Services for metrological verification of pressure measuring instruments (electronic, mechanical tonometers),Services for metrological verification of mass measuring instruments (medical, floor, childrens, etc. Libra),Services for metrological verification of equipment UP Cardian.,Services for metrological verification of medical devices (electrocardiographs).,Services for the measurement of output parameters of Axion-Bel defibrillers,Services for the measurement of output parameters of Beneheart D6 defibrillers,Prime Defibrillers output parameters,PIC-30 defibrillers output parameters,Services for measuring the parameters of testing equipment (laboratory centrifugs),Services for metrological verification of medical devices (electrocardiographs, bicycle ergometer, etc.),Medical certification services of medical devices (physiotherapy equipment),Services for verification of acoustic measurements (audiometer),Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) of the integral model,Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) Modtar-01-R-D models,Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) of the CMS 9000 model,Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) infinity models,Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) of the Stella 80B model,Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) Smart models,COLIBROVERS SERVICES OF MEDICAL PREPARITION (patient monitor, fetal monitor) Sonicaid models,Services for verification of medical devices (patient monitor, fetal monitor) M9 M9,1,2