Tenders are invited for Acquisition of 2000 Ml of Medium Voltage Cable 3x240 Mm2 for Security Stock and Inspection Equipment and Connection for the Distribution of Energy in the Port Area The file can be obtained during business hours at the PAK Markets Division, on the ground floor of Building R+2, located next to the MEAO in Kribi, Tel.: (237) 222 46 21 00 Fax: (237) 222 46 21 04, BP: 203 Kribi, e-mail: contact@pak.cm upon publication of this notice, against presentation of a receipt for payment of a non-refundable sum of one hundred thousand (100,000 ) FCFA into the special CAS-ARMP account no. 33598860001 94 opened at BICEC Each bidder must attach to their administrative documents a bid bond, paid by hand, issued by an organization or financial institution approved by the Minister of Finance to issue bonds in the field of public procurement, the list of which appears in Exhibit 15 of the DAO, the amount of which is one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) FCFA and valid for up to thirty (30) days beyond the initial date of validity of the bids. The absence of the bid bond issued by a first-rate bank or a first-class financial institution authorized by the Ministry of Finance to issue bonds in the context of public procurement, will result in the outright rejection of the bid. A bid bond produced but having no connection with the call for tenders in question is considered absent. Publish On: 21-02-2025 18:44:27 Closing Date: 22-04-2025 Closing Time: 12:00:00 [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://armp.cm/details?type_publication=AO&id_publication=52921
Contact Information
Headquarters of the Autonomous Port of Kribi in Kribi, General Director ate, Markets Division, located on the ground floor of the R+2 building next to the MEAO. Tel.: (237) 222 46 21 00 Fax: (237) 222 46 21 04, BP: 203 Kribi
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