Installation Of Porta Cabin and other miscellaneous items at VVIP residenceNew Delhi 110021 Under Banga Bhawan Sub-Divisionduring the year 2024 - 2025.- 1 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface](ii) With 1:6 cement mortar,(b)20 mm thick plaster 2 Supplying, fitting and fixing boiling water proof block board conforming toIS:1659-1990 conforming to IS:848-1974 of approved make and brand, fitted and fixed as per design as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. [Excluding the cost of supporting frame work and teak wood batten/Lipping]. In Ground Floor (ii) 19mmAt VVIP residence 3 Supplying fitting, fixing decorative lamination conforming to IS: 2046 : 1995 as per approved make, brand, finish and thickness with fitting, fixing the same on Particle/MDF / Ply Boards with recommended / approved adhesive with proper clipping the sides for better attachment as per direction of Engineer-incharge. The rate includes the cost of labour, adhesive and all incidental chargesthereof. In ground floorGlossy/Matt/Suede excluding surface texture or metallic lustre. (i) Thickness of laminate 1.5mm,At VVIP residence 4 Supplying, fitting and fixing 8mm thick Laminated woodenFlooring Work conforming to EN13329:2006 with plank size not Iess than 1200 mm X 190 mm (with unilin/tongue-groove locking arrangement) having 0.2mm thk top abrasive layer over a decorative layer followed by a High-density fibreboard (HDF) having density > 850 kg/m3 substrate core over a rasinsaturated backing layer and installing through unilin or tongue- groove system (having locking strength not less than 1000 kg/m) over a 2 mm thk underlayer polyurethene foam on polythene sheet 250 micron, over a smooth, flat, hard subfloor free from moisture (< 8%), grease etc. complete in all respect with requisite accessories like end profile, transition profile, reducer "T" profile etc. wherever required and preparation ofbase including all other incidental works as per direction & satisfaction of Engineer in charge. Cost of Laminate Floor Accessories only (Skirting ,End edge, T- moulding,Reducer) shall have to be added separately, wherever required. (This work should not be executed without specific permission of Superintending Engineer). ln Ground FIoor :Category: Normal Footfall; Class- 23;Abrasion resistance:-AC3 Thk on Swelling:- < 18%;Impact resistance:- IC 1 5 M.S. structural works with hollow sections (square or rectangular shape) conforming to IS: 806-1968 & IS:1161-1998) connected to one another with bracket, gusset, cleat as per design, drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete including cutting to requisite shape & size, fabrication including metal arc welding conforming to IS: 816-1969 & IS: 9595 using electrodes of approved make and brand conforming to IS:814- 2004, haulage, hoisting and erection all complete. The rate includes the cost of all M.S. Hollow section, all consumables such as electrodes, gas and hire charges of all tools and plants and labour reqired for execution and all incidental chages (such as electricity, labour insurance) etc. complete. Payment to be made on the basis of calculated weight of structural memebrs of MS Holow Section as specified in relevent IS code in finished work. Payment for gusset, bracket, cleat may be made byadding the actual weight of such items with weight of finished structural members. The rates are considered for a hight of erection 8 m. / 2nd floor level from the ground. Add 1.5 % extra over the ratefor each additional floor or 4m. beyond the initial 8 m. or part thereof 6 (b)Assume Tata steelsquare hollow section 50x50 mm ,4.50 mm thick, area 7.67 cm 2 unit weight @ 6.02kg/metre 7 (c) Assume Tata steelsquare hollow section 25x25 mm ,3.20 mm thick, area 2.53 cm 2 unit weight @ 1.98 kg/metre 8 M.S. structural works in columns, beams etc. with simple rolledstructural members (e.g. joists, angle, channel sections conforming to IS: 226, IS: 808 & SP (6)- 1964 connected to one another with bracket, gussets, cleats as per design, direction of Engineer-incharge complete including cutting to requisite shape and length, fabrication with necessary bolting, metal arc welding conforming to IS: 816- 1969 & IS: 1995 using electrodes of approved make and brand conforming to IS:814- 2004, haulage, hoisting and erection all complete. The rate includes the cost of rolled steel section, consumables such as electrodes, gas and hire charge of all tools and plants and labour required for the work including all incidental chages such as electricity charges, labour insurance charges etcII) For Structural Works in Roof Trusses etc. using joists, channelsand angles of specified section weighing less than 22.5 kg/ m 9 Supplying, fitting & fixing polycarbonate sheet of approved make & brand conforming to IS: 14443-1997 and having 50 micron UV protection layer under co-extrusion technology,Fire rating being B-s1 as per EN13501-1 certification, fitted and fixed with 60mm wide aluminium channel section top and bottom member in dry-glaze sandwitch system, (unit wt. of top and bottom members: 0.375 kg/m & 0.69 kg/m) of approved brand and profile, EPDM quality rubber gaskets, anti dust tape, end closer "C" channel and 75 mm long Self tapping screw being drilled through the centre leg of thebottom section with nuts placed at 300 mm apart without anyway puncturing the polycarbonate sheet, EPDM Washer 16 mm dia & 3 mm thick washer etc complete strictly as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in- Charge. (Payment to be made on area of finished work) . In Roof:-Natural/ Blue/Green/Bronze/Opal/Metallic grey colour a)With 2 wall 6 mm overall thickness ( wt.1.30kg/sqm,Ugvalue being 3.7 W/m2K, Min. cold bendingradius of 900 mm) 10 Supplying, fitting & fixing 1st quality Ceramic tiles in walls and floors to match with the existing work & 4 nos. of key stones (10mm) fixed with araldite at the back of each tile & finishing the joints with white cement mixed with colouring oxide if required to match the colour of tiles including roughening of concrete surface, if necessary or by synthetic adhesive & grout materials etc.With Sand Cement Mortar (1:4) 20 mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m & joint filling using white cement slurry @ 0.20kg/Sq.m. (a) Area of each tile upto 0.09 Sq.m (i) Coloured decorative 11 Providing and Fixing 7mm thick light weight PVC Gypsum false ceiling tiles of size 595 x 595 mm in true horizontal level, suspended on inter locking metal grid of hot dipped galvanised steel sections (galvanising @120 grams per sqm includingboth side) consisting of main "T" runner suitably spaced at joints to get required length and of size 24x38 mm made from 0.33 mm thick (minimum)sheet ,spaced 1200 mm centre to centre ,and cross "T" of size 24x8 mm made out of 0.33 mm (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced between main"T" at 600 mm centre to centre to from a grid of 1200x600 mm and secondray cross "T" of length 600 mm and size 24x28 mm made of 0.33 mm thick (Minimum) sheet sheet to be inter locked at middle of the 1200x600 mm panel to from grid of size 600x600 mm, resting on periphery walls/partions on a perimeter wall angle pre-coated steel of size (24x24x3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick (minimum) sheet with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre to centre with 25 mm long dry wall screw@ 230 mm interval and laying 7mm thick light weight Gypsum false ceiling tiles having laminated with vinyl on the front surface and aluminum foil on the back surface is placed in the grid , including , cutting/ making opening for services like diffusers, grills, light fitting, fixtures,smoke detector etc., wherever required. Main "T" runners to be suspended from ceilingusing G.I slotted cleats of size 25x35x1.6 mm fixed to ceiling with 8 mm dia and 50 mm long dash fasteners, 4 mm G.I adjustable rods with galvanished steel level clips of size 85x30 x0.8 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre to centre along main "T", bottom exposed with 24 mm of all"T" se4ctions shall be pre-painted with polyster baked paint, for all heights, as [er specifications, drawings and as directed by engineer-in- charge .The PVC gypsum ceiling tile shall have NRC value of 0.50 (Minimum), lights reflection > 80% humidity resistance>95% 12 B) Stitching crack in brick wall by carefully cutting out face brick 250 mm. long, 75 mm. thick and 125 mm deep into the wall,cleaning the gap and filling up the same with sound newbrick, carefully set in cement mortar (1:3) including mending good damages and finishing the surface to match with adjacent areas complete as per direction Cement 1 kg/no 13 B)(a) M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor.(ii) Grill weighing above 16 Kg./ and above 14 Supplying 1.5mm thick M.S. sheet fitted and fixed on one or bothfaces of M.S./ W.I. gate etc. with point welding at not more than 150mm apart complete in all respect as per design including cost of all labour and materials. (a) Small plant of girth of exposed stem upto 75 mm. liftupto 6 mtr 15 Preparation of beds for hedging and shrubbery by excavating 60cm deep and trenching the excavated base to a further depth of 30cm, refilling the excavated earth afterbreaking clods and mixing with sludge or manure in the ratio of 8:1 ( 8 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20%, one part of stacked volume of sludge or manure after reduction by 8%), flooding with water, filling with earth if necessary watering and finally fine dressing, levelling etc.,including stacking and disposal of materials declared unserviceable and surplus earth by spreading and levelling as directed, within a lead of 50m lift upto 1.5m complete. This includes supply of labour, tools & plants including materials. Planting hedge plants in two rows at 30cm apart 16 Supplying and fixing grasses tiles of grass Maxican Carpet/Selection No. 1 Healthy & fresh grasses (size 1"x1" or bigger) including watering and maintenance of the lawn for30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn free from wees and fit for mowing including supplying good earth as required by Engineer-in-charge. (Rate includes supply of labour, tools & plants including materials) 17 Supplying,fitting & fixing of 2-Track / 3-Track Aluminium slidingWindow of all Aluminium sections viz. window frame (top,bottom & side frame), shutter (top, bottom, side & interlock member) made of aluminium alloy extrusions conforming to IS 733-1983 & IS 1285-1975, annodised conforming to IS 1868-1983, fitted with all other accessories viz. PVC roller, EPDM gasket, maruti lock, screws etc. including labour charges for fitting & fixing of aluminium 2-track/3-track sliding window with fixing of glass (excluding cost of glass) all complete as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 10-12 Micron thickness Annodizing film. Natural white For 2-Track window : Members for Bottom frame @ 0.875 Kg per Mtr. and for Top and Side frame @ 0.778 Kg per Mtr. and for shutter Bottom and Top member @ 0.472 Kg per Mtr., Style side member @ 0.493 Kgper Mtr. and Interlock member @ 0.612 Kg per Mtr. For 3-Track window : Members for Bottom frame @ 1.233 Kg per Mtr. and for Top and Side frame @ 1.067 Kg per Mtr. and for shutter Bottom and Top member @ 0.472 Kg per Mtr., Style side member @ 0.493 Kg per Mtr. and Interlock member @ 0.612 Kg per Mtr.[Note : for estimate purpose construction wing may consider weight of 2- track Aluminium window @ 5.5 Kg per Sq.M.and 3-track Aluminium window @ 6.5 Kg per Sq.M] 18 Supplying, fitting and fixing Anglo-Indian W.C. in white glazed vitreous china ware of approved make complete in position with necessary bolts, nuts etc.(b) With "S" trap (with vent) 19 Supplying, fitting and fixing PVC pipes for underground work of approved make of Schedule 80 (medium duty) conforming to ASTMD - 1785 and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I). with all necessary accessories, specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple, longscrew, reducing socket, reducing tee, short piece etc. fitted including cost of all materials ,jointing materials, cutting pipes, making threads ,cutting trenches upto 1.5 metre below surface in all sortsof soil and refilling the same as directed complete in all respect. (Payment will be made on the centre line measurement of the total pipe line including all specials No separate payment will be made for accessories,specials.) PVC Pipes (Dia) 100mm 20 Supplying, fitting and fixing Stainless Steel railing consist of 38mmdia and 900mm height vertical balustrade at every two alternative steps, 50mm dia top rail, 3 (three) nos 19mm dia horizontal Strainless steel pipe and base/cover plate with Strainless Steel GRADE 304 containing 7.5% nickle (Interior Grade) Brushed/Mat finish, complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.Weight of Strainless Steel railing per metre 6.5 Kg (approx)