Tenders are invited for Turnkey Contract for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 33 kV Double Circuit River Crossing Tower. Eligibility of Tenderer: Specific Experience: The tenderer must have the minimum specific experience as a prime contractor or sub-contractor or management contractor (lead partner in case of JV) in the turn-key contract for survey, design, supply, carrying, installation, testing and commissioning of 33 kV electrical tower lines including foundation works as follows: 1. For construction of at least single/double circuit 33 kV electrical tower lines of minimum height 30 m. and span 300 m. including foundation works of the tower with a minimum value at least TK. ...(as per mentioned respective package/ tender document) under single contract within last five (05) years. Years counting backward from the date of publication IFT in the newspaper. Or Any Bangladeshi steel tower manufacturing company having experience of supplying minimum 30 meters height tower shall be eligible if the manufacturer of its partner in a Joint Venture company having the experience of turn-key contract for construction of at least single/double circuit 33 kV electrical tower lines of minimum height 30 m. and span 300 m. including foundation works of the tower with a minimum value at least TK. ....(as per mentioned respective package/ tender document) under single contract within last five(05) years. Years counting backward from the date of publication IFT in the newspaper. 2. In support of experience Tenderer shall submit satisfactory performance certificate(s) from the end-users letter head pad. The certificate(s) shall mention the name and commissioning date of tower lines which were designed, supplied, constructed, tested and commissioned by Tenderer (lead partner incase of JV) and shall contain end-users full mailing address, e-mail address, website address, fax number and phone number for convenience of authentication. * Details provided in respective tender document. Brief Description of Goods or Works: Turnkey contract for survey, design, supply, carrying, installation, testing and commissioning of 33 kV double circuit river crossing tower with transmission lines including civil constructions on Dhaleswari/Echhamoti river under Munshiganj PBS. Brief Description of Related Services: Not applicable Tender Document Price: Tk. 8000.00 Tender Closing Date and Time: 24/03/2025 12:00 AM Tender Opening Date and Time: 24/03/2025 12:30 PM Office Address Information: Selling Tender Document (Principal): Office of The Project Director Modernization and Capacity Enhancement of BREB Network (Dhaka-Mymensingh Division) (Special revised) Project, 6th Floor, Training Academy Building, BREB, Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka -1229, Bangladesh. Receiving Tender Document: Office of The Project Director Modernization and Capacity Enhancement of BREB Network (Dhaka-Mymensingh Division) (Special revised) Project, 6th Floor, Training Academy Building, BREB, Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka -1229, Bangladesh. Opening Tender Document: Office of The Project Director Modernization and Capacity Enhancement of BREB Network (Dhaka-Mymensingh Division) (Special revised) Project, 6th Floor, Training Academy Building, BREB, Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka -1229, Bangladesh. Selling Tender Document (Others): Not applicable Tender Link : http://cptu.gov.bd/advertisement-goods/details-91534.html