Quotation are invited for Safety Related Equipment Delivery Date: 2025/04/29 Delivery To: Bradley Kayser Distribution services Pinelands Delivery Address: 1 Nursery way, Pinelands Closing Date: 2025/03/07 Closing Time: 04:00 PM Description: 2 each x changing rooms signs 1 each x store room safety sign 1 each x store room responsible person sign 1 each x bench grinder safety sign 20 each x men at work safety sign 2 each x warning tampering with fire equipment 20 each x keep clear open excavation 1 each x flamable store 12 each x general warning temp road sign 12 each x temp speed limit road sign 12 each x stop-go road sign with steel stand 20 each x red flag with wooden handle 12 each x keep right road sign temp Specification: * CHANGING ROOMS SAFETY SIGN (IN31) Type: ABS Plastic Size: 190X190mm Qty: 2 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands CLAUSE - 2.14.1 & 2.15 Provide, on request by the CCT, any other material that has a bearing on the quotation offer, the supplier#s commercial position (including joint venture agreements), preferencing arrangements, or samples of materials, considered necessary by the CCT for the purpose of the evaluation of the quotation. If the Specifications require the supplier to provide samples/technical data sheets, these shall be provided strictly in accordance with the instructions set out in the Specification. If such samples /technical data sheets are not submitted as required in the bid documents or within any further time stipulated by the CCT in writing, then the bid concerned may be declared non-responsive. # Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent" # NB: The Municipal Bidding Document 6.1 (MBD 6.1) is attached, in order to be eligible for preference points bidders are required to submit a duly completed, current dated MBD 6.1 document with supporting documents with each and every RFQ submission, failure to submit will result in zero point allocation. * STORE ROOM SAFETY SIGN (IN41) Type: ABS Plastic Size: 190X380mm Qty: 1 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * STORE ROOM, RESPONSIBLE PERSON SAFETY SIGN (IN12) Type: ABS Plastic Size: 190X380mm Qty: 1 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * BENCH GRINDER SAFETY SIGN (FM1) Type: ABS Plastic Size: 300X400mm Qty: 1 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * DANGER: MEN AT WORK SAFETY SIGN (CONS0052) TYPE: ABS PLASTIC SIZE 150X450MM Qty: 20 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * WARNING: A FINE FOR TAMPERING WITH FIRE EQUIPMENT SAFETY SIGN (EQ020) TYPE: ABS PLASTIC SIZE: 290X290MM Qty: 2 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * KEEP CLEAR : OPEN EXCAVATION SAFETY SIGN (C12) TYPE:ABS PLASTIC SIZE: 290X290MM Qty: 20 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * FLAMMABLE STORE , NO UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY SAFETY SIGN (M119) TYPE: ABS PLASTIC SIZE: 290X290M Qty: 1 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * GENERAL WARNING TEMPORARY ROAD SIGN (TW339) TYPE: CHROMADEK SIZE: 900MM Qty: 12 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * TEMPORARY SPEED LIMIT ROAD SIGN (TR201) 40 TYPE: CHROMADEK SIZE: 600MM Qty: 12 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * STOP - GO ROAD SIGN WITH A STEEL STAND (R1.5) TYPE: D-SIDED ROAD SIGN + STAND SIZE: 600MM Qty: 12 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * RED FLAG WITH WOODEN HANDLE Qty: 20 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands * KEEP RIGHT ROAD SIGN ( TR104) TYPE: CHROMADEK SIZE: 600MM Qty: 12 Contact Person Bradley Kayser 021 400 3330 Deliver address 01 Nursery way Pinelands Tender Link : http://web1.capetown.gov.za/web1/ProcurementPortal/RFQ/Details/301261
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