Tenders are invited for Provision of Drilling System Services for SNEPCO 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICE REQUIREMENT The scope shall include the following: 1. Directional Drilling, Measurement While Drilling and Formation Evaluation While Drilling Service The latest available technology/software for Well trajectory design, drill string/BHA design and analysis of engineering models/simulations per hole section. Fit for purpose MWD, (probe and collar MWD) systems including Gomma Ray, Direction and Inclination services deployable in both benign and tough drilling applications including HPHT, with modern software for trajectory plotting and MWD survey corrections. Accurate measurement systems for downhole annular drilling pressures as well as monitoring of downhole lateral, axial and torsional vibrations. Formation Evaluation While Drilling (FEWD) services to include Attenuation & Phase Shift Resistivity, Neutron Porosity, Bulk Density and Sonic measurements for various hole sizes down to slim hole applications. Seems sampling is missing. Latest version of Rotary Steerable Systems (including both Push-the-Bit and Point-the-Bit systems) and Geo-steering systems deployable across various hpole sizes. Formation Pressure Evaluation Ehile Drilling systems. Gyro While Drilling systems. High performance (Positive displacement and Turbine) mud motors including short radius mud motors and associated BHA accessories. Drilling optimization tools including Drilling Jars (Mechanical & Hydraulic), Shock subs, thrusters and Non-magnetic Drill Collars Float Subs c/w Valves, Other subs (orienting, lifting, bit sub c/w ported float valves), Float valves (ported), Non-magnetic valves. Circulation sub for controlling flow of fluid down the BHA or the annulus. Rig Site personnel and shore logistical maintenance personnel and equipment for the safe and efficient execution of the Work. Competent and adequately experienced DDs, MWD and FEWD Engineers with up-to-date knowledge of relevant fit for purpose software to support modern Directional Drilling, Formation Evaluation While Drilling and integrated measurement/evaluation systems. 2. Basic and advanced mud logging service Full suite advanced Mud logging services (certified mudlogging unit, equipment, and personnel) Full suite of unitless data acquisition system (equipped with current barrier to protect the rig SCR and a UPS) Calibrated Fluid Extraction and Advanced Mud Gas Characterization consisting of: Heated, constant volume or semi permeable extractors; In and Out probes to identify recycling of gas; high-speed Gas Chromatograph OR Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer Service required for purposes such as: Real time data/interpretations to assist drilling decisions; optimization of wire line logging, sampling operations and Characterization of the fluids. Realtime Pore pressure prediction. Formation sampling; sample catching and analysis and formation evaluation services. Gas detection, analysis, and evaluation. Continuous gas and kick detection including the provision and operation of alarm system. Presentation of charts containing drilling activity parameter, geological description, and gas record as well as the over-pressure detection logs Fully automated, computerized system for measuring, monitoring, recording, and transmitting acquired data in specified format. Log quality control and processing. Detection of key parameter (e.g. pit level, gas readings, mud density, conductivity, drilling or circulation parameters, geology) Suitable qualified competent personnel in support of all mud logging operations. 3. Caring Service Deliver all planning activities required for a successful caring operation: core acquisition, recovery/retrieval, core processing, etc. Provide detailed caring program showing simulation results and specifying optimum coring parameters. Provision of all standard and non-standard coring BHA which includes but not limited to core head (bit), outer/inner barrel, bumper sub if required, circulating sub/multi activation bypass system (PBL sub), float sub with float valve (flapper type non ported or ported as required), drill collars, stabilizers, jar and the application of most recent tools/technology. Surface handling of acquired cores, including marking and natural GR surface logging. Preservation of cores at rig site by cutting into requested sections and injection with using epoxy-resin. Transportation of cores to the designated location to avoid compromising core quality. 4. Drilling Bits The lates available technology/software for drilling bits design and engineering analysis. All types and sizes of premium drillings bits (PDC and tricones), under reamers and hole openers. Tricone bits with proven history of drilling from surface to section TD for top holes in one run and tricone/pdc shoe-to shoe for other hole section. Rotating and Non-Rotating Near Bit Reamers, Adjustable Downhole Reamers. 3.0 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for this tender exercise, interested contractors are required to be pre-qualified as essential service vendor in the NJQS product package 3.04.07 Measurement While Drilling (MWD)/Logging Drilling (LWD) Services; 3.04.06 Mud Logging Services; 1.01.09 Drilling Bits. category in NipeX Joint Qualification System (NJQS) data base. All successfully pre-qualified suppliers in this category will receive a Technical/Commercial Invitation to Tender (ITT). To determine if you are pre-qualified and view product/service category you are listed for, log on to www.nipex-ng.com and access NJQS with your log in details, click on Continue Joint Qualification Scheme tool, click on check my supplier status and then click Supplier product group. If you are not listed in a product/service category but you are registered with the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) to do business, contact NipeX office at 27B, Oyinkan Abayomi Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos with your NUPRC certificate as evidence for necessary update. To initiate the NJQS prequalification process, access www.nipex-ng.com to download the application form, make necessary payments and contact NipeX office for further action. To be eligible, all tenders must comply with the Nigerian Content requirements in the NipeX system. CLOSING DATE Only Tenderers who are registered in the NJQS Service categories 3.04.07 Measurement While Drilling (MWD)/Logging While Drilling (LWD) Services; 3.04.06 Mud Logging Services; 1.01.09 Drilling Bit as at 16:00 hrs of 14th March 2025 being the advert closing date shall be invited to submit Technical Bid and Commercial Bid This advertisement of Invitation to tender shall neither be construed to be a commitment on the part of NNPC/SNEPCO to award any form of contract to any company and/or associated companies, sub-contractors or agents, nor shall it entitle any company submitting documents to claim any indemnity from NNPC/SNEPCO and/or any of its partners. NNPC/SNEPCO reserves the right to take final decision on any of the documents received in the pre-qualification/Technical package. NCDMB Approved No: ES/NCDMB/SNEPCO/ ADV /UPD/190225 Visit us on: http://www.shellnigeria.com https://www.facebook.com/Shell https://twitter.com/Shell_Nigeria Please visit NipeX portal at www.nipex-ng.com for this advert and other information and note that this contract procurement process will be progressed through NipeX system. Tender Link : https://etenders.com.ng/shell-nigeria-exploration-and-production-company-limited-invitation-to-tender-for-provision-of-drilling-system-services-for-snepco/