Bids Are Invited For Future And Eventual Hiring Of A Specialized Company To Carry Out A Physicochemical And ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Bids Are Invited For Future And Eventual Hiring Of A Specialized Company To Carry Out A Physicochemical And Microbiological Laboratory Analysis To Comply With The Environmental License Of The Ote And Cemetery Operation, Well Granting And Superficial Spring, To Meet The Demands Of The Municipality Of Sapezal - Mt, According To Specifications Of Annex I - Reference Term Of This Notice.
Physicochemical And Microbiological Analysis Of Groundwater (Monitoring Well) For The Sapezal Municipal Cemetery (03 Samples/Quarters). Including: Color; Ph; Electrical Conductivity; Alkalinity; Total Hardness; Iron; Total Phosphorus; Chlorides; Aluminum; Total Chromium; Ammoniacal Nitrogen; Nitrate; Sulfate; Zinc; Copper; Manganese; Silver; Lead; Oils And Greases; Dissolved Total Solids; Organic Carbon; Heterotrophic Bacteria; Proteolytic Bacteria; Lipolytic Bacteria; Total Coliforms; Escherichia Coli; Thermotolerant Coliforms., Physical And Microbiological Analysis Of Surface Water (Sapezal River For Sapezal Municipal Cemetery - 02 Samples/Semesters). Including: Color; Ph; Electrical Conductivity; Alkalinity; Hardness; Total Iron; Total Phosphorus; Chlorides; Aluminum; Total Chromium; Ammoniacal Nitrogen; Nitrate; Sulfate; Zinc; Copper; Manganese; Silver; Lead; Oils And Greases; Dissolved Total Solids; Organic Carbon; Heterotrophic Bacteria; Proteolytic Bacteria; Lipolytic Bacteria; Total Coliforms; Escherichia Coli; Thermotolerant Coliforms., Physical-Chemical Analysis Of Soil Of The Sapezal Municipal Cemetery (9 Samples/Semesters). Including: Ph; Phosphorus (P); Potassium (K); Calcium (Ca); Magnesium (Mg); Chromium (Cr); Chloride (Cl-); Iron (Fe); Chlorine (Cl); Aluminum (Al); Hydrogen (H); Organic Matter (Mo); Sand; Silt; Clay; Saturation; Permeability Tests; Water Retention (); Oils And Greases., Physical And Chemical And Microbiological Analysis Of The Effluent Of The Operation Of The Sanitary Sewage System Of Sapezal. (3 Samples/Quarters). Including: Ph; Temperature; Oils And Greases; Absence Of Floating Materials; Biochemical Demand Of Oxygen (Dbo 5 Days To 20C); Oxygen Chemical Demand - Dqo; Thermotolerant Coliform Count; Total Coliform Count; Total Phosphorus; Ammoniacal Nitrogen (Ammonia); Nitrogen Kjedahl Total; Dissolved Oxygen - Od; Sedimentable Solids - Ss Total Suspended Solids - Os; Total Solids - St., Physical And Microbiological Analysis Of The Springs Regarding The Granting And Operation Of The Sapezal Sanitary Sewage System. (02 Samples/Quarters). Including: Ph; Turbidity, Temperature; Oils And Greases; Absence Of Floating Materials; Biochemical Demand Of Oxygen (Dbo 5 Days To 20C); Oxygen Chemical Demand - Dqo; Thermotolerant Coliform Count; Total Coliform Count; Total Phosphorus; Ammoniacal Nitrogen (Ammonia); Nitrogen Kjedahl Total; Dissolved Oxygen - Od; Sedimentable Solids - Ss Total Suspended Solids - Os; Total Solids - St., Physicochemical And Microbiological Analysis For Well Grant (01 Sample/Year). Including: Ph; Apparent Color; Turbidity; Electrical Conductivity; Total Alkalinity; Alkalinity Carbonates; Bicarbonate Alkalinity; Total Solids; Suspended Solids; Dissolved Solids; Nitrogen Nitrite; Nitrogen Nitrate; Ammoniacal Nitrogen; Orthophosphate; Fluoride; Total Hardness; Calcium (Ca); Magnesium (Mg); Potassium (K); Sodium (Na); Iron (Fe); Manganese (Mn); Soluble Silica; Chloride; Sulfate; Total Coliforms; Escherichia Coli., Physicochemical And Microbiological Analysis For Consumer Water Potability. Total Aluminum; Ammonia; Aspect; Total Cadmium; Total Lead; Total Chloride; Free Residual Chlorine; Total Copper; Total Coliforms; Conductivity Specifies At 25 C; Apparent Color; Total Chromium; Total Hardness; Escherichia Coli; Total Iron; I Like; Total Manganese; Nitrate (As N); Nitrite; Nitrogen Amo
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