Bus - Brand/Model M. Benz/Of 1113 - Year 1986/1986 - Plate Adb8075 - Beige- Diesel - Note (In The State It Is), Minibus - Brand/Model Iveco - Cityclass 70C17 - Year 2012/2013 - Mkw6376 - Yellow - Diesel - Obs. Sandero Exp 16Hp - Year 2012/2013 - License Mkc4335 - White - Alcohol/Gasoline - Obs. Nec (In The State It Is), Automobile - Brand/Model Volkswagen - Vw/Gol 1.0 Giv - Year 2010/2011 - Plate Mhq8096 - White - Alcohol/Gasoline - Obs. M33om Hdi - Year 2006/2006 - Plate Mde3624 - White - Diesel - Obs. Nec (In The State It Is), Automobile - Brand/Model Nissan - Grand Livina 18S - Year 2012/2013 - Plate Mjr4716 - White - Alcohol/Gasoline - Obs. / 2013 - Plate Mjz0346 - White - Diesel - Obs. Nec (In The State Of Which It Is), Scrap -Electronics - Lot Of Various Cables, Notebook, Stabilizer, Printer, Tv, Cpu, Monitor And Tablet Nec (In The State), Scrap -Electronics - Lot Of Cables, Interactive Table, Scrap -Electronics Notebook, Radio, Keyboard, Printer / Scanner, Cpu And Monitor Note (In The State It Is), Scrap -Electronics - Dvd Machine Lot, Stereo, Recharge Cabinet, Electronic Score, Stabilizer / Source, Speaker, Monitor, Tv And Cpu Obs. Several, Air Conditioning, Iron Cabinet, Steel File, Drinking Fountain, Refrigerator, Freezer, Washing Machine, Fan, Industrial Stove, Wallet, School Scrap - School Furniture - Plot Of School Furniture Metals. Obs. Nec (In The State In Which It Is)