Tender For Proposal For Hiring Of Service Provider For Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Arterial blood gas analyzer Autoclave Automated analyser for blood cultures Automated coagulation analyser, Bubble CPAP with compressor, Carm with accessories C.T. Scan Multi slice (64 SLICES) Cardiac nimiters Chemiluminescence Immuno- assay Dental chair (complete system) Dialysis machine Dialyzer reprocessing unit Electrolyte analyser Electrophoresis machine ELISA Reader and Washer Flow cytometer. Fully automated Biochemistry analyser Haematology analyser (5 Part/3 Part) HPLC machine, Infusion pump Mammography unit Multi para-Monitor Phototherapy Portable ultrasound Radiant warmer, Semi-automated Biochemistry analyser Surgical diathermy-bipolar Transport incubator, Transport multi parameter monitor Transport ventilator Ultrasound machine Colour Doppler and Echo Ventilator Adult, Paediatric and Neonatal X-my machine fixed (61) ma 100 ma 200 ma 300 ma 500 ma 850 ma/ 1000 ma ACT machine, 100 M.A. X-ray machine (Mobile). A-Scan Biometer, Applanation Tonometer Auto-refractometer B-Scan Biometer Baby weighing scale Digital, Blood warmers Bowl Sterilizers Different Sizes, BP Apparatus Neonatal Cuff, Centrifuge Cryosurgery unit CTG machine CTG Monitor Defibrillators Ear & nasal Suction machine EEG Machine EMG machine ESR analyser Examination Light Fetal Doppler Flash Autoclave Foetal Doppler Fetoscope Fundus Camera Glucometer Hhal Canalyser Hemoglobinometer Hysteroscopy ICU beds Interferential therapy Intermittent compression device for DVT Irradiance Meter Keratometer Labour bed Laryngoscope with 5 Blades (LED), Laryngoscopes (LED) Microcentrifuge Microscope Mortuary table (Stainless steel) NCV machine Nd Yag Laser Nebulizer Negative lonizer air purifier, Neonatal Resuscitation Equipment, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) Operating Microscope Ophthalmoscope- Indirect with 20 D Lens Ophthalmoscope Direct, OT light Ceiling Double Dome OT Table Otoscope Oxygen Concentrator Paediatric ICU Beds Paediatrics Resuscitation Equipenent Phaco Machine Portable LED Standing light Pulse oximeter with Neonatal Wrap up Punch biopsy gun Real time Polymerase Chain Reaction Slit lamp Sphygmomanometer Spiro meter Streak retinoscope, Suction Machine (Electrical), Suction machine (foot-operated), Syringe pump, TENS Transcutaneous Hilirubinometer, Turbidimeter. Ultrasonic nebulizer Ultrasound therapy VEP machine Arthroscope Anaesthesia Work Station Weighing machines (Organs) BI-PAPCPAP Dental X-ray machine ECG machine Electric cautery
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