E-Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables (151 Items) For Hll Lifecare Diagnostic Laboratories (Hindlabs) In South India , List Of Products , Hematoxylin Monohydrate Stain Ci 75290 5Gm , Leishmans Stain 50Ml , Methylene Blue Loefflers 500Ml , Orange G Og 6 Stain 500Ml , Sodium Chloride Injection Ip (0.9%W/V) 500Ml , Toluidene Blue Stain 100Ml , Urea 40% Solution 5 X 5Ml , Ige Quantia Standard Cal Set , Ana Elisa 24T , Ana Elisa 48T , Measles Igg Elisa 48T , Measles Igm Elisa 48T , Absolute Eosinophil Count Fluid 125Ml , Blood Lancet 100S , Ehrlichs Reagent 250Ml , Eosinophil Diluting Fluid 125Ml , Fouchet Reagent 125Ml , Platelet Diluting Fluid , Reticulocyte Diluting Fluid 125Ml , Spillage Kit , Cedar Wood Oil 30Ml , Centrifuge Carbon Brush , Coplin Jar (Polypropaline) , Papanicolaous 3B Ea50 125Ml , Papanicolaous 1A 125Ml , Papanicolaous 2B 125Ml , Papanicolaous 3B 125Ml , Slide Storage Box , Xylene 50Ml , Hiv Signal (Line Method) 50T , Hiv Tridot+P24 Ag 50T , Rapid Zn Stain Kit , Acetic Acid 3% 125Ml , Ana If Fluorescent Igg Ana-Ro Test 350T , Ana Lia Maxx 24T , Atcc Strain H Influenza , Atcc Strain Streptococcus , Bar Code Carbon Paper 110Mm X 74M , Barcode Label 50Mm X 25Mm , Barcode Ribbon 105Mm X 300M , Barcode Ribbon 55Mm X 74M , Bed Tissue Roll 60Cm X 100M , Betadine Scrub 50Ml , Biological Indicator For Autoclave , Biological Indicator For Hot Air Oven , Bowie Dick Test Pack , Bromothymol Blue Indicator 125Ml , Capillary Tube 90Mm 100S , Chemical Indicator For Hot Air Oven , Combine Dressing Pad 10Cm X 10Cm , Conc Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml , Cotton Non Absorbent 1Kg , Covid Antigen Test Kit 50S , Detergent For Glass Slide Washing , Digital Freezer Thermometer , Distilled Water 5Ltr , Ehrlics Reagent 125Ml , Eryscreen 3 X 12Ml , Ethanol 500Ml , Foetal Procedure Kit , Glass Staining Jar With Ground Inglass Lid 1X3 Slide , Green Sticker 4 X 2Cm , Hcl 1% Acid Alcohol 1Ltr , Hemospot Card 50T , Hemospot Card 25T , Indicator Ph Paper Range Ph 1 , Indicator Ph Paper Range Ph 3.5 , Indicator Ph Paper Range Ph 6.5 , Hydrocloric Acid 500Ml , Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 100Ml , Hydrogen Peroxide 30% 500Ml , Indicator Paper Wide Range Ph 10 , Infrared Thermometer , Karman Cannula 5Mm 25S , Karman Cannula 4Mm 25S , Liquicelin 5Ml , Liquid Paraffin 100Ml , Liquor Ammonia 500Ml , Loop With Holder , Mannitol 20% Injection 100Ml , Mcfarland Standard Set , Metal Loop Holder , Micropore 9.1M X 2.5Mm , Microtainer Sodium Citrate 3.2% Non Vacuum , N95 Mask , Naoh 100Ml , Needle Destroyer , Nichrome Loop D4 , Nichrome Loop 4Mm Dia , Nichrome Straight Wire , Nichrome Wire Loop Diameter 4Mm , Non Absorbent Cotton 500Gm , Normal Saline 9%Iv Fluid 500Ml , Oxygen Concentrator , Oxygen Flow Meter With Humidifier , Oxygen Rota Meter , Paraffin Liquid Heavy 500Ml , Pointed Forcep Ss 105Mm Straight , Proluton Inj , Pulse Oximeter , Rbc Diluting Fluid 500Ml , Red Sticker 4 X 2Cm , Slide Drying Rack , Slide Storage Tray 200 Slides , Sodium Deoxycholate 100Gm , Spatula Pp For Pap Smear , Steam Indicator Tape , Sulphosalicylic Acid 3% 500Ml , Sulphosalicylic Acid Soln 20% 500Ml , Sulphur Powder 100Gm , Surgeon Gown , Surgical Spirit 400Ml , Test Tube 10 X 75Mm Plastic , Test Tube 12 X 100Mm Plastic , Test Tube Glass With Conical Bottom , Test Tube Rack Aluminium 18Mm X 24H , Test Tube Stand 12 X 25Mm , Digital Thermometer , Wash Bottle 200Ml , Water Testing Kit , Wbc Diluting Fluid 500Ml , White Sticker 4 X 2Cm , Xylene Lr 500Ml , Sodium Hydroxide Solution 500Ml , Seliwan Offs Reagent , Cotton Roll 400Gm , Cotton Roll 500Gm , Dry Mop Commercial Grade , Hbsag Vaccine For Adult , Heparin Syringe 3Ml , Needle And Syringe Destroyer , Phenyl 500Ml , Pipette Tip Box (1000Ul) , Pipette Tip Box (200 Ul) , Scalp Vein Set 23G , Scalp Vein Set 18G , Scalp Vein Set 20G , Scalp Vein Set 22G , Scalp Vein Set 24G , Sodium Citrate 3.8 % W/V Soln 500Ml , Sodium Hypochlorite Soln 2% & 4% 1L , Spinal Long Needle 22G 15Cm , Stool Occult Blood Card , Vacutainer Tube Rack 48 Tubes , Vacutainer Tube Rack 96 Tubes , Wet Mop Commercial Grade , Pipette Pump 25Ml , Dustbin 10Ltr With Lid Black , Dustbin 10Ltr With Lid Red , Dustbin 10Ltr With Lid Yellow , Nutrient Agar 500Gm