Miscellaneous Medical Devices And Products - Delivery Through Periodic Requests For Medical Devices For The Needs Of Sbaloz Dr. Marco Antonov Markov - Varna Ltd.. Knit Polypropylene 2D Reinforcing Implant - 7.5 X 15,Knit Polypropylene 2D Reinforcing Implant - 15 X 15,Knit Polypropylene 2D Reinforcing Implant - 30 X 30,Set For Laparoscopic Surgery,Tool For Soldering Vessels Up To 7 Mm In Diameter, Length 18.8 Cm,Tool For Soldering Vessels Up To 7 Mm In Diameter, Length 23 Cm,Two -Component, Three -Dimensional, Monofilament Polyester Canvas With Collagen Absorbable Anti -Adhesive Film - 15X10cm,Two -Component, Three -Dimensional, Monofilament Polyester Canvas With Collagen Absorbable Anti -Adhesive Film - 20X15cm,Self -Adhesive Semi -Cutting Canvas For Hernioplasty - 15X9cm,Self-Adhesive Semi-Cutting Canvas For Hernioplasty- 15X15cm,A One -Time Linear Secker (Straight),Filler For One -Time Linear Sewing (Straight),One -Time Linear Cutter (For Conventional Surgery),Filler For One -Time Linear Cutter (For Conventional Surgery),Circular Mechanical Sewer (Stapler),Endoscopic People,Fillers For An Endoscopic Sewer,A One -Off Round Secker With Double Security And A Broken Head,A One -Time Head For A Straight Secker,A One -Time Linear Slower,Filler For One -Time Linear Cutter,Combined Tool One -Time Trulum Papillomas With A Three -Dimensional Bubble Dilator For Pylorus And Biliary Roads Targeted With A Guide/Wg/Central Marker, Rounded Edges, X -Ray Markers In The Distal And Proximal Ends,One -Time Polypectomic Loop,A One -Time Endoscopic Injector,One-Time Papillomas Trilumen Dm = 2.8Mm, Length = 1950Mm, Cutting Part-25Mm,A One -Time Balloon Extractor With 3 Different Sizes Of One -Time, Upper,A One -Time Needle Knife With 3 Openings,Nitinol Hydrophilic Guide With Straight Tip/Dm0.025/Min 7 Cm Hydrophilic Tip,Nitinol Hydrophilic Guide With Straight Tip/Dm0.035/Min 7 Cm Hydrophilic Tip,Biliary Stent-Endoscopic Polyethylene Stent Straight, One-Time Dm = 7Fr., Length = 15Cm,Biliary Stent-Endoscopic Polyethylene Stent Straight, One-Time Dm = 10Fr., Length 18Cm,Clips For Multiple Rotator Clipper,Pre -Charged Metal Billy, Uncovered Self -Expanding Stent,Pre -Charged Metal Billy, Partially Or Completely Covered Self -Expanding Stent,One -Time, Three -Dimensional, Multifunctional Balloon Dilator For Esophagus, Pylorus, Colon And Biliary Roads Dm. Of The Balloon 6-7-8Mm/Length 65Mm ”,One -Time, Three -Dimensional, Multifunctional Balloon Dilator For Esophagus, Pylorus, Colon And Biliary Roads Dm. On The Balloon 11-12-13Mm/Length 55Mm,One -Time, Three -Dimensional, Multifunctional Balloon Dilator For Esophagus, Pylorus, Colon And Biliary Roads Dm. Of The Balloon 13.5-14,5-15.5Mm/Length 55Mm ”,One -Time, Three -Dimensional, Multifunctional Balloon Dilator For Esophagus, Pylorus, Colon And Biliary Roads Dm. Of The Balloon 16-17-18Mm/Length 55Mm,One -Time, Three -Dimensional, Multifunctional Balloon Dilator For Esophagus, Pylorus, Colon And Biliary Roads Dm. On The Balloon 18-19-20Mm/Length 55Mm ”,Pre-Loaded Metal Esophagial, Uncovered Self-Expanding Stent- Length From 80Mm To 160Mm, Diameter 22Mm