Tender For Providing E.I Work For Mahadev Mandir Yelur Tq. Kandhar Dist. Nanded. ; 1 Supplying and erecting 20mm dia. corrugated flexiblepolypropyleneconduit 2 Supplying anderectingPVCtrunking (PVCcasing-n-capping)ofsize25 mm with accessorieson wall/ceiling as per specification No: WG-MA/CON. 3 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x1.5 sq.mm FRLSHcopperPVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 4 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x1.5 sq.mm FRLSHcopperPVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 5 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x2.5 sq.mmFRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places. as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 6 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x2.5 sq.mmFRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places. as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 7 Supplying and erecting PVC insulated PVC round sheathed 1.5 sq.mm (30 no. x 0.25 mm dia.) 3 core flexible multi strandedcopper Industrial cable for voltage grade up to 1.1 kV 8 Supplying and erectingmodular type switch 6A / 10A duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 9 Supplying and erectingmodular type switch 16Aduly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 10 Supplying and erectingmodular type 3 pin 6Amultisocket with safety shutter, duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 11 Supplying and erectingmodular type 3 pin 6 / 16Amultisocket with safety shutter,duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 12 Supplying and erectingmodular type (two module) electronic step regulator for fan, duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 13 Supplying and erecting PVC Surface modular switch box with double mounting plate for 6module duly erected. 14 Point wiring for light/bell/exhaust fan in PVC trunking (casing-capping) with 1.5 sq.mm (2+1E) FRLSH grade copper wire, modular type switch, earthingand required accessories as per specification No: WG-PW/SW 15 Point wiring for ceiling fan in PVC trunking (casing-capping) with 1.5 sq.mm (2+1E) FRLSH grade copper wire, modular type switch, earthingand required accessories as per specification No: WG-PW/SW 16 Wiring for plug on board withSwitch socket surface/concealed type, copper wiring and earthing and with modular accessories as per specification No: WG-PW/CW 17 Supplying and erecting anodized aluminium corridor / passage light LED fitting (4 feet) Max. 22Wwith high transitivity diffuser withsystem lumens output ofMin.2200 lumens , min. efficacy of 100 lumen/W, CRI>80, CCT upto 6000K, Beam Angle of 110 deg., Ripple<5%,THD<10%,p.f. >0.95, operating range of200-270V, surge protection of 2 kV, Life class of 50,000 Hrs. at L70B50, including driver, with end caps on provided PVC Block / wooden board with 3 years warranty. 18 Supplying and erecting integratedLED street light fitting 100-110W IP65 & IK08 class having single piece pressure die-cast aluminium housing,havingsystem lumens output of Min. 11000 Lumens, min. efficacy of 110 lumen/W, CRI>70, CCT upto 6500K, THD<10%, p.f. >0.95, operating range of140-270V, inbuilt surge protection of 10 kV, Life class of 50,000 Hrs. at L70B50,including driver complete with 3 Years warranty as per specification NoFG-ODF/FLS2. 19 Supplying and erecting integrated LED flood light fitting Max. 100W IP65 & IK07 class having pressure die-cast aluminium housing,having system lumens output of Min. 12000 Lumens, min. efficacy of 120 lumen/W, CRI>70, CCT upto 6500K, THD<10%, p.f. >0.90, operating range of140-270V, inbuilt surge protection of 4 kV, Life class of 50,000 Hrs. at L70B50,including driver with U shaped bracket with 3 Years warranty as per specification NoFG-ODF/FLS2. 20 Supplying and erecting Street light bracket for erection of side entry fitting on pole with 40 mm. dia. ‘B’ class G.I. pipe of required length complete as per specification no. FG-BKT/SLB 21 Supplying and erecting Energy Saving BLDC Ceiling fan 230 V A.C. 50 cycles 1200 mm, max. energy consumption of28W having service ratio (CMM/W) of Min. 8 , PF>0.9, THD<10% with IR remote control/compatible speed regulator, Temperature Rise of Max. 40 deg. C, having external mounted control PCB completely erected in position as per specification no. FG-FN/CF 22 Supplying and erecting fan hook of 10 mm. M.S. round bar grouted in RCC slab with making the site as original. 23 Supplying and erecting ‘B’ class G.I .pipe / M.S. pipe down rod duly painted for fan complete erected with PVC three core flexible cable 1 sq. mm copper PVC wire. 24 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 6A to 32A, C-serieswith rated short - circuit breaking capacity (Icn) 10kA in provided distribution board as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCB 25 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 6A to 32A, B-series with rated short - circuit breaking capacity (Icn) 10kA in provided distribution board as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCB 26 Supplying, erecting & marking FPMCB 6A to 32A, with rated short - circuit breaking capacity (Icn) 10kA in provided distribution board as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCB 27 Supplying&erecting triplepole and neutral distribution board (TPNDB),SPMCB of 4 ways/phase(12 poles), with door,1.2mm thickness, surface/flush mounted, IP 43 protection on iron/GIframe (horizontal busbar type) as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCBDB 28 Supplying & erecting CRCA sheet metal one way enclosures of 1.2mm thickness suitable for DP MCB /TP MCB/FP MCB/RCCB/RCBO complete erected on angle iron/GI frame. 29 Supplying, erecting & terminatingFR XLPE insulated, galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 1100 V, 4 core10sq. mm. aluminium conductor completeerected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipeas per specification no. CB-LT/AL 30 Supplying andlaying (including excavation of suitable width & depth up to 90 cm) 50 mmoutside dia. double wall corrugatedpipes(DWC) ofHDPE for enclosing cable below ground/road surface, to required depth complete. 31 Providng earthing with galvanized iron earth plate size 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm complete with all materials, testing & recording the results asper specification no. EA-EP 32 Supplying and erecting GI strip of high purity required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purpose with necessary GI clampsfixed on wall painted with bituminous paint with joints required. As per specification no EA-EP. 33 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of single phase, 230V, 50 Hz, 2500 VA digital pure sine waveinverter with backup time of ........ hrs. based on Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) technologycompleteas per specification no.AP-INV 34 Supplying and erecting 12V/200Ah tubular battery with battery terminal wire, duly charged with 36 months warranty complete