Tender For Supply Of Malathion, Butachlor, Petilachlor, Pendimethalin, Chlorophos And Deltamedhin, Emulsifiers, Suitable For: Butachlor 50% Ec, Petilachlor 50% Ec Malathion 50% Ec, Stabilisers Pretilachlor, Pendimethalin 30% Ec, Chlorpyrifos 20% Ec And Wetting And Suspending Agents, Glucosinate Ammonium 13.5% As L, Cartap Hydrochloride 4.0 Gr, Butachlor 50% Ew, Petilachlor 37% Ew, Synthetic Silica, China Clay And Soap Stone, Pet Bottles, Tin Containers, Hdpe Em 10 Kg Packs And Corrugated Boxes
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