Acrilical Autopolimerizable Coloral In Po Pot 01 Kg, Acrylic Self-Policeable Lique- 1000 Ml Vial, Acrylic Thermopolymelimable Colorless Powder With 01 Kg, Thermopolymelimable Liquid Acrylic- 1,000 Ml Vial, Acrylic Thermopolimarizable Acrylic Pink Powder With 01 Kg, 04/02/2025, 27/02/2025, Multipurpose Agent Agent Monocomponent Union Agent Multipurpose Monocomponent For Enamel And Dentin, With Fluoride, The Base Of Acetone Such As Solvent, Composed Of Water And Ethanol, Bisgma, 10 Percent Silica, Disposable Gingival Needle 30G Ccx 100 0, 30X15, 0Mm-Cx With 100 Units. Impressions With Chlorhexidine, 454G Normal-Refil Prey, Type Ii Alginate For Dust Free Printing, Regular Prey, Average Consistency, Mint Aroma. Composition: Potassium Alginate, Calcium Sulfate, Sodium Tetrapirophosphate, Potassium Fluortilanate Alginate Type Ii For Dust Free Printing, Mint Aroma. Potassium Alginate Composition, Potassium Fluortilanate, 500 G Hydrophilo-Clay Cotton. Hydrophilo Cotton, 100 Percent Cotton, Shot, Exempt From Impurities, Odorless, Insid, Thin Blanket Roll, Uniform Thickness, Regularly Compac Layers, Dental Hydrophilous Cotton, Type N 1. 04Cm., Anesthetic Lidocaine Hydrochloride 2 Percent With Adrenaline -With Adrenaline 1: 100,000 Cx C 50 Crystal Tubes Anesthetic Lidocaine Hydrochloride 2 Percent With Adrenaline -Comrenaline 1100,000 Cx C 50 Crystal Tubes, Anesthetic Hydrochloride Lidocaine A 2 Per Cent Crystal Tubetes, Anesthetic Mepivacain 2 Percent With Adrenaline Or Epinephrine- Cx C 50 Crystal Tubes, Mepivacaine Anesthetic 3 Percent Without Vaso-Cx C 50 Crystal Tubes, Anesthetic Prilocaine 3 Percent With Citocaine Chitpressin- Cx C 50 Crystal Tubes, Gel-Benzocaine Topical Anesthetic 200 Mgg, Tuttifrutti-Frasco Flavor With 12G, 100 Unit Disposable Adhesive Applicator 1645 16-Unit Disposable Adhesive Applicator, 0, 05Mm X 5Mm X 0 Stainless Steel Band, 5M 1646 Malleable Steel Matrix 0, 5M, 05Mm X 7Mm X 0, 5M 1648 Maleable Stainless Steel Band Band 0, Baking Soda Extra Thin Pct 40G? Dental Use 1882 Pct 40G Extra Fine Sodium Bicarbonate? Dental Use, High Drill. Diamant. Long Rod Spherical 1012Hl 1869 High Drill Rot. Diamant. Long Rod Spherical 1012Hl, High Drill. Diamant. Long Rod Spherical 1014Hl 1870 High Drill. Diamant. Long Rod Spherical 1014Hl, High Drill. Diamant. Long Rod 1016Hl 1871 Rot Rot. Diamant. Long Rod Spherical 1016Hl, High Drill. Diamant. Long Rod 3017Hl 1872 High Drill. Diamant. Long Rod 3017Hl Spherical, Low Drill. Spherical N 02 26Mm Long Rod 1873 Drill Low Rot. Spherical N 02 26Mm Long Rod, Low Drill. Spherical N 04 26Mm Long Rod 1874 Drill Low Rot. Spherical N 04 26Mm Long Rod, Low Drill. Spherical N 06 26Mm Long Rod 1875 Drill Low Rot. Spherical N 06 26Mm Long Rod, Low Drill. Spheric N 08 26Mm Long Rod 1876 Drill Low Rot. Spheric N 08 26Mm Long Rod, Conical Batt 28Mm N 012 Drill For Angle? Cashier With 06 Units 1728 Batt Conical Batt 28Mm N 012 For Against Angle? Box With 06 Units, Conico Batt 28Mm N 014 For Angle? Box