Tenders Are Invited For Purchase Of Pots And Decorative Plants, Decorative Paintings And Interactive Whitebo ... in Morocco
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Purchase Of Pots And Decorative Plants, Decorative Paintings And Interactive Whiteboard For The Regional Department Fez Saiss In 03 Distinct Lots: Lot 1: Decorative Pots And Plants Lot 2: Decorative Paintings Lot N ° 3: Interactive Whiteboard
Tenders are invited for The Purchase of Pots and Decorative Plants, Decorative Paintings and Interactive Whiteboard for the Regional Department Fez Saiss in 03 Distinct Lots: Lot 1: Decorative Pots and Plants Lot 2: Decorative Paintings Lot N ° 3: Interactive Whiteboard Place of execution: Fes Address of withdrawal of the files: Le Dossier DAppel DOffres Doit Être Téléchargé À Partir Du Portail Des Marchés Publics Accessible À LAdresse : Www.Marchespublics.Gov.Ma Address of submission of tenders: Les Concurrents Doivent Déposer Leurs Dossiers Par Voie Électronique Dans Le Portail Des Marchés Publics Accessible À LAdresse : Www.Marchespublics.Gov.Ma. Place of opening of the folds: À La Direction Régionale De La Cnss Fès-Saiss, Dans La Salle Des Réunions, Sis Au 4ème Étage Résidence Jnan El Kamel Rue Antara Ibn Chaddad Fès [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.marchespublics.gov.ma/index.php?page=entreprise.EntrepriseDetailConsultation&refConsultation=875282&orgAcronyme=o4d
Contact Information
Les Concurrents Doivent Déposer Leurs Dossiers Par Voie Électronique Dans Le Portail Des Marchés Publics Accessible À L’Adresse : Www.Marchespublics.Gov.Ma. Attn: My Ech-Chrif Hadi Tel: +212-660111123 Fax: +212-522418165/Faxfes@Cnssma
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