resolving power of telescope 32 complete apparatus to verify law of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia 33 compound pendulum / bar pendulum 34 jaegeraes apparatus to determine the surface tension 35 mercury lamp 36 newtons ring apparatus complete with travelling microscope, power supply and sodium lamp. 37 sodium vapour lamp 38 solar cell characteristic apparatus 39 zener diode characteristics apparatus with built in power supply. 40 zener regulated power supply
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Deepak Saboo
Principal Sant Singaji Govt.college Mundi (M.P.)
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