Paper, Alkaline A4, 75G/M2 Weight, High Whiteness, 210 X 297Mm Dimensions, Waterproof Material Packaging, With Product Identification, Manufacturer Brand, 1.0 Remale Package, A4, 210X297 Mm Format, 60 Kg, 180G, Diverse Colors, Packaging Containing Identification And Proceedings, A4, 40Kg, Alkaline, Weight Of Sheet 120 Kgm², 50.0 Sheets Package, Photo, Professional, Water Resistant, Shiny Surface, Instant Drying, 50.0 Units, A4 A4, Water Resistant - Bright Supreme Sweeping - Instant Drying, Package 10.0 Unit, 20/02/2025, Envelope , Minimum 80 G Grammature, Gold Color, Without Timbre, Size 260X360 Mm, Variation + 2Mm, Box 100.0 Units, Text Mark Pen, Polyethylene Tip, Polyester Filter, Traco 2, 5 To 5, 0Mm Thickness, Water -Based Fluorescent Paint, Body, Lid And Polypropylene Background, Engraved On The Manufacturers Brand, Packaging 1.0 Unit, Brush Paint, Liquid, Whiteboard, 20 Ml Vial, Product Identification Packaging, Box 12.0 Units, Brush For Whiteboard, Marker, Load And Recyclable Tip, Various Colors, Atomic Brush, Permanent Marker, Varied Colors, Box 12.0 Unit, Reprovement Pen, Plastic Material, Thin Tip, Non -Toxic Load, Tape, Gummy Paper, Wood Paper , 32 Mm X 50 M, Variation +/- 5%, Styrofoam, Standard Size, 15 Mm Thickness, Leaf, Single 1.0 Unit, Fabric, Measuring 1, 40 M Width, Non -Tent Fabric, Roll 50.0 Meters, Cardboard, 180 G, 50X66 Cm Dimensions, 1.0 Sheet, Rubber Plate, E.V.A (Ethil, Vinyl, Acetate), Washing, Washing, Adherent And Resistant, 40 X 95 Cm, Varied Colors (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White, Orange, Pink, Black And Printed), E.V.A With Glitter, 40 Cm X 48 Cm X 2 Mm, 10.0 Leaf Packet, Plastic Sparse, White Frame, Box 1.0 Unit, Stapler Staple, Galvanized, 26/6, Packaging With Product Identification, Box 5000.0 Units, Stapler, Stem Plate, Metallic, Electrostatic Painting, Minimum Capacity To Staple 60 Sheets Paper 75Gr/M², Packaging With Product Identification And Manufacturer Brand, Pistol, Hot Glue Application, Small, Glue, Semi -Transparent Glue, 1.0 Kilogram Package, Pencil, 175 Mm, N ° 02, Black, Wooden Coating, Cylindrical Format, Recorded In The Manufacturer Brand, Graffiti, Box 144.0 Unit, Erasing Rubber, Tip Type, White Color, Latex, Delete The Pencil Writing, Member Of Pencil, Simple, Metal, Color Pencils, Coated In Wood, Length 17, 5Cm, Variation +/- 0, Spoil Pen, Thin Writing, Transparent Plastic Material 140Mm, Load In Plastic Tube 130 Mm , Variation +/- 10%, Sphere In Tungsten, Scissors, Stainless Steel, +/- 20 Cm, School Scissors, Without Tip, Size 13Cm, Document Folder, Polypropylene, Elastic Tab, Dimensions 340X240x20mm, Smoke