Annual Rate Contract of (i) Laboratory Consumables including Glassware, Plastic Ware & Misc. laboratory items and (ii) NGS Services for research activities in the Institute.-1 Acrylamide 2 Auto induction media (Merk) 3 Gibberilic acid 4 Glycine 5 Miller Luria Bertani Agar (LB Agar) 6 Security Guard Cartridge 7 T4 Dna Ligase 8 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution 9 (-)- epicatechin gallate 10 (-)- epigallocatechin 11 (-) QUINIC ACID, 500MG, NEAT 12 (-)-epigallocatechin gallate 13 (-)-LINALOOL, >=95.0% GC SUM OF ENANT& 14 (-)-NICOTINE 15 (-)-TRANS-CARYOPHYLLENE, >= 98.0% 16 (+)-Abscisic acid 17 (+)-catechin hydrate 18 (+)-cis,trans-Abscisic Acid-d6 19 (+/-)-Jasmonic Acid 20 (±)-3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid sodium salt 21 (±)-Abscisic acid 22 (1)-Jasmonic Acid, Bioreagent, Liquide P 23 (2-Bromoethyl) trimethylammoium 24 (MnCl 2. 4H 2 O) 25 (R)-(-)-ALPHA-PHELLANDRENE, >=95.0% 26 (R)-(+)-LIMONENE, 97%, 98% 27 [2H2]GIBBERELLIN A1 28 [2H2]GIBBERELLIN A4 29 [2H3] DIHYDROZEATIN 30 [2H5] trans-ZEATIN 31 [2H6] N6-ISOPENTENYLADENINE 32 0.2 ml PCR Tubes with Flat Caps 33 0.2ml Flat Cap tubes (PCR Tube), 1000/pk 34 0.2ml Thin Wall PCR Tubes, Flat Cap. Clear , 10000/CS 35 1 Bis-acrylamide 36 1 kb DNA Ladder 37 1 KB ladder 38 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N' 39 1,4-CINEOLE, TERPENE STANDARD 40 1.4 Dithio erythriotol 41 1.5mm spacer plate and comb 5 pc vertical gel unit 42 10 litres jerry can 43 100 bp DNA Ladder gel lane 44 100 bp Ladder 45 100-1000µl Blue Bulk Bevelled Non-Sterilized (500/PK) 46 100bp DNA ladder RTU 47 100bp DNA Ladder,500ul 48 10x T7 RNA Polymerase 49 10X TE Buffer 50 10x TE Buffer 100ml 51 12-HYDROXYSTEARIC ACID, 99% 52 12-well Plate, 50/Pk 53 15ml Centrifuge Tubes 54 15mL Sterile Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 25 Tubes and Caps per Unit, 20 Units/Case 55 17:0 PC 56 1-BROMODECANE, 98% 57 1kb DNA Ladder 58 1kb DNA ladder RTU 59 1ml Tips 60 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid 61 2 mercapto ethanol 62 2'-(4-METHYLUMBELLIFERYL)-A-D-N63 2-(ethylmercapto)-ethanol 64 2, 2- Diphenyl-1-1picrythydrazy 65 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 66 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrozolinium chloride 67 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride 68 2,4 -D 69 2,4 dihydroxybenzaldehyde 70 2,4-D acid solution 71 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid 72 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 250G 73 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine Hi-AR 74 2,6-Dichloroindophenol sodium salt hydrate 75 2,6-Dichlorophenollindophenol sodium salt dihydrate, Hi-AR/ACS 76 2',7'-DICHLOROFLUORESCIN DIACETATE 77 2,7-dichlorofluorosine diacetate (DCFDA) 78 2,Thiobarbituric Acid 79 2.0ml Boil-Proof Micro tubes (Centrifuge tube, 2ML) 80 2′-Deoxyadenosine 5′-triphosphate sodium salt solution 81 200ul Tips 82 2-2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazye 83 27106QI Aprep spin miniprep kit(250) 84 28506# QIAquick PCR and gel cleanup kit(100) 85 2-Amino-2 Methyl 1, 3 propanediol 86 2-D Quant 87 2-ethyldioethanol 88 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde 89 2-Isopropylmalic acid 90 2-Ketobutyric acid 91 2-Mercaptoethanol 92 2-Mercaptoethanol 500ml 93 2ml Tube Safe Lock(1000/pk) 94 2-Naphthoxyacetic acid (NOA), 25G 95 2-Nitrophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside 96 2-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside oxaloacetic acid 97 2-Propanol 98 3 aminotriazole 99 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) 100 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride 101 3,4 dihydroxybenzoic acid 102 3',4',5,7- tetrahydroxyflavone 103 3,4'-dihydroxyflavone 104 3',5'-Dimethoxy-4'-Hydroxy-acetophenone 105 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnam 106 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution 29:1 107 3-3 Diaminobenzidine 108 3'3'-Diaminobenzidine 109 384 Well ABgene PCR Plate Standard, 50plate/Pack 110 384 WELL PLATE, NAT, ONE NOTCH TYPE, ABI Type, 100/Case 111 384-Well Plate, /Biorad Type Full-Skirted, ClearColour, 10 Plates per pack, 10 units per case 112 3-amino 1-2,4 triazole 113 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole (antibiotic box) 114 3-AMINO-1,2,4-TRIAZOLE, >=95% (TLC) 115 3-Buten-1-yl isothiocyanate 116 3-Indoleacetic acid 117 3-Isopropylmalic acid 118 3X-FLAG Peptide 119 4',6-DIAMIDINO-2-PHENYINDOLE, DILACTATE (DAPI) 120 4-cholor 7-nitrobenzofurazan 121 4-HYDROXY-3-METHOXYCINNAMALDEHYDE 122 4-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid 123 4-Methylumbelliferyl beta-D-glucuronide (MUG) 124 4-Methylumbelliferyl β-d-glucoronide hydrate 125 4-Methylumbelliferyl-β-D-glucuronide hydrate (MUG) 126 4-Penten-1-yl Isothiocyanate 127 5 – Maltose 128 5 ml Syringe 129 5,5'-Dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) 130 50 Bp DNA Ladder Ready to Use 500ul 131 50 bp DNA ladder RTU 132 50 ml Tube stand 133 50mL Sterile Conical Bottom Copolymer Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube, 25 Tubes and Caps per Unit, 20 Units/Case. 134 50mM DTT – Takara 135 5-5’ Adenosyl -L-methionine chloride 136 5-5’-Adenosine-L-homocysteine 137 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate (BCIP) 138 5x – Pusion enzyme premix 139 5X Primestar GXL Buffer 140 6 (Y,Y- dimethyl allyl amino) purine (antibiotic box) 141 6 well sterile plate for cell culture 142 6-Benzyladenine (6-BAP), 25G 143 6-Benzylaminopurine 144 6-well Plate, 50/pk 145 6x DNA Loading Dye, 5x1ml 146 6x-His Tag Polyclonal Antibody, Rabbit, IgG 147 7,8-dihydroxyflavone hydrate 148 96 well micro test plate 149 96 well micro test plate becteriological 150 96 well plate (0.1ml), fits ABI and LifeT Fast system, Box of 25 plates (25Plate/Box) 151 96 well plate with sealer, semi skirt, FAST® type, low profile well for ABI 9800 fast & 7500 fast, 100/pack 152 96-well PCR plate, semi-skirted, raised skirt, lowprofile, blue coding, clear, cut corner A1, PP, 50/pk 153 ABA 154 Abcam 155 Abscisic acid 13 156 Abscisic Acid Immunoassay detection kit 157 a-carotene 158 Accuprime PFX super mix 159 Acetic Acid 160 Acetic acid 500ml 161 acetic acid glacial-21055-500ML 162 Acetone 163 acetone-2.5ltr. 164 Acetonitrile 165 Acetonitrile HPLC Grade Merck 166 Acetosyringone 167 Acridine orange 10-nonyl bromide 168 Acrylamide 169 Acrylamide 100ml ML037 170 Acrylamide 500 ml 171 Acrylamide bis-acrylamide 500 ml 172 Acrylamide/ Bisacrylamide, 500ML 173 Acrylamide/Bis-40% 174 ACRYLAMIDE/BIS-ACRYLAMIDE, 175 Adenine 176 Adenine Sulphate 177 Adenosine 5-triphosphate di-sodium salt hydrate 178 ADONITOL 179 Advantage PCR Kit 180 Affymetrix® Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST 24-Array Plate (1 X 24-Array Plate) 181 AflII 182 Agar 183 Agar ,PCT Grade 184 Agar Granulated, Bacteriological Grade 185 Agar Only for Arabidopsis phenotyping 186 Agar PCT - 1Kg 187 Agar Plant Tissue Culture 188 Agar powder 189 Agar powder extra pure 190 agar Powder for bacteriology 191 Agar powder PCT 192 Agar powder, bacteriological 193 Agar, Bacteriological, 500g 194 Agar, Plant Culture Tested 195 AGAR, TYPE E, PLANT CELL CULTURE TESTED 196 Agarose197 Agarose 500gm 198 Agarose I 199 Agarose LE (Electrophoresis grade) 200 Agarose low EEO 201 Agarose MB Grade, 500g 202 Agarose Metaphor 203 Agarose NI-NTA 100ml 204 Agarose special, Low EEE 205 Agarose, low melting point 206 Agropeat 207 Agropit 208 AICAR 209 Albumin from chick egg white 210 Alcohal MB091-100ul 211 Alcohol 212 Alexa Fluor 488 Goat anti-Mouse IgM (u chain) 213 Alexa Fluor 488 Goat anti-Rat IgG (H+L) 214 Alexa Fluor 568 Tyramide reagent 215 Alexa Fluor 594 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 216 Alexa Fluor-488 C5-maleimide 217 Algal Amino Acid Mixture; U-13C, 97-99%;U-15N, 97-99% 218 Alkaline phosphatase 219 Allyl isogthiocyanate 220 ALPHA-TERPINENE, >=95.0% GC 221 Aluminium chloride Anhydrous 222 Aluminium foil 223 Aluminum Sulphate 224 amaR One PCR 225 Ambion 226 Amine coupling kit 227 Amino -5-Methylamino-2’,7’ Difluorofluorescein Diacetate 228 Amm. Persulphate 100gm 229 Ammoium hydrogen carbonate 230 Ammonia Assay Kit 231 Ammonium Acetate 232 Ammonium Acetate molecular biology 233 ammonium acetate-500gm 234 Ammonium bicarbonate 235 Ammonium Bicarbonate reagent plus 236 Ammonium chloride 237 Ammonium Hydroxide, A.C.S. 15 238 Ammonium meta vanadate 239 Ammonium Molybdate 240 Ammonium molybdate, tetrahydrate 241 Ammonium Nitrate 242 Ammonium Nitrate (Tissue Culture Tested) 243 Ammonium Nitrate PCT 244 Ammonium per sulfate 245 Ammonium Per sulphate (APS) 246 Ammonium persulfate ER grade 247 Ammonium persulfate for electrophoresis 248 Ammonium persulphate 249 Ammonium solution about 30% GR 250 Ammonium sulfate 251 ammonium tartrate dibasic 252 Amonium sulfate, Anhydrous 253 Amoxycilin & Pottassium clovulonate 254 Amoxycillin and Pottasium clavulanate 255 Amoxycillin Pottasium clavulatate salt 256 Ampicilin 257 Ampicilin Sosium 258 Ampicillin sodium 259 Ampicillin sodium salt 260 Amply Tech Gold 261 AMPure XP magnetic beads 262 Amyl alchohal 263 AN (ammonium nitrate) 264 Aniline blue water soluble 265 Antaractic phosphatase 266 Anthrone 267 Anti actin antibodies 268 Anti GFP antibody 269 Anti -ABI5 antibody 100µL 270 Anti -Actin (plant) antibody, Mouse monoclonal 271 Anti -AtAGB1 antibody [AGB1 -47] 272 Anti -AtMPK3 antibody 273 Anti -Digoxigenin -AP Fab fragments 274 Anti -Digoxigenin -POD Fab fragments 275 Anti -FLAG antibody 276 Anti -GFP 277 Anti -GFP agarose beads 278 Anti -GFP antibody 279 Anti -GFP antibody - ChIP Grade 50ul 16 280 Anti-GFP antibody, Rabbit IgG fraction 281 Anti-GFP antibody, Rabbit polyclonal to GFP 282 ANTI-GREEN FLUORESCENT PR, 100 UL 283 Anti-Green Fluorescent probe Protein Rabbit IgG fraction 284 Anti-GST antibody 285 Anti-His antibody 286 Anti-hyl1 antibody 287 Antimicrobial Supplement Plant Tissue Culture Tested 288 Anti-mouse Ab 289 Anti-Mouse IgG (whole molecule)–Peroxidase antibody, in rabbit 290 Anti-mouse IgG HRP-linked Antibody 291 Anti-mouse Secondary IgG 292 Antiobiotics 293 Anti-phosphotyrosine, clone 4G10, 100ug 294 Anti-rabbit Ab 295 Anti-rabbit IgG HRPO 296 Anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody 297 Anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody , 100 ul 298 Anti-β-Glucuronidase (N-Terminal) antibody produced in rabbit (GUS), 200 μL 299 Anty-pTEpY antibody 300 AP - NEB 301 ApaI 302 apigenin 303 Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix 304 Aprotinin 305 APS 306 Apyrase from potato 307 Asc I 308 Ascorbic acid 309 Ascorbic oxidase 310 AseI 311 Assy, Line Filter 312 At GPA1 antibody 313 A-tert-Butyl-B-(4-chlorobenzyl)-1H-1 314 ATG8A-I | Autophagy-related protein 8A-I isoforms 315 ATP 316 ATP magnesium salt 17 317 AtPEP1 318 A -TRIMETHYL -HIST H3 (LYS4) 319 Augmentine 2 mg 320 Auotclave bag 321 Aureobasidin 322 Aureobasidin A 323 Aureobasidin A, 1mg 324 Aureobasitin A (Pls ask Dr roshan before use) 325 Autoclave polybag 12X18" 326 Autoclave polybag 18X24" 327 Autoclave Tape 328 Auto -ubiquitination kit (Enzo lifescience) 329 AvrII 330 Azacytidine 331 AZD -8055 332 AZELAIC ACID 333 azide 334 B - Mercaptoethanol 335 Bacto Peptone 336 Bacto Yeast Extract 337 Bam H1 338 BamHI -HF 339 BAP 340 BAP solution 341 Barium Acetate 342 BASTA 343 BbsI 344 b -carotene 345 BCIP 346 BCIP -NBT 347 BD DNA QC Particles 348 Beaker 349 Beaker, PP, 1000 ML, 4/pack 350 Beaker, PP, 10000 ML 351 Beaker, PP, 2000 ML, 4/pack 352 Beaker, PP, 500 ML, 6/pack 353 Beakers without Handle, TPX, 12/pk 354 Beetle Luciferin, Potassium Salt, 50 mg 355 Benzene -1,2 -dithiol 356 Benzenemethanol 357 Benzyl isothiocyanate 358 B -ESTRADIOL359 Beta - merceptoethano; 360 beta-carotene 361 BETA-MYRCENE,1X1ML,2000UG/ML,HEXANE 362 BgL 363 Biochanin A 364 Biorad protein Assay Dye reagent concentrate 365 BIORAD PROTEIN LADDER 366 Biorose Agarose, 500gm 367 Biotin 368 biotin-14-dNTP 369 Bipyridyl 370 Bis Acrylamide 371 BISACRYLAMIDE 372 Bis-acrylamide 373 Bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate sodium salt 374 Blotting Paper 375 BLOTTING PAPER 376 Blotting paper 377 Blotting Paper Rim #15 378 Blue Cooling unit 379 Blue Eye Protein Ladder 500ul 380 BlueRAY Prestained Protein Ladder 381 Blunt end DNA cloning kit 382 BME 383 B-Mercapthonol 384 BODIPY 493/503 (Bikash) 385 Boric acid 386 Bottles (1000ml, 500ml and 250ml) 387 Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) 388 bovine serum albumin(bsa)-25gm 389 Bovine serum albumin-TC340-10GM 390 BpiI 391 Bradford 392 Bradford reagent 393 bradford reagent-500ml 394 Brassinazole 395 BRASSININ 396 Brassinolide 397 Brilliant blue 398 Bromo cresol purple indicator 399 Bromophenol blue 19 400 Bromophenol blue-5gm 401 BS3 BIS SULFO SUCCINIMIDYL SUBSTRATE 402 BSA 403 BSA Powder 404 BSA Standard 405 BSA1 406 BsaI restriction enzyme 407 BsaI-HF v2 - 1000 Units 408 B-sitosterol 409 BspEI 410 BspH I 411 Bst B-I 412 Bst I 413 BstB1 414 BstBI-2500U 415 BstEII 416 BSTFA 417 Buffer 418 Buffer 4 419 Buffer capsule pH 4.0 420 Buffer capsule pH 7.0 421 Buffer capsule pH 9.2+-0.05 422 Buffer capsules 423 BUFFER DAM,MINI CELL 424 Buffer solution pH 4.00, 500ml 425 Buffer solution pH 7 426 Buffer solution pH 7.00, 500ml 427 Bug buster protein extraction reagent 428 Butan-1-ol 429 Butanol 430 Butyl isothiocyanate 431 Butylated Hydroxy toluene 432 Butylisothiocyanate 433 c DNA synthesis kit 434 C646 Inhibitor, 10mg 435 C8-C40 ALKANES CALIBRATION STD,1X1ML,& 436 CaCl2.2H2O 437 Cadmium Chloride 438 Cadmium chloride monohydrate 439 Caesium Enzyme 440 Caffeic acid441 Calcium Chloride (Dihydrate) 442 Calcium Chloride anhydrous 443 Calcium chloride DIHYDRATE extrapure 444 Calcium nitrate 445 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate (Calcium nitrate 4H2O-1KG) 446 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate A.R 447 Calcium nitrate-PCT0005 448 Calcium Nitrate-Q22285-500gm 449 Calcium pantothenate 450 Calcium sulphate dihydrat 451 Calcoflour White Strain 452 camalexin 453 CANTHARIDIN 454 Carbenicillin (disodium Salt) 455 Carbenicillin disodium salt-PCT1102-5GM 456 Carbon tetrachloride 457 CARBOXY-PTIO POTASSIUM SALT 458 Card Board Cryo Box for 1ML/2ML Vials, 8/Pack (Cryo Box) 459 Cardiolipin Beads 460 Carmine 461 Cas9 Antibody mouse monoclonal IgG 462 Cas9 Nuclease Buffer 463 Casein Acid hydrolysate 464 Casein enzyme hydrolysate type-1 465 Casein Enzyme Hydrolysate, Type-I( Tryptone Type-I) 466 Casein hydrolysate 467 Catalase 468 CBB – G250 469 CBB – R250 470 cDNA synthesis kit 471 cDNA-RT PCR kit (200 rn) 472 Cefotaxime sodium 473 Cefotaxime sodium salt-5gm 474 Cellulase 475 Cellulase onozuka R10 476 Cellulase Onozuka R-10 477 CENTRIFUGE TUBE 478 Centrifuge Tube (Conical Tube), 50ml, 300/pk 479 Centrifuge tube, Conical bottom Tube, 50ml 480 Centyltrimethyl Ammonium bromide 21 481 Cephatanium Na Salt 482 Cephataxamine Na injection 483 Cephotaxamine sodium salt 484 CETYLTRIMETHYL Ammonium bromide 485 CFP 486 CHAPS 487 CHAPS hydrate 488 Charcoal Powder, 1kg 489 Charcol activate -250 490 Chese Cloth/Meera Cloth 491 Chitin from shrimp shells 492 Chloramphenicol 493 Chlorazole black E 494 chlorofom 500ml 495 Chloroform 496 Chlorogenic acid hydrate 497 Cholesterol 498 cholorophenicol 499 chorismic acid free from enterbacteria 500 Chromatin (CHIP) Assay Kit/Beads 501 ChromoTek GFP-Trap® Magnetic Agarose (10 reactions) 502 CIP 503 Cisplatin 504 Citric acid 505 Cla I 506 Clarity western ECL substrate peroxide solution 507 Clarity western ECL for Lumino/Enhancer soln 508 Clarity Western ECL Substrate 509 Clarity western ECL substrate, 500ml 510 Clarity Western ECLSubs 511 Cleaver 512 CleriGar T (2) 513 CLICK EDU ALEXA 647 IMAGING 1 KIT 514 ClickIT EdU Alexa Fluor 488 Imaging Kit 515 Clone jet vector 516 Clone pfu DNA polymerase 517 cloneJet pcr cloning kit 518 Clonetech 519 Cloning Enhancer 520 cobalt chloride 521 Cobalt chloride hexahydrate 22 522 Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate 523 Coelentrazine 524 Comassie Brilliant Blue R-250, 25gm 525 Commassie brilliant blue 526 Components A,D,E 527 Confidor pk/250ml 528 Congo red, Practical Grade 529 CONICAL FLASK 530 Conical Tube, 15ml 531 CONIFERYL ALCOHOL, 98% 532 Coomassie Brilliant blue R 250 533 Coper(||)Sulphate-GRM677-500gm 534 copper (II) Chloride anhydrous 535 Copper Sulphate anhydrous 536 Copper sulphate pentahydrate 537 Cotton sliconised microfiber filter 538 Coumarin 539 Cryo Box Card Board, 81 Places 540 Cryo Box, PP 541 CRYO-PROTX MD1-61 542 CRYSTAL SCREEN 182 543 CRYSTAL SCREEN -2 544 CRYSTAL SCREEN CRYO 545 C-TAB 546 Culture tubes 547 Cupric Chloride 548 Cupric sulphate 549 Cupric Sulphate 550 curcumin (Natural) 551 Custom 13 Oligos SynthesisPrimer Containing 332 bases on 25 nmole Scale 552 Cutsmart Buffer 553 cutsmart buffer 554 Cy5-azide 555 Cyanidin (Chloride) 556 Cyclohexane 557 Cycloheximine 558 CYLINDERS MEASURING 559 Cytochalasine B, 5mg 560 Cytochrome C 561 Czapek Dox Agar, Granulated 562 D-(-)-TAGATOSE 23 563 D-(+)- Galactose 564 D-(+) Glucose 565 D-(+) Raffinose Pentahydrate 566 D-(+)-GLUCOSE, POWDER, BIOREAGENT, SUIT& 567 D.P.X mountant (liquid) 568 D6-()-Jasmonic acid 569 DAB 570 Daidzein 571 DANSYLCADAVERINE SUITABLE FOR 572 DAPI 573 DAPI Stain 574 DAPI staining 575 dATP Solution 576 D-Biotin 577 DEAE – Sephacel 100ml 578 DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chloride form 579 Delphinidin (chloride) 580 Denhardt's solution (50X) (Bikash) 581 DEOXYNUCLEOTIDE SET, 100 MM, 0.25 ML 582 DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID SODIUM FROM SALMO& 583 Deoxyribonucleic acid sodium salt from salmon testes 584 DEPC 585 DEPC , Molecular grade 586 DEPC treated water 587 DEPC Water 588 DEPC-46791-100ml 589 Deuterium Lamp L-6585-80+-10v 590 DEWAR FLASKS CAPACITY 2 L 591 Dexamethasone 592 Dexamethasone, 100mg 593 Dextran 40 594 Dextran sulfate 595 Dextran sulfate sodium salt from Leuconostoc species 596 Dextran Sulphate NA salt 597 Dextrose extrapure AR, ACS 598 Dextrose glucose anhydrous-500gm 599 d-fructose-6-phosphate di-sodium salt hydrate 600 DGDG (Digalactosyldiacylglycerol-Plant) 24 601 D-GLUCONIC ACID, 49-53 WT. % SOLUTION 602 D-Glucose 603 D-Glucose ANHYDROUS 604 d-glucose-6-phosphate sodium salt 605 Di- Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate 606 Di- potassium hydrogen -TC596M-500GM 607 Di-4-ANEPPDHQ (ANEP dye) (Bikash) 608 Diaminobenzidine (DAB) 609 Diatomaceous earth 610 Dibasic Na2HPO4.2H2O 611 Dichloromethane anhydrous 612 DIETHYL ETHER GR 613 Diethyl pyrocarbonate 614 Difco Agar, Granulated 615 Difco YPD Broth 616 Digoxigenin 11 UTP (Bikash) 617 dihydromyricetin 618 Dilluent DNA Extraction ethanol-500ml 619 Dimethoxy hydroxy acetophenone 620 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) 621 dimethyl sulphoxide 622 Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) 623 Dimethyl Sulphoxide-23125-500ml 624 Dimethylformamide (Formdimethylamide) 625 Diphenyliodonium chloride 626 di-pottassium hydrogen ortho phosphate (anhydrous) 627 di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate 628 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous 629 Disodium phosphate 630 Dispo Filters 13mm, 100/Pack 631 Disposable petridish 90*20mm 632 Disposable syringe 633 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE & NEEDLE 634 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE & NEEDLE 635 DL-2 Aminocaprylic acid 636 DL-A-(DIFLUOROMETHYL) ARGININE, 10mg 637 DL-Dithiothreitol 638 DL-DTT 639 DL-DTT(clelands reagent)-5gm 640 DL-Lactic Acid 88% FOR ANALYSIS 25 641 DL-Malic Acid 642 DL-Sulforaphane 643 D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt 644 D-Maltose monohydrate-GRM3050-500GM 645 D-mannitol 646 D-MANNITOL PLANT CELL CULTURE TESTED 647 DMFO 648 DMSO- 100ml 649 DNA from Haring sperm 650 DNA isolation kit 651 DNA Ladder 652 DNA LADDER 100BP 653 DNA LADDER 1KB 654 DNA ladders 655 DNA polymerase (Advantage cDNA Polymerase Mix) 656 DNA Polymerase 250U 657 DNA Polymerase I, Large (Klenow) 658 DNA purification 659 DNA spin plasmid purification Rnase A Solution 660 DNA-NA-Salt (Salmon testes) 661 DNase I 662 DNase I (RNase-free) 663 DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (250) 664 Dneasy power plant pro kit 665 dNTP 666 dNTP 10 mM 667 DNTP Mix 10 MM Each, 1 ML 668 DNTP Mix 1ml 669 DOB Growth medium-500gm 670 DOB Medium Powder 671 DOB Medium, 454g 672 Docosane analytical Standard 673 Dowex 1X2 chloride form 674 D-panthothenic acid, Calcium Salt 675 D-pantothenic acid,calcium salt 676 DPN 1 677 DpnI, 500 Units 678 DpnII 679 DPX mountant 680 DreamTaq DNA Polymerase 681 DRISELASE FROM BASIDIOMYCETES 26 682 D-sorbitol powder extrapure (D-Glucitol) 683 d-sorbitol-6-phosphate barium salt 684 dsRNA synthesis kit 685 DTT 686 Dual luciferase kit 687 Dual luciferase reporter assay kit (promega) 688 Dual-Luciferase® Reporter Assay System 689 Dual-Luciferase® Reporter Assay System, 100 Assays 690 Ducefa Biochemie 691 DYKDDDDK (FLAG) Tag Recombinant Polyclonal Antibody (20H18L16, 20H1L23, 8H2L5, 8H8L17), IgG, Rabbit 692 Dynabeads 693 Dynabeads Protein A 694 Dynabeads protein G 695 Dynabeads Protein G for Immunoprecipitation, 5 mL 696 Dynabeads Protein G Immunoprecipitation Kit (Invitrogen) 697 Dynabeads™ MyOne™ Streptavidin C1 698 E.Coli.K12 699 Easy vector system pGEM-T 700 Ebl (epi-brassinolide) 701 Ebl (epi-brassinolide) 702 ECL Rabbit IgG, HRP-linked whole Ab (from donkey) 703 ECL Wesyern blotting substrate 704 Eco RI Fast digest 705 EcoR V (10 U/µL), 2*200ul (Cat#FD0303) 706 EcoRI 707 EcoRI-HF 708 EcoRII 709 EcoRV 710 EcoRV-HF 711 EDTA 712 EDTA – Emparta 713 EDTA AR 714 EDTA disodium salt dihydrate 715 EDTA ferric monobasic 716 EDTA Ferric monosodium salt, PCT 717 EGTA 27 718 Electrophoretic Mobility-Shift Assay (EMSA) Kit, with SYBR™ Green & SYPRO™ Ruby EMSA stains 719 ellagic acid dihydrate 720 Ellmaris reagent 721 EmeraldAmp® GT PCR Master Mix 722 Endoproteinase GluC 723 EnGen Cas9 NLS – NEB 724 Enzo Lifescience 725 Epibrassinolide 726 EPIBRASSINOLIDE, >=85% 727 EpiTect Hi-C 728 Eppendorf Stand 729 Eppendorf tubes (1.5 ml) 730 Estrase from porcin liver 731 EtBR 732 Etbr Disposable Bags 733 EtBr solution 734 Ethanol 735 Ethanol (Emsure) 736 Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol), 500ml 737 Ethanol (merk) 500 ml 738 Ethanol Molecular Biology grade 500ml 739 Ethidium bromide 740 Ethidium Bromide, 5gm 741 Ethrel (2-Chloroehtyl phosphonic acid) 742 ETHYL DECANOATE 743 Ethyl isothiocyanate 744 Ethyl maleimide 745 Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (disodium salt) 746 Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic acid 747 Ethylene glycol 748 Ethylenediamine -tetracetic acid 749 Exprep Hyvbrid -Q Plasmid (200 columns) 750 ExTaq Polymerase 751 E-Z blue Gel staining reagent 752 EZ yeast transformation kit 753 EZ YeastTM Plasmid Prep 754 EZ-Link HPDP biotin ,no weigh format 755 EZ-Tn5™ Transposon and Transposome Kits 756 EZview Anti FLAG M2 affinity Gel (Akanksha) 757 EZ-Yeast Plasmid miniprep 758 EZ-yeast transformation kit 28 759 Falcon tubes 760 Fast Digest AatII 761 Fast Digest BamHI 762 Fast Digest BcuI 763 Fast Digest BglII 764 Fast Digest DpnI 765 Fast Digest Eco32I (EcoRV) 766 Fast Digest EcoRI 767 Fast Digest HindIII 768 Fast Digest KpnI 769 Fast Digest NdeI 770 Fast Digest PacI 771 Fast Digest PstI 772 Fast Digest SacI 773 Fast Digest SalI 774 Fast Digest ScaI 775 Fast Digest SgsI 776 Fast Digest XbaI 777 Fast Digest XhoI 778 Fast Yeast transformation kit 779 FastAP thermosensitive Alkaline Phosphatase 780 fastdigest bamh1 781 fastdigest ncol 782 FastDigest SalI, 200 rxn 783 fastdigest spel(bcul) 50react 784 FastDigest® BamHI, 800 rxn 785 FastDigest® Bsp1407I, 100 rxn 786 FastDigest® EcoRV (Eco32I) 200 React 787 FastDigest® NotI, 150react 788 FastDigest® Bsp119I, 200 Rxn 789 FastDigestTM BglII 100react 790 Fasy strainer n40um 791 FDA 792 Fe -EDTA 793 Ferric Chloride 794 Ferric Chloride anhydrous 795 Ferric chloride hexahydrate 796 Ferrous Sulphate 797 Ferrozine 798 Ferrozine monosodium salt -1gm 799 Ficoll 400 800 Ficoll400, for molecular biology 29 801 Filter paper 802 Filter paper 803 Filter Sheet, 3MM CHR (46*57cm), 100/pk 804 Flasks (1000ml, 500ml and 250ml) 805 FLOAT RACK 806 Floater 807 FLUORESCEIN DIACETATE, USED AS CELL VIA 808 FM4-64 809 FOAM PADS PKG 0F 4, MINI T/B 810 FokI 811 Foline ciocalteu's Phenol Reagent (FCP reagent AR) 812 Foline ciocalteu's Phenol Reagent L-R 813 Formaldehdye 814 Formaldehyde (37%) 815 Formaldehyde (37%) 816 Formaldehyde loading Dye 817 Formaldehyde Molecular Biology 818 formaldehyde solution 819 FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION 820 Formaldehyde solution extrapure-ACS 821 Formaldehyde solution, 500ml 822 Formaldehyde Solution, AR Grade 823 Formamide 824 Formamide deionized (Akanksha) 825 formic acid 826 Formic acid 100% GR 827 Formononetin 828 Freezing Card board Cryo box, 8Pc/case 829 FspI 830 Fucose 831 GA3 832 GAL4-TA Antibody rabbit polyclonal IgG 833 GALACTOSE 834 Gallic acid (3,4,5-Trihydroxy Benzoic Acid Pract) 835 Gamborg B5 plant salt mixture 836 Gamborg's B-5 Basal Medium with minimal organics 837 GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID 838 GAMMA-TERPINENE, TERPENE STANDARD 30 839 GASKET,CASTING STAND,M-P3 840 Gateway cloning kit 841 Gateway LR clonase 842 Gateway LR Clonase II 843 Gateway LR Clonase II Enzyme Mix 844 GatewayTM LR ClonaseTM II Enzyme mix, 20 reactions 845 Gateway™ BP Clonase™ 846 Gateway™ LR Clonase™ 847 Gco RI 848 Gel and PCR clean up kit 849 Gel elution Kit 850 Gel extraction kit 851 Gel Extraction Kit with 250 Spin Columns 852 Gel Filtration Marker kit (12-200 KD) 853 Gel Scoop 854 Gelrite 855 GeneChip® 3' IVT PLUS Reagent Kit (sufficient for 10 reactions) 856 GeneChip® Hybridization Wash and Stain Kit (sufficient for 30 reactions) 857 GeneChip® WT PLUS Reagent Kit (sufficient for 10 reactions) 858 GeneChip® WT PLUS Reagent Kit (sufficient for 24 reactions) 859 GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 250 860 GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Ladder, 5 x 50 μg 861 GeneRulerTM DNA Ladder Mix, 5 X 50 μg 862 GeneRuler™ 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, ready-to -use 5x50µg 863 GeneTitan® Hybridization, Wash, and Stain Kit for WT Array Plates (sufficient for 96 reactions) 864 Genistein 865 Gentamicin sulphate-5gm 866 Gentamycin 867 gentamycin sulphate 868 Gibberellic acid 869 Glacial acetic acid 870 Glass Beads 871 Glass beads, acid washed 872 Glass Funnel, Size 3" 873 Glass Funnel, Size; 2.5874 Glass Insert for HPLC Vial with plastic spring 200ul 875 GLASS STIRRER ROD 876 Glass test tube 18X150mm 877 Gloves Large 878 Gloves Xtra Small 879 Gloves-Medium, 100Pc/Pack 880 Gloves-Small, 100Pc/Pack 881 Glucose 882 Glucose oxidase/peroxidase reagent 883 Glucotropaeolin kalium sal2 884 Glufosinate Ammonium 885 Glufosinate-ammonium (BASTA) 886 Glutamic acid 887 Glutamine 888 Glutaraldehyde 889 Glutaraldehyde solution 890 Glutathion Resin-786-280-10m 891 GLUTATHIONE 892 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSH) 893 Glutathione reduced 894 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) 895 Glutathione reductase 896 Glutathione resin 897 Glutathione sepharose 4b beads 898 Glutathione Sepharose, 10 ml 899 Glutathione Superflow 900 Gluteraldehyde 901 Gluthathione 902 Glycerol Anhydrous (Imparta) 903 Glycine 904 Glycine (aminoacetic acid) 905 GLYCINE BIOXTRA 906 Glycine, 1Kg 907 Glycine, 500G 908 GlycoBlue Co precipitant (Akanksha) 909 Glycogen 910 Glycogen from Bovine 911 Glycogen from Mussels 912 Glyoxylic acid (50% soln in water) for synthesis 913 Goat anti rabbit sac A6 914 Goat anti-Chicken IgY (H+L) Secondary Antibody, HRP Antibody, 1 mg 32 915 Goat anti-Chicken IgY (H+L) Secondary Antibody, HRP Antibody, 1 mg 916 Goat Anti-mouse IgG-HRP conjugate 917 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody, HRP, Polyclonal 918 goat anti-rabbit IgG-HRP Conjugate 919 Goat polyclonal to Myc tag - ChIP Grade, 100µl (Instead we ordered GAPDH #ab181602) 920 Golden gate assembly kit 921 Gram stain kit 922 GSH 923 G-SNAP INGEL PROTEIN VISUALLIZATION REAGENT 924 GST-Tag (91G1) Rabbit mAb 925 GT-PCR master mix 926 Guaiacol 927 Guanidine hydrochloride 928 Gum Arabic From Acacia Tree 929 H2O2 930 H4K12ac Recombinant Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody (RM202), ChIP-Verified 100ug 931 Halogen W Lamp 932 haogland-2 No.2 basal salt mixture 933 HA-Probe (F-7) mouse monoclonal IgG 934 HA-Tag (6E2) Mouse mAb, 100 µl 935 HCl 936 HCL, 500ML 937 Head cap 938 Hematoxycin 939 Hemicellulase from Aspergillus niger 940 Heparin Na Salt 941 HEPES 942 HEPES (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid ) 943 HEPES Buffer 944 HEPES Buffer 945 HEPES Sodium salt 946 HEPES, 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)Piperazine-1-Ethanesulfonic Acid 947 HEPES, BIOPERFORMANCE CERTIFIED& 948 Heptadecanoic acid 949 hesperidin 950 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (C-TAB) 33 951 Hexylene glycol 952 HIFI DNA assembly 953 Hifi PCR Premix 954 High Fidelity DNA assembly Cloning Kit 955 High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit 956 HIND 3 LAMBDA 957 HindIII 958 His/-Leu/-Met/-Trp DO Supplement, 10G 959 HiScribe T7 High Yield RNA synthesis kit 960 His-Tag (27E8) Mouse mAb 961 His-Tag Antibody (H-3) is a mouse monoclonal IgG1 962 Histidine 963 Histochoice® Clearing agent 964 histocryl acceleration 965 Histone H3 (rabbit antibody) (nuclear marker), Polyclonal, Rabbit 966 Hiyield Plasmid mini kit 967 HiYield Plus Plasmid Mini Kit 968 HiYield™ Gel/PCR DNA Mini Kit 969 HiYield™ Plasmid Mini Kit 970 Hoagland 971 Hoagland No 2 Basal Salt Mixture (w/o Nitrogen) 972 Hoagland no2 basal salt mixture 973 Honeywell, 500ml 974 Horse redish peroxidase 975 HPLC fitting S Sub 976 HPLC Glass Vial with septa & Cap-2.0ml (Pack/100Nos) Clear 977 HPLC Guard Cartridge System 978 HPLC Needle Seal 30A 979 HPLC Plumger Seal 980 HPLC SUS pipe 981 HPLC SUS pipe HV 982 HPLC Tube 2ml 983 HPLC water 984 HSP21 | chloroplastic heat shock protein 985 HT96-MORPHOUS 986 Huchion Basic 987 HY5 | Protein long hypocotyl 5 988 Hybrid R six strips 989 Hydrochloric acid 34 990 Hydrochloric acid HCl 991 Hydrogen peroxide Plant culture tested 992 Hydrogen peroxide solution 993 Hydrogen peroxide-PCT1511-100ML 994 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride 995 Hygromycin 996 Hygromycin B 997 Hygromycin B Solution w/ 50 mg/ml Hygromycin B in sterile tissue culture grade water 998 hygromycin sulphate 999 Hygromycin-B 1000 Hygromycine-B - 20ml 1001 IAA 1002 IAA-Na salt 1003 Idoacetamide 1004 Imidazole 1005 Imidazole extrapure AR 1006 Imidazole GR (PRO ANALYSIS) 1007 Immobilon Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate 1008 Immunoplate 1009 In door 1010 INDEX 1-48 1011 INDEX 49-96 1012 Indole 3-butyric acid 1013 Indole Acetic Acid 1014 Indole-3-acetic-2,2-d2 Acid 1015 Indole-3-butyric acid 1016 Indole-3-carbinol 1017 Infusion HD Cloning kit 1018 In-fusion HD Cloning Kit 1019 In-Fusion® HD Cloning Kit 1020 Iodine 1021 Iodoacetamide 1022 Iodoacetamide-2 1023 IP Kit – (Invitrogen) 1024 IPG Buffer 1025 i-Proof high fidelity DNA polymerase 1026 IPTG 1027 IPTG 1gm 1028 IPTG -MB072 10GM 1029 IPTG,Dioxane-free high purity 1030 IPTG-25GM 35 1031 Iron Sulphate heptahydrate 1032 iscript cDNA synthesis kit 1033 Isoamyl alcohol 1034 isoliquiritigenin 1035 Iso-Osmotic Buffer 1036 Isopropanol 1037 Isopropanol( 2-Propanol) AR 1038 Isopropyl isothiocyanate 1039 Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside 1040 Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) 1041 Isopropyl-β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside 1042 ISOQUANT isoAsp detection kit (Promega) 1043 iTaq Universal SYBR Green Supermix 1044 iTaqTM Universal SYBR® Green Mix 1045 iTaqTM Universal SYBR® Green Supermix 1046 iTech – DNA polymerase 1047 IV- Augmentin 1048 jasmonic acid 1049 JCSG 1050 JIM5 Antibody (Monoclonal, pectic polysachharide, Anti rat, IgG) (oindrila) 1051 Kaempferol 1052 kaempferol hydrate 1053 Kanamycin 1054 Kanamycin acid sulphate 1055 Kanamycin antibiotic 1056 Kanamycin monosulfate 1057 kanamycin sulphate 1058 Kananmycin Acid Sulphate 1059 KAPA SYBR FAST Universal 1060 KCl 1061 kimtech (Gloves) (M) 1062 kimtech (Gloves) (S) 1063 Kinetin 1064 Kinetin Solution 1065 Kinetin-PCT0806-5GM 1066 KIT- HIGH CAPACITY cDNA RT (1000 RXNS) 1067 Klenow Fragment 1068 Klenow polymerase 1069 KOD hotstart pol 1070 KOD Plus Neo 401 36 1071 Kpn I HF 1072 KpnI 1073 KpnI-HF® 1074 L- arginine 1075 L shaped spreaders 1076 L-(+) Arabinose 1077 L(+) Rhamnose, monohydrate 1078 L-(+)-ARABINOSE BIOULTRA, >= 99.5% 1079 L.A 500GM 1080 L.B 500GM 1081 L.B Broth 1082 L.B.Broth, 500GM 1083 Lab Bottle Capacity; 100ml 1084 Labeled Phytohormone Standards 1085 Lactophenol 1086 L-ALANINE >= 98% (TLC) 1087 Lamelli Buffer 1088 lanthanum chloride, anhydrous 1089 L-Arginine 1090 L-ascorbic acid 1091 L-ASCORBIC ACID, REAGENT GRADE& 1092 L-Ascorbic acid-PCT0207-100GM 1093 L-ASPARAGINE, >=98% (HPLC) 1094 L-ASPARTIC ACID, REAGENT GRADE, >=98%& 1095 Lauria Bertani Broth 1096 Lauryl sarcosine Na salt 1097 Lauryl sulphate sodium salt 1098 LB Agar 1099 LB Brotg Tris element 1100 LB Broth 1101 LB Broth 500gm 1102 LDH cytotoxicity kit 1103 LE Agarose 1104 Lead Acetate Trihydrate 1105 Lead chloride anhydrous for synthesis 1106 Lead Nitrate 1107 LEISHMAN HPLC (Methanol), 2.5L 1108 LEO Master mix (Vinod) 1109 Leptomycin B,50 µg 1110 Lethal Super 1111 Leucine 37 1112 LG Klenow fragment 1113 L-Glutamic Acid 1114 L-Glutamic acid monosodium salt monohydrate 1115 L-GLUTAMIC ACID, REAGENTPLUS(TM), >=99% 1116 L-Glutamine 1117 L-Glutathion oxidized-RM550-500MG 1118 L-Glutathione Oxidase 1119 L-Glutathione reduced 1120 L-GLUTATHIONE REDUCED 1121 L-Glutathione reduced 1122 LINALOOL OXIDE, MIXTURE OF ISOMERS, 1123 Liquid nitrogen Can 1124 Liquor ammonia 1125 Lithium acetate dihydrate 1126 Lithium chloride 1127 Lithium Chloride- 500GM 1128 Lithium Chloride Anhydrous 1129 Lithium CHLORIDE BIOXTRA 1130 Lithium Chloride-GRM807 500GM 1131 lithium sulphate 1132 L-Kynurenine 1133 L-Leucine 1134 LM20 Antibody (Monoclonal, Methyl esterified pectin, Anti rat, IgM) (Oindrila) 1135 L-methionine 1136 L-METHIONINE, REAGENT GRADE, >=98% 1137 L-Methionine-PC0315-25GM 1138 LongLife™ Zymolyase 1139 Low EEO agarose 1140 L-proline 1141 LR Clonase II Enzyme Mix 1142 LR ClonaseTM II Enzyme mix 1143 LR Colonase 1144 LR White 1145 LR white catalyst 1146 LR white resin 1147 luciferin 1148 Luminol 1149 Luria bertani Agar 1150 luria bertani broth 38 1151 Luria Bertani Broth, Miller 1152 Lutein 1153 Lycopene 1154 Lysine 1155 Lysing Enzymes from Trichoderma harzianum 1156 LysoSensor Green DND189 1157 Lysozyme 1158 M S Medium 1159 M S Medium (Customize), for 1ltr/Pack 1160 M S Medium with B5 vitamins, 5ltr/Pack 1161 M.S Medium PT021 1162 M.S.Medium, 25liter 1163 M0222.0050(murashing and skoog 1164 Macerozyme 1165 Macerozyme -1g 1166 Mag.sulphate -13005 -500gm 1167 Maganese (II) chloride tetrahydrate purified 1168 Maganese (II) Sulfate monohydrate GR 1169 Magenta - ß - D -GlcA.CHX 1170 magnesium acetate tetrahydrate 1171 Magnesium chloride 1172 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE ANHYDROUS 1173 Magnesium chloride Extrapure AR 1174 magnesium formate dihydrate 1175 Magnesium nitrate heptahydrate 1176 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate 1177 Magnesium sulphate 1178 Magnesium Sulphate heptahydrate 1179 Magnetic Beads 1180 Magnetic beads (10*50mm) 1181 Magnetic beads (10*60mm) 1182 Magnetic beads (10*75mm) 1183 Malachite Green 1184 Maltose 1185 Maltose - 500g 1186 Malvidin (chloride) 1187 Manganese (II) chloride tetrahydrate 1188 Manganese Chloride 1189 Manganese chloride terahydrate 1190 Manganese Sulphate ( MgSO4 .7H2O) 1191 Manganese sulphate Monohydrate 1192 Manganese(||)sulphate -GRM1381 -500GM 39 1193 Manganous Chloride 1194 Manganous Sulphate 1195 Mannitol 1196 match box 1197 Matchmaker Insert Check PCR Mix I 1198 Matchmaker® Gold Yeast Two-Hybrid System 1199 MatchmakerTM Insert Check PCR Mix 2 1200 Mate & Plate library system (Akanksha) 1201 MAxiamp 0.2 ml Tubes Strips with Cap (125/Pack), Dome 1202 Mct Tube 1203 MCT-060-L-C Axygen0.6ml sterile500 tubes 1204 MD1-11 1205 Measuring cylinder (1000ml, 500ml and 250 ml) 1206 Measuring cylinder Class B(4/pk), 2liters 1207 Megaclear Kit 1208 Megaprime™ DNA Labelling System, dNTP 1209 Megazyme 1210 Membrane Blocking reagent 1211 Membrane filter 1212 Membrane filter holder -47mm ,500ml ,cat #050020 (tarson) 1213 Membrane filter holder-47mm 500ml cat#050020 (tarsin) 1214 Membrane Lipid Strips 1215 Mercaloethanol 500ml 83789 1216 Mercuric chloride 1217 MES 1218 MES buffer 1219 Mes Buffer 31808 1220 MEs Hydrate 1221 MES MONOHYDRATE 1222 MES sodium salt 1223 Meta-phosphoric acid 50-60% , AR 1224 Methanol 1225 Methanol (Methanediol AR), 2.5L 1226 methanol 2.5ltr 1227 Methonal 1228 METHOXYAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE 1229 Methyl jasmonate 1230 Methyl Jasmonate, 95% 1231 Methyl salicylate 1232 Methylene bisacrylamide 40 1233 Metiyl Umbelliferrous 1234 MetSO immunoblotting kit (Cayman Chemicals, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) 1235 MfeI-HF 1236 MG1-32 1237 MgCl2 1238 MgCl2.6H2O 1239 MGDG (Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol-Plant) 1240 MICRO CENTRIFUGE TUBE 1241 MICRO CENTRIFUGE TUBE 1.5 ML (500/PACK) 1242 Micro Centrifuge Tube, 2.0 ml, 500/pk 1243 Micro Centrifuge tube, 1.5ml, 500/Pk 1244 Micro RNA marker Probe 1245 Micro slide 1246 Micro Tip 0.2-10µl. (1000/Pack) 1247 MICRO TIP BOX 0.2-10UL.(10/PACK) 1248 MICRO TIP BOX 2-200UL.(10/PACK) 1249 Micro Tip, 1ml (1000μl), Blue, 500/Pk 1250 Micro Tip, 200μl 1251 Micro tip, Non-Filtered, Clear, Nonsterile 10μl, 1000Tips/pack 1252 Micro Tips 1253 Micro Tips 200μl (0.2ml), 1000 Tips/pk 1254 MICRO TIPS 5 ML. GRAD.(100/PACK) 1255 Micro Tips, 1000μl (1ml), 500/pack 1256 Micro Tips, 10ul 1257 Micro tips, 1ml 1258 Micro tubes Clear (Centrifuge tube), 1.7ML, 500 tubes/pack 1259 Microcentrifuge Tube 1260 Micrococal Nuclease 1261 Micropase tape 1262 Micropore Tape 1" (25mm) (13642) 1263 Micropore Tape half inch 1264 Micropore Tape3 (75mm) 1265 microRNA Marker 1266 MICROSCOPIC GLASS SLIDES 1267 Microtape 1/2 inch 1268 Microtip 1269 MicroTips Box, 200-1000ul (1ml) 1270 MIDAS 1271 m-IgGκ BP-HRP, 200 μg/0.5 ml 41 1272 Milk non-fat powder 1273 Mini cooler (For PCR and centrifuge tubes) 1274 Mini Elute spin column 1275 Minimal SD Agar Base 467 g 1276 MINI-PROTEAN TET ELEC ASSY 1277 MINI-PROTEAN TETRA LID 1278 Miracloth 1PC X 1ROLL 1279 Mix & Go! E.Coli Transformation kit 1280 Mixed bed resin 1281 MluI-HF® 1282 Molecular Probe Labelling and detection 1283 Molecular Probes enzymes check phosphatase assay kit 1284 Monobasic NaH2PO4. H2O 1285 MONOCLONAL ANTI-FLAG(R) M2, ANTIBODY 1286 MONOCLONAL ANTI-HA ANTIBODY 1287 MONOCLONAL ANTI-TYROSINE TUBULIN, MOUSE 1288 MONODANSYLCADAVERINE CRYSTALLINE (Dansylcadaverine) 1289 Monopotassium phosphate 1290 Moong bean nuclease 1291 MOPS 1292 MOPS (2) 1293 morin hydrate 1294 MORTar & PESTLE 1295 Mouse anti-rabbit IgG-HRP, 200μg/0.5 ml 1296 mRNA isolation Kit 1297 MS basal medium 1298 MS Basal salt 1299 MS Basal salt mixture 1300 MS Media 1301 MS media 1302 MS medium 1303 MS medium components 1304 MS medium components 1305 MS micronutrient solution 1306 MS vitamins solution 1307 MscI 1308 MSTFA 1309 MS-Vitamin 1000x 1310 MtLBs Rabbit polyclonal Ab 42 1311 MUG 1312 MULTIPURPOSE LABELING TAPE 1313 Murashige & Skoog Medium (With Cacl2 and Vitamins, without Sucrose and agar) 1314 Murashige & Skoog Medium w/ CaCl2 and Vitamins; w/o Sucrose and Agar 1315 Murashige and skoog (finer and nagasawa modification w/o Macronutrient, micronutrient and vitmains 1316 Murashige And Skoog Basal Medium for plant cell culture 1317 MURASHIGE AND SKOOG BASAL MEDIUM PLANT 1318 MURASHIGE AND SKOOG BASAL SALT (MS) 1319 Murashige and Skoog Medium 1320 Murashige And Skoog Vitamin Solution (MS) 1321 Murashing and skoog medium-10*1lit 1322 Murashing and skoog medium-25l 1323 Myc antibody 1324 Myc-Tag (71D10) Rabbit mAb 1325 Myc-Tag (9B11) Mouse mAb 1326 MYO-INOSITOL 1327 myricetin 1328 -n -butyl alchohal 1329 N,N'- Dimehylformamide 1330 N,N' Methylenebisacrylamide 1331 N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine 1332 N-3-TRIETHYLAMMONIUMPROP 1 MG (FM™ 4-64 Dye) 1333 N6D medium;C0204.0050 1334 Na acetate 1335 Na2Co3 1336 NAA 1337 NAA Solution 1338 N-Acetyl L-Methionine 1339 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 1340 NaCl 1341 NADH disodium 1342 NADP 1343 NADPH-2 1344 NaOH 1345 Naphthylphelamic acid 43 1346 NAPTALAM 1347 naringenin 1348 Native mark unstained protein standard 1349 Native sample buffer 1350 NATRIX HR2-131 1351 NB media 1352 NBR1 | Autophagy substrate NBR1 (affinity purified) 1353 NBT/BCIP Stock Solution 1354 NBT-MB107-100MG 1355 N-BUTYL ALCOHOL 1356 Nco I HF 1357 NCO1 1358 NcoI HF 1359 N-D6-()-Jasmonyl-(L)-isoleucine 1360 Nde I 1361 NdeI 1362 NEB 1363 NEB Buffers 1364 NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (Index Primers Set 1) - 24 rxns 1365 NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (Index Primers Set 4) - 24 rxns 1366 NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module - 24 rxns 1367 NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep with Sample Purification Beads - 24 rxns 1368 neomycin 1369 N-Ethylmaleimide 1370 Neutral Red 1371 NheI 1372 NheI-HF 1373 Ni - NTA Agarose 1374 Nickel (II) chloride hexahydrate 1375 Nickel (ii) sulphate heptahudrate 1376 Nickel Chloride 1377 Nickel NTA resis 1378 Nickel(II) sulfate Hexahydrate 1379 Nicotinic acid 1380 Ninhrdrin 1381 Ni-NTA Agarose 1382 Ni-NTA Agarose (25 ml) 1383 NiNTA Agarose 100 ml 44 1384 NI-NTA Reagent 1385 Nitic Acid 1386 Nitrile Gloves 1387 NITRILE GLOVES 1388 Nitrile Gloves Size : Medium 1389 Nitrile Gloves small, medium, Large 1390 Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride 1391 Nitro cellulose membranes 1392 Nitro cellulose membranes 1393 Nitroblue tetrazolium chloride (NBT) 1394 Nitroblue tetrazolium chloride (NBT) 1395 Nitrocellulose Blotting Membrane/PT 0.2UM 300MMx4M 1/PK 1396 Nitrogen supplement-1kg 1397 Nitrotetrazolium blue chloride 1398 N-Lanonylsarcosine sodium salt 1399 N-Lauroylsarcosine sodium salt 1400 N-lauryl sarcosine 1401 N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide 1402 N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide 1403 N-METHYL-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide 1404 N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (For GC-MS use) 1405 nobiletin 1406 Non Fat powdered MILK 1407 non liquid 1408 Non-fat powder milk 1409 Not I HF 1410 NOT1 1411 NotI 1412 NotI-HF 1413 Novel Juice supplied with 6x dye 1414 NPIC 1415 Nra I 1416 NruI 1417 NruI-HF 1418 NSC Drumstick/PKM-1, 10gm (Moringa) 1419 NUCLEASE MICROCOCCAL FROM STAPHYLOCOCCUS 1420 NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up 1421 NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up (50) 1422 NucleoSpin Plant II (50) 1423 Nucleospin Plasmid 45 1424 NucleoSpin Plasmid(250) 1425 Nucleospin RNA 1426 NYLON MESH/CLOTH 1427 nystatin 1428 Nystatin NS (100 unit) 1429 nystatin-disc 1430 N-Z-Amine 1431 O Range 10bp DNA Ladder, ready to use 50ug 1432 O S Medium, 20x5lit 1433 O’GeneRulerTM 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder ready-to-use, 5x50μg 1434 OctA-Probe Antibody (H-5) mouse monoclonal IgG 1435 Oligo standard DNA (0.025 micromoles) desalted, in Kb 1436 Oligos 1437 ON-COLUMN DNASE I DIGESTION SET 1438 On-Column Dnase I Digestion set 1439 One PCR 1440 One PCR, 100 Rxns 1441 OnePCR™ | GeneDireX 1442 OneTaq Polymerse 1443 OneTaq Polymerse 1444 O-NITROPHENYL B-D-GALACTOPYRANOSIDE 1445 o-Nitrophenyl b-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) 1446 Ortho phosphoric acid 1447 Osmium tetroxide 1448 Oxalic Acid dihydrate Hi-AR/ACS 1449 P1 Buffer 1450 PABA-PCT0211 1451 Pac I – 1452 PACT PREMIER 1453 PageRuler™ Prestained Protein Ladder 1454 Paper Tag 1455 PaqCI - 200 Units 1456 Parafilm 1457 Parafilm 4"X125'-PM-996 1458 PARAFILM ROLL 1459 Parafilm roll 4X125" 1460 ParaFilm Roll Size; 4" x 125 1461 paraformaldehyde 1462 Paraplast 46 1463 Paraplast X-Tra 1464 Paraplast X-tra 1465 Paraplast X-tra for tissue embedding 1466 Paraplast X-TRA® 1467 Paraquat dichloride 1468 PASTURE PIPETTE 1469 Pat.chloride 500gm 1470 PatI-HF 1471 PBS 1472 PCR Gel Rack / 96 1473 PCR mix 1474 PCR Rack with Cover, 6pc./Pk 1475 PCR readymix 1476 PCR TUBE 1477 PCR tube 0.2 ml 1478 PCR tube rack without cover; 6/pk 1479 PCR-96-FS-C-S#Axygen96 well pre-sterillzed 1480 pCRTM8/GW/TOPO® TA Cloning Kit with One Shot® TOP10 E. coli 1481 pCR™8/GW/TOPO TA Cloning Kit with One Shot TOP10 E. coli, 20 reactions 1482 PCT HR2-142 1483 P-CYMENE, STANDARD FOR GC 1484 PD98059 1485 Pectin 1486 Pectin (Poly-D-galacturonic acid methyl easter) 1487 Pectinase 1488 PEG 1489 peg 4000 1490 PEG 8000 1491 PEG LON2 SCREEN 1492 PEG-6000 1493 PEGRX-1 1494 PEGRX-2 1495 Pelargonidin (chloride) 1496 pENTER dTOPO kit 1497 pENTER/D-TOPO Cloning Kit 1498 PENTR/D-TOPO CLONING KIT, W/O COMP 1499 pENTR-d-TOPO 1500 pENTRTM/D-TOPO® Cloning Kit, with One Shot® TOP10 Chemically 1501 pENTRTM/D-TOPOTM Cloning kit 47 1502 pENTR™/TEV/D-TOPO™ 1503 Peonidin (chloride) 1504 PEPSTATIN A 1505 Peptide AMARA peptide 1.0mg 1506 Peptone 1507 PEPTRON (Perkin elmer) 1508 Percoll 1509 Permount Mounting Medium 1510 Peroxidase from Horseradish 1511 Pertidish 90mm 1512 PESTLE MORTARS 1513 PETRI DISH STERILE 1514 Petri Dish, Sterile, 90mm 1515 Petri Plate 110mmx40mm, 250/box 1516 Petridish 120mm 1517 Petridish Disposable; Size 60mm, 360/case 1518 Petridish plates 90 mm 1519 Petridish sq shape 120x120x17 1520 Petridish Square Shape - 120x 1521 Petridish Square Shape - 120x120x17mm, Sterile by Gamma Radiation, "PSC" P2050, 200/Case 1522 Petridish Square shape- 240x240x30mm Ht, In pair 1523 Petrolium Spirit 40-60C 1524 Petunidin (chloride) 1525 PFGC procas 9 PUC119-gRNA (CRISPER Vector) 1526 pGEM®-T Easy Vector Systems 1527 pGEM-T-Easy Vector System I 1528 pH 10.01 1529 pH 4.01 1530 Phenethyl isothiocyanate 1531 Phenol 1532 Phenol - Triss, 100GM 1533 Phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohal-500ml 1534 Phenol Chloroform Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) 1535 Phenol Chlroform Alcohal 1536 Phenol Mol Bio 1537 Phenol saturated10mm tris 1mm-100ml 1538 Phenol Soln Saturated with Tris pH 8 1539 Phenol solution 1540 Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1 v/v 1541 PHENOL:CHLOROFORM:ISOAMYL ALCOHOL 1542 Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl alcohol mixture 1543 Phenyl Boric Acid (PBA) 1544 Phenylmethane sulphonyl fluride 1545 Phenylmethanesulfonyl floride solution 1546 Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride 1547 PHENYLMETHYLSULFONYL FLUORIDE 1548 Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) 1549 Pheromone/ insect traps 1550 Phloroglucinol 1551 PHOSPHATASE INHIBITOR COCKTAIL 3 1552 Phosphate Assay Kit 1553 Phosphate Buffer 1554 Phosphinothrincin 1555 Phospho P-44/42 MAPK antibody 1556 Phospho-AMPKα (Thr172) Antibody 1557 PHOSPHO-P70 S6 KINASE (THR389), EA 1558 Phospho-p70 S6 Kinase p Thr389, 100 ul 1559 Phospho-Rb (Ser807/811) Antibody 1560 Phospho-Rb (Ser807/811) Antibody 1561 Phosphoric acid 1562 Phusion 1563 Phusion DNA polymerase 1564 PHUSION H.F. DNA Polymersae 1565 Phusion HF polymerase 1566 Phusion High Fidelity DNA polymerase 1567 Phusion High Fidelity DNA Polymerase 1568 PHUSION HIGH-FIDELITY DNA POLY 1569 PHUSION HIGH-FIDELITY DNA POLY, MERASE- 100 U 1570 Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase - 100 units 1571 Phusion Plus DNA Polymerase 1572 Phusion Pol 1573 Phusion Polymerase 1574 Phusion thermo 1575 Phusion™ High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/µL) 1576 Phyta gel 2inch-10no 1577 Phytagel 1578 Phytic Acid sodium salt hydrate 1579 Phytodeteck ABA Elisa for Absicisic Acid 49 1580 PI (4,5)P2 Grip (PLC-delta1-PH) 1581 PI4P( L-α PtIns 4 phosphate) 1582 Picloram 1583 Pierce Hydroxylamine-HCl 1584 Pierce™ Biotin 3' End DNA Labeling Kit 1585 Pierce™ High Sensitivity Streptavidin-HRP 1586 PIF4 | Phytochrome interacting factor 4 1587 PIF5 | Phytochrome interacting factor 5 1588 PIP2( L-α PtIns 4,5 bisphosphate) 1589 piperazine-1,4-BIS (2-ethanesulphonic acid)extrapure for biochemistry 1590 PIPES 1591 PIPES BIOXTRA, FOR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 1592 Pipes piperazine- N,N'- Bis 1593 Plant Agar 1594 Plant chip kit 1595 Plant DNA Extraction reagent 1596 Plant Growth Harmone 1597 Plant preseravative mixture 1598 Plant protease inhibitor complex 1599 Plant RNA extraction kit 1600 Plant tissue culture preservative 1601 Plasmid DNA isolation kit 1602 Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit /250 Reactions 1603 Plasmid extraction kit 1604 Plasmid Extraction Kit 1605 PLASTIC FUNNEL 1606 Plate 96 well F bottom 1607 Plate Sealer 1608 PmeI 1609 PMFS (Phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride) 1610 Pml I 1611 PmlI 1612 PMSF 1613 PMSF (protease inhibitor) 1614 PMSF 5GM 1615 p-Nitrophenol 1616 p-nitrophenol (High purety) Extrapure AR 1617 p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate 1PC X 10ML 1618 p-nitrophenyl α-d galacto pyranoside 1619 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt 1620 PNK Buffer 50 1621 Poly (deoxyinosinic-deoxycytidilic) acid sodium salt (Deevita) 1622 Poly ethylene Glycol 6000 1623 Poly(ethylene glycol) 1624 PolyA tract mRNA Isolation System IV 1625 Polyethelene Glycole 1500 (PPM1500) 1626 Polyethylene glycol 6000 1627 Polyethylene glycol 8000 1628 Polyethylene glycol mw8000-500gm 1629 polyetylene glylol(500gm) 1630 Polymixin B solution 1631 polypeptone 1632 Polypropylene Wash Bottle with Screw Cap 1633 Polysorbate 20 (for tissue culuture) 1634 POLYSORBATE 20(TWEEN 20) 1635 polyvinylpyrrolidone 1636 Ponceau s stain 1637 Ponceu S 1638 PORAPAK Q 80/100 75CC 1639 Pot. chloride-500gm 1640 Pot. Dihydrogen ortho.GRM249-500GM 1641 Potasium Iodide 1642 Potasium Nitrate 1643 Potassim nitrate 1644 Potassium acetate 1645 Potassium acetate-500gm 1646 Potassium Chloride 1647 Potassium dichromate 1648 Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate 1649 Potassium dihydrogen-TC011M-500GM 1650 Potassium ferricyanide 1651 Potassium ferricyanide(III) 1652 Potassium ferricynide trihydrate-500gm 1653 Potassium ferricynide-500gm 1654 Potassium hexa cyanoferrate (EMSURE, ACS) 1655 Potassium hexa cyanoferrate Trihydrate (EMSURE, ACS) 1656 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate 1657 Potassium hydrogen phithalate 1658 Potassium hydroxide 1659 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets Extra Pure 1660 Potassium Iodide 1661 potassium iodide-PCT0116-250GM 51 1662 Potassium Nitrate 1663 Potassium Permagnate, 500G 1664 Potassium Phosphate monobasic 1665 potassium phosphate monobasic anhydrous 1666 Potassium sulphate 1667 Potato dexrose Agar granulated 1668 Pots 1669 Pottasium Chloride Excelar 1670 pottasium dihydrogen orthophosphate 1671 Pottasium hydroxide pellets 1672 Pottasium Permagnate 1673 Pottasium permagnet extrapure AR 1674 Pottassium Acetate 1675 Pottassium Chloride 1676 Pottassium dichromate 1677 Pottassium ferricyanide 1678 Pottassium hydroxide (KOH) 1679 Pottassium Iodide 1680 Pottassium Nitrate 1681 Pottassium oxalate monohydrate Hi -AR/ACS 1682 Pottassium permagnate 1683 Pottassium phosphate dibasic trihydrate 1684 Pottassium Phosphate monobasic 1685 pottassium sulphate 1686 Pottassium sulphate -500gm 1687 PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix 5ml 1688 PowerUp ™ SYBR ™ Green Master Mix, 5 mL 1689 PPM 1690 Pradhan soilrite fertilizer 1691 Praplast X -tra 1692 PREC PLUS DUAL COLOR, 5PK 1693 Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards 1694 PRECISION PLUS STD DUAL COLOR 1695 Preservative for plant tissue culture media 1696 Primary antibodies 1697 Prime Random 1698 primersSTAR®GXL DNA polymerase 1699 PrimeScript 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 1700 PrimeScript 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 1701 Primescript Ist strand cDNA Synthesi kit 1702 PrimeScriptTM 1st strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 1703 PRIMESTAR GXL POLYMERASE 52 1704 Primestar GXL Polymerase 1705 PrimeSTAR Max DNA pol (Deevita) 1706 PrimeSTAR® GXL DNA Polymerase 1707 Proline 1708 Propan-2-ol (isopropyl alchol) 1709 Propane-2-ol 1710 Propanol 1711 PROPEN-2-OL 1712 Propidium iodide 1713 PROPIDIUM IODIDE, >= 94.0% (HPLC 1714 PROPLEX 1715 Pro-Q™ Diamond Phosphoprotein Gel Stain 1716 Pro-Q™ Diamond Phosphoprotein Gel Stain 1 L 1717 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail 1718 PROTEASE INHIBITOR COCKTAIL 1719 Protease Inhibitor cocktail - Bacteria 1720 Protease Inhibitor cocktail – Plant 1721 PROTEASE INHIBITOR COCKTAIL FOR USE 1722 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail for use with fungal and yeast extract 1723 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail powder for use with bacterial cell extracts, lyophilized powder 1724 Protease inhibitor cocktail tablet 1725 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, for plant cell and tissue extracts 1726 Protein A Agarose/Salmon Sperm DNA 1727 Protein A/G Ultralink Resin 1728 Protein A/G UltraLink Resin, 10ml 1729 Protein A/G,15ml 1730 Protein A-Sepharose 1731 Protein Assay 6B 1732 PROTEIN ASSAY DYE RGNT, 450ML 1733 Protein ladder 1734 Proteinase inhibitor cocktail 1735 Proteinase K 1736 Proteinase K From Tritrachium Album, 25MG 1737 Proteinase K From Tritrachium Album,100MG 1738 Proteose peptone 1739 Protinase K 1740 p-Ser/Phosphoserine Antibody 1741 PspXI-200 Units 1742 Pst1 53 1743 PstI HF 1744 PT 0.2UM 300MMx4M (Western blotting membranes, nitrocellulose) 1745 p-Thr/Phosphothreonine Antibody 1746 PTIO 1PC X 25MG 1747 Puerarin 1748 Purification Kit (50) 1749 Purified Anti-PtdIns(4)P IgM, Mouse 1750 Purified Anti-PtdIns(4,5)P2 IgM, Mouse 1751 Purified XLG2 Antibody 1752 Puromycin -dihydrate chloride 1753 Putrescine 1754 Pva I 1755 PVDF Filter0.2um 1756 PVDF Membrane 1757 PVDF Syringe Filter 0.4um 1758 PVP 1759 PVP-40-50GM 1760 PvuI-hf 1761 PvuII 1762 Pyridine 1763 Pyridine 100 ml (Sigma-Aldrich) 1764 PYRIDINE, ANHYDROUS, 99.8% 1765 PYRIDIOXAL HCC RM179 1766 pyridoxal-5-phosphate 1767 Pyridoxine hydrochloride 1768 Pyrodoxine HCl 1769 Pyruvic acid 1770 Q5 DNA POL KIT 1771 Q5 DNA polymerase 1772 Q5 High fidelity DNA polymerase 1773 Q5 High GC Enhancer 1774 QC Analysis of RTRL 1775 QIAEX II Gel Extraction Kit 1776 Qiagen Dnase 1777 QIAGEN Plasmid Midi Kit (25) 1778 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit 1779 QIAprep spin miniprep kit 1780 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (250) 1781 QIAquick Gel Extraction kit 1782 Qiaquick pcr & gel cleanup kit 1783 QIAquick PCR & Gel Cleanup Kit (100) 54 1784 QIAquick PCR Purification kit 1785 Qiaquick spin miniprep 1786 Qiazol Lysis Reagent 1787 Q-proteome Cell Compartment 1788 Qproteome Cell Compartment Kit 1789 Q-proteome Nuclear 1790 Qualigens 1791 Quercetin dihydrate 1792 Quick CIP 1793 R500,Taqtm DNApolymerase,250u 1794 Rabbit anti-Goat IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody, HRP 1.5 mg 1795 Rabbit anti-Goat IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody, HRP, 1.5 ml 1796 Rabbit polyclonal to GFP - ChIP Grade, 50 µl 1797 Rabbit Polyclonal to GFP-ChIP Grade. 50μl 1798 Rabbit polyclonal to Histone H3 (acetyl K9 + K14 + K18 + K23 + K27) - ChIP Grade, 100 µl 1799 Rabbit polyclonal to Histone H3 (tri methyl K36) - ChIP Grade, 100 µl 1800 Rabbit polyclonal to SCE1, 100µl 1801 Rabbit polyclonal to Sumo 1, 100µl 1802 Rack for Micro centifuge (1.5 ml); 4 pc/pk 1803 Raffinose pentahydrate 1804 Rainin 1805 Random Primer 9 1806 Rat anti-pectic polysaccharide beta-1,4-galactan LM5 1807 Rat anti-pectic polysaccharide homogalacturonan JIM5 1808 Rat anti-pectic polysaccharide homogalacturonan LM20 1809 Rb Antibody (IF8), 200 µg/ml 1810 RBC Glass plating beads 1811 RBR1 | Retinoblastoma related protein 1812 rDNase 1813 REAGENT BOTTLE WITH CAP 1814 Reagent Bottle, Vol: 1000ML (1L) 1815 Reagent Bottle, Vol: 250ML 1816 Reagent Bottle, Vol: 500ML 1817 Real Taq DNA Polymerase w/o dNTP 1818 Recombinant DNase I 1819 Recombinant RNasin Ribonuclease inhibitor 55 1820 Recombinant Trypsin 1821 Rectangular Carboy with Stopcock 10ltr. HDPE 1822 Red Taq Master mix 1823 RED WINGS SCREEN 1824 Restriction Enzyme BstBI 1825 restriction enzymes 1826 Reverse transcriptase 1827 Rhodamine 123 1828 Rhodomine B 1829 Riboflavin 1830 Ribolock RNAse Inhibitor1831 Ribolock RNase Inhibitor, 2500 Units 1832 RiboMAX™ Large Scale RNA Production Systems, T7 1833 Ribonuclease 1834 Ribonuclease – MP 1835 Ribonuclease A 1836 RIBONUCLEASE A FROM BOVINE PANCREAS 1837 Ribonucleotide solution set 1838 RIBOZOLTM RNA EXT 1839 Rifampcin 1841 Rifampicin Plant Culture Tested 1842 RLM-RACE KIT 1843 RNA isolation kit 1844 RNA Later 1845 RNA Plant Mini Kit (50) 1846 RNAase 1847 RNAiso plus 1848 RNAprotect Tissue Reagent 1849 RNAqueous Phenol free total RNA Isolation 1850 RNase 1851 Rnase A 1852 RNase H 1853 RNase I 1854 Rnase Inhibitor 1855 Rnase OUt-786-71-1 Lit. 1856 RNAse zap 1857 RNaseA-100GM 1858 RNase-Free DNase set (50) 1859 Rnase-OUT 1860 RNASEZAP 1861 Rneasy plant mini kit 56 1862 ROS/ superoxide detection kit 1863 Rose bengal 1864 Round Magnetic Strring Bar with Pivot Ring Assorted (10/Pack), (Pack includes 2 pieces each of 8×14 mm, 8×22 mm, 8×30 mm,8×40 mm and 1 piece each of 8×50 mm, 8×65 mm) 1865 RPS6A | 40S ribosomal protein S6-1 1866 RPS6A | 40S ribosomal protein S6-1 1867 RPS6A-P240 | Phosphorylated (Ser240) 40S ribosomal protein S6-1 1868 RPS6A-P240 | Phosphorylated (Ser240) 40S ribosomal protein S6-1 1869 RT 1870 RTRL sequencing (NGS-Sequencing) 1871 Rubber band2" 1872 Rubidium chloride 1873 Ruthenium Red 1874 rutin hydrate 1875 S- adenosyl methionine (SAM) {[3H] AdoMet (370 GBq/mmol; Perkin Elmer)} 1876 S.O.C. Medium 1877 S.S Rack for Square Petridish 40 Pl Made of Stainless Steel 316 Quality Wire & Sheets With Both Side Handle Praveen Make , Cat # 20492 1878 S6K1/2 | Ribosomal S6 kinase 1/2 1879 S6K1-2 | Ribosomal-protein S6 kinase homolog 1,2 - phosphorylated 1880 SacI 1881 SacI-HF – 2000 units 1882 SacII 1883 safety face sheild 1884 safety face sheild 1885 Safety Face shield Tarson |#800050 1886 Safranine 1887 Sal1 1888 Salicylhydroxamic acid 1889 SALICYLIC ACID FREE ACID PLANT CELL 1890 Salicylic Acid-d4 1891 SalI-HF 1892 SALT RX2 1893 Sand 1894 SbfI-HF - 500 Units 57 1895 ScaI-HF 1896 Scalpel/ surgical blades 1897 Scientific CryoBox 1898 Scintillation vial 8ml Plastic 1899 SCISSOR S.S. 1900 Screw Cap Centrifuge Tube Round Bottom, 30ML (12/Pack) 1901 SDS 1902 Seakem LE Agarose-500G 1903 Sealing film for microplates, Polyester, pressure sensitive, for ELISA and RealTime PCR, 100/pk 1904 Seed Stock/Clones 1905 Seed/Clones 1906 self sealing polybag 1907 Semimicrovolume Disposable Polystyrene Cuvettes, 1.5 ml cuvette, Pkg of 100 1908 Sephacel 100ml 1909 sephacryl S-300 high resolution 1910 Sephadex G-25 1911 Sephadex G-50 1912 Sepharose – Sigma 125ml 1913 Seppro Rubisco spin column 1914 SEPPRO RUBISCO SPIN COLUMNS 1915 Seq Grade Modified Trypsin, 5x 1916 Sequencing of ready to run library samples using illumina Noavseq6000 Platform Including Lib QC, Ready to run library, 4GB/Sample 1917 Serological pipets 1918 SgsI (AscI) 1919 SH vitamin 1920 shikimic acid 1921 Shim pack GIST Column (5um C18, 4.6X250mm) 1922 Shim Pack GIST Column 2um C18, 2.1X100mm 1923 Shimadzu Vials 1.5ml 1924 Shimpack GIST - (G) 5um C18, 4.0x10mm with Cartridge (2pcs) and holder) 1925 Shimpack GIST - HP(G) Guard Column 5um C18, 4.0x10mm with Cartridge (2pcs) and holder) 1926 Shimpack GIST (G) Guard Column 5um C18, 4.0x10mm with Cartridge (2pcs) and holder) 58 1927 Shimpack GIST (G) Guard Column 5um NH2, 4.0x10mm with Cartridge (2pcs) and holder) 1928 Shimpack GIST 5um C18, 4.6X150mm 1929 Shimpack GIST 5um NH2, 4.6X150mm 1930 Short Plates, 5Pc 1931 Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP) - 500 1932 Sigma spin post reaction cleanup column 1933 Sigmafast protease inhibitor tablets 1934 Silica gel 1935 Silica gel 100-200 mesh for column chromatography 1936 Silver Nitrate 1937 Silver Nitrate AR, 25GM 1938 Silwet 1939 Silwet L-77 1940 Silwet L-77, Pack Size : 30 ml 1941 Sinapic acid 1942 skim milk powder 1943 Skimmed milk 1944 Skimmed Poweder 1945 SLIDE BOX PLASTIC 1946 SM0331, Gene ruler DNA Ladder mix , 5X50 ug 1947 Sma I 1948 SMART RACE kit 1949 SMARTScribeTM ReverseTranscriptase 1950 SnaBI 1951 S-NITROSOGLUTATHIONE 1952 SnRK2,2, SnRK2,3, SnRK2,6 | Ser/Thr-protein kinase SnRK, 50 µg 1953 Soap 1954 SOD Assay Kit 1955 Sod. Hypochloride-5lit 1956 Sod.Nitroprusside-71750-500gm 1957 Sodiu Azide 1958 Sodium 3-methyl-2-oxobutyrate 1959 Sodium 4-Methyl-2-Oxovalerate 1960 Sodium Acetate 1961 Sodium acetate anhydrous 1962 Sodium Acetate Buffer 1963 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate 1964 Sodium Arsenate AR 1965 Sodium Azide 1966 Sodium bicarbonate 59 1967 SODIUM BICARBONATE BIOXTRA 1968 Sodium Bicarbonate Extra pure AR (2) 1969 Sodium bicarbonate, ACS regent 1970 Sodium bicarbonate-TC230M-500GM 1971 sodium carbonate 1972 Sodium carbonate Anhydrous 1973 Sodium chloride 1974 Sodium chloride (NaCl) 1975 SODIUM CHLORIDE BIOXTRA 1976 Sodium chloride-500gm 1977 Sodium Citrate Dihydrate 1978 SODIUM DEOXYCHOLATE 1979 Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate.A.R 1980 Sodium di-hydrogen orthophosphate-di-hydrate 1981 sodium dodecyl lauryl sulphate 1982 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate 1983 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) 1984 Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate 1985 Sodium formate 1986 Sodium hydrogen carbonate 1987 Sodium Hydroxide 1988 Sodium hydroxide pellets 1989 Sodium Hydroxide, 100gm 1990 Sodium hypochloride 1991 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, 5ltr 1992 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SDS, SLS) for molecular biology, 99% 1993 sodium malonate dibasic monohydrate 1994 Sodium Meta Silicate 1995 Sodium metaperiodate 1996 Sodium Molybdate 1997 Sodium molybdate dihy.GRM6388-500GM 1998 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate EMSURE 1999 Sodium myristate 2000 Sodium nitrate 2001 Sodium Nitrate-AR, 500g 2002 Sodium Nitrite - 500 GM 2003 Sodium Nitroprusside dihydrate, A.R. 2004 Sodium periodate 2005 Sodium phosphate dibasic 2006 Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate 2007 Sodium phosphate momobasic monohydrate 60 2008 Sodium phosphate monobasic 2009 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic anhydrous Extra pure AR 2010 Sodium phosphite dibasic pentahydrate 2011 Sodium Salicylate 2012 Sodium Sulphate 2013 Sodium sulphate anhydrous 2014 Sodium Tetra Borate Decahydrate 2015 Sodium thiosulphate 2016 Sodium thiosulphate anhydrous, Hi-AR 2017 Sodium-D-Gluconate 2018 Sodum dodecyl sulphate (SDS) 2019 soil rite mixture 2020 Soilrite 2021 Soilrite pack of 25 kg bag 2022 Sorbic Acid mould yeast 2023 Sp I 2024 SPARE STOPCOCK 2025 SPATULA S.S 2026 Spe1 2027 Spectinomycin 2028 Spectinomycin di-hydrochloride 2029 Spectinomycin dihydrochloride pentahydrate 2030 Spectinomycin dihydrochloride pentahydrate 2031 Spectrum Plant Total RNA kit 2032 SPECTRUM(TM) PLANT TOAL RNA KIT 50 PREP 2033 Spectrum™ Plant Total RNA Kit | Sigma-Aldrich 2034 SpeI 2035 SpeI-HF 2036 Spermidine 2037 SPERMIDINE 2038 SphI 2039 SphI-HF 2040 Spirit lamp 2041 Spirit lamp SS 2042 Square petriplates 2043 SrfI 2044 SS balls 2045 SS forceps 2046 SSDNA/PROTEIN A AG 1MG (Protein A Agarose/Salmon Sperm DNA) 61 2047 ß-mercaptoethenol 2048 SspI 2049 SspI-HF 2050 Staining Box plastic PP 12.5×12.5×5 2051 Stapula 2052 Starch casein Agar 2053 Stearic Acid 2054 Sterile Disposable Petri Plates 90mm x 15 mm, 600/box 2055 Sterile Disposable Petri Plates Optical, 90mm 2056 Sterile Disposable Square Petri Plates 2057 Sterile Disposable Square Petri, (120 mm x 120 mm), 100pc/box 2058 Straight Joint 2059 STREPTAVIDIN HRP CONJUGATE 1MG 2060 Streptomycin Sulfate 2061 Sub Cell GT Gel Caster 2062 Substrates (Leucine) 2063 Succinic Acid 2064 Sucrose 2065 Sucrose GR 2066 Sucrose Grade I Plant Cell Culture 2067 SUCROSE GRADE I PLANT CELL CULTURE 2068 Sucrose Grade I Plant Cell Culture 2069 sucrose HSN1701-500gm 2070 SULFADIAZINE,99.0% - 101.0% 2071 Sulfatase from Helix pomatia 2072 Sulphosalicyclic acid 2073 Sulphosalicylic Acid 250gm 2074 Sulphosalicylic Acid 3 2075 Sulphur powder 2076 Sulphuric Acid 2077 Superenzyme DNA polymerase 2078 Superscript III rev transcriptase 2079 SuperScriptTM III First-Strand synthesis supermix 2080 Superstain Nuclei acid gel stain (20000X) 2081 Surgical Blade Sterile, 100/pack 2082 SwaI 2083 SYBR GOLD NUCLEIC ACID, 500 UL 2084 Sybr Green 2085 SYBR green master mix Power UP 62 2086 Sybr Premix, 5ML 2087 SYPRO Ruby EMSA protein gel stain 2088 Syringe filter 2089 Syringe Filter (Praveen make) -Pore Size: 0.45µl , Dia:25mm ,Media-PVDF (Pack of 50) , (sterile) 2090 Syringe Filter (Praveen make) -Pore Size:0.22µl ,Dia:25mm ,Media-PVDF (Pack of 50) , (sterile) cat no. 14413 2091 Syringe filter sterile / non sterile 2092 syringic acid 2093 SYTO13 Green Fluorescent Nuclic acid stain 2094 SYTO82 orange Fluorescent Nuclic acid stain 2095 SYTOX® Orange Nucleic Acid Stain - 5 mM Solution in DMSO 2096 T4 DNA Ligase 2097 T4 DNA Ligase (2,000,000 units/ml) 2098 T4 DNA ligase (20 U) 2099 T4 DNA ligase (20 U) 2100 T4 dna ligase -20000 units 2101 T4 DNA Ligase- 20000u 2102 T4 DNA Ligase, 200 Units 2103 T4 DNA polymerase 2104 T4 ligase 2105 T4 Polynucleotide kinase 2106 T4 RNA ligase 2107 T7 DNA Ligase 2108 T7 DNA Ligase - 100000 Units 2109 T7 Endonucleases 2110 T7 pol 2111 T7 RNA Polymerase 2112 T-7 R-Pol 2113 TA Cloning kit 2114 TAE 10X Buffer 500ML 2115 Tag Monoclonal Antibody (c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10), 100ug) 2116 Takara Clonetech cDNA library 2117 Takara dNTP mix 2118 Takara Ex Taq 2119 TaKaRa LA Taq®, 125U 2120 Takara Taq, 250U 2121 TaKaRa TaqTM,250U 2122 TaKaRa Taq™,250U 2123 TAP Basal Sol. 63 2124 Taq DNA Polymerase 2125 Taq DNA Polymerase -C dNTP (TDPD) 2126 TAQ DNA POLYMERASE WITH 10X REACTION 2127 Taq Polymerase 2128 Taq Polymerase 2129 TB Green Premix Ex Taq 2130 TDZ-PCT-250GM 2131 Teepol 2132 Teepol / Geepol (Pk/10 Ltr) (Cat No. -14841) 2133 TEMED 2134 TEmed 100ml (MB026) 2135 TENAX TA 80/100MESH,10mg 2136 Terrfic broth,modified powder 2137 Tert. Butanol 2138 tert-Butyl methyl ether 2139 Tetracycline hydrochloride 2140 Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) 2141 Tetrazolium 2142 TEV-Protease, His 2143 Thermalseal Rt Sealing Films, Non-Sterile 2144 ThermalSeal RT2RRTM, Optically Clear for Raised Rim Plates, 100 /Pk 2145 Thermo Scientific™ RevertAid H Minus First Strand cDNA synthesis Kit 2146 Thiamine Hcl 2147 Thiamine hydrochloride 2148 Thidiazuron (TDZ) 2149 Thioglucosidase from Sinapis alba (white mustard) seed 2150 Thiourea, Hi AR/ACS 2151 Thread 2152 Thymidine 5′-triphosphate sodium salt solution 2153 TIBA 2154 Ticarcillin disodium salt 2155 Timentin solution 2156 Timentin solution 2157 Tips (10, 100 and 1000ul) 2158 Tips (10, 100 and 1000ul) 2159 Tissue Culture based Agar 2160 Tissue culture box 2161 Titanium tetrachloride 2162 Tizin RNA Extraction 64 2163 Toluidene Blue O 2164 Toluidine blue O 2165 TOPO Cloning kit 2166 TOPO TA Clonning Kit for sequencing Wi 2167 TOUGH SPOTS DIA 9.5MM.(1000/PACK) 2168 Tough tag 2169 Toulene 2170 Toyoscreen – 65cm – (AF-Cholate) 2171 TPX microtubes for Bioruptor® Plus, 1.5 ml, bag-300pc (For Sonication) 2172 Trans zeatin 2173 trans-cinnamic acid 2174 Transcriptome Sequencing, Sample type-Library (R2R), Chemistry- PE 150 2175 trans-ferulic acid 2176 trans-o-coumaric acid 2177 trans-p-coumaric acid 2178 Trays 2179 Trehalose 6-phosphate dipotassium salt 2180 Tri HCl 2181 TRI REAGENT 2182 Tri- Sodium Citrate 2183 Tributylmethylammonium 2184 Trichloroacetic acid 2185 Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 2186 Trichostatin 2187 Tricine 2188 Tricogel, 500ml 2189 Triethylamine 2190 Trimethoprim 2191 Tripsin reaction buffer 2192 Tripsin Single proteomic 2193 Tripsin solubilization reagent 2194 Tris 2195 Tris (2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride 2196 Tris (Hydroxymethyl) SDS, 500G 2197 Tris base 2198 TRis HCl 2199 Tris hydrochloride 2200 Tris hydrochloride Puriss AR 2201 Tris-Base 2202 Tri-Sodium Citrate 2203 trisodium citrate 65 2204 Triss buffer 2205 Triton X 2206 Triton X-100 2207 TRITON X-100 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REAGENT 2208 TritonX 2209 Trized RNA Extraction Reagent TRI-100 2210 Trizma base 2211 Trizol 2212 Trizol reagent 2213 TRIzol Reagent, 200 ML 2214 tRNA 2215 Trpasn blue 2216 Trypan blue dye 2217 Trypan Blue solution 2218 trypsin 2219 Trypsin from bovine pancreas 2220 Trypsin gold (Promega) 2221 Tryptone 2222 Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth 2223 Turbo DNase 2224 Turbo DNase 2225 Turbo Dnase FREE Kit 2226 TURBO-DNA free Kit 2227 TURBO™ DNase (2 U/µL) 2228 Tween 20 2229 TWEEN(R) 20 POLYOXYETHYLENESORBITAN 2230 tween20 2231 U0126 2232 UDP-Galactose-2 2233 Ultima gold Scintillation buffer (Perkin elmer) 2234 Universal GenomeWalker kit 2235 Universal Kinase Activity Kit,1 Plate 2236 Uracil 2237 urea 2238 Uridine-5'-monophosphate disodium salt 2239 V.V Micro pipette range;0.5-10ul 2240 V8 Juice Broth 2241 VANADATE-MOLYBDATE REAGENT 2242 Vancomycin hydrochloride 2243 VANILLIC ACID 2244 VANILLIN 2245 Vermiculite 2246 Verso cDNA synthesis Kit 2247 Verso cDNA synthesis kit, 40 Reactions 2248 View RNA ISH tissue Fast Blue Substrate Kit 2249 VWR International 2250 Wash Bottle 2251 Wash Bottle Plastic Cap(Reagent Bottle), 500ml 2252 Wash Bottle, 750ml, 6/pk 2253 Water HPLC plus 2254 WATER NITRATE-FREE 2255 Water, Nuclease Free 2256 Western HRP 2257 Wick 2258 Wooden Stics 2259 Xanthine Oxidase 2260 Xba1 2261 Xcm I 2262 XcmI 2263 X-GAL 2264 X-Gal 100mg 2265 X-GluC 2266 X-Gluc (5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indoyl-Beta-D-Glucuronide) 2267 X-gluc (CHX salt) 1gm 2268 X-Gluc(CHX salt) 2269 X-Gluc, Pack Size: 1gm 2270 XhO 1 2271 Xma I 2272 Xma I enzyme (thermofisher scientific) 2273 XmaI 2274 XpaI 2275 Xylene 2276 Xylene cyanol -5gm 2277 Xylene Cyanol FF 2278 Xylitol 2279 X-α-Gal 2280 Y P32 ATP 2281 Yeast extract 2282 Yeast Extract Powder 2283 Yeast Extract powder Type I 2284 Yeast Mannitol Agar 2285 Yeast Mannitol Brotjh 67 2286 Yeast Nitrogen Base 2287 Yeast transformation kit 2288 YM Broth 2289 YNB 2290 Yorko 2291 Yoshida Solution (10X) 2292 YPD 2293 YPD Agar Medium, 700 g 2294 YPD Broth 2295 YPD Broth-500gm 2296 Zeatin 2297 Zeaxanthin 2298 Zeocine 2299 Zero Blunt Topo PCR Cloning Kit For Sequencing 2300 Zinc Chloride 2301 Zinc Chloride EMPLURA 2302 Zinc Sulphate 2303 Zinc Sulphate Hepta hydrate 2304 Zink sulphate-GRM1196-500gm 2305 Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al (MG132) 2306 Z-LEU-LEU-LEU-AL, >=90% (HPLC) 2307 ZR Plasmid Miniprep-Classix Kit(100Pr) 2308 ZymocleanTM Gel DNA Recovery Kit 50Prep 2309 ZymocleanTM Gel DNA Recovery Kit 50Prep 2310 α EDS-1 antibody 2311 α1-Mating Factor acetate salt 2312 Α-d-galactose 1 phosphate dipotassium salt pentahydrate 2313 α-D-Mannose-1-phosphate sodium salt hydrate 2314 α-gal - GBT 2315 α-Ketoglutaric acid 2316 β Tubulin Antibody mouse monoclonal IgG 2317 β-L-Fucose 1-phosphate bis cyclohexaammonium salt – sigma 2318 Β-mercaptoethanol 2319 Β-nicotinamide adenine di-nucleotide 2320 Β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide sodium salt from yeast 2321 β-nucleoside phosphorylase 2322 λ Hind III