Tender For Construction Of New Library At Indra Nagar Chennai; 1 DISMANTLING WORK 2 Dismantling & removing the existing Reinforced Cement Concrete work etc., by using required mechinaries including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead, labour charges, as per direction of Engineer in charge. 3 Dismantling brickwork manually by mechanical means including stacking of serviceaboe material and disaposal of unservice material within 50 meters lead as per direction of Engineer in charge.. 4 Dismantling , removing and carefully stacking Doors & windows including removal of frames,hinges and fastenings etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers at site of work. 5 DismantlingFloor finish & dadooing walls in cement mortar with Mosaic Tiles / Glazed Tiles / Clay Tiles / Cuddapah Slabs 6 Carting away surplus excavated earth available with in the campus is to be carted to a lead of within 10 KM from site. The rate shall include loading into the tipper/ lorry transporting and unloading, leveling and the earth scooped by bulldozers grading etc.,complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Departmental Officers. Rate to include materials, loading, unloading, transportation, plant and machinery, hire and fuel charges for tools and plants and other incidental charges, royalties, seignorage and taking statutory approvals as necessary to carry out the work as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in- charge. 7 Dismantling & removing the existing Plain Cement Concrete work etc., by using required mechinaries and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead, labour charges, as per direction of Engineer in charge. 8 CIVIL WORKS 9 Earth work excavation for foundation in Hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales murram, gravel,stoney earth and earth mixed with small size bouldersand Sand, silt or other loose soil, wet sand,or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam ordinary soil and to full depth as may be directed except in hardrockrequiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering and baling out water and cleaning and levelling the site etc.,complete SS.20B 10 cum 10 Supplying and filling in foundation andbasement with excavated soil other than sand in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. 11 excavated soilrefilling- foundation 12 cost of earth anf filling 13 Supplying and filling in foundation andbasement with Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand) in layers of not more than 15cm thick well rammed watered and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. 14 Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (one part of cement, four part of Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand) and eight part of coarse aggregates) using 40mm size ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and including for the mixing, laying and labour charges and all incidential charges such as water providing etc., complete as per standard specification 15 Providing Pre construction Anti termite treatment for the building including all chemicals as per standard specifications. Labour charges for preparing the areas for treatment spraying chemicals and other incidential charges etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive ofgiving anti-termite treatment to the building for the following four stages including breaking the termite mounds making holes with crow bars at an intervel of 12"to a depth of 8" in the periphery of building and pouring chemicals etc., complete as per ISI 6313-1981 and. The antitermite chemicals used should have 0.5% concentration with 3L solution for the entire operation etc. as directed by the Engineer incharge and including cost of chemicals labour transportion etc., 16 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting up to 3.30 m height with all cross bracing for plane surfaces as detailed below, using mild steel sheets of 90 X 60 cm 10 gauge stiffened with MS angle of 25 X 25 X 3mm for boarding, laid over adjustable span & jacks and supported by 50mm dia pipes for general pipes scaffolding systems @ a spacing of 1.20m c/c and vertical connected at a height of 2.0m c/c including "C" & "U" clamps and base receiver cup at bottom for connecting pipes etc and removable systems etc.,Rate to include all materials, labour charges, wastages ,placing, transportation, lead & lifts, tools & plants, fuels, fixing in position at all levels, heights, masking tape in sheet joints, consumables, etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by theClient / Engineer-in-charge. 17 Plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels, bed blocks, landing slab, waist slab, portico slab / beams and such other members 18 Reinforced cement concrete Column footing, plinth / grade beam, bed blocks, template surfaces, steps, piers, raft slab / beams and such other members 19 For plane surfaces such as recangular or square columns, sunshades, top and bottom slab of boxing, kitchen platform, loft and such other structural members 20 Providing and Laying M 30 Design Mix for all reinforced cement concrete with minimum cement content conform to IS 456-2000 using ordinary Portland cement of grade 53 from approved manufacturer, manufactured sand, 20 mm and down graded size coarse aggregates, necessary approved admixtures as per requirement. works for Footings, Grade beam, retainning wall drain wall & raft , Plinth beams, Column, Grade slab, Roof slab & beam, Column drops, Pergola, Staircase waist and landing slab lintel, Sunshades, parapet Cum drops, Steps, canopy, window boxing slab, Loft, fins facia Planter box, machine foundation, elevation features and other similar structures etc..excluding necessary centering, shuttering and reinforcement which shall be measured and paid separately under relevant items. in-charge The rate including cost of all designing the mix, batching plant, mechanical mixing, transporting and placing at all levels, leads, lifts, tools & plants, fuels, all materials, labour charges, wastages , laying, pumping the concrete to all levels, providing sleeves / openings in RCC slabs, compaction by vibrator, gunny bags for curing etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by theEngineer-in-charge 21 FOUNDATION AND BASEMENT 22 GROUND FLOOR 23 FIRST FLOOR 24 MEZZANINE FLOOR AND HEAD ROOM 25 Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of steelFe 550 grade Reinforcement for all RCC work with Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars (TMT) conforming to IS 1786 of latest version according to drawings and binding the reinforcement with 18 gauge double fold GI binding wire and providing Concrete / PVC cover blocks to maintain the cover as required.Rate to include all bending, tying grills, placing, transportation, lead & lifts, tools & plants, fuels, all materials, labour charges, wastages , laying at all levels, fixing in position, cost of cover blocks, etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 26 Supply and constructing Fly ash Brick masonry in Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five M sand) in foundations, basement and superstructure usingFly ash Bricks of size 230x110x75mm etc. Rate to include all materials, labour charges, wastagesfor working at all levels with necessary lead and lifts, transportation charges, loading, unloading, scaffolding, staging, curing, fuel, consumables as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification and as directed by theClient / Engineer-in-charge. 27 FOUNDATION AND BASEMENT 28 Ground floor 29 First floor 30 mezzanine floor 31 Terrace floor parapet 32 compound wall 33 Supply and constructing Flyash Brick partition wall 115mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three M sand) 11.50 CM thick using usingFly ash Bricks of size 230x110x75mm including both side plastering with CM 1:5 12mm thick and usinghoop iron reinforcement if found necessary and hoop iron shall be supplied to the department at free of cost etc., complete as directed by the Engineer in- charge. 34 GROUND FLOOR 35 FIRST FLOOR 36 Providing and laying weathering course on terrace in brick jelly limeconcrete in ratio 1:2 ( I lime: 2 brick jelly ) the size of the brick jelly should not be more than 25 mm and not be less than 20 mm . The rate includes the cost of all material and lanour involved .provide and lay one course of first quality pressed clay tiles 200x 200 x 20 mm thickness size of approved brand for terrace floor and sides over a bed of cement mortor mix 1:3 with water proofing compounded added rate to include for pointing jonts with neat cement . 37 WATER PROFFING TOILETS AND OPEN TERRACE- Water proofing treatement for top surface and all side of sunken porton in the followingsequences including all labour . Materials , tools lead and lifts etc, a) cleaning of RCC remove dust completely , b). supply and application of cm 13 mixed with niobond SBF latex or equivalent polymer modified high quality cmulsionas a coving at the corners of floor and the vertical surface in the sunken area and between floor and walls in he remainig area c) apply first coat of brushbond RFX or equivalent acrylic polymar modified cementitious water proofing membrane coating on the prepared mofified cementitious waterproofing membrance coating on the prpered surface in a contionous film on the sunken floor area vertical sutfaces up to finished foorlevel , the coating also continued on the inner surfaces of the pipe penetration holes . 38 Finishing the top of roof with one course of Solar Reflective ceramic tiles of size 305 mm x 305 mm x 7 mm of approved quality in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 12 mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete 39 FRONT ELEVATION - Construction of 4½"thick walls usingavailable good wire cutbricks with strength 30 - 50 kg sq cm of super structure above plinth level in cement mortor 1:4 ( 1cement :4 coarse sand ) including al leads and lifts for all floors supply and placing of 25 mm x 16 gauge hoop iron for every fourth course half brick masonry wall and providing lateral supports if length of the wall exceedinf 3m as per specifications including curing , scaffolding all materials in labour etc . complete at all floors levels incuding the cost of cement 40 Providing two legged scaffolding using 15cm dia casuarinas post of 4.0 m over all length of (3 M Height+0.5 M over all length (3.0M height +0.5m projection +0.5m in to the ground ) the distance between the two rows being 1.25M and the spacing of posts being 2.0M in both the rows with two horizontal posts with 0.5M overlap on either side and braces at 2.0M centre to centre including longitudinal and traverse middle braces to step up and transverse middle braces to step up and providing a plat form with country wood planks of 40mm thick and 1 M width ,etc in a complete form using coil and nails (Rate for an initial height of 3.0M and length of 1 M) 41 Upto 3 M Height 42 For every additional height of 2.5 M (3m - 5.50m) 43 For every additional height of 2.5 M (5.50m -8.00m) 44 For every additional height of 2.5 M (8m -10.5m) 45 For every additional height of 2.5 M (10.5m -13m) 46 Supplying and fixing Shade Net (Green Net) for under construction of high rise building M-0298 47 FINISHING WORK 48 Special ceiling plastering and finishing all RCC exposed surfaces such as RCC slabs, sunshades, canopies, stair case steps, landing slabs etc with CM 1:3 (One cement and three sand) 10mm thick including hacking the surfaces and providing necessary CM nosing, beading as per size specified wherever necessary using the same mix etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the Departmental Officer.S.I. 309--TNBP No. 55& 56 49 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (One part of Cement and Five part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)) 12mm, thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materilas to site and labour charges etc,complete as per standard specifications 50 Plastering with cement mortar 1:4 (One Part of Cement and Four part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)) 20mm thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges etc, complete complying with standard specifications (S.I.309) 51 Supply and laying with best quality the following materials of Machine Polished granite slabof 18 mm thick (Fine Polished Steel Grey Granite Slab) including cuttingand edge polishing to be set in CM 1:3 (1 of cement : 3 of manufactured sand) 20 mm thick including finishing the joints with white cement slurry, cutting, edge chamfering to approved shape and polishing rough, medium, nice and tin-oxide polish.Rate including all materials, labour charges, wastages, necessary lead and lifts, working at all levels, transportaion charges, loading, unloading, preparation of surface, ncessary haccking in RCC surface, cutting to required shape, edging, tools and plants, fuel, curing,cleaning, acid wash over finished surface, protection with Gypsum / Poplayeroverplastic sheet and removing the same before handing over as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 52 Polishing and Nosing the Granite Slab To Half Edge to round shape and finishing the surface neatly etc. complete complying with standard specification as directed by department officers 53 JOINERIES 54 ABS DOOR / EQUIVALENT Specification:Providing of 35mm thick factory made pre-laminated ABS (Acrolynitrile Butadiene Styrene) Door Shutter moulded in different designs, consisting of all round frame made out of water proof solid foam PVC bar of size 20 x 32mm, reinforced by 32 x 32mm - 2 Nos., for vertical made out of LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber), core material of 32mm thick high density craft paper honey comb board, sandwiched on both sides with pre-laminated ABS sheet thickness of 1.5mm. PVC edge banding of size 0.45mm on the vertical sides. Hardware made out of steel coated butterfly hinges - 3 Nos., for each shutter and ISI make SS round lock complete for finished item of work, complete complying with the standard specification. The door shutter and frame should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on work. Design Pre-laminated Door 55 Providing and fixing 35mm thick Factory made Prelaminated ABS (Acrolynitrile Butadyne Styrene) Sliding Door shutter moulded ofdifferent designs, consisting of all round Frame made out of water proof solid foam PVC bar of size 20x32mm, reinforced by 32x 32mm - 2 nos. for vertical made out of LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber), core material of 32 mm thick high density craft paper honey comb board, sandwiched on both sides with prelaminated ABS sheetthickness of1.5mm .PVC edge banding of size 0.45mm on the vertical sides. Hardware made out of steel coated butterfly hinges-3 nos for each shutter, "D" SS pull handle 200 mm on both sides and SS tower bolt on one side with ISI makecomplete for finished item of work, complete complying with the standard specification.The door shall be shall move with dicast zamak rollers with ball bearings fixed over the powder coated aluminium sliding track of 2.40m length and bearing capacityof 60/80 kg.Adjustable end stop, floor guide andtwo way entry hanger bracket with locking arrangements shall be provided. Rate including all materials, labour charges, wastages, necessary lead and lifts, transportation charges, loading, unloading, scaffolding, staging,fuel, consumables as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 56 Flush doors : Supplying and fixing single leaf flush door 32/30mm thickness poth side commercial ply and approved brand Century/ Merino/ Greenlam with T.W.frames of size 100x75mm at side verticals and top, 6Nos.of iron hold fast fixed in C.C.1:2:4 and 3Nos.of butt hinges 125mm long including wind appliances furniture iron fittings 2Nos.of iron pad lock 15cm long for locking arrangements and fixed in position as directed during execution.(ISI STD) Rate as per GCC 2023-2024 - Building 57 Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Windows of casement type (open) from the profile the size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile arereinforcement with GI/1mm 125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profiles are multi chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with over all the edges of frame and shutter the shutter will be provided with Espag multi power point locks and also itoperates as handle.The corners and joints should bewelded and cleaned.Radiations free pin headed plain or rown colour glass 4mm thick should be provided to the shutter and it should not allow leakage of water even at most ranging storms and should have key lockable action,security protective hinges, strong lockingsystems and asper size for arresting noise and energy loss.The connecting mechanism between sash and outer frame that enables opening of the window.The window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames.The window should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on wor 58 Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Louvered Ventilators of from the profilethe size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile size of 60 x 78mm both profiles arereinforcedwith GI/1mm 125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profile are multi chambered sections with wall thick of2mm.The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with all over the edges of frame and shutter.The corners and joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations pin headed glass 4mm thick should be provided in the louvers.The window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The ventilator should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on wor 59 Supply and fixing of M.S Grills with Doors and Windows with one coat of Red oxide with Primer including all costs such as welding,grinding and fabrication charges, cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specification. 60 Paving the floor with Double charged Vitrified tiles of approved quality and colour of size 600x600x8mm thick of approved make, quality and colour in all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:3 (One part of Cement and Three part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)), 20mm thick and laid straight alignment and pointed neatly with colour cement at the rate of 0.40kg/m2 laid without any air gap in the tiles neatly and fixing in position as per standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officer.The colour & quality of tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on work 61 Providing Ceramic tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6mm flooring approved make and quality with plain/colourwith base mortor in CM 1:3, 10mm thick and pointing with white cement by adding suitable colour pigments including finishing, jointing and polishing with neat finish etc., 62 Supplying and fixing Dadooing the wall with ceramic tiles of approved quality, colour and design joint free of size 600x300x10mm thick of approved make, in all floors over a base layer of cement mortar 1:2 (one cement: Two sand) 10mm thick and laid straight alignment and pointed neatly with colour cement at the rate of 0.40 kg/m2 laid without any air gap in the tiles neatly and fixing in position as per standard specifications. The rate including cost of all materials, labour charges, wastages, necessary lead and lifts, working at all levels, transportaion charges, loading, unloading,the same before handing over as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 63 Painting the new plastered walls with two coats for Interior Plastic Emulsion paint approved quality and colour over a priming coat, with two coats of wall putty including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, etc complete and including necessary plaster of paris, putty, wherever required etc, complete as per standard specification. 64 Painting two coats for Exterior surface with approved Exterior Plastic Emulsion paint approved quality and colour over a priming coat, including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, etc complete and including necessary plaster of paris, putty, wherever required etc, complete as per standard specification. 65 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel Hand rails for staircase using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick at required locations to a height of 900mm from finished floor level welded to 38mm dia Stainless Steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick as vertical at 900mm centre with 2 Nos. of 25mm dia intermediate horizontal stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in between. The vertical pipe has to be welded to the 100 X 100 X 6mm MS base plate encased in the base concrete. The rate is inclusive of the charges for cutting, bending, welding, grinding, polishing, conveyance, electrical charges, etc. complete 66 Supplying And Fixing Rubber Moulded Interlocking Blocks Against Available Edge Restraints 80 mm Thick of Approved Design And Pattern of Strength 40 N/Sq.m. 10 mm Iss Metal With Minimum Cement Content As Applicable To M 40 Grade Concrete As Per Is-456-2000 Manufactures By Mechanical Or Hydraulic Machine Using Vibro- Compaction Process And Laid Over 50 mm Thick Laying Course (Bedding) Crushed Stone Sand (M Sand) Well Compacted By Plate Compactor With A Joint Width of 2 mm To 5 mm Including Filling of All Joints With Crushed Stone Sand (M Sand) And Compacting The Paved Surface With Plate Compactor Two Or Three Times Until All The Unit-To- Unit Joints Are Completely Filled With Crushed Stone Sand (M Sand) And Trimming The Edges Neatly Including All Labour Charges And Plate Compactor Charges Etc. Complete(Cost Inclusive of Crushed Stone Sand (MSand)). 67 Supplying and Erecting Pull and Push Type Rolling Shutter with ISI make of approved size and section using 18 GI sheet. The shutter shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and the rate is inclusive of hood covers, transportation charges et 68 Curtain Wall Glazing System 69 Structural Glazing (Curtain wall Glazing System) : Supply and fixing of (curtain wall Glazing System) having main framework of mullions and transoms made out of (64mm x 57mm x 2mm) sections for frame work designed extruded. Aluminum section should be Black colour anodized with 50 micron, mullion fixed to the beam / Column through adequately designed MS Anchor brackets expansion fasteners as required. System design to strictly considered for thermal movement, air infiltration, water preparation, seismic movement and structural movement including 6mm ST 167 Reflective Glass+1.52 PVB+6mm Clear Laminated Toughened Glass, MS Support Work with necessary 70 Smooth Finish Cement Texture + Archi Concrete + Base Coat Texture +Top Coat Design Texture + Standing and Smoothing + Warter Base Pu Coating 71 Supplying of locally made teracotta machine pressed wall cladding (Size: 230x75x16mm) & installation of the same with Sait-Gobain (Weber) make tile adhesive and sandbased grout at 10 mm spacing. 72 Supply & Fixing of Handrail using Modular Glass Railing System for Top & Bottom, 6mm Clear+1.52 PVB+6mm Clear Laminated Toughened Glass Polish with necessary accessories. 73 PLUMBING & SANITARY WORKS 74 Providing & fixing PVC RAIN WATER DOWNFALL PIPE of 110mm dia with necessary T.W.Clamps Plugs, Shoes,Bemds, other clamps,screws nailsetc.,complete complyingwithstandardspecification.Therateis inclusive of cost of removable iron gratings of appropriatesize.ThesizeofTeakWoodplugsusedis 150X25mm in front & 200x75mm in rear (wall side) with a depth of 110mm. The pipe is to be fixed by means of "U" clamps at the centre of pipes to be fixed.110mm dia PVC Pipe [4 Kg/SqCm] 75 Supply of 5000 ltrs Pvc Sintex water tankincluding cost of materials , conveyance and fixing charges etc., 76 Water supply work 77 InternalWaterSupply-CP.V.C.Pipes(6Kg/SqCm) SupplyinglayingandjointingP.V.Cpipes(6Kg/SqCm) of approvedqualityandbestvarietyconformingtoI.S.S& withI.S.Imark,ofthefollowingsizesincludingcutting, FixingtoPVCspecials usingAdhesivebutexcludingcost ofsuchspecialsandfixingtowallwithnecessaryteak- Wood Plugs,PVC Clamps and screws,making holes on the wall or drilling holes in roof and making good the dismantledportions to original conditionwith necessary brick work and plastering wherever necessary with necessaryscaffolding charges. 78 20mm dia 79 25mm dia 80 32mm dia 81 Supplying & fixing in position first quality & approved variety of 50mm dia C.P.V.C BallValves ( Heavy type ) withI.S.I. Mark of the following size including cost of Shellac, thread etc.,including labour for cutting & threading ofPipes etc., complete complying with standardspecifications for both internal & external water supply arrangements. 82 25mm dia 83 32mm dia 84 INTERNAL & EXTERNAL SEWAGE WORK 85 SupplyingandfixinginpositionbestqualityP.V.Csoil/ wastepipes (6KSC) ofvarious sizeshaving ISImark and providingleakproofjointsincluding fixingtothewall with P.V.C/ M.S clamps etc., and making connection to all sanitary fittings,dismandlingmasonry/R.C.C.works wherevernecessaryandmakinggoodthedismandled portiontotheoriginalcondition,complyingwith standard specifications. 86 75mm dia 87 110mm dia 88 TOILET FITTINGS 89 Supplyingandfixinginpositionbestqualityapproved makewhiteglazedearthenwarewashhand basinof size 550 X 400 mm with a pair of cast iron brackets, including costof 15mm diametre brasschromium plated piller tape,32 mm diametreC.P. Waste union, 32 mm diametre P.V.C.waste pipe with rubber plugand chain,15mm diametre G.M.wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple, 15mm dia nylon connections etc., including fixing the wash hand basininthewallinpositionwithapairofC.I.brackets withteakwoodplugsandscrewsandgivingnecessary water supply connection and paintiung the brackets with twocoatsofpaintoveraprimimgcoatofanticorrosive paintincludingtestingforleackageetc.,complete complying with standard specifications 90 Fabricating, Supplying, installing and testing best quality approved / equivalent make of stainless steel sink of size 600x600x200mm made using 2.00mm thick stainless steel sheet 304 grade. The sink is to be fixed over a concrete platform. Sink is to be fitted with 32mm dia CP waste coupling, 32mm dia heavy duty waste hose with extension pipe, 3 no of long body 15mm CP screw down Tap, CP inlet connection tube , CP wall flange, including necessary brackets etc complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the Department officers. 91 Supplyingandfixinginpositionindianmakebewelled edgemirror of approved quality and brand of size 600 X 450mm wth necessary plastic back, PVC frame with bottom stand of approved colour with brass screws,rawal plugsetc.,completecomplyingwithstandard specifications 92 Supplying and fixing best approved quality C.P.Soap Tray ofsize150mmX100mmincludingcostofTeak Woodplugs,brassscrewscompletecomplyingwith standardspecifications. 93 Supplying and fixingbest approved quality Brass C.P / Al anodisedTowelrail600mm.longand20mmDiameter withbracketsofsamematerialincludingcostofTeak- Wood plugs and C.P.Screws etc., complete complying with standard specifications 94 Supplingandfixinginposition 15mmdiameterbrass/ C.Pscrewdowntap/pillartap/swannecktap(heavy duty)ofapprovedmakeconformingtoI.S.specifications and quality including cost of shellac, thread etc.complying withstandardspecificationsandincludingcuttingand threading wherever necessary. C.P screw down tap 95 Supply and fixing in position whiteEuropean Water Closet of approved make with Porcelain low level flushing tank 12.5 litre capacity of best quality and approved make with 100mm P or S trap with double flapped rigid PVC seat cover with CP brass hinges etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directedby the Departmental officers (The EWC should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works. 96 Supplyingandfixingthebestqualityapprovedmakeof bip cock with C.P. health faucet wall hook one metre long flexible tube, angle cock with wall flange including cutting and making good the walls wherever required etc.complete,complyingwithstandardspecificationand as directedbytheDepartmentofficers.Thequalityand make of health faucet should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on work. 97 Supplying and fixing of White Glazed Porcelain Oval Shape Special Type Urinal of size 382 x 398 x 601mmwith all accessories such as 32mm dia Bell Mouth PVC Connection,15mmdiaGMWheelValue,15mmdia‘B’ Class GI WasteWater Pipe, 15mm diaNylon Connection, 15mm dia Brass Nipple etc. 98 Supply and fixing of PVC. Nahini / Floor Trap with stainless Steel Gratings- 100 mm x 75 mm including all charges etc, complete as per standard specification. 99 Supplying & fixing in position 150 X 100 mm square mouth "P" or "S" trap stone ware Gully trap "A" gradewith cast iron double gratings of size 150 X 150 mmwith C.I. air tight cover with frames of size 300 X 300 mm at bottom & top respectively with necessary earth work excavation, laid over a bed of brick jelly cement concrete 1:3:6, 150 mm thick using 20 mm size broken brick jelly including necessary brick work & plastering, &including dismantling masonry wherever necessary & redoing the damaged portions to the original condition & by using cement concrete 1:3:6 using 20 mm stone jelly for fixing the Gully trap & giving connections to the stone ware sewer line etc., complete, complying with standard specification. (The stone ware gully trap should be got approved by the Executive Engineerbefore use on works ). 100 Constructing brick masonry manhole with second sort Solid Blocks in CM 1:5 (one of cement, Msand) including earthwork excavation and sand filling for a depth of 150mm top cover slab with CC 1:2:4 (one of cement, two of sand, four of graded aggregate)20mm nominal size for fixing C.I Frame, including shuttering, reinforcement foundation concrete 1:4:8 (one of cement, four of sand, eight of graded aggregate 40mm nominal size) 100mm tk., plastering inner, outer and other exposed surface with 15mm tk., cement mortar 1:3 (one of cement, three of sand) and finishing with a floating coat of neat cement with water proofing compound as per specification, making channelsin CC 1:2:4 (one of cement, two of sand, four of graded aggregate) neatly finished including fixing C.I. Cover and frame, C.I. Rungs etc., complete complying to standard specification. 101 Supply and fixing RCC precast slab manhole cover SFRC of 50mm thick and required size 900mm x 900mm made in CM 1:3 Ratio both direction including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour and transportation etc complete complying with standard specification. 102 BORE WELL 103 Drilling of 12" dia vertical borewell so as to have a finished size of 6" dia borewell in boulder area to any required depth as decided by the TWAD Board Officers including Transportation from one place to anothr place with in Tamilnadu State by direct or reverse rotary mud circulation method using Contractor"s rig tools, fuel, labourers, bentonite mud and water required for drilling at the site shownincluding construction of mud pit etc. using only calyx rigs. 104 300mm (As per Twad Schedule Item No: 14f, P.No: 306) 105 150mm / 165mm (As per Twad Schedule Item No: 14a, P.No: 305) 106 Reaming 140/150 mm dia pilot bore to 300mm dia bore as directed by the TWAD Board Officer. 107 Upto 60 m depth ending below ground level 108 Supply and laying following dia PVC casing pipe with excise duty as per IS 12818 / 1992 ( 1.1 (4,6,3), P.No: 22, Twad 109 200 mm dia CS 110 200 mm dia RS 111 150 mm dia RS 112 Labour charges for inserting PVC casing pipes assembly (with slots or without slots) in the drilled hole including jointing the pipes with PVC couplers with cement paste etc., complete, supply and packing the annular space with pebbles of size and quality as approved by the Executive Engineer of Departmental officers. ( As per S.item no: 13a , p.no: 201) 113 200 mm dia CS 114 200 mm dia RS 115 150 mm dia RS 116 Supplying and filling with river pebbles in annular space between bore and PVC pipe up to hard rock. upto 30m rock level 117 Charges for developing the borewell with air compressor of 300 CFM capacity (Minimum 8 Hours) including transportation labour and fuel charges for compressor as directedand conducting yield test by "V" notch method. 118 Supply ,erection and testing & commisioning of 3HP submersible pumpset in the to suit 200mm borewell of capacity of 4800 LPH @ 265Ft, max. total head of 280 Ft pumps fitted with bronze impellers and having delivery size of 40mm - 430V along with 3mts cable and manufactures standard control panel which is mandatory and as directed by the officer incharge and other required supporting items like SS hose nipple, nylon rope, clamps, bolt and nuts,GI nipple, 50mm dia HDPE hose of required length etc completed and as directed by the officer incharge. 119 Supply ,erection and testing & commisioning of 2HP submersible pumpset in theOpen borewell of capacity of 4800 LPH @ 265Ft, max. total head of 280 Ft pumps fitted with bronze impellers and having delivery size of 40mm - 430V along with 3mts cable and manufactures standard control panel which is mandatory and as directed by the officer incharge. 120 Labour charges for the erection of submersible pumpset in borewell/openwell including fixing and jointing submersible cable with proper clamps upto the starter to required depth and also fixing of riser pipes to the required depth valves erection clamps, pressure gauges upto the exterior wall of pump room and erection of panel board consisting of TPICN switches starter, Voltmeter, Ammeter, three pilot (indicating) lamps capacitor single phasing preventor, water level guard and laying and jointing the cables and twin earthing as per IE rules etc., complete and testing the pumpset and trailrun for 10 days. (TWAD 17C) 121 Supplying and erecting in position of following liters capacity Industrial Model Reverse Osmosis Water-cum-Purifier to deliver Potable Water with World Health Organisation (WHO)Standards with following accessories.(a) MS Skid - 1 No.(b) Media 11054 No. Vessel with 20 nb Multiport Valve (withMedia Pubble and Fine Sand and Activated Carbon Filling) set(c) Feed Pump 0.50 HP – 1 No.(d) Vertical Pump 2-9, 2.00 HP / Single Phase – 1 No.(e) Membrane 40 x 40 filmtech (or) equilaents / Osmonic(USA) - 1 No. and Membrane Pressure Vessel 40 x 40 -1 No.& Pressure Gauge - 2 Nos.(f) Flow Meter - 1 No. 20” Filter with Housing - 1 No., LowPressure Switch - 1 No., Level Switch - 1 No. & NecessaryCPVC Pipes and Fittings.The system shall be provide with Two Panel Control Systemwith necessary Stainless Valves and Fittings and Float Controletc. The rate should be inclusive of all civil works, wherevernecessary to install the System in position and intact. 122 250 Ltr (M-0721) 123 Construction of Modular type RWH Structure capacity of 4.32 cu.m by usinginfiltration modules of size 800 x 800 x 360 mm and side wall with infiltration modules of size 800 x 360 x 25 mm includingearthwork excavation in bitumen/concrete roads to a size of 1200 x 1200 x 3000 mm and providing base plate, Geo - textile 400mm - 200 micron, Fine filter media 12mm thickness, Coarse filter media 20mm thickness, FRP of 700x700mm (clear opening 600x600mm) (Grating cover with Frame - Medium duty 10 MT), including all labour charges, carting away and drilling bore well 150mm dia upto a depth of 3m with 125mm dia Blue slotted PVC Pipe., complete. (Model 6) 124 INTERIORS & FURNITURES 125 Lending Counter with Side Table - F/installing in place Lending Counter of 600mm wide top with Side table storage of 450mm wide top, the table top, side verticals, midshelves and front panel of side table made of 19mm thk. HDHMR sheet. The front panel of the lending counter of height 1050mm is made of double-skin 19mm thk. HDHMR sheet cut to shape as per design. The table edges are finished with 6mm thk. matching pine wood beading with rounded edges. The table front, top, side surfaces and storage shutter fronts are finished with PU Matt polish of approved shade. The table and storage internal surfaces are finished with 0.8mm laminate of approved shade and make and inner edges finished with matching 2mm edgeband. 8mm thk. Lacquered glass (2.1m x 0.6m) - Saint Gobain make - of approved shade is fixed on top of table. The table size is 2.1x0.6x0.75m & 1.0x0.45x0.75m (as per Architects drawing) 126 Librarian Table with Side Table - F/installing in place Librarian table of 600mm wide top with Side table of 600mm wide top, the table top, side verticals, midshelves and front panels made of 19mm thk. BWR ply. The table front, top, side surfaces and storage shutter fronts are finished with 4mm Veneer of approved shade and make on all sides. The outer edges are finished with 6mm thk. pine wood beading with rounded edges. The table and storage internal surfaces are finished with 0.8mm laminate of approved shade and make and inner edges finished with matching 2mm edgeband. The veneer and wooden beading surfaces are finished with PU Matt polish of approved shade and make. 8mm thk. Lacquered glass (2.1m x 0.6m) - Saint Gobain make - of approved shade is fixed on top of table. The table size is 2.1x0.6x0.75m & 1.2x0.6x0.75m (as per Architects drawing) 127 Magazine Rack (400mm dia) - F/installing in place magazine rack, 200mm ht. hollow base and 650mm ht. hollow top with 2.40m ht. open storage in the middle. The hollow top and base made of 15mm thk. MS round pipe framework fitted with 5mm thk. MS round plate on top and bottom and covered with 3mm thk. MS sheet skin on all round. The open storage is made of 15mm thk. MS round pipe framework covered with 3mm thk. MS sheet skin on all round with cut-outs as per designand fitted with 5mm thk. MS round plate midshelves at heights as per design. The hollow top & base and middle open storage are all welded together in place and finished with powder-coated finish of approved shade. The metal edges to be properly sanded,smoothened and curved to avoid discomfort. The magazine rack size is 0.4 dia x 3.25m height (as per Architects drawing) 128 Open Box Storage type Wall Rack in Kids Seating (300mm depth) - F/installing Wall racks made of open storage boxes stacked on top of the other and secured in place with necessary adhesives and hardwares. The open storage boxes top, front, and side verticals fabricated out of 19mm thk. HDHMR sheet with 38mm thk. front fascia. with 9mm thk. HDHMR backsheet. The box edges are curved with 9mm thk HDHMR sheet with necessary wooden framework. The entire unit is finished with PU Matt polish of approved shade. The size of the boxes are 1.15x0.35x0.30m - 30nos and 1.30x0.35x0.30m - 15nos. 129 900mm x 300mm Depth Metal Wall Racks in Reading Area - S/installation of open Metal wall racks with horizontal mid-shelves in powder-coated finish of approved shade as per design. 130 1000mm x 300mm Depth Metal Wall Racks in Reading Area - S/installation of 2.1m height open Metal wall racks withhorizontal mid-shelves in powder-coated finish of approved shade as per design. 131 1150mm x 300mm Depth Metal Wall Racks in Reading Area - S/installation of 2.1m height open Metal wall racks withhorizontal mid-shelves in powder-coated finish of approved shade as per design. 132 1000mm x 450mm Depth Metal Wall Racks in Reading Area - S/installation of 2.1m height open Metal wall racks with vertical divider to access books from both sides of rack separately with horizontal mid-shelves in powder-coated finish of approved shade as per design. 133 Janitor Storage in Toilet Lobby (350mm depth & 2100mm height) - F/installation of janitor storage box made of 19mm thk. WPC sheet with 9mm thk. WPC sheet backing. The shutter and mid-shelves are made of 19mm thk. WPC sheet. The outer surfaces are finished with 1mm Laminate of approved shade and internal surfaces are finished with 0.8mm Laminate. The edges are finished with 2mm thk. matching edgeband with rounded edges. 134 PANELINGS & PARTITIONS 135 Feature Wall behind Lending Counter - S/installation of feature wall behind Lending counter made by providing 450mm dia perforations on existing brick wall at even spacing as per design. Clay pots are used to fill in the perforations at certain places as per design. Few perforations are used for fixing photographs with the help of 19mm thick BWR plywood backing for support. The balance perforations are left as it is. The entire feature wall surface including the clay pots is prepared with a layer of touch-up putty with necessary sanding and finished with 2 coats of Asian Paints make Royale emulsion of approved shade as per design. 136 Kids Seating with Levels in Reading Area - S/fixing in place the kids leveled seating of two levels 300mm and 600mm surrounded by 300mm deep x 650mm high support base for fixing open box book storages on the sides and back. The frames for the seating levels and surrounding storage support base are made with aluminum tubular sections 2" x 1" size and appx 1.5mm minimum wall thickness, vertical members at a spacing at 2"0" c/c except the end panels, where the spacing maybe less than 2"0" as per site condition. Horizontal members shall be fixed at top, bottom and middle. the curved wooden steps made from wooden framework as per design. The aluminum frames shall be tied in position by 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" X 2.5mm thick aluminum angles, cleats of 1 1/2" long and screwed with four screws per angle by CP metal pan headed screws. 2nos-1.2m dia x 0.45m deep cut-out is given on top of the 600mm seating level for recessed seating and sides covered with 19mm thk. HDHMR sheet. The top, front and sides of all the aluminium and wooden frame work is cladded with 19mm thick HDHMR sheet with 6mm thk, HDHMR sheet used for curved surfaces. The entire unit is finished with PU Matt polish of approved shade and color. Cost to include supply and installation of seating & back cushions (10nos) inshapes as per design made of 100mm thick PU foam and cladded with fabric of approved shaded as per Architect"s selection. 137 Terracotta Wall Tile Cladding in First Floor Reading Area - S/installing in locally made terracotta machine pressed wall cladding (size: 230x75x16mm) on existing rough plastered wall surface in pattern as per Architect"s design using Saint-Gobain (Weber) make tile adhesive and sandbased grout at 10mm spacing. 138 10mm Toughened Glass handrail - S/fixing in place 10mm toughened glass handrail - Saint Gobain make - with MS top rail as per detailed drawing and specifications including flats, plates, anchor fasteners required complete with necessary hardwares. 139 Fluted Glass Divider for Tables in Reading Area - S/installation of 10mm thk. Fluted glass divider with rounded edges on top fixed on table top with "U" clamp as per design. 140 CEILING & WALL FINISHES 141 Gypsum false ceiling - Supplying and erecting the false ceiling with gypsum board suspended to the ceiling with commercial GI sections and suspenders as per the manufacturer’s specification and procedure metal expansion fasteners to be used for fixing soffit cleat to roof slab or beams at a distance of not exceeding 1220mm C/C. Main channel spacing at a maximum distance of 1220mm C/C max with soffit cleat. Perimeter channel fixed to ceiling section at 457mm C/C (max) to the above frame work, fixing one layer ofSaint Gobain make 12.5 gypsum board screw fixed to the underside of the suspension grid, tapered edge board tapered edge boards tapered fibre tape and filled to give a smooth seamless ceiling all as per manufacturer’s specification and procedure complete. 142 True / Gypsum False ceiling painting - Preparing the ceiling surface with necessary scraping and application of 2 coat putty, 1 coat primer and 2 coats of finishing premium emulsion paint - Asian Paints make - to achieve a smooth painted surface. 143 Ceiling Mural in Mezzanine Floor - Providing a ceiling mural of selected design in Royale emulsion paint finish - Asian Paints make - on Mezzanine floor false ceiling as per design. 144 Wall painting - Preparing the walls with necessary preparatory works including application of 2 coat putty, 1 coat primer and 2 coats of finishing Royale emulsion paint - Asian Paints make - to achieve a smooth painted surface. 145 Wall painting - Preparing the walls with necessary preparatory works including application of 2 coat putty, 1 coat primer and 2 coats of finishing Royale enamel paint - Asian Paints make - to achieve a smooth painted surface for application of wallpaper. 146 Wooden Rafter False Ceiling above Lending Counter in Ground floor Entrance Area - S/installation of wooden rafter ceiling above Lending counter the rafters made of 50mm x 100mm ht. Aluminium pipes cut and finished to shape in wooden powder coated finish as per design and fixed to the base made of 19mm thk. Ply suspended from the true ceiling with commercial GI sections and suspenders as per the manufacturer"s specification and procedure metal expansion fasteners to be used for fixing soffit cleat to roof slab or beams at a distance of not exceeding 1220mm C/C. Main channel spacing at a maximum distance of 1220mm C/C max with soffit cleat. Perimeter channel fixed to ceiling section at 457mm C/C (max) to the above frame work. The Wooden ceiling is finished with 1mm Laminate of approved shade and make to match the aluminium rafters. 147 Wooden Rafter False Ceiling above Reading Area in First floor - S/installation of wooden rafter ceiling above Reading area, the rafters made of 50mm x 100mm ht. Aluminium pipes cut and finished to shape in wooden powder coated finish as per design and fixed at an angle with even spacing to the base made of 19mm thk. Ply suspended from the true ceiling with commercial GI sections and suspenders as per the manufacturer"s specification and procedure metal expansion fasteners to be used for fixing soffit cleat to roof slab or beams at a distance of not exceeding 1220mm C/C. Main channel spacing at a maximum distance of 1220mm C/C max with soffit cleat. Perimeter channel fixed to ceiling section at 457mm C/C (max) to the above frame work. The Wooden ceiling is finished with 1mm Laminate of approved shade and make to match the aluminium rafters. 148 Wooden False Ceiling for Stretch Ceiling in Reading Area - S/installation of wooden false ceiling suspended with commercial GI sections and suspenders as per the manufacturer"s specification and procedure metal expansion fasteners to be used for fixing soffit cleat to roof slab or beams at a distance of not exceeding 1220mm C/C. Main channel spacing at a maximum distance of 1220mm C/C max with soffit cleat. Perimeter channel fixed to ceiling section at 457mm C/C (max) to the above frame work, fixing one layer of 19mm thk BWR ply screw fixed to the underside of the suspension grid. Another layer of 6mm thk HDF is fixed over the plywood layer. The HDF surface is finished in premium emulsion paint finish - Asian Paints make - after putty and necessary surface preparation works. Proper supports to be given to handle fixing of Stretch False ceiling as shown in design fitted over the wooden false ceiling with necessary hardwares. 149 Stretch Ceiling in Reading Area - S/installation of Stretch Ceiling of Iceil / Euroceil / Equivalent make with white translucent film 75%stretched over Metal framework custom shape as shown in design suspended from wooden false ceiling. It shall consist of custom made Stretch false ceiling to fit exact dimensions with aluminium supports. The ceiling must be stretched and hooked into aluminium rails. Aluminium rails insuring good rigidityto be fixed to the wooden false ceiling at the specified level. The stretch ceiling to have Non-flammable fabric EURO CLASS B-S2 d0 in the European classification of reaction to fire with 10 years warranty. It shall include supply and installation of Neutral White Philips LED lighting with compatible LED driver and wiring in the stretch ceiling box. The lights to be placed in such a manner that no dark patch appears or zebra pattern appears. Once lights are installed stretch ceiling to give uniform output with required lux levels as per Architect. Rates shall be inclusive of installation of stretch ceiling and LED lights by company"s installers. Rates shall also include the cost of transportation of materials and also the travellinghalting and all other misc. expenses of company"s certified installer. 150 Pelmet for Blinds & AC"s in Laminate finish - Supply and fabrication of 150mm high pelmets for blinds and 300mm high pelmets for AC units made of 19mm BWR ply to size and shape as per design. The pelmet is finished with 1mm thk. Laminate of approved shade and make on the exposed sides and edges finished with 2mm thk. matching edgeband. 151 Wallpaper in First floor Reading Area - S/installation of designer wallpaper of selected design in smooth finish - Asian Paints or Equivalent make - on wall surface after required surface preparations with necessary adhesives as per design. 152 DOORS 153 12mm Toughened Glass Door embedded in MS Frame ( 1.0m x 2.4m - 1no ) - P/fixing of single pane 12mm toughened glass door - of Saint Gobain make - embeded in 50mm x 50mm MS powder-coated frames of approved shade in Geze or equivalent make complete with necessary fittings - floor spring, door closer, 600mm ht. H-handle, locks etc. of Geze / Ozone / Dorma XLC make. 154 12mm Toughened Glass Door embedded in MS Frame ( 1.50m x 2.4m - 3nos ) - P/fixing of double pane 12mm toughened glass door - of Saint Gobain make - embeded in 50mm x 50mm MS powder-coated frames of approved shade in Geze or equivalent make complete with necessary fittings - floor spring, door closer, 600mm ht. H-handle, locks etc. of Geze / Ozone / Dorma XLC make. 155 12mm Toughened Glass Door embedded in MS Frame ( 1.80m x 2.4m - 3nos ) - P/fixing of double pane 12mm toughened glass door - of Saint Gobain make - embeded in 50mm x 50mm MS powder-coated frames of approved shade in Geze or equivalent make complete with necessary fittings - floor spring, door closer, 600mm ht. H-handle, locks etc. of Geze / Ozone / Dorma XLC make. 156 WPC Door with Vision panel ( 1.0m x 2.4m - 1no ) - P/fixing of 100x45mm Cellular hollow WPC door frame with rebate of 37mm paintedwith color of approved shade. The frame shall have 9mm deep groove for front architrave fixing. Outer layer of Cellular frame shall be 5mm thick and other 2 layer shall be of 4mm thickness. The front architrave shall be of 45 x 18mm hollow WPC section painted with color of approved shade. 30 x 12mm rear architrave, having width of 30mm and thickness of 12mm painted with color of approved shade. The frame and architraves shall be supplied in 3 parts as per customized size assembled with miter joint. The door frame having material density of 990kg/m3 (IS 2380 - part 3), shore hardness (D) of 62 (ASTM D2240), Moisture content less than 0.01% and water absorption of less than equal to 0.2% (IS 2380 - part 16). Providing 32mm shutters, all four edges of shutter shall be made of 55mm dried Pinewood frame. The frame to be fixed using PU foam and anchor fastners and requisite hardware. The complete shutter finished in paint finish of approved shade. The shutter to be fixed on the frame with necessary hardware fittings incl. hinges, locks, handles, floor spring and Door closer with standard arm of Hettich / Ebco / equivalent make. 157 LOOSE FURNITURE (cost to include installation charges) 158 Table with Metal Legs in Ground & First Floor Reading Area - Supply and installation of Wooden table, 38mm thk. Top made of doubly pressed 19mm thk. BWR ply and finished with 3mm Veneer of approved shade and make. The edges to be finished with 6mm thk. wooden beading with rounded edges. The table top is finished with duco Matt polish of approved shade and color. Metal legsfabricated of 50x25mm and 100x25mm MS frames to match design as per drawing and finished with powder-coated finish of approved shade as per design. The legs are fixed at the ends of the table top as per drawing. 159 1500mm (L) x 1050mm (D) 4 Seater Table 160 1500mm (L) x 1200mm (D) 4 Seater Table 161 750mm (L) x 1050mm (D) 2 Seater Table 162 Table with Metal Legs in Reading Area. 2"dia Wire manager to be provided on top - Supply and installation of Wooden table, 38mm thk. Top made of doubly pressed 19mm thk. BWR ply and finished with 3mm Veneer of approved shade and make. The edges to be finished with 6mm thk. wooden beading with rounded edges. The table top is finished with duco Matt polish of approved shade and color. Metal legsfabricated of 50x25mm and 100x25mm MS frames to match design as per drawing and finished with powder-coated finish of approved shade as per design. The legs are fixed at the ends of the table top as per drawing. 2" dia ss wire manager - required nos provided on top as per drawing. 163 2000mm (L) x 1200mm (D) 4 Seater Table 164 1000mm (L) x 1050mm (D) 2 Seater Table 165 Medium-back Mesh Office Chairs - Supply amd installation of Medium backmesh chairs with Gas lift, Synchro tilt mechanism and foam cusion seating installation complete. The backrest, handles, seat frame and mesh to be in white color and the seat cushion to be in Grey color of approved shade as per design. 166 Round Pouff Chairs near Metal Racks - Supply and installation of round pouff seating in all floors of 450mm dia and 450mm height as per drawing with metal frames and PU molded cushion upholstered with 2" foam and fabric of approved texture, shade and color. 167 2-Seater Medium-back Sofa with Metal Legs in Reception Area - Supply and installation of medium-back 2seater sofa with cushion handrest and metal legs near ground floor Lending counter with 40 density foam for handrest, back and seat of size and design as per drawing and finished with fabric of approved texture, shade and color as per design. Basic cost of fabric Rs.150-200 per metre. MS legs in shape as per drawing and in black powder coated finish are provided as per design. 168 BOUGHT-OUT ITEMS (cost to include installation charges) 169 Mosquito Catcher - Supply and installation of 240W wall / floor mount corded commercial electric flying insect killer machine with catchment tray. 170 Assorted Wall Paintings - Supply and installation of decorative artwork printed in canvas / high quality thick premium glossy photo paper and encased in wooden frames of approved design, shade and color with 4mm thick glass in front of artwork as per design. 171 Photo Frames behind Lending Counter - Supply and installation of photos of tamil leaders printed in high quality thick premium glossy photo paper and encased in wooden frames of approved design, shade and color with 4mm thick glass in front of photos as per design. 172 Entrance Floor Mat - Supply and sinstallation of 2m x 1m Floor mat for the front entrance area on the floor. 173 Water dispenser - Supply, installation, and commissioning of Blue Star, model no.BWD3FMRGA or equivalent, hot ,normal & cold dispenser machine with refridgerator bottled water dispenser of 20L capacity with drip tray and other necessary accessories. 174 Wall Clock - Supply and fixing of wall mounted round/square Analog clockof approved design. 175 FIRE FIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS 176 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Conventional Smoke Detector suitably mounted on ceiling with MS juction box / false ceiling using fixing accessories like screws, plug, clamps, etc., as per standard methods and as directed by the Departmental Officers. (Make: Apollo / Equivalent) 177 Supply and kept in position of 9 litres capacity Fire Buckets of 4 Nos. with Bucket Stand as per standard specifications and as directed by the Departmental Officers 178 FIRE SAFETY 179 First Aid Box complete with all First Aid Medicines 180 Shock Treatment Chart fixed in glass frame 181 Fire Extinguisher Co2, 4.5 kg. confirming to TAC Norms 182 Danger Board as required by the Electrical Authorities 183 2m x 1m Rubber Mat suitable for 11 KV installation confirming to IS(5 set) 184 Hand Gloves 11KV Grade 185 Earth Discharge Rod 186 Supply and kept in position of 9 litres capacity Fire Buckets of 4 Nos. with Bucket Stand as per standard specifications and as directed by the Departmental Officers 187 Supply and fixing of stored pressure ABC (Mono Ammonium Phospate) Powder Type Fire Extinguisher of 6 kg. capacity as per IS:15683 with pressure gauge, discharge hose & control nozzle, wall mounting bracket, safety clip etc., including conveyance, all incidental charges, neccessary scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled portions to its original condition wherever found neccessary etc, complete as per standard specification and as directed by the Departmental Officers. Make: EXCELLENT / SAFETY FIRST / EQUIVALENT 188 Supply and fixing of Carbon-di-Oxide Gas Type 2 kg. capacity Fire Extinguisher as per New IS15683, complete with control valve, discharge hose with horn, wall mounting bracket, safety clip etc., including conveyance, all incidental charges, necessary scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled portions to its original condition wherever found necessary etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the Departmental Officers. Make: EXCELLENT /SAFETY FIRST / EQUIVALENT 189 FIRE ALARM 190 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Micro Processor based conventional 4 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel having the rating of 24 volt DC power supply ,consisting 230/24 volt SMPS unit, 2Nos.of 12 volt 7 AH standby batteries, suitably mounted on wall using fixing accessories like screws, plug, clamps and etc., as per standard methods and as directed by the Departmental Officers. 191 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Manual Call Point (MCP) providing on wall using fixing accessories like screws, plug, clamps and etc., as per standard method sand as directed by the Departmental Officers.(Make: Ravel / Equivalent) 192 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Electronic Hooter / Sounder providing on wall using fixing accessories like screws, plug, clamps and etc., as per standard methods and as directed by the Departmental Officers (Make: Ravel / Equivalent) 193 Supply and laying of FRLS PVC insulated 2 core 1.5 sq.mm. Armoured Copper Cable on ceiling / wall using fixing accessories like screws, plug, clamps, etc., asper standard methods and as directed by the Departmental Officers. 194 ELELCTRICAL WORKS 195 LT CT TNEB METER BOX: 196 CT Metering Panel - Supply, installation, testing and commisioning of CPRI approved make of panel, cubicle type, Free standing, floor mounted, single front, 14 SWG CRCA sheet steel, enclosed separate compartment for each feeder, front operated, Powder coated, indoor type dust and vermin proof, hinged lockable doors, complete with electrolytic grade copper bus bars, internal wiring, colour coding, ferrules, Panel mounting MS channels, fasteners, etc., including all associated control wiring. 1set of 200/5A CT with TNEB Metering provision and 1nos of 200/5A CT for APFCR 197 250A Isolator Panel - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CPRI approved make of 250A TPN MCCB panel, cubicle type, Free standing, floor mounted, single front,14 SWG CRCA sheet steel, enclosed separate compartment for each feeder, front operated, Powder coated, indoor type dust and vermin proof, hinged lockable doors, 198 MAIN LT PANEL: 199 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 3Phase, 415Volts, Main LT Panel board of Indoor, Cubicle floor mounting type made out of 2mm thick CRCA Sheet with powder coated finishing, MS base frame, double internal earthing arrangements, 200Amps, rating TPN Copper busbars with interconnection busbar, etc., comprising of the followings:EB Incomer :1 No. 200Amps, 25kA, 4Pole, Thermal magnetic MCCB with Ext.RHOMMetering : 1 Set of RYB LED Indication lamps1 Nos. of Multifunction Meter with RS 4851 Set of Current Tranformers (200/5A, Cl-1), 1 No. 200/5A CT Outgoings: 2 Nos. 100A, 25kA, TP+N, TM MCCB with Ext. RHOM (APFCR & Spare)5 Nos. 63A, 25kA, TP+N, TM MCCB with Ext. RHOM (PDB-1,2&3, INVERTER & Spare)4 Nos. 32Amps DP MCBs (LDB-1,2&3 & SPARE) 200 APFC Panel: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 40 KVAR Automatic power factor correction panel ( APFC ) with 8 steps of capacitor switching cubicle type, free standing, Powder coated, 14 SWG CRCA sheet steel,enclosed separate compartment for each capacitor, front operated, indoor type dust and vermin proof, hinged, lockable doors, electrolytic grade aluminium bus bars, with SMC /DMC insulator supports, Digital volt meter, Ammeter with selector switch, 8 stage Digital Automatic power factor correction,( APFC ), Auto / Manual selector switch, cluster LED typeindicators, in the incomer,complete with electrolytic grade aluminium bus bars, MPP type Power capacitors, with 10 KVAR x 3 nos.5 KVAR x 1 no. 2 KVAR x 2 nos. 1 KVAR x 1no. Contactors, MCCB’s, start, stop, push buttons, internal wiring, colour coding, ferrules, cable gland plates, Aluminium earth bus for the entire length of the panel with bonding to earth and painting,Panel mounting MS Channels, fasteners, etc., including all associated control wiring and interlocking circuitry, MV panel sensing CT interconnecting wiring etc.,andAPFC Panel Installation, Testing , Commissioning and Transport Charges all inclusive. 201 Supply and fixing of 7 segment6 way TPN MCB sheet steel distribution board (Higher end) with metal / acrylic doorcover flush type /surface type fitted with busbars and neutral links with single / three phase MCB outgoings and seperate 4 way provision for accomodating one no. 4 pole incoming MCB / Isolator and another seperate 4 way provision for accomodating one no. 4 pole ELCB / RCD (totally 8 ways in one segment) (3x 6 ways in each segment) and seperate provision for MCB / Isolators ( totally 18 nos.) for sub incomers in 3 segments with lable holder and provison for taking up cable for size not less than 35 sq.mm. withthe following on wall with earth connection only.i.63A 4P MCB- 1 no. ii.63A 4P 30MA RCCB/ELCB - 1 no. iii.63A DP MCB Isolator -3 nos. iv.6A to 32A SP MCB - 18 nos. 202 Supply and fixing of 12 way single pole and neutral MCB sheet steel enclosure distribution board with double door (metal) with 1no. 32A DP MCBswitch as incoming and 10 nos. 6A to 32A SP MCB as outgoing in flush with wallwith earth connection only.Higher End 203 Supply and Laying of 3 1/2x 120 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cablein suitable size HDPE pipe in a trench to be excavated at a depth of 0.75 metre and refilling the earth to make good. 204 Supply and layingof 2 x 6 sq.mm PVC armoured LTUG cable in a trench to be excavated at a depth of 0.75 metre putting0.15metrelayerofsandand coveringthe cablecompletely withbricksandsandandrefillingtheearthto make good 205 Supply and Clamping of 3 1/2 core x 120 Sq.mm PVC armoured LTUGaluminium cable on post or on wall MS-clamps, saddles, plugs, screws etc., complete including transport charges of UG cable. 206 Supply and Clamping of 3 1/2 core x 35 Sq.mm PVC armoured LTUGaluminium cable on post or on wall MS-clamps, saddles, plugs, screws etc., complete including transport charges of UG cable. 207 Supply and Clamping of 3 1/2 core x 25 Sq.mm PVC armoured LTUGaluminium cable on post or on wall MS-clamps, saddles, plugs, screws etc., complete including transport charges of UG cable. 208 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 3-1/2 x 120 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable with earth connection 209 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 3-1/2 x 35 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable with earth connection 210 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 3-1/2 x 25 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable with earth connection 211 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 2 x 6 sq.mm. PVC LTUG armoured cable with earth connection 212 Supply and providing cable end termination of 3-1/2 x 120 sq.mm. PVC LTUG aluminium armoured cable with necessary aluminium cable sockets by crimping etc with electrical connection complete 213 Supply and providing cable end termination of 3-1/2 x 35 sq.mm. PVC LTUG aluminium armoured cable with necessary aluminium cable sockets by crimping etc with electrical connection complete 214 Supply and providing cable end termination of 3-1/2 x 25 sq.mm. PVC LTUG aluminium armoured cable with necessary aluminium cable sockets by crimping etc with electrical connection complete 215 Supply and Run of 4 of 10 sq.mm.PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigidpipe concealed inwall and ceiling with continuous earth wire connection of 10 sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed position. 216 Supply and Run of 2 of 6 sq.mm.PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigidpipe on wall and ceiling with continuous earth wire connection by 6 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copperwire with painting of suitable colour. 217 Supply and Run of 2 of 2.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated SC unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe Concealed in wall and ceiling with continuous earth wire connection of 2.5 sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion 218 Wiring with 2 x1.5 sq.mm.PVC insulated single core unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigidpipe on wall and ceiling and switch dropportion PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall with PVC accessories with Module GI switch boxin flush wall with 6A one way module switch with module front plate withcontinuous earth wire connection of 1.5 sq.mm copper wire with painting of Suitable colourforOpen PVCLight point / fan point (for electronic regulator) ( 6 points / Coil)Higher End - PRIMARY POINTS 219 Wiring with 2 x1.5 sq.mm.PVC insulated single core unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigidpipe on wall and ceiling and switch dropportion PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall with PVCaccessories with Module GI switch boxin flush wall with 6A one way module switch with module front plate withcontinuous earth wire connection of 1.5 sq.mm copper wire with painting of Suitable colourforOpen PVCLight point / fan point (for electronic regulator) ( 6 points / Coil)Higher End - SECONDARY POINTS 220 Wiring with 3 x1.5 sq.mm.PVC insulated single core unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigidpipe Concealed in wall and ceiling with PVCaccessories with ModuleGI switch box in flush with wall with 6A two way module switch with module front plate withcontinuous earth wire connection of 1.5 sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion with suitable colourfor ConcealedPVC pipe Stair case Light pointHigher End 221 Wiring with 2Rx1.5 sq.mm. (22/0.3) PVC insulated Single core unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe Concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with Module GI switch box in flush with wall with 1no. 6A one way module switch and 1no. 6A 3/2 Pin module socket with module front plate with continuous earth wire connection of 1 run of 1.5 Sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion with suitable colour for Concealed PVC Pipe 5A Plug Point ( 8 Points / Coil ) 222 Wiring with 2Rx4sq.mm PVC insulated Single core unsheathed FRLS copper conductor of 1100V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe concealed in wall and ceiling with PVC accessories with suitable Module Plastic switch box in flush with wall with 1no. 16A one way module switch and 1no. 16A 3/2 Pin module socket with module front plate with continuous earth wire connection of 4.0Sq.mm copper wire and making good of the concealed portion with painting ofsuitable colourfor Concealed PVC Pipe 15A Power Plug Point ( 8 Points / Coil ) 223 Supply and fixing of 1 no.6A two module 5 pin socket , 1 no.6A one module switch with module cover plate (plastic) onsuitable module concealedBox (GI ) in flush with wall with connections. Higher End 224 Supply and fixing of 2nos.6A two module 5 pin socket , 2 nos.6A one module switch with module cover plate (plastic) onsuitable module concealedBox (GI ) in flush with wall with connections. Higher End 225 Supply and fixing of 1 no.6/16A two modulesocket , 1 no.16A one module switch with module cover plate (plastic) onsuitable module concealedBox (GI ) in flush with wall with connections. Higher End 226 Supply and fixing of 25A Flush type Wall Socket 25A DP MCB complete set for AC Plug in flush with wall with earthconnection (For AC Plug) 227 LED LIGHTINGS 228 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 15W concealed mountingLEDCylindrical luminairewithDie-Cast Aluminium sheethousing withopal high transmission diffuserfixedinseparateDie-Cast Aluminiumsheet frame with operating voltage range (90 - 265V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 83% with CRI greater than 80 and withcolourtemperature4000Krange.LEDhaving50,000 burning hours with minimum 80% lumen maintenance and power factor 0.90 with THD less than 20% & Surge protection 2.5kV. Systemconsumptionshouldbe15WLED fixture with lumen package of 2250 lumens. The luminaire shall be IP40 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: All Indoor luminaire shall have NABL certificate on Resistance to Flame & Ignition as per IS 10322 part-1 :2014. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 229 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 15W Surface mountedLEDCylindrical luminairewithDie-Cast Aluminium sheethousing with Translucent Polystyrene diffuser fixed in separateDie-Cast Aluminium sheet frame with operating voltage range (90 - 265V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 85% with CRI greater than 80 andwithcolourtemperature4000Krange.LEDhaving54,000 burning hours with minimum 85% lumen maintenance and power factor more than 0.90 with THD less than 10% & 2.5kV surge protection. System consumption should be 15W LED fixture with lumen package of 2000 lumens. The luminaire shall be IP40 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: All Indoor luminaire shall have NABL certificate on Resistance to Flame & Ignition as per IS 10322 part-1 :2014. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 230 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 18W Surface mountedLEDCylindrical luminairewithDie-Cast Aluminium sheethousing with Translucent Polystyrene diffuser fixed in separateDie-Cast Aluminium sheet frame with operating voltage range (90 - 265V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 85% with CRI greater than 80 andwithcolourtemperature4000Krange.LEDhaving54,000 burning hours with minimum 85% lumen maintenance and power factor more than 0.90 with THD less than 10% & 2.5kV surge protection. System consumption should be 18W LED fixture with lumen package of 3300 lumens. The luminaire shall be IP40 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: All Indoor luminaire shall have NABL certificate on Resistance to Flame & Ignition as per IS 10322 part-1 :2014. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 231 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 12W surface mountingLEDCylindrical downlight luminairewithDie-Cast Aluminiumsheethousing withClear PolycarbonatediffuserfixedinseparateDie-Cast Aluminiumsheet frame with operating voltage range (100 - 265V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 85% with CRI greater than 80 andwithcolourtemperature4000Krange.LEDhaving50,000 burning hours with minimum 85% lumen maintenance and power factor 0.90 with THD less than 20% & Surge protection 3kV.Systemconsumptionshouldbe12WLED fixture with lumen package of 1680 lumens. The luminaire shall be IP20 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: All Indoor luminaire shall have NABL certificate on Resistance to Flame & Ignition as per IS 10322 part-1 :2014. Make: Crompton, K-Lite, Ace or Equivalent. 232 Supply, fixing testing and commisioning of 20W Cloud shape designer pendant light in Warm white temp. as per Architect"s design given in Computer Section with operating voltage range (120 - 270V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 85% with CRI greater than 80 andwithcolourtemperature3000Krange.LEDhaving50,000 burning hours with minimum 70% lumen maintenance and power factor 0.90 with THD less than 10% & UGR < 19 complaince to LG7guidelines. The luminaire shall be wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting.(140 lm/W) Make: Crompton, Philips, Bajaj or Equivalent. 233 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of60W Linear Light [1.2 [12W]+1.2[12W]+6.1 [6W]+6.1 [6W]] combination Customized pre fixed Recatngular Linear light with Wooden JointsSuspended mountedLED luminairewith Extruded Aluminium body with Die-Cast Endcaps withpolycarbonate diffuser. LED driver efficiency should be greater than 85% with CRI greater than 80 andwithcolourtemperature4000Krange. LEDmore than 90% lumen maintenance and power factor more than 0.90 with THD less than 10%, Surge protection 3kV and UGR < 12. The luminaire shall be IP40 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: All Indoor luminaire shall have NABL certificate on Resistance to Flame & Ignition as per IS 10322 part-1 :2014. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 234 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 9W In-ground LED luminaire with Die-Cast Aluminium housing with toughened clear diffuser and 316 grade Stainless steel front ring with operating voltage range (100 - 277V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 85% with CRI greater than equal to 80 andwithcolourtemperature3000Krange.LEDhavingmore than 60,000 burning hours with minimum 70% lumen maintenance and power factor more than equal to 0.90 with THD less than 10% & Surge protection 2.5kV.Systemconsumptionshouldbe9WLED fixture with lumen package of 1350 lumens. The luminaire shall be IP67 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: Product should have Narrow beam, Moisture arrestor, IP 68 Connector for on site connections.Luminaire should have Anti Glare VisorHoneycomb assembly. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 235 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 8W In-ground LED luminaire with Die-Cast Aluminium housing with clear toughened glass diffuser and 316 grade Stainless steel front ring with operating voltage range (150 - 270V AC). LED CRI greater than equal to 80 andwithcolourtemperature2700Krange.LEDhavingmore than 60,000 burning hours. The luminaire shall be IP67 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: Product should have Narrow beam, Moisture arrestor, IP 68 Connector for on site connections.Luminaire should have Anti Glare VisorHoneycomb assembly. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 236 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of Nebula Midi 12W Inground spike / Die-Cast Aluminium bracket mounted LEDcylindrical luminairewithDie-Cast Aluminiumalloy housing withclear toughened glass diffuser with operating voltage range (100 - 300V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 80% with CRI greater than equal to 80 and with colour temperature 3000Krange. LED having power factor more than 0.95 with THD less than 10% & Surge protection 4kV.The luminaire shall be IP66 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Note: Product should have Moisture arrestor and IP 68 Connector for on site connections.Luminaire should have Anti Glare Visor + Honeycomb assembly. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 237 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of 6W / 2x6W Wall mountedLEDwall luminairewith Extruded & Die-Cast Aluminium body with clear toughened glass diffuser and Mirror finish pure Aluminium reflector. Operating voltage range (100 - 300V AC). LED driver efficiency should be greater than 80% with CRI greater than 80 andwithcolourtemperature3000Krange.LEDhaving power factor more than equal to 0.95 with THD less than 15% & Surge protection 4kV. The luminaire shall be IP65 rated and wired with PVC unsheathed copper leads from terminal to the fitting. Make: K-Lite or Equivalent. 238 Supply and fixing of 1200mm(48") sweep A ceiling fan - Havells make - complete with stepped electronic 300W regulator with 600mm down rod with fan clamp with side plates and cross arm of size 450mm(18") 239 Supply and fixing of 450mm (18") Wall mounting 5 star rated complete (Higher end) with necessary accessories and hardwares as required. 240 Supply and fixing of 300mm (12") sweep AC exhaust fan complete without provision of hole in the wall 241 Supply and fixing of louvers shutters arrangements for 300mm (12") sweep AC exhaust fan 242 Earthing as per the ISI specification with an earth electrode of 2.10 metre Class "B" GI pipe of dia not less than 40mm withcopperearthplateofsize125mmx50mmx6mmwithnecessaryfunnelingarrangementswithnecessary masonry work and with 38mm RCC cover slab for the brick masonry 243 Supply and erection of Copper plate earthing station with GI pipe, 600x600x3mm thick copper plate, salt, charcoal, etc., including civil works, heavy duty CI Cover, etc., as per IS 3043 standards 244 Supply and run of 25mm x 3mm tinned copper flat with necessary clamps / supports on wall / floor / ground for earth connection 245 Supply and Run of1 of No.8 SWG copper wire for earth connection 246 Supply and Run of1 of No.8 SWG copper wire in suitable PVC rigid pipeon wall / floor / ground for earth connection 247 Supply and fixing of 10A 400V, 50 Hz 3 phase 4 wire watt hour meter on suitable TW box with earth connection 248 The cable rack shall have runners rugs of suitable size, horizontal elbow, vertical elbow 90 Deg. Up vertical elbow 90 Deg. Down, re-deep, coupler plates,materials.The cable racks shall be suspended from ceiling supported from side walls in columns etc. with adequate size supporting angles / channels with fasteners, welding, anchor bolts, nuts etc.The rack shall have suitable cable clamping arrangements etc."Cable Tray /ladder should be powder quoted as match with ceiling colour as per PWD requirements.The rate shall inclusive of necessary Wedge anchors threaded rods,nuts & bolts, making clamp for rcc roof fix/ perlin/Truss, cable tray clamps etc, (8 mm threaded rod supports shall be providedat not more than 2 mtr center to center and as per site requirement ) 249 Perforated type Supply and fixing ofGI Hot Dip / Powder Coated 16 SWG Cable Tray with 300 mm width and 50mm height 250 Perforated type Supply and fixing ofGI Hot Dip / Powder Coated 16 SWG Cable Tray with 150 mm width and 50mm height 251 Supplying and fabricating of MS structural steel supports for various applications using U channels, MS angle iron, bolts, nuts, anchor bolts etc., required for the work, cut to the size, bent to shape, welding, grouting etc., complete. Supports shall be powder coated with required colour for different system as mentioned above. 252 Supply and fixing ofRaceways Metal / GI with 150mm widthx 38mm heightwith Suitable Fixing bracket and Siutable Coupler Jiont with Connected all accessories complete work. 253 Construction of inspection chambers of following sizes 60 x 60 x 60cm with earth work excavation for foundation with 23cm thick brick jelly cement concrete bed in C.M.1:4:10 using 40mm Brick jelly for foundation, brick work in C.M.1:6 for chambers, plastering with C.M.1:3 12mm thick, benching, channelling, 75mm thick RCC loose slab covering in C.M.1:2:4 mix using 20mm blue granite jelly including necessary reinforcement, etc., complete . (GCC -2023-24, SCH No:718, P.No-45) 254 Supply,fixing and laying of Heavy duty PVC pipes complete buried in floor with joints and other accessories as required.110 mm dia, 2mm thick 255 Split Type AC UnitSupply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning of Wall mounted Split type Inverter 2.2 TR Air Conditioning Unit with supply and installation of necessary accessories including necessary length of copper pipes, suitable type double boost voltage stabilizer, pvc drain pipes, also includes necessary opening in the walls (if necessary) for the drain pipe routing, outdoor unit stand and all other required accessories for the 2.2TR split type AC unit. The quoted rate should be inclusive of materials, labour, wages, fixtures, transportation, installation, wasteages, Octroi, machinery, temporary works such as scaffolding, cleaning, overheads, profit, statutory expenses, incidental charges and all related expenses to complete the work. 256 5KVA UPSSupply, erection, testing and commissioning of the following rating of UPS Systems for emergency lightings. Supply of Micro Processor Controlled 5 KVA UPS andinput supply of 430 Volts ± 15%, 3 Phase, 50 Hz ± 5%and an out put of 230 Volts ±1%, 1 Phase 50 ± 0.01 Hzconsisting ofRectifier, Out put Isolation Transformer, Battery Circuit Breaker, Static and Manual Bypass Switches and all others accessories required as per detailed specification .The system should be suitable for independent mode of operation.Supply of Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries to support 5 KVA for 6 hrs complete with intercell connectors, battery stand made out of Powder Coated MS Angles with adequate supports to carry the load of the batteries as per specification.Installation,Testing and Commissioning of complete1 nos 5 KVA UPS system in Independent mode of operation with the battery bank including inter connection of UPS and battery banks with adequate size of copper cable, lugs etc. complete as required. 257 Supply and erection of "2mx1mRubberMatsuitablefor11KVinstallation confirming to IS (5 NOS) 258 Supply of First Aid Box complete with all First Aid Medicines 259 Supply and fixing of Shock Treatment chart with Glass frame 260 Supply and fixing of4 Nos. Fire Buckets made out of 40 x 40 x 6mm MS Angle 261 Supply and fixing of Fire Extinguishers Co2, 4.5Kg confirming to TAC norms 262 Supply and fixing of Danger Boards (415Volts & 230Volts) 263 XEROX MACHINE: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of A3 Xerox 5855 Photocopier machine, Multi-function, Windows 11, laser printing with multiple features like Print, Scan, Copy, 2-sided ouput, Network connectivity, print speed upto 55 pages per minute, print resolution upto 4800x1200 dpi and paper capacity 46000 sheets (standard) / 8700 sheets (max with optional feeders) 264 DESKTOP PC: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Dell Inspiron 27" All-in-One Desktop PC of following specifications:1.Processor: Intel Core7 150U (12MB cache, 10 cores, 12 threads, upto 5.4 GHz Turbo)2. Operating System: Windows 11 Home Single Language, English3. Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce MX570A with 2GB GDDR6 graphics memory4. Monitor: 27", FHD 1920x1080, 60Hz, WVA, Touch, InfinityEdge, Narrow Border5. Memory: 16GB: 2 x 8GB, DDR4, 3200 MT/s6. Storage: 1TB M.2 PCle NVMe Solid State Drive7. Color: Pearl White Cover + Molded Speaker Grill (for Touch LCD)8. Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office Home and Student 20219. Security Software:McAfee LiveSafe 1-year (5-device)10. Keyboard: Dell Pro Wireless Keyboard and Mouse - Dell KM5221W White11. Wireless: Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211, 2x2, 802.11ax, Bluetooth wireless card12. Power: 90W AC adapter, 4.5mm barrel 130W AC adapter 4.5mm barrel 265 PRINTER: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of HP Smart Tank 790 WiFi All-in-One Printer Duplexer with ADF and Magic Touch Panel Inkjet Colour printer, print speed 11-20 sheets with multiple features like print, scan, copy, fax, multi-port connectivity (Hi-speed USB 2.0, Wifi, Bluetooth LE , 1 USB Host, LAN) , 2.4/5G dual band Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, mobile printing capability, etc 266 METAL SIGNAGE BOARDS: Supply and fixing of metal signages for the following:1. Mudhalvar Padaipagam text in Tamil of size 2"0" x 15"with backlit LED placed over the base, fabricated using stainless steel sheet of minimum 16G thickness brush finish of required size and colour as required. 267 LOGO SIGNAGE BOARDS: Supply and fixing of acrylic signages for the following:1. Mudhalvar Padaipagam logo of size 2" x 2"2. CMDA logo of size 3" x 4"6"3. Directorate of Public Libraries logo of size 6" diawith backlit LED placed over the sun board base, SIDE EDGES(4"): 5mm transparent white acrylic sheet with laser cut & 4inches manual raising all around with details. ACRYLIC SHEETS & ITS TECHNICAL PARAMETERS:Front: a. 5mm Imported (Mitsubishi/equivalent) acrylic cutting on laser cutting machine.b. Flexi bond make 25mm Sun board for the back of the logo. 268 CCTV SYSTEM 269 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 32 channel 2 SATA NVR, with 8TB Hard Disk Drive 2 nos, New logical and visualized GUI design Dual-OS design to ensure high reliability of system running, ANR technology to enhance the storage reliability when the network is disconnected,Configurable normal or hot spare working mode to constitute an N+1 hot spare system Video Input and Transmission, Connectable to the third-party network cameras Compression and Recording, H.265+ compression effectively reduces the storage space by upto 75%, Full channel recording at up to 12MP resolution HD Video Output HDMI1 / VGA1 outputs provided HDMI1 Video output at up to 4K ( 3840 × 2160 ) resolution Storage and Playback, Upto 16 SATA interfaces and 1 eSATA interface for HDD connection, Support upto 10TB capacity for each HDD, Smart search for efficient playback. and smart playback to improve the playback efficiency,Supports VCA search for fire/ship/temperature/temperature difference detection triggered video files, POS information overlay on live view and playback, POS triggered recording and alarm Network & Ethernet Access Hik-Connect for easy network management, 2 Gigabit Ethernet network interfaces. (Make : Hikvision / Dahua / Sony. 270 Supply of 4MP, Internet Protocol fixed BULLET CAMERA/DOME CAMERA (INDOOR & OUTDOOR)with following specification:●1/2.5" Progressive Scan CMOS, ● 3840 × 2160 @15 fps,2.8/4 mm fixed lens,01 lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0.028 lux @(F2.0, AGC ON), 0 lux with IR, H.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264, 2 Behavior analyses ( Line crossing detection, intrusion detection)● Face Detection ● 120dB WDR, ● BLC/3D DNR/ROI, IP67 complied●On-board Storage -Built-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GB,● Shutter Speed 1/3 s to 1/100,000 s, ● 3-Axis Adjustment Pan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 100°, ● rotate: 0° to 360°, 2.8 mm, ● horizontal FOV: 102°, vertical FOV: 53°, diagonal FOV: 124°, ●Lens Mount M12 ● IR Range I5: up to 50 m, ● Image Settings Rotate mode, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness adjustable by client software or web browser, ● Power Consumption and Current-12 VDC, 0.7 A, max. 7.5W PoE: (802.3af, 36V to 57V), 0.3 A to 0.2 A, max. 9W● Camera out fitted with metal housing so as to prevent the lens from damages during physical abuse. with Camera Stand. (Make: Dahua/Panasonic) 271 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 32" smart LED TV with following specifications a) Full HD 4K monitor b) IPS pannel c) Slim back light LED module d) 900 PMI e) Triple XD engine f) Dynamic scanning g) ANRh) True colour generatori) 8modes of picture j) picture wizardIII k) Real cinema 24P l) HDMI -3nos m) USB -3nos n) Built in LAN o) Magic remotep) Dimension 1242 x 724 x 55.1min(37). (Make: Sony/ LG /Samsung). 272 Supply and Clamping of CAT 6 unarmoured cable in suitable PVCPipe 1" thick on wall / ceiling with connected PVC accessories with clamps, saddles etc., complete. (Between ethernet switch to camera and radio modem)i. Application : Primary (Campus), Secondary (Riser), Tertiary(Horizontal)IEEE 802.3 : 10Base-T; 100Base-T; 1000Base-TIEEE 802.5 16 MB; ISDN; TPDDI; ATMii. Standards: ISO/IEC 11801 2nd ed.; IEC 61156-5 2nd EN 50173-1; EN 50288-6-1,EIA/TIA 568C.2, RoHS Compliant.Fire Rating: PVC : IEC 60332-1.iii. Conductor - Bare Copper Wireiv. Insulation - Polyethylene v. Twisting - 2 Cores to the pairvi. Cable lay up - 4 Core to the pair It has diameter of (23 AWG) 0.550 ± 0.015.Insulation : Polyethylene.GI wire of size is 0.90 ± 0.030mm. 273 Fixing and Termination of CAT 6 Cable RJ 45Jack Single Point ( Point to Point ) Crimping, Testing and arrangement charges. 274 Supply and fixing of POE 24 port switch with two uplink port, 10/ 100 / 1000 Base -T / 2 x 1000Base-FX / 20Gbps bandwidth / IEEE803.af/at compliant PoE+ / RJ45 supports auto MDI/MDI-X function / Auto negotiation speed, half/full-duplex / Store and forward / Max packet size: 10kbytes / Wide range power design (12~56VDC) / Operating temperature (-40 ̊C ~ +75 ̊C) / Reverse polarity protection / Resettable fuse to protect against overcurrent / IP-40 protection / EFT protection for power line. (Make: DLINK,NETGEAR/ TPLINK) 275 Supply and fixing of POE 8 port switch10/ 100 / 1000 Base -T / 2 x 1000Base-FX / 20Gbps bandwidth / IEEE803.af/at compliant PoE+ / RJ45 supports auto MDI/MDI-X function / Auto negotiation speed, half/full-duplex / Store and forward / Max packet size: 10kbytes / Wide range power design (12~56VDC) / Operating temperature (-40 ̊C ~ +75 ̊C) / Reverse polarity protection / Resettable fuse to protect against overcurrent / IP-40 protection / EFT protection for power line. (Make: DLINK,NETGEAR/ TPLINK) 276 Supply and Fixing of Rack with Accessories -Higher end12u Rack with fan extra for the above rack. (speaker/data/cctv) 277 Supply and Installation for 2KVA UPS with Battery, Single Phase UPS (Single Phase In & Single Phase Out) Capacity - System with Battery - 2 Hours back up andbattery stand. 278 Supply, Erection of 6mLengthpole with base plate of size 300x300x12mm as per IS-875 with following specification. Pole Outter dia -76.10mm x 3.65mm Thick x 6 meter with foundation Charges. 279 Supply and Run of 3C X 2.5 sqmm insulated multistrandad flexible copper Trailing Flat/round cable of 1100 V grade in suitable PVC rigid pipe on wall and ceiling with painting of suitable colour. 280 Supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of broadband WiFi connection with the following specifications: Networking Interface: (1) GbE RJ45 PortPower Method: PoE+, Pasive poE(48V)Max TX power: 5.0 GHzAntenna gain: 5.0 GHzMounting: Wall or Ceiling MountingWireless security: WPA-PSK, WPA-Enterprises (WPA/WPA2/WPA3)VLAN: 802.1QConcurrent Clients: 300+5G connectivity,300mbps speed, unlimited monthly data plan, 5G compatible router with wifi boosters provided at required areas. 281 PA SYSTEM 282 Supply, Installation,Testing & commisioning of 15W Wall Speaker 2 way high efficiency, high fidelity, long throw IP65 weather proof P.A Music Horn speaker. It combines the high efficiency of horn with wide frequency response.Music horn is weather protected and UV protected ABS plastic housing combines with the feature of easy poertap selection on a terminal strip with a two core cable.It has impedence of 250/500/1k/2k ohm with frequency response of 120-16000 hertz. (Make:AhujaAMH402T/Bosch or its equivalent) 283 Supply, Installation,Testing & commisioning of 480 watts P.A Booster Amplifier with the output power of 1350 watts maximum, 500watt rms at 10% Thyristor harmonic distortion(THD), 850watt RMS at 5% THD, 800 wattsRMS at 2% THD and the power supply AC voltage ranging from 220-240 volt, 50/60 hertz. with the DC input of 48 volt and 1000watts has tone controls of Bass=+- 10 db at 100 hz weighing 42kg with the speaker output of2Q,4Q.70volt&100volt has power consumption of 1600VA AC &12A DC and 100db output regulation at 1khz no load to full load ratio. The signal to noise ratio is 60db with the imnput channels of 0.8mv/4.7kq,3*Aux 100mv/50kq.The frequency response of 50-15000hz+-3db.(Make:Ahuja SSA 10000/Bosch or its equivalent) 284 Supply, run, testing and commissioning of2Core x 1.5sq sqmm PVC insulated UnArmoured Speaker Cable in suitable 25mm dia Pvc Rigid pipe concealed on wall and ceiling with continuous earth wire connection with painting of suitable colour. 285 Supply & Installation of custom built M.S Powder coated wall mounting Audio rack (42U Rack) with Lock & key for housing of Amplifier & player/Recorder conforms to EIA-310,IEC-60297 and able to withstand the load of 40kg with welded construction made up of CRCA steel with suitable height, width and depth.