Management-Relored Services-Elaboration Of Invasive Exotic Species Control Management Plans. Myocastor Coypus,Neogale Vison,Ailanthus Altissima,Pamp Of The Caucasus,Freshwater Chelonis,Freshwater Crabs,Cactàcies Plants,Psittacula Kbramers,Ants,Seaweed,Aquatic Plants,Myoporum Happy 1 Buddleja Davidii,Acacia,Araujia Sericifera, Fallopia Baldschuanica, Asparagus Asparagoides I Fallopia Japonica,Cat Nails,Pendised Setaceum, Contraction Spp. The Shares Paens,Estrilda Spp. I Leiotrix Lutea,Cherax Destructive, Spain Knows, Eriocheir Sinces And Persons,Ambrosia Artemisiifolia, Senecio Inaequidens, Sunflower Tuberosum, Oxalis Foot-Goat, Impatient Glandulifera 1 Tradescantia Fluminensis,Palm -Buckles,Amphibians,Lean Standragus, Nasua In The Family Of Herpestididae (Except Ichneumon Herperstes),Hedgers,Hedgers