Tender For Lab Equipment And Chemical, glassware, Calcium Chloride Calcium Nitrate Calcium Sulphate Calcium Sulphite Calcium Sulphide Ferrous Sulphate Ferric Chloride lodine Lead Acetate Lead Carbonate Lead Nitrate Potassium Acetate Potassium Carbonate Potassium Chromate Potassium Di Chromate Potassium lodide Sodium Bi Carbonate Sodium Hydroxide (pellets) Sodium Oxalate Sodium Thiosulphate Silver Nitrate A.R. Acid Benzoic Acid Nitric Acid Sulphuric Acid Hydrochloric A.R. Acetamide Acetone Benzamide Benzyldehyde Benzophenone Chloroform Carbon tetra Chloride m-Di nitro Benzene Glycerine/Glycerol 1-napthol 2-Napthol Napthaline phenol Pyridine Tolune Beaker 100 ml. Cappillary tube Boiling Test Tube 25x150 mm Condensor 200 mm Funnel plain short stem Funnel plain short stem plastic Filter Paper Sheet Rubber Tube 6&8 mm. Stalganometer Test Tube 12x75 Chemical Thermometer 360 D. Visco Metre Wire Guaze(iron) Watch Glass 10 cm. Borosil Porceline Dish 100 mm. T.T. Brush distillation assembly full RB flask wide neck 100 ml RB flask wide neck 250 ml RB flask with socket 24/29 single Fb flask wide neck 100 ml FB flask wide neck 250 ml FB flask wide neck 250 ml FB flask with socket 24/29 single vol. flask with stopper 250 ml vol. flask with stopper 1000 ml paper for chromatography burette stand gas burner spatual ss burette clamp conical flask 250 ml hot water kettle microwave oven printer & scanner Thermas Flask Crusible Tongs Funnel (Buehner) Study Of OR, AND, NOT Logic Gates (Using Discrete Components) And Comparison With TTL IC's With Power Supply (C.R.) Op-Amp As Non-Inverting And Inverting Amplifier Sodium Lamp With Choke & Wooden Box Study Of Variation Of Total Thermal Radiation With Temperature With Power Supply And 2 Dual Range Meters (C.R.) Charging And Discharging Of A Condenser With Power Supply And 2 Multi Range Meters Study of the characteristic of junction diode and zener diode Study of characteristic of a FET Determine the thermodynamic constant using Clements and Desorme's method To convert a galvanometer into a ameter of a given range To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter of a given range Diffraction Grating Eyepiece newton's ring experiment setup (complete set) Energy band gap in semiconductor diode (complete set) To study the magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil (complete set) To study the voltage and current behaviour of an LR circuit with AC power source (complete set) To determine the moment of inertia of a fly-wheel (complete set) Measure the induction by the Anderson bridge coil Find high resistance by the leakage method VERIFICATION OF LAWS & NETWORK THEOREMS IN DC CIRCUITS Tracing table Quick Setting Dumpy Level Verner Tranist Theodolite Digital Theodolite Complete with stand Auto Level Weather maps INDIA latest Editions Pocket Stereoscope Hygrometer Barometer Thermometer Hygrometer Laminar Airflow Cabinet Over Head Projector LCD DIGITAL MICROSCOPE CENTRIFUGE LABORATORY MACHINE DIGITAL PH METER INCUBATOR MACHINE 5 DIGITAL BP METER REFRIGERATOR Digital Spectrophotometer etc.
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