Tender For Valuation Of Land Assets Of Stem.-2 For submission ofvaluation report (As per scope of work) 3 Detailed Topographic Survey with taking spot level of existing alignment for locating Buildings, Structures, Fencing, Compound wall, culverts, Big Trees, electricity / telephone poles, high-tension pylons, S.W. Drains, gutters etc. using DGPS/ETS instrument of computerized survey sheets with computer diskettes containing all drawings etc. complete. 4 Video Shooting of complete process pegging the plots, Auto CAD drawing etc.Provide video shooting in pendrive. 5 Facilitating Dy. SLR for Carrying out actual Ground Survey of land with Revenue Staff & land Owners / Sub- holders, with consultants Survey equipment’s, manpower etc., item includes demarcation of Land Boundary with wooden pegs, lime powder, preparation and issue of notices to all concerned such as land owners, Agriculture / Forest PWD departments, preparation of drawing area calculation, abstract statement (Vivaran- Patra) in five sets, Collection of latest 7/12 abstract etc. Giving assistance to Agriculture/ Forest/ PWD for their measurement works by providing skilled manpower complete in all respect, with all Consultants own stationary / printing / consumables, including transport arrangement etc. 6 For Panchnama due to no completion of joint measurement due to mass opposition in a village or stretch with Revenue Staff & land owners / sub-holders, incl. Survey equipment’s, manpower, etc. Including transport arrangement etc. Complete in all respect with all contractor labour, materials tools & plants. 7 Facilitating Competent Authority for collecting all documentsrequired for preparation of award such as 7/12 and P.R cardabstract, 8A abstract,widow certificate, below poverty line(BPL) list, etc. with consultants own machinery, manpower,stationary / printing / consumables, including transportationetc. complete in all respect. 8 Obtaining all documents related to 7/12, gut book, 6D nond, Akar band, village map and orders from Revenue Department, Deputy Superintendent of Land Records Office, Municipal Corporation Office etc. 9 Preparation of existing land use revenue report. The scopeof work includes, undertaking past acquisition search from DY. SLR / SDO Office, Preparation of detailed revenue report with Xeroxing of documents in A4 size such as copy of 20A. copy of 20E. copy of award, copy of structure valuation sheet, copy of tree valuation sheet, rate fixation sheet, and copy of mutation The details of original paper shall be provided by SWD including consultants own. man power, consumables, including transportation etc. complete in all respect. 10 Carrying out Sub Division of the plotor boundry demarcation of JMS video Shooting of complete process pegging the plots, Auto CAD drawing etc. 11 Providing hoisting & fixing in position M 20 grade precast RCC boundary stone (150 x 150 x 750 mm) as per the drawing for demarcation of Land boundary of CC of 1:3:6 White washing at 30 M interval with consultants material tools and plants and labour crossing of track and including transportation at site etc. Complete in all respect. 12 Taking photographs of structure with name board of eachaffected PAPs and submission of hard copy with all details of PAP such as name, survey no. Structure details etc. With consultant’s own machinery, man power, consumables, tran1portation etc, Complete. This should be submitted village wise in 2 copies 1 with ring binding and other loose. 13 Facilitating Tahsildar, Circle Officer Mandal Adhikari and Talathi for transferring land title, chasing the matter with consultants own machinery, man power, consumables, transportations etc. complete 14 Publicity of the same to all the owners by the distribution of notices, affixing the notice on the notice board of every village office, Panchayat /Talathis office for information and take photographs as proof of fixing acknowledgment etc. complete with the consultants own manpower, stationery /Xerox /consumables, including transport arrangement, etc. Complete in all respect 15 Preparation and submission of land acquisition proposal in 5 (Five) copies ...as per Revenue Departments requirement of respective state including preparation of land plans along the proposed / existing alignment of ROW by superimposing alignment on Satellite images, revenue village maps / CTSSheet / Gutbooks for identification of survey numbers, hissa number & calculations of area to be acquired. Preparation of various statements such as area to be acquired, Landowners details, Index, Village map, annexure, and certificates etc. in all respect including all contractors labours materials, tools& plants etc. complete. 16 Facilitating Competent Authority for preparation of order fortransferring the land with all documents required such as Site Survey sheet, Vivaran-Patra, Possession receipt, etc. Submission to Dy. SLR of respective Tahsil with consultants own machinery, manpower, consumables, transportation etc.complete. 17 Facilitating Dy. SLR for preparation of KJP (Kami jast Patrak), chasing the matter and further submission to Tahsildar, Circle officer (Mandal Adhikari) /Talathi for transferring land title with consultants own machinery, man power, consumables, transportations etc. complete. 18 Facilitation Dy. SLR for verification of survey as per the complaint of land owner with Revenue Staff & land owners/sub- holders, with consultants survey equipment’s, manpower etc. items includes preparation and issue of notice to all concerned such as land owners, Agriculture / Forest / PWD area calculation, preparation of drawing, abstract statement (Vivaran-Patra) in five sets. Collection of 7/12 abstract etc. Complete in all respect, with all Consultants own stationary / printing / consumables including transportation etc. complete. 19 Preparation of completion drawing in auto cad on the basis of joint measurement plan of land acquired by SWD Km wise or as directed by engineer-in-charge. The drawing prepared should be as per the requirement of SWD. The details of joint measurement plan shall be provided by SWD. Items includes preparation of land acquired area statement on drawing and corrected the drawing if required after joint verification and submission of drawing in five hard copies as well as soft copy in CD and also one print copy on tracing paper film 75-micron matt as approved by SWD with all consultants own Stationary / printing consumables, etc. Complete in all respect. 20 Plain Table Survey Plain Table Survey with Land Measurement Survey Work by Total Station Machine & DGPS Equipment.Topographic Survey & Location Survey and Digitized Survey Work .Plotting on Dwg Chambers ,Open Pipeline Under Ground Pipeline ,Drainage line Network, Open Storm Water Drains, Under Ground Water Supply Line, Sewerage Line, Manholes, Road Names, Garden, Tree,Electric Poles, Light Poles, Septic Tanks, STP, WTP, Admistrative Buildings, OfficeBuilding, Parking Shed, Parking Area, ESR, GSR, Pathway, Main Gate Security Gate All Types OfBuilding etc. Note:- 1)The lowest offer will be considered on total cost of all Items i.e. Item No.1 to 19 in Financial Bid.