Inviting Quotations For Purchase Of Setup Kits For Conducting Lab Experiments; 1. Plank’s Constant by LED Plank’s constant Apparatus, Oven, LED Red, LED Yellow, power cord 1 2 Diode Laser Diffraction Experiment (with important Slits) Optical Bench Triangular, Fixed Slider, Transversal slider, Diode laser with power adapter, Slit holder, pinhole photo detector, Digital Multimeter, Differaction slide slit, set of 13 slides, single wire, Cross wire, Cross wire, Connecting Lead, Diffraction grating, Object screen 1 3 Four Probe method kit Four Probe power supply, oven, Four Probe arrangement, Sample Crystal (Ge), PT100, temperature sensor, screw driver, power cord 1 4 Boltzman constant by V-I characteristics of PN Junction Diode Plug in Board, Diode module IN4007, Resistance Module 1 KΩ(0-36000), Connecting Lead Red and Black (50 cm-5 Pairs), Digital Voltmeter 19.99 V DC, Digital Ammeter 19.99 mV DC, Power Supply5V DC, Acrylic sheet with clip 1 5 Dielectric constant kit Dielectric constant kit, Electrometer amplifier digital multimeter, Power supply (2- 12 V AC/DC) High voltage power supply (0-600V DC) Flexible plug leads (50- cm-red), flexible plug lead (50-cm-black) Earthing lead(100 cm-Green), 2 way switch, capacitor module 100 nF, 4.7 MΩ Resistance box, flexible plug leads (50- cm-yellow) flexible plug lead (100-cm-red and black) 1 6 Biot Savart’s Law Optical bench, Set of 3 circular loops with holders, Power supply 0-30 V DC, 20A, Gauss meter with axial probe, flexible plug lead (100 cm-red), plug lead (100 cmblack), fixed saddle, Transversal saddle with micrometer, Axial Probe holder 1 7 Study the motion of a spring and calculate spring constant. (Iron Weight) Adjustable scale on a stand of 37.5cm, Helical spring with pointer, Hanger 20g+9X20 g weights, Stopwatch