Maintenance of medical equipment: production Siemens, Germany (MRI),Maintenance of medical equipment: Apelem production, France (X -ray apparatus),Maintenance of medical equipment: Production GE Medical Systems LLC, USA (CT, Angiograph, Mammograph),Maintenance of medical equipment: production GE Medical Systems LLC, USA (MRI, Uzi),Maintenance of medical equipment: Production GE Medical Systems LLC, USA (injectors),Maintenance of medical equipment: Canon production Japan (CT),Maintenance of medical equipment: production of Tahat-Axi, RB (ECG),Maintenance of medical equipment: production of Cardian RB (ECG Monitors),Maintenance of medical equipment: Production LLC Intecard M (ECG),Maintenance of medical equipment: Production of Belintelmed LLC (MA2),Medical maintenance of medical technology TOSHIBA (ultrasound),Maintenance of equipment of ultrasound diagnostic (ultrasound),Maintenance of equipment for magnetotherapy (Madin, Avatron),Maintenance of equipment production Drive, RB,Maintenance of the equipment of the production of CJSC MILTA - PKP GIT (RIKTA),Maintenance of equipment for general ENT assignment,Technical maintenance services of a single -photon emission tomograph with accessories: double -photograph single -photograph emission tomograph Any Scan S,Services for maintenance Gamma cameras Siemens E.CAM Dualhead (OFECT),Maintenance of medical equipment (laboratory protective cabinet, radiation contamination monitor of hand-wagon
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