Bids Are Invited For Science Laboratory Items 2 76 Ferric Chloride , Ferrous Sulphate , Acetic Acid , Oxalic Acid , Ammonia Soluion , Bromine Water , Hcl Acid , H2so4 Acid , Nesselers Reagent , Sodium Sulphate , Baking Soda Nahco3 , Blue Ink , Barium Chloride , Sodium Sulphate , Potash Alum , Potassium Chromate , Potassium Dichromate , Patassium Ferricynide , Potassium Ferrocynide , Wire Gauge , Clamps For Burette Stand , Weighing Machine Digital , Test Tubes , Induction Cooker , China Dish , Chromatography Paper , Coloured Charts , Beakers 250Ml , Test Tube Holders , Spatula , Droppers , Brushes , Forceps , Scissors , Eye Piece 10X , Objectives 10X , Floroglucinol , Diphenylamine , Silver Nitrate , Acetocarmine , Ammonia Molybedate , Acetone , Petroleum Ether , Glycerol , Nutrient Solution Pollen G , Ethanol , Chromatography Paper , Blades Surgical , Microscope Research , Calcium Oxide , Phenopthalein , Methle Orange , Reagent Bottles 250Ml , Safranine , Funnel Glass , Methylene Blue , Potassium Chloride , Sodium Chloride , Digital Weighing Machine , Prepared Slides , Pedigree Charts Autosomal And Sex Linked , Chart Homologous And Analogous , Enzymes Cellulase And Zipase And Pectinase , Enzymes Protease And Ribonuclease , Ice Box , Parallelogram Law Of Forces Apparatus Total Quantity : 25124