Providing And Installation Of Centrifugal Pumping Machineries(No-04) At Amdahi Boosting Station Under Augmentation Of Sharpi Water Supply Scheme.- 1 Supply, Delivery and storage at Site of Horizontal Split Casing Centrifugal Pumping Machinary with baseplate, flexible coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolt, companion flanges etc,( Casing-CI, Impeller-Bronze(Gr-LTB-2, Neck ring-Bronze(LTB-5),Shaft-SS410, Shaft Sleeves-SS410) along withInduction Motor, IE-3, 415 Volt ± 10%,50 Hz ± 5%,TEFC, B-3 Mounting, S-1 Duty, insulation Class-F having the following Specification. Discharge :-115 m3 per hour.Generated Head :-111 MWC.(Make:- Approved Make) 2 Supply, delivery and storage at site Cast iron double flanged Non-Rising Spindle Sluice Valve generally confirming to IS:14846 having body door /dome/Bonnet and cover of cast Iron Gr FG 260, Spindle of IS:6603, Gr-12 cr-13, spindle nut & seat rings are of Gunmetal as per IS:318 LTB 2. Flanges flat faced and drilled to IS:1538 Part IV & VI, Valves are suitable for maximum working pressure of 16 kg/sqcm (seat test) and body tested to 24 kg/sqcm, All the valves should be tested by closed end method only.(Test Certificate, Waranty certificate to be submitted for each valve at the time of delivery) 3 200 mm dia Sluice Valve (AT SUCTION SIDE OF PUMP) PN-1.0. 4 Supply, delivery and storage at site of Cast iron double flanged single door swing non-return valve generally conforming to IS:5312 Part I, having body, door, cover in graded cast iron to IS:210 Gr.FG200, body and door rings & bearing block of leaded tin bronze to IS:318 Gr.LTB 2 (350mm & above), hinge pin of, valve suitable for a maximum working pressure of 16 kg/cm2 (Seat test) & body tested to 24 kg/Sqcm.(Test Certificate, Waranty certificate to be submittered for each valve at the time of delivery) 5 200 mm dia NRV ( AT DELIVERY SIDE OF PUMP) PN-1.6. 6 Supply, delivery and storage at site of Cast Iron wafer type Butterfly Valve generally as per BS-5155, having body of cast iron as per 1S:210 gr. FG-260, disc of SS Gr CF-8, Shaft of St.steel AISI-410, ‘O’ ring for shaft seal of Nitrile rubber, valves are suitable for PN 1.6, rating. Valves are operated by suitable RotorkK.range (three phase 415 V) multi turn electrical actuator without starter(Test Certificate, Waranty certificate to be submittered for each valve at the time of delivery) 7 200 mm dia.(AT DELIVERY SIDE OF PUMP)( 3Phase, 415Volt) 8 Supply, delivery and storage at site offollowing dia. MS Dismantling joints with Rubber compression Ring and adjustable follower flanged complete assembled unit with galvanized stud and nuts PN-1.0. 9 200 mm dia Dismantling Joint PN-1.6.(AT SUCTION SIDE OF PUMP) 10 Supply, delivery and storage at site offollowing 150 mm dia Glycerine filled Diaphragm Seal type Gagues with syphon tube and three way cock. (Make:- Approved Make) 11 Pressure Gauges (0-15 kg/ cm2) 12 Compound Gauges (+1/-1 KSCG) 13 Supply, Delivery and storage at site3 Core 1.1 KV Grade95 sq mm Al Ar.XLPE insulated Cable as per IS:7098(Part-I).(For MCC Panel to individual Induction Motor) 14 Supply, Delivery and storage at site 3 Core X 1.5 Sqmm industrial flexible copper cable wire/dia-30/0.25 PVC insulated with PVC sheathed.(For Control of Acctuator operated Butterfly Valve) 15 Supply, Delivery and storage at site 12 Core 1.1 KV Grade 1.5 Sq. mm. XLPE insulated armoured and extruded PVC type ST2 outer sheathed as per IS:7098(Part-I)2011 with Upto date amendments.(For Powering the Actuator) 16 Supply delivery of required size nut Bolts 17 Supply delivery of 6mm rubber gasket 18 500 mm dia Cone sphere design, double flanged manually gear operated Cast Iron Butterfly Valve having body disc and end cover in graded cast Iron to IS 210 Gr. FG 200 . synthetic rubber face ring secured on disc by a SS retaining ring with stainless steel screws , the rubber ring seating on a corresponding SS seat in body, stub shaft of AISI 431 riding in teflon bearings , valves suitable for a working pressure of 10 kg/sq cm (seat test) and body tested to 15 kg/sqcm. Flanges drilled to IS 1538 Table 4 & 6.(Make:- Approved Make) 19 Supply of 500mm,200mm dia 9.5 mm thick MS black Pipes (For delivery commonheader, individualSuction & DeliveryPump under sl no 1.01 along with necessary Flanges, fittings viz.bolts,nuts gaskets, eccentric reducers 200 mm X 150 mm, concentric enlarger 100 mm X 200 mm etc. as reqd. to make the installation complete in all respect. 20 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site 40 mm dia,G.IPipes (medium duty), Bends,sockets, Tees,fittings, and other specials,gasketsetc. as reqd. to make the piping arrangement of vacuum pumpcomplete in all respect. (For priming arrangement) 21 Supply, delivery at site and storage of GI perforated cable tray at Pump house for laying of outgoing power and control cables to and from MCC Panel having proper M.S. structural support. 22 Earthing & lightning protection arrangement for Pump house, electrical installation as per ISS and IE rules.(Earth Pit-1 No) 23 Atfirst making a common header for the all 4 Nos Centrifugal Pumping machineries, cutting the earth in between the gap of CWR and Pump House nearly(13 Mtr X 2.5 Mtr X 1 Mtr)after seeing the individual suction line from CWR, next cutting of 200 mm dia pipe as per required length to placing 500 mm dia common header(approx 13 Mtr long) in two pieces(First Priority-1&2) also functioning this section, after that placing other for 3 &4, also making avalve arrangement (Butterfly) to devided them in two unit, this cost included with necessary cutting, welding, erection job by using all supplied materials, labour, skilled technician all complete also checking the functioing properly, Installation of all above supplied items , including construction of Pump foundations, pipe supports, valve supports, laying of cables with necessary jointing materials, starters, including supply of all erection items viz. rubber gaskets, nuts & bolts etc., including cost ofwelding etc, Painting of the installation (viz. pumps frame,valves, pipe lines two coats of epoxy paint (colour to be decided by EIC) over a coat of primer, all complete as per relevent IE Rules, and upto entire satisfaction of EIC. 24 Testing & Commissioning of the centrifugal Pump with motor at full load condition as per direction of EIC. 25 Add GST @ 18% 26 Add CESS @ 1%