Tender For Mace Of Water Supply Schemes Annual Maintenance Contract Pipe Line Work Of Wss In Atholi Panchayath And Koyilandy Municipality For One Year; 1 Appendix I (A )- Material Cost- Cost of Pipes and specials. 2 100.98.233:Supply of PVC Pipe, 10kg/cm2, 50mm Dia. 3 100.98.234:Supply of PVC Pipe, 10kg/cm2, 63mm Dia. 4 100.98.235:Supply of PVC Pipe, 10kg/cm2, 75mm Dia. 5 100.98.236:Supply of PVC Pipe, 10kg/cm2, 90mm Dia. 6 100.98.237:Supply of PVC Pipe, 10kg/cm2, 110mm Dia. 7 OD38047/2024-2025:Supplying best quality 40 mmdia GI pipe 8 OD38048/2024-2025:Supplying best quality 50 mm diaGIpipe 9 OD38049/2024-2025:Supplying best quality 65 mm diaGIpipe 10 OD38050/2024-2025:Supplying best quality 80 mm diaGIpipe 11 OD38051/2024-2025:Supplying best quality 100mm dia GIpipe 12 OD38053/2024-2025:Supply best quality 110 mm CIR joints(Silk rate) 13 OD38054/2024-2025:Supply best quality 140mmCIR joints ( Silk rate) 14 OD38055/2024-2025:Supply best quality80mm CID joints ( Silk rate) 15 Appendix : II (A) -Working Charges- Leak rectification works in PVC Pipe lines 16 rectification work in 32mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the remaining portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe to the site, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or any available joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers including the cost of pipe and uPVC specials; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: All Socketed Jointing. 17 rectification work in 40mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the remaining portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe to the site, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or any available joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers including the cost of pipe and uPVC specials; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: All Socketed Jointing. 18 rectification work in 50mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the remaining portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe to the site, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or any available joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers including the cost of pipe and uPVC specials; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: All Socketed Jointing. 19 rectification work in 63mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the remaining portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe to the site, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or any available joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers including the cost of pipe and uPVC specials; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: All Socketed Jointing. 20 rectification work in 75mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the remaining portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe to the site, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or any available joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers including the cost of pipe and uPVC specials; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: All Socketed Jointing. 21 rectification work in 90mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the remaining portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe to the site, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or any available joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers including the cost of pipe and uPVC specials; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: All Socketed Jointing. 22 rectification work in 110mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earth work excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the balance portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or repairable joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and refilling the trenches in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, without causing any damages to the existing utilities, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, ribbon fencing, watching, traffic control etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers, including the cost of pipe & specials but excluding the cost of C.I.R. Joints; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: Socket & C.I.R. Jointing. 23 rectification work in 110mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the balance portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or repairable joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and refilling the trenches in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, without causing any damage to the existing utilities, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, ribbon fencing, lighting, watching, traffic control etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers, including the cost of pipe & specials but excluding the cost of C.I.R. Joints; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: C.I.R. Jointing. 24 rectification work in 140mm uPVC (Class 2 to 6) pipeline including detecting and locating leak, earth work excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the balance portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or repairable joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects if noticed and refilling the trenches in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, without causing any damages to the existing utilities, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, ribbon fencing, watching, traffic control etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers, including the cost of pipe & specials but excluding the cost of C.I.R. Joints; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: Socket & C.I.R. Jointing. 25 rectification work in 140 mm PVC (Class 2 to 6) pipe line including detectingand locating leak, earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar cutting / concrete cutting, cutting the pipe diametrically perpendicular to the axis of pipeline without causing any damages to the balance portion, dismantling and lifting the pipe from trenches, smoothening the cut ends, conveying the new pipe, cutting and lowering new pipe into the trenches, placing in position, aligning the pipe to line and level and jointing the new pipe with the existing pipe with solvent cement or repairable joint and testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned,and rectifying the defects if noticed and refilling the trenches in layers not exceeding 20cm depthincluding consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removingsurplus soil from work site, without causing any damage to the existing utilities,including hire for tools and plant, conveyance oftools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, ribbon fencing, lighting, watching, traffic control etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers, including the cost of pipe& specials but excluding the cost ofC.I.R. Joints; uPVC Pipes and specials shall be of good quality and conforming to relevant standards: C.I.R. Jointing. 26 Appendix II (B)- Working Charges - Leak rectification works in GI Pipe line 27 of leakages of 32mm, 40mm & 50mm G.I. Pipes by replacing lengths up to 1.0m including earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar / concrete cutting, by cutting, removing and stacking the damaged portion from the existing line without causing any damages to the remaining portion and specials and conveying and replacing with G.I. Pipes of suitable size and jointing by thraded coupler and union of suitable size including threading, alignment, laying and jointing to make a water tight joint, testing the line to the required pressure, rectifying any defects noticed and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, removing the surplus soil from the work site, without causing any damages to any other utilities, including the charges hire and conveyance of tools, plant and materials to the leak site, bailing out water, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, including the cost of specials but excluding cost of pipe and as per the direction of departmental officers etc., complete. 28 of leakages of 65mm G.I. Pipes by replacing lengths up to 1.0m including earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar / concrete cutting, by cutting, removing and stacking the damaged portion from the existing line without causing any damages to the remaining portion and specials and conveying and replacing with G.I. Pipes of suitable size and jointing by thraded coupler and union of suitable size including threading, alignment, laying and jointing to make a water tight joint, testing the line to the required pressure, rectifying any defects noticed and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, removing the surplus soil from the work site, without causing any damages to any other utilities, including the charges hire and conveyance of tools, plant and materials to the leak site, bailing out water, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, including the cost of specials but excluding cost of pipe and as per the direction of departmental officers etc., complete. 29 of leakages of 80mm G.I. Pipes by replacing lengths up to 1.0m including earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar / concrete cutting, by cutting, removing and stacking the damaged portion from the existing line without causing any damages to the remaining portion and specials and conveying and replacing with G.I. Pipes of suitable size and jointing by thraded coupler and union of suitable size including threading, alignment, laying and jointing to make a water tight joint, testing the line to the required pressure, rectifying any defects noticed and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, removing the surplus soil from the work site, without causing any damages to any other utilities, including the charges hire and conveyance of tools, plant and materials to the leak site, bailing out water, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, including the cost of specials but excluding cost of pipe and as per the direction of departmental officers etc., complete. 30 of leakages of 100mm G.I. Pipes by replacing lengths up to 1.0m including earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing leak portion of the pipe including tar / concrete cutting, by cutting, removing and stacking the damaged portion from the existing line without causing any damages to the remaining portion and specials and conveying and replacing with G.I. Pipes of suitable size and jointing by thraded coupler and union of suitable size including threading, alignment, laying and jointing to make a water tight joint, testing the line to the required pressure, rectifying any defects noticed and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, removing the surplus soil from the work site, without causing any damages to any other utilities, including the charges hire and conveyance of tools, plant and materials to the leak site, bailing out water, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, including the cost of specials but excluding cost of pipe and as per the direction of departmental officers etc., complete. 31 Appendix II (C)- Working Charges - Leak rectification works in AC Pipe line 32 leakage/breakage of 80mm A.C. pipeline by cutting and dismantling the damaged pipe portion (up to 1.5m) including charges for earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil including tar / concrete cutting for exposing leak portion of the pipe, operating control valves if any, conveying to the site and cutting new A.C. pipe to the required length, re-jointing the pipeline using C.I.D. Joints, testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects any noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers excluding the cost of pipe and C.I.D. Joints. 33 leakage/breakage of 80mm A.C. pipeline by cutting and dismantling the damaged pipe portion (above 1.5m up to 3.0m) including charges for earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil including tar / concrete cutting for exposing leak portion of the pipe, operating control valves if any, conveying to the site and cutting new A.C. pipe to the required length, re-jointing the pipeline using C.I.D. Joints, testing the pipeline by operating the valves concerned, and rectifying the defects any noticed and without causing any damages to the existing utilities and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, charges for removing surplus soil from work site, including hire for tools and plant, conveyance of tools and materials, bailing out water, providing caution boards, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, traffic controlling etc., complete as per the direction of Departmental officers excluding the cost of pipe and C.I.D. Joints. 34 Appendix II (E) - Working Charges - Other works 35 100.59.1:Cutting the bituminous / concrete roads with cutting machine for a minimum depth of 200mm along the sides of proposed alignment of the pipe to be laid without causing any damage to other utilities, including the charges for hire and conveyance of tools and plant, cost of consumables and charges for lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, and as per the direction of departmental officers etc. complete, before carrying out the demolition of bituminous / concrete road by mechanical means and carrying out the excavation. 36 15.43.2:Dismantling manually / by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer -in-Charge:Bituminous road 37 15.2.1:Demolishing cement concrete manually / by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in-Charge.Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix) 38 15.3:Demolishing R.C.C. work manually / by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material with in 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer -in-Charge. 39 15.9.2:Demolishing stone rubble masonry manually / by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer -in- Charges:In cement mortar 40 16.83:Taking out existing CC interlocking paver blocks from footpath/ central verge, including removal of rubbish etc., disposal of unserviceable material to the dumping ground, for which payment shall be made separately and stacking of serviceable material within 50 metre lead as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 41 100.1.1:Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc., including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc., and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50m, in all kinds of soil. 42 100.1.2:Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc., including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth exceeding 1.5m but not exceeding 3m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc., and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50m, in all kinds of soil. 43 or Bailing out water and removing slush etc by using pump set including cost of labour, oil hire charges of pumpset, etc complete 44 100.8.1:Fencing one side of trenches, 1.50m height with two rows of 10cm plastic caution tape in vertical casuarina pole (girth 15cm to 24cm) fixed at 2m intervals. 45 100.9.5:Laying uPVC pipes of class 2 to class 6 and specials, lowering to the trenches already made, placing in position aligning the pipeline to the lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials with solvent cement and testing the pipeline with water to the required test pressure (excluding cost of pipes and specials): 50 mm nominal outside diameter pipes. 46 100.9.6:Laying uPVC pipes of class 2 to class 6 and specials, lowering to the trenches already made, placing in position aligning the pipeline to the lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials with solvent cement and testing the pipeline with water to the required test pressure (excluding cost of pipes and specials): 63 mm nominal outside diameter pipes. 47 100.9.7:Laying uPVC pipes of class 2 to class 6 and specials, lowering to the trenches already made, placing in position aligning the pipeline to the lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials with solvent cement and testing the pipeline with water to the required test pressure (excluding cost of pipes and specials): 75 mm nominal outside diameter pipes. 48 100.9.8:Laying uPVC pipes of class 2 to class 6 and specials, lowering to the trenches already made, placing in position aligning the pipeline to the lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials with solvent cement and testing the pipeline with water to the required test pressure (excluding cost of pipes and specials): 90 mm nominal outside diameter pipes. 49 100.9.9:Laying uPVC pipes of class 2 to class 6 and specials, lowering to the trenches already made, placing in position aligning the pipeline to the lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials with solvent cement and testing the pipeline with water to the required test pressure (excluding cost of pipes and specials): 110 mm nominal outside diameter pipes. 50 2.16.2:Close timbering in trenches including strutting, shoring and packing cavities (wherever required) complete (Measurements to be taken of the face area timbered).Depth exceeding 1.5 m but not exceeding 3 m 51 4.1.3:Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:2:4 (cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 52 16.84:Laying old cement concrete interlocking paver blocks of any design/ shape laid in required line, level, curvature, colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Old CC paver blocks shall be supplied by the department free of cost.) 53 7.1.1:Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) up to plinth level with:Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 54 100.98.1009:Engaging Fitter ( grade 1). 55 100.98.1010:Engaging Assistant Fitter or 2nd class fitter. 56 100.98.1008:Engaging Coolie. 57 100.41.39:Supply, stacking, spreading and consolidating of Quarry Muck in the trench of pipe line, including carriage, loading, unloading & stacking up to any lead. 58 Appendix II (D)-Working Charges- Leak rectification works in Public taps 59 100.56.1:Supplying and fixing 15 / 20 mm PVC public tap after dismantling the damaged tap including all cost of materials, labour charges, hire for tools and as per the direction of the department officers etc complete. 60 100.57.1:Rectifying the leakages in boring point of public tap connection including earth work excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing the boring point including concrete / tar cutting, dismantling the damaged saddle piece,cutting and removing damaged portion of pipe line,fixing new saddle piece,laying 20/25 mm PVC 10Kg/cm2 pipe in place of damaged portion of pipe and connecting with existing pipe line,testing the line to the required test pressure, rectifying any defects noticed and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, removing the surplus soil from the work site, without causing any damages to any other utilities, including the charges of hire and conveyance of tools, plants and materials to the leak site, bailing out water, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, including cost of pipe and saddle piece and as per the direction of departmental officers etc. complete. 61 100.58.1:Rectifying the leakages in vertical pipe of public tap connection including earth work excavation in all kinds of soil for exposing the pipeline including concrete / tar cutting, cutting and removing damaged portion of pipe, fixing new 20/25 mm GI pipe and specials in place of damaged portion of pipe and connecting with existing pipe line, testing the line to the required pressure, rectifying any defects noticed and refilling the trenches using excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20cm depth including consolidating each layers by ramming, watering, removing the surplus soil from the work site, without causing any damages to any other utilities, including the charges of hire and conveyance of tools, plants and materials to the leak site, bailing out water, lighting, watching, ribbon fencing, caution boards, traffic diversion, including cost of pipe and specials and as per the direction of departmental officers etc. complete. 62 Appendix III (A) :- Road Reformation 63 4.1.A.1:Construction of granular sub-base by providing graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with a motor grader on the prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 Grading-I - Plant Mix Method