Chocolate -1 Kg, Crystal Sugar 05Kg, Peanut 500 Grs, Cornstarch, Rice Type 01 C 05Kg -Subgroup Polished Long Class Thin, 28/02/2025, Straw Potatoes, Sodium Bicarbonate 80Grs, Cream Cracker Cookie -1, 5 Kg, Sweet Cookie 1 5 Kg, Shit And Shot 500Grs, Cinnamon Powder -40 Grs, Thick Canjica- 500 Grs, Canjiquinha 1 Kg, Toasted Mate Tea - 250 Grs, Granulated Chocolate, Dye 01Kg, India Clove - Pcte 10 Grs, 200 Grs, Pot- 500 Grs, Tomato Extract 340 Grs Sache Of Wheat 01 Kg, Type 1 Carioquinha Beans, 250 Grs Baking Powder, Cornmeal - 1 Kg, Gelatin In Po 30 Grs, 6 Units Yogurt - 540Grs, Condensed Milk -, Whole Milk Powder 400 G, Long Pasta Cs - 500 Grs, Pasta Cutter Mass, 500 Grs, Mayonnaise 500 Grs, Vegetable Margare 500G, 500G Popcorn Corn, 200Grs Green Corn, Mixture For Cake - 400 Grs, Soybean Oil 900Ml, Oregano 10 Grs, Sour -1 Kg Flour, Canasta Cheese - Kg, Refined Salt 01 Kg, Concentrated Jú 1L Concentrated Juice, Guava Concentrated Juice, Ready -To -Salt Hygienic With Tabs C 0 08 Pcs, Extra Night Protection Absorbent With Tabs, Sanitary Water 1 Liter With Active Chlorine 2, Alcohol 46Th Degrees, Plastic Bucket -12Litrs, Plastic Coil (Plastic Bag) 5 Kg, Vegetable Buffer, Medium Size Cloth Colander, Normal Cable Conditioner, 400 Ml Childrens Conditioner - 200 Ml - 200 Ml C 100 Ups, Dispredible Cup P Sk - 250Ml C 50 Uds, Toothpaste 90 Gr, Mixed Skin Moisturizing Cream - 2 Liter, Rollon 48H Womens Anti -Transpiring Deodorant, Rollon Anti -Roll Deodorant 48 H Male, Concentrated Liquid Detergent - 500 Ml, Child Toothbrush, Toothbrush Firm Bristles, Carbon Steel Sponge - Pcte C08, Double -Sided Sponge 71X100mm 23Mm Thickness With Bactericidal, Dental Polypropylene Dental, Long Phosphoorus Cx C 240 Sticks, Paper Napkin 34*34 W/ 50 Unids, Clean Aluminium With 500Ml Vial, Multi -Use Cleans With Pedal 15 Lts, Aluminum Foil 45Cm X 7 5M, Toilet Paper Double Sheet 60 Mx10 C 04 Rolls, Kitchen Paper Pcte C 02 Rolls, Sanitario Paper Towel Interf 1000 Leaves, Sunscreen Fps 30 120Ml, Repellent Against Insects 100 Ml, Softener Soap 01 Kg, Concentrated Sheep - 5 Liter Ok, 5 Ups - 200 Grs, Soft White Soap 90 Grs, Childrens Hydrant Soap, Neutral Liquid Soap Gl 5Lts, Garbage Bag For 100 Lts W/ 30 Unids, 200 Lts Pcte Garbage Bag, Garbage Bag 50 Lts, Saponace In Po - 300 Grs, 400 Ml Childrens Shampoo, Neutral Shampoo For Normal Cable, Synthetic Disposable Cap - 30 Cm, 30 Cm Piaçava Broom N 05, Repellent Electric Device, 45 Night Electric Device, Saponace Liquid 300 Ml, Soap, Bathing Cap, Long Life Milk, Long Life Uht, Zero Lactose, Pet 2 Liter, Sweetly Soda, Fruit Nectar Juice, Box