Price Registration For Future And Eventual Hiring Of A Company For The Acquisition Of Foodstuffs To Compose The School Lunch Menu, Intended For School Feeding Of Students From The Public School Of Boa Vista Do Tupim/Ba, According To Nature, Conditions, Quantities And Requirements Established In The Term Of Reference, Attached To The Notice.. Noodles, Pasta, Edible Vegetable Oil, Salt, Textured Soybean Protein, Cornmeal, Corn, Dye, Spice, Chocolate, Vegetable Fat, Sugar, Coconut Milk, Benefited Rice, Vinegar, Seed, Cookie, Cookie, Fluid Milk, Morning Cereal/Snacks, Rice Flour, Milk Powder, Milk Powder, Ave Meat Natura, Fresh Beef, Fresh Beef, Salted Meat, Fresh Beef, Fresh Beef, Egg, Tomato Pasta, Juice, Juice, Juice, Canned Vegetable, Canned Vegetable, Pickled Fish, Sweetener , Seasoning, Spice, Spice, Coffee, Bread, Bread, Cornmeal Bread