Expression of Interest are invited for Appointment of Consulting Firm for Baseline Survey for Global Multi-Tier Measurement for Access to Energy Brief Description of Assignment: 1. The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh has received a fund from the International Development Agency (IDA) and it intends to apply a part of the proceeds of this credit to payment under the contracts for appointment of consulting firm for Baseline Survey for Global Multi-tier Measurement for Access to Energy (Package No. S-35). Power Cell, therefore, intends to appoint a reputed consultancy firm to accomplish the mentioned services by using this fund under TA for Strengthening and Development of Sustainable Power Sector in Bangladesh project of Power Cell, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resource. Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required: "2. Interested consulting firms must provide information indicating the qualifications to perform the services. The short-listing criteria are: a) General experience of the firm, b) Experience in similar projects of compatible complexity, and technical specialty, c) Financial soundness of the firm, d) Resources, key experts & support services of the firm. 3. A consulting firm is allowed to submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) alone if it considers itself to be fully qualified on its own for the assignment, as it is not mandatory for a consulting firm to associate with any other firm(s), whether foreign or local. Alternatively, if the firm chooses to associate to enhance their qualifications and capability for the assignment, then such associations may either be as a Joint Venture (i.e., all members of the joint venture shall be jointly and severally responsible) and/or Sub-consultants (The Consultant will be responsible for the services of the sub-consultant, and the qualification and experience of the sub-consultants will not be evaluated). In case of an association, the Consultants must explain in the EOI submission (a) the rationale for forming the association and (b) the anticipated role and relevant qualifications of each member of the Joint Venture and/or of each sub-consultant for carrying out the assignment, to justify the proposed inclusion of the JV members and/or sub-consultants in the association. Failure to provide the above explanation in the EOI may risk the association not being shortlisted for the assignment. 4. Consultants are requested to submit the following supporting documents against the above mentioned criteria: (a) The Firms Incorporation/Trade/registration documents from the country of the firm (b) JV agreement/letter of intent (if applicable) (c) Firms brochure; (d) Description of similar consultancy contracts, including the scope, contract amount, name of Client, period of the contract (date of contract signing to date of completion), location/country of the services, etc. (e) Service experience record (including nature, total cost, total inputs in terms of staff month, employer, location, scope of the service etc.) (f) Short biography of key professional (g) Companys Income Tax certificate/Income Tax registration certificate. The experience of a parent company, subsidiary company, group company or associates (whatever the names) of the applicant (consulting firm) shall not be considered in evaluation. 5. Detailed Scope of Work will be available in the Terms of Reference (TOR) which can be downloaded from the website of Power Cell (, and CPTU website from the date of publication of EOI. 6. Interested Firms are requested to submit their EOI in 2 (Two) sets, (one original and one duplicate) with soft copy in pen-drive in the address of the undersigned and clearly marked Baseline Survey for Global Multi-tier Measurement for Access to Energy (Package No. S-35) on or before the submission deadline of March 19, 2025, 12:00 Hours (BST). Any submission received after the submission date & time will not be accepted." Association with foreign firms is: Encouraged EOI Closing Date and Time: 19/03/2025 12:00 PM Tender Link :