Diagnostic Kits /Antibodies For Mamc.-K001 (1-3)-β-D-Glucan detection kit K002 34 BETA E12 K003 Albumin estimation colorimetric kit K004 ALDH1A1 K005 Alfa Feto Protein K006 ALK for Paraffin sections K007 ALL panel Kit K008 Alpha 1 antitrypsin K009 AML Panel Kit K010 Anaerobic Gas Pack K011 Androgen receptor Ab-1 (clone AR 441) RTU K012 Annexin K013 Anti BIM monoclonal antibody K014 Anti Claudin-6 IgG Antibody [Rabbit Polyclonal] 200μg/mL K015 Anti human FITC conjugated Anti C3 K016 Anti human FITC conjugated Anti IgA K017 Anti human FITC conjugated Anti IgG K018 Anti human FITC conjugated Anti IgM K019 Anti human FITC conjugated fibrinogen K020 Anti human IgG-HRPO conjugate K021 Anti human lgM-HRPO conjugate K022 Anti mouse IgG – HRPO conjugate K023 Anti MPO RTU K024 Anti P 63 Ab-4 (clone 4A4+y4A3(63 PO2) RTU K025 Anti-Akt monoclonal antibodyK026 Anti-ATF 4 monoclonal antibody K027 Antibiotic antimycotic solution for cell culture ? K028 Antibiotic solution - Amphotericin B K029 Antibiotic solution (penicillin + streptomycin) for cell culture K030 Antibiotic disc Cefixime 5 mcg/disc K031 Antibiotic disc Ceftriaxone 0.5 mcg/disc K032 Antibiotic disc Ceftriaxone 30 mcg/disc K033 Antibiotic disc Ciprofloxacin 1 mcg/disc K034 Antibiotic disc Ciprofloxacin 5 mcg/disc K035 Antibiotic disc Amikacin 30 mcg K036 Antibiotic disc Amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid 30 mcg (20/10mcg) K037 Antibiotic disc Amphotericin 50mcg K038 Antibiotic disc Amphotericin B 20mcg K039 Antibiotic disc Ampicillin 10 mcg K040 Antibiotic disc Ampicillin/ Sulbactam 10/10 mcg K041 Antibiotic disc Azithromycin 15 mcg K042 Antibiotic disc Aztreonam 30mcg K043 Antibiotic disc Bacitracin (0.04 units) K044 Antibiotic disc Bacitracin (10 units) K045 Antibiotic disc Benzyl penicillin (1 unit) K046 Antibiotic disc Carbenicillin 100 mcg K047 Antibiotic disc Cefazolin 30 mcg K048 Antibiotic disc Cefepime 30 mcg K049 Antibiotic disc Cefepime/ tazobactam 80/10 mcg K050 Antibiotic disc Cefiderocol 30mcg K051 Antibiotic disc Cefixime 5 mcg K052 Antibiotic disc Cefoperazone 75 mcg K053 Antibiotic disc Cefoperazone- Sulbactam (50/50 mcg) K054 Antibiotic disc Cefotaxime 30 mcg K055 Antibiotic disc Cefotaxime/ clavulanic acid 30/10 mcg K056 Antibiotic disc Cefoxitin 30 mcg K057 Antibiotic disc Cefpodoxime 10 mcg K058 Antibiotic disc ceftaroline 30mcg K059 Antibiotic disc Ceftazidime 30 mcg K060 Antibiotic disc Ceftazidime/ clavulanic acid 30/10 mcg K061 Antibiotic disc Ceftazidimeavibactam 30/20mcg K062 Antibiotic disc Ceftibuten 30mcg K063 Antibiotic disc Ceftolazonetazobactam (30/10 mcg) K064 Antibiotic disc Ceftriaxone 30 mcg K065 Antibiotic disc Cefuroxime 30 mcg K066 Antibiotic disc Chloramphenicol 30 mcg K067 Antibiotic disc Ciprofloxacin 5 mcg K068 Antibiotic disc Clarithromycin 15mcg K069 Antibiotic disc Clindamycin 2 mcg K070 Antibiotic disc Colistin 10 mcg K071 Antibiotic disc Co-trimoxazole 25 mcg (23.75/1.25 mcg) K072 Antibiotic disc Doripenem 10 mcg K073 Antibiotic disc Doxycycline hydrochloride 30 mcg K074 Antibiotic disc Ertapenem 10 mcg K075 Antibiotic disc Erythromycin 15 mcg K076 Antibiotic disc Faropenem 5 mcg K077 Antibiotic disc Fluconazole 10mcg K078 Antibiotic disc- Fluconazole 25mcg K079 Antibiotic disc Fosfomycin 200mcg supplemented with 50mcg of glucose-6-phosphate K080 Antibiotic disc Gatifloxacin 5mcg K081 Antibiotic disc Gentamicin 10 mcg K082 Antibiotic disc High level gentamicin (HLG) 120mcg K083 Antibiotic disc High level Streptomycin (HLS) 300mcg K084 Antibiotic disc Imepenem- EDTA 10/750 mcg K085 Antibiotic disc Imipenem 10 mcg K086 Antibiotic disc Imipenem- Relebacatm 10/25 mcg K087 Antibiotic disc Kanamycin (30μg) K088 Antibiotic disc Kanamycin 1000mcg K089 Antibiotic disc Levofloxacin 5 mcg K090 Antibiotic disc Linezolid 30 mcg K091 Antibiotic disc Meropenem 10 mcg K092 Antibiotic disc Meropenemvaborabactam 20/10mcg K093 Antibiotic disc Methicillin 5mcg K094 Antibiotic disc Metronidazole (5μg) K095 Antibiotic disc Minocycline 30mcg K096 Antibiotic disc Moxifloxacin 5mcgK097 Antibiotic disc Mupirocin 200mcg K098 Antibiotic disc Nalidixic acid mcg K099 Antibiotic disc Netillin (Netilmicin sulphate) 30 mcg K100 Antibiotic disc Nitrofurantoin 300 mcg K101 Antibiotic disc Norfloxacin 10 mcg K102 Antibiotic disc- Nystatin 50mcg K103 Antibiotic disc Ofloxacin 5mcg K104 Antibiotic disc Oxacillin 1mcg K105 Antibiotic disc Pefloxacin 5ug K106 Antibiotic disc Penicillin 0.5 IU/disc K107 Antibiotic disc Penicillin 10 units K108 Antibiotic disc Piperacillin 100mcg K109 Antibiotic disc Piperacillin/Tazobactam (30-6 mcg) K110 Antibiotic disc Piperacillintazobactam 100/10 mcg K111 Antibiotic disc Polymixin B (50units/disc) K112 Antibiotic disc Polymyxin B (300units/disc) K113 Antibiotic disc Quinpristindalfopristin 15mcg K114 Antibiotic disc Rifampicin 5 mcg K115 Antibiotic disc Streptomycin mcg K116 Antibiotic disc Teicoplanin 30 mcg K117 Antibiotic disc Tetracycline 10 mcg/disc K118 Antibiotic disc Tetracycline 30 mcg K119 Antibiotic disc Ticarcillin 75mcgK120 Antibiotic disc Ticarcillinclavulunate 75/10mcg K121 Antibiotic disc Tigecycline 15mcg K122 Antibiotic disc Tobramycin 10 mcg K123 Antibiotic disc Trimethoprim 5mcg K124 Antibiotic disc Vancomycin (5mcg) K125 Antibiotic disc Vancomycin 30 mcg K126 Antibiotic disc Voriconazole 1mcg K127 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine Azithromycin, range from 0.016 – 256 ug/ml K128 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine Ceftriaxone, range from 0.002 – 32 ug/ml K129 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine for Cefixime, range from 0.016 – 256 ug/ml K130 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine for Penicillin, range from 0.002 – 32 ug/ml K131 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine for Spectinomycin, range from 0.064 – 1025 ug/ml K132 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Amikacin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K133 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Amoxicillin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K134 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid (2:1) 0.016-256 mcg/ml K135 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- AmpC detection cefotetan(0.5- 32mcg/ml)/ cefotetan+cloxacillin (0.5- 32mcg/ml) K136 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ampicillin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K137 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Azithromycin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K138 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Cefazolin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K139 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Cefexime, range from 0.016 – 256 ug/ml K140 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Cefoperazone- Sulbactam, range from 0.016 - 256 mcg/ml K141 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Cefotaxime 0.002-32 mcg/ml K142 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Cefotaxime 0.016-256 mcg/ml K143 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ceftazidime 0.016-256 mcg/ml K144 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ceftazime- Avibactam (0.016-256 mcg/ml; avibactam 4mcg/ml) K145 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ceftolozonetazobactam (0.016-256 mcg/ml) K146 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ceftriaxone 0.002-32 mcg/ml K147 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ceftriaxone 0.016-256 mcg/ml K148 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MICChloramphenicol 0.016-256 mcg/ml K149 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ciprofloxacin 0.002-32 mcg/ml K150 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ciprofloxacin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K151 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Colistin 0.016- 256 mcg/ml K152 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Co- Trimoxazole (1:19) 0.002-32 mcg/ml K153 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Co- Trimoxazole (1:19) 0.016-256 mcg/ml K154 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Daptomycin 0.016-256 K155 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Doripenem 0.002-32 mcg/ml K156 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Eravacycline (0.002 - 32 μg/mL) K157 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Ertapenem 0.002-32 mcg/ml K158 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Erythromycin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K159 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- ESBL detection Cefotaxime (0.016- 1mcg/ml)/cefotaxime+clavulani c acid (0.25-16mcg/ml) K160 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- ESBL detection Ceftazidime (0.064- 4mcg/ml)/cefotaxime+clavulani c acid (0.5-32mcg/ml) K161 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- ESBL detection Ceftriaxone (0.016- 1mcg/ml)/ceftraixone+clavulani c acid (0.25-16mcg/ml)K162 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Fosfomycin (0.064-1024 mcg/ml) supplemented with 50mcg of glucose-6-phosphate K163 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Gentamicin (HLG) 0.064-1024 mcg/ml K164 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Gentamicin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K165 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Imipenem 0.002-32 mcg/ml K166 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- KPC detection Ertapenem+Boronic acid (0.032-2) + Ertapenem (0.125-8) K167 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Linezolid 0.016-256 mcg/ml K168 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- MBL detection Imipenen+ETDA (1-64mcg/ml)/ Imipenem (4-256mcg/ml) K169 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- MBL detection Meropenen+ETDA (1- 64mcg/ml)/ meropenem (4- 256mcg/ml) K170 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Meropenem 0.002-32 mcg/ml K171 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Minocycline (0.016-256 mcg/ml) K172 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Moxifloxacin, range from 0.002 – 32 ug/ml K173 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Penicillin (0.002-32 mcg/ml) K174 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Penicillin, range from 0.016-256 mcg/ml K175 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Plazomicin (0.016 - 256 μg/mL) K176 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Plazomicin (0.016 - 256 μg/mL) K177 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Polymyxin B 0.016-256 mcg/ml K178 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Spectinomycin, range from 0.064 – 1025 ug/ml K179 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Teicoplanin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K180 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Tetracycline, range from 0.016 – 256 ug/ml K181 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Tigecycline 0.016-256 mcg/ml K182 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MIC- Vancomycin 0.016-256 mcg/ml K183 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MICImipenem/ Relebactam (0.002/4 - 32/4 μg/mL) K184 Antibiotic gradient strips to determine MICMeropenem/ vaborbactam (0.004/8-64/8 μg/mL) K185 Antibiotic gradient strips to determinefor Tetracycline, range from 0.016 – 256 ug/ml K186 Antibiotic gradient strips to determinefor Gentamicin, range from 0.016 – 256 ug/ml K187 Antibiotic gradient strips to determiner Ciprofloxacin, range from 0.002 – 32 ug/ml K188 Antibiotin antibody – HRPO conjugate K189 Anti-BiP monoclonal antibody K190 Anti-CHOP monoclonal antibody K191 Anti-Fas L monoclonal antibody K192 Anti-FOXO-1 monoclonal antibody K193 Antifungal disc Clotrimazole 10mcg K194 Antifungal disc Itraconazole 10mcg K195 Antifungal disc Itraconazole 30mcg K196 Antifungal disc Ketoconazole 10mcg K197 Antifungal disc Ketoconazole 30mcg K198 Antifungal disc Ketoconazole 50mcg K199 Antifungal disc Miconazole 30mcg K200 Antifungal disc Miconazole 50mcg K201 Anti-HSP 27 monoclonal antibody K202 Anti-HSP 72 monoclonal antibodyK203 Anti-IkBa monoclonal antibody K204 Anti-Insulin Receptor monoclonal antibody K205 Anti-insulin receptor substrate 1 monoclonal antibody K206 Anti-JNK monoclonal antibody K207 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Anidulafungin strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K208 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Caspogungin Strips .002-32mcg/ml K209 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Fluconazole strips 0.016 – 256 mcg/ml K210 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Flucytosine strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K211 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Itraconazole strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K212 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Ketoconazole strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K213 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Micafungin strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K214 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Posaconazole strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K215 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Strips Amphotericin B.002-32mcg/ml K216 Antimicrobial gradient strips to determine MIC- Voriconazole strips 0.002 – 32mcg/ml K217 Anti-P21 monoclonal antibody K218 Anti-P27 monoclonal antibody K219 Anti-p38 MAPK monoclonal antibody K220 Anti-Phospho Akt (Thr308) monoclonal antibody K221 Anti-phospho FOXO-1 monoclonal antibody K222 Anti-Phospho HSP 27 monoclonal antibody K223 Anti-Phospho IkBa monoclonal antibody K224 Anti-Phospho insulin receptor monoclonal antibody K225 Anti-phospho insulin receptor substrate 1 monoclonal antibody K226 Anti-Phospho JNK monoclonal antibody K227 Anti-Phospho p38 MAPK monoclonal antibody K228 Anti-phospho p70S6K monoclonal antibody K229 Anti-Phospho-Akt (Ser473) monoclonal Antibody K230 Anti-PPAR Gamma monoclonal antibody K231 Anti-PTEN monoclonal antibody K232 Anti-Rabbit IgG [Polyclonal] 2mg/mL K233 Antisera (Monovalent) Escherichia coli for H7 serotyping K234 Antisera (Monovalent) Escherichia coli for O157 serotyping K235 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:a K236 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:b K237 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:c K238 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:d K239 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:e K240 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:f K241 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:g K242 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:h K243 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:i K244 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:k K245 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:m K246 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:p K247 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:r K248 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:s K249 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:t K250 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella H phase (1) - H:v K251 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-1 K252 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-10 K253 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-12 K254 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-14 K255 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-19 K256 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-2 K257 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-20 K258 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-3 K259 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-4 K260 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-5 K261 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-6 K262 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-7 K263 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-8 K264 Antisera (Monovalent) for Salmonella O-9 K265 Antisera (Monovalent) Vibrio cholerae INABA K266 Antisera (Monovalent) Vibrio cholerae O139 (Bengal) K267 Antisera (Monovalent) Vibrio cholerae OGAWA K268 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. boydii POLY C (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) K269 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. boydii POLY C1 (Types 8, 9, 10, 11) K270 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. boydii POLY C2 (Types 12, 13, 14, 15) K271 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. boydii POLY C3 (Types 16, 17, 18) K272 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. dysenteriae POLY A - Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 K273 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. dysenteriae POLY A1 - Types 9, 10, 11, 12 K274 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. flexneri POLY B (Types I, II, III, IV, V, VI, Groups (3)4, 6, 7(8)) K275 Antisera (Polyvalent) for S. sonnei POLY D (Phase I & II) K276 Antisera (Polyvalent) for Salmonella poly HK277 Antisera (Polyvalent) for Salmonella poly O K278 Antisera (Polyvalent) Vibrio cholerae POLY (INABA, OGAWA) K279 Antisera and monoclonal antibody for serological confirmation by slide agglutination for Salmonella: Poly A-E +Vi (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 27, 34, 46 + Vi) K280 Antisera and monoclonal antibody for serological confirmation by slide agglutination for Salmonella: Poly H (a b c d i z10 E G k L r y Z4 1 z6 z29) K281 Antisera Complete Kit for Vibrio: Vibrio cholerae POLY, INABA, OGAWA K282 Antisera for bacterial typing by slide agglutination- Salmonella O Group- O:7, 8 (included in group C1, C2, C3) K283 Antisera for Salmonella H phase pool antisera for slide agglutination- H:G (All phases having g and m,t) K284 Antisera for Shigella complete set antisera containing all polyvalent and corresponding monovalent antisera for identification and serotyping of Shigella sp. groups and serotypes/ phases. K285 Antisera Salmonella Complete set with antiserum against all types of O antigens, H antigens and phase I and Phase II antigens K286 Antisera Set of polyvalent and corresponding monovalent antisera for identification and serotyping of Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli K287 Aspergillus galactomannan lateral flow assay K288 Bacterial DNA extraction kit K289 BCL 2 RTU K290 BCL 6 RTU K291 BCL2 probe for FISH for formalin fixed , parafin embedded (FFPE) tissue K292 BCOR RTU K293 Bcr abl probe for FISH for blood and bone marrow K294 BCR-ABL1 Quantitative KitK295 Beta HCG K296 Beta-Catenin K297 Biotinylated protein ladder marker set K298 Bradford reagent K299 BRAF VGOOE(VE-1) RTU K300 BRCA 1 K301 BRCA 2 K302 BRCA-1 & 2 sanger sequencing kit K303 BV Blue Test for Diagnosis of Bacterial vaginosis K304 By Fish on tissue ERBB2 formalin fixed , parafin embedded (FFPE) tissue K305 C- Erb-B2 K306 C- Myc, RTU K307 C3a RTU K308 C3d K309 C4d K310 Calcitonin RTU K311 Caldesmon, RTU K312 Calretinin mouse mono clonal Ab. RTU K313 Carboxyhemoglobin Elisa Kit K314 CCND3 RTU K315 CCR6 antibody K316 CD 10 RTU K317 CD 103 RTU K318 CD 11 C RTU K319 CD 117 (C-Kit) K320 CD 123 RTU K321 CD 133 RTU K322 CD 138 RTU K323 CD 15 RTU K324 CD 19 RTU K325 CD 1a RTU K326 CD 2, RTU K327 CD 20 RTU K328 CD 21, RTU K329 CD 23 RTU K330 CD 25 RTU K331 CD 3 RTU K332 CD 30 RTU K333 CD 34 RTU K334 CD 38 RTU K335 CD 4 RTU K336 CD 41 RTU K337 CD 44 RTU K338 CD 45 RO RTU K339 CD 49f K340 CD 5 RTU K341 CD 56 RTU K342 CD 57 RTU K343 CD 61 RTU K344 CD 68 RTU K345 CD 79a RTU K346 CD 8 RTU K347 CD 99 RTU K348 CD24 RTU K349 CD-31 RTU K350 CD4 procedural Control K351 CDla RTU K352 cDNA Synthesis Kit K353 CDX -2 RTU K354 CEA RTU K355 Cell based Glucose Uptake- Assay Kit K356 Chromogranin RTU K357 Circulatory DNA Extraction kit K358 CK 19 RTU K359 CK 20 RTU K360 CK 5/6 RTU K361 CK 7 RTU K362 CK 8/18 RTU K363 Claudin 3 K364 Claudin 7 K365 Colorectal Cancer Mutations Panel Kit K366 Coomb’s gel card K367 Cryo embedding medium for cryostat K368 CXCR3 antibody K369 CYCLIN D1 RTU K370 CYTOKERATIN RTU K371 D2-40 K372 DAPI II counterstain K373 DDIT 3 RTU K374 DEPC treated water ? K375 DESMIN RTU K376 DFA kit for the detection of C. trachomatis antigen. K377 Diaminobenzidine (DAB) K378 Diethyl pyrocarbonate DEPC ? K379 Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test (DFA) kit for the detection andd typing of HSV-1 & 2 antigen in clinical samples.. K380 DNA Extraction Kit K381 DOG 1 RTU K382 DUx4 RTU K383 EBER probe for FISH for formalin fixed , parafin embedded (FFPE) tissue K384 E-Cadherin RTU K385 ECL prime blocking reagent K386 ECL prime western blotting kit K387 EGFR RTU K388 ELISA Kit - Anti Rubella virus (IgM) K389 ELISA Kit - detection of CMV specific IgG avidity K390 Elisa Kit- for E. Histolytica antigen detection K391 ELISA Kit- for GLUTATHIONE RAT K392 Elisa Kit- for Toxoplasma IgG K393 ELISA Kit - Kit for the quantitation of IL6 by ELISA K394 Elisa Kit- Rotavirus antigens assay for the qualitative detection of rotavirus antigens in feces, 96 well kit K395 ELISA Kit- (EBV-EA) IgG K396 ELISA Kit- (EBV-EBNA) IgG K397 ELISA Kit- (EBV-VCA) IgG K398 ELISA Kit- (EBV-VCA) IgG with Avidity K399 ELISA Kit- (EBV-VCA) IgM K400 ELISA Kit- (JEV) IgM in CSF and Serum K401 ELISA Kit- Anti Cytomegalovirus Virus IgG in CSF with avidity buffer K402 ELISA Kit- Anti Cytomegalovirus Virus IgM in CSF K403 ELISA Kit- Anti HBs (IgG) K404 ELISA Kit- Anti Rubella Virus IgG kit avidity buffer K405 Elisa Kit C3 Elisa Kit K406 Elisa Kit- Candida albicans IgM ELISA kit K407 Elisa Kit- Clostridium difficile toxins A+B detection assay in stool sample K408 ELISA kit- detection of anti- HBc IgG antibodies K409 ELISA kit- detection of anti- HBc IgM antibodies K410 ELISA kit- detection of anti- HBc total antibodies K411 ELISA kit- detection of anti- HBe antibodies K412 ELISA kit- detection of CMV specific IgG antibodies K413 ELISA kit- detection of CMV specific IgM antibodies K414 ELISA kit- detection of Hepatits B virus 'e' antigen K415 ELISA kit- detection of IgM antibodies specific to Herpes simplex virus 1& 2 K416 ELISA Kit- Endotoxin ELISA Kit K417 ELISA Kit- Endotoxin ELISA Kit K418 Elisa Kit- for anti human herpesvirus -8 (HHV-8) IgG antibodies. K419 Elisa Kit- for anti human herpesvirus -8 (HHV-8) IgM antibodies. K420 Elisa Kit- for anti human T lymphotropic virus IgG antibodies. K421 ELISA kit- for anti human T lymphotropic virus IgM antibodies. K422 ELISA kit- for anti anti Simian virus 40 (human polyomavirus) IgG antibodies. K423 ELISA kit- for anti BK virus IgG antibodies. K424 ELISA kit- for anti BK virus IgM antibodies. K425 ELISA kit- for anti Chandipura virus IgG antibodies. K426 ELISA kit- for anti Chandipura virus IgM antibodies. K427 ELISA kit- for anti HBc IgG antibodies. K428 ELISA kit- for anti HBc IgM antibodies. K429 ELISA kit- for anti HBc total antibodies. K430 ELISA kit- for anti JCV (John Cunningham virus) IgG antibodies. K431 ELISA kit- for anti JCV (John Cunningham virus) IgM antibodies. K432 ELISA kit- for anti Merkel cell polyomavirus IgM antibodies. K433 ELISA kit- for anti Simian virus 40 (human polyomavirus) IgM antibodies. K434 Elisa Kit- for Total Iron Binding Capacity K435 Elisa Kit- for Catalase activity K436 Elisa Kit- for Complement component 3 K437 Elisa Kit- for Complement component 4 K438 Elisa Kit- for Cortisol K439 ELISA Kit- for detection of IFN-Y (Interferon gamma release assay) K440 ELISA Kit- for detection of IgE for diagnosis of allergic fungal infections K441 Elisa Kit- for detection of IgG antibody to Herpes Simplex Virus – 1 (HSV- 1) K442 Elisa Kit- for detection of IgG antibody to Herpes Simplex Virus – 2 (HSV- 2) K443 Elisa Kit- for detection of IgM antibody to Herpes Simplex Virus – 1 (HSV- 1) K444 Elisa Kit- for detection of IgM antibody to Herpes Simplex Virus – 2 (HSV- 2) K445 Elisa Kit- for Dopamine K446 ELISA Kit- for E. Histolytica serum IgG Antibody detection Assay Microwell K447 ELISA Kit- for Echinococcus serum antibody detection Assay K448 Elisa Kit- for Ferritin K449 Elisa Kit- for Free Testosterone K450 Elisa Kit- for Glutathione K451 ELISA kit- for Hantavirus Profile Global (IgM) K452 Elisa Kit- for Human Insulin K453 Elisa Kit- for Immunoglobulin A K454 Elisa Kit- for Immunoglobulin G K455 Elisa Kit- for Immunoglobulin M K456 ELISA Kit- for INSULIN MOUSE K457 ELISA Kit- for INSULIN RAT K458 Elisa Kit- for Interleukin-10 K459 Elisa Kit- for Interleukin-12 K460 Elisa Kit- for Interleukin-18 K461 Elisa Kit- for Interleukin-2 K462 Elisa Kit- for Interleukin-4 K463 Elisa Kit- for Interleukin-6 K464 Elisa Kit- for Kisspeptin 1 K465 Elisa Kit- for Leishmania IgG/IgM detection test K466 Elisa Kit- for Malondialdehyde K467 Elisa Kit- for PTH K468 Elisa Kit- for Qualitative fecal Helicobacter pylori antigen K469 Elisa Kit- for Quantitative Fecal Calprotectin K470 Elisa Kit- for Quantitative Fecal Lactoferrin K471 ELISA Kit- for REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES RAT K472 ELISA Kit- for REVERSE T3 K473 Elisa Kit- for Salivary Cortisol K474 Elisa Kit- for Serotonin K475 Elisa Kit- for Serum Alpine level K476 Elisa Kit- for Serum C- Peptide K477 Elisa Kit- for Serum Cortisol K478 Elisa Kit- for Serum Galectin level K479 Elisa Kit- for Sirtuin 1 K480 ELISA Kit- for SUPEROXIDASE DISMUTASE RAT K481 Elisa Kit- for the detection of trachomatis antigen. K482 ELISA Kit- for TNF ALPHA HUMAN K483 ELISA Kit- for TNF ALPHA RAT K484 ELISA Kit- for TOTAL ANTIOXIDANT STATUS RAT K485 ELISA Kit- for TOTAL OXIDATIVE STRESS K486 ELISA kit- for Toxoplasma IgG avidity test 96 Test kit K487 ELISA Kit- for Toxoplasma IgM K488 Elisa Kit- for Vitamin A K489 Elisa Kit- for Vitamin C K490 Elisa Kit- for Vitamin D K491 ELISA kit- Galactomannan antigen in serum by ELISA K492 Elisa Kit- GROWTH HORMONE ELISA KIT K493 ELISA Kit- HSV 1&2 (IgM) in CSF K494 ELISA Kit- HSV-1 IgG ELISA gG1 Based K495 ELISA Kit- HSV-1 IgM ELISA gG1 Based K496 ELISA Kit- HSV-2 IgG ELISA gG2 Based K497 ELISA Kit- HSV-2 IgM ELISA gG2 Based K498 Elisa Kit- Human ACE-2 Elisa Kit K499 Elisa Kit- Human ADAM-17 Elisa Kit K500 Elisa Kit- Human IL-1 Elisa Kit K501 Elisa Kit- Human IL-18 Elisa Kit K502 Elisa Kit- Human N terminal telopeptide Elisa kit K503 Elisa Kit- Human TMPRSS2 ELISA Kit K504 Elisa Kit- Human TNFX Elisa Kit K505 ELISA kit- Human toxocara canis (Tc) antibody (IgG) detection kit 96 Test kit K506 Elisa Kit- IGBP2 ELISA KIT K507 Elisa Kit- INTESTINAL FATTY ACID BINDING PROTEIN ELISA KIT K508 ELISA Kit- Kit for anti Rabies virus IgG in CSF K509 ELISA Kit- Kit for anti Rabies virus IgG in Serum and Plasma K510 ELISA KIT- kit for detection of anti-hepatitis A virus IgM antibody K511 ELISA KIT- kit for detection of anti-hepatitis E virus IgM antibody K512 ELISA KIT- kit for detection of surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus K513 ELISA KIT- kit for QUANTITATIVE Anti-HBs antibodies K514 ELISA KIT- kit for QUANTITATIVE Anti-Rubella virus(IgG) K515 ELISA Kit- Measles Virus (IgG) in CSF &Serum K516 ELISA Kit- Measles Virus (IgM) in CSF &Serum K517 ELISA Kit- Mumps Virus IgG in Serum K518 ELISA Kit- Mumps Virus IgM in CSF K519 ELISA Kit- Mumps Virus IgM in Serum K520 ELISA Kit- Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG K521 ELISA Kit- Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM K522 ELISA Kit- Parvo Virus IgG K523 ELISA Kit- Parvo Virus IgM K524 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti Cardiolipin IgG Antibody detection K525 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody detection K526 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti CCP IgG antibody K527 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti dsDNA antibody K528 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti MPO antibody (p-ANCA) K529 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti Proteinase 3 antibody (c- ANCA) K530 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti RA Factor IgM antibody K531 ELISA Kit- Quantitative Anti Rubella virus (IgG) K532 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti β- 2 Glycoprotein IgG antibody detection K533 ELISA Kit- Quantitative anti β- 2 Glycoprotein IgM antibody detection K534 ELISA Kit- Quantitative Human anti NMDA antibody K535 ELISA Kit- Quantitative, Anti- TBE Virus ELISA (IgG) K536 ELISA Kit- Quantitative, Anti- TBE Virus ELISA (IgM) K537 ELISA KIT- SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19) IgG ELISA kit K538 ELISA kit- Strongyloides serum antibody IgG detection Assay Microwell ELISA (96 Test kit) K539 ELISA kit- T. Solium serum antibody detection assay K540 ELISA kit- Trichinella spiralis IgG antibody detection kit 96 Test kit K541 ELISA Kit- VZV (IgG) K542 ELISA Kit- VZV (IgG) in CSF K543 ELISA Kit- WNV(IgG) in CSF &Serum K544 ELISA Kit- WNV(IgM) in &Serum K545 ELISA Kit- Zika Virus Virus (IgG) K546 ELISA Kit- Zika Virus Virus (IgM) K547 ELISA kit-detection of Rubella virus specific IgM K548 EMA RTU K549 Embedding Medium for cryostate 125ml K550 Endotoxin detection kit by Semi- quantitative Gel Clot Assay with all required reagents/ consumables/ standards/ LAL water K551 Endotoxin detection kits by Rapid Gel Clot Assay K552 Endotoxin detection kits by Rapid Gel Clot Assay with required reagents/ consumables/ standards/ LAL water K553 Endotoxin detection kits by Semi- quantitative Gel Clot Assay K554 ERG RTU K555 Estrogen receptor RTU K556 Extraction kit- Bacterial DNA extraction kit from bacterial culture K557 Extraction kit- DNA extraction and purification kit from stool sample K558 Factor 13 RTU K559 Fecal Occult Blood test (Card/ Cassette) for rapid, qualitative determination of human occult blood in feces K560 Fecal parasite concentrator concentration of Helminth ova, larvae and Protozoa cysts and oocysts in stool sample (reagent ready) K561 Fish tissue Implementation kit for FFPE K562 FLI 1 RTU K563 Flourescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption Assay (FTA-Abs) K564 Formalin fixed paraffin embedded DNA extraction Kit K565 Fox P1 RTU K566 Fox P3 RTU K567 FOXL2 (forkhead box L2) K568 FOXP3 antibody K569 G6PD QUALITITATIVE KITS K570 GALECTIN 1 RTU K571 GALECTIN 3 RTU K572 GALECTIN 9 RTU K573 GATA3 RTU K574 gDNA extraction kit K575 Genomic DNA Extraction Kit K576 Gentamicin for cell culture K577 GFAP RTU MONO COLONAL Ab. K578 Glycophorin RTU K579 Glypican 1 RTU K580 Glypican 3, RTU K581 HBME, RTU K582 Hep Par 1 RTU K583 Her -2 Neu oncoproteinRTU K584 Histo Type Coelic Disease K585 HMB-45 RTU K586 HOMOCYCTEINE K587 HPL Human Placental Lactogen K588 HPV 16/18 BY CISH K589 HRP polymer detection kit with DAB (immunohistochemistrykit) K590 IDH - 1(R132H) K591 IFITM1 (Interferon induced transmembrane protein K592 IgG4 , RTU K593 IIFA- ANA detection on Hep 2 cells K594 IIFA- ANA detection on Hep2000 cells K595 IIFA- ANA detection on Hep2000 cells K596 IIFA- Auto-immune Encephalitis detection (AIE Mosaic-1) K597 IIFA- Auto-immune Encephalitis detection (AIE Mosaic-6) K598 IIFA- dsDNA K599 IIFA- dsDNA K600 IIFT - kit for autoantibodies against granular cytoplasm (cANCA/pANCA) K601 Inhibin RTU K602 InPouch TV (Trichomonas vaginalis) K603 INSM -1 RTU K604 JAK2 V617F Allele Burden Kit K605 Kappa Mouse Mono clonal Ab. RTU K606 KCL ( research gr) K607 Ki- 67 RTU K608 Kit for water bacteriology for simultaneous detection of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Vibrio, Citrobacter from water samples. The kit should consist of ready to use single use media in glass/ plastic bottle. K609 Lambda RTU K610 Latex Agglutination kit - Staphylococcus aureus detection kit K611 Latex agglutination kit- Serogrouping sera for Salmonella species K612 LCA (CD 45) RTU K613 Line immuneassay- Autoantibodies against liver K614 Line immuneassay- Autoimmune Myositis Profile IgG K615 Line immunoassay- ANA profile K616 Liquid DAB substrate kit K617 LMP 1 RTU K618 Lyophilised microorganism Clostridium perfringens ATCC® 3624 K619 Lyophilized microorganism Bacteroides fragilis ATCC® 25285 K620 Lyophilized microorganism Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron ATCC® 29741 K621 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridioides (formerly Clostridium) difficile ATCC® 700057 K622 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridium perfringens ATCC® 12919 K623 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridium perfringens ATCC® 13124 K624 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridium perfringens NCTC® 8678 K625 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridium septicum ATCC® 12464 K626 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridium sordelli ATCC® 9714 K627 Lyophilized microorganism Clostridium sporogenes ATCC® 19404 K628 Lyophilized microorganism E. coli ATCC® 35218 K629 Lyophilized microorganism E. coli ATCC® BAA-3170 (formerly E. coli AR Bank #0349 mcr-1) K630 Lyophilized microorganism E. coli NCTC 13353 K631 Lyophilized microorganism E. coli NCTC 13486 K632 Lyophilized microorganism E. faecalis ATCC® 51299 K633 Lyophilized microorganism Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212 K634 Lyophilized microorganism Escherichia coli ATCC® 25922 K635 Lyophilized microorganism H. influenzae ATCC® 49247 K636 Lyophilized microorganism H. influenzae ATCC® 49766 K637 Lyophilized microorganism H.pylori NCTC® 11637 K638 Lyophilized microorganism Haemophilus influenzae ATCC® 10211 K639 Lyophilized microorganism K. pneumoniae ATCC® BAA- 1705 K640 Lyophilized microorganism K. pneumoniae ATCC® BAA- 1706 K641 Lyophilized microorganism K. pneumoniae ATCC® BAA- 2146 K642 Lyophilized microorganism K. pneumoniae ATCC® BAA- 2814 (previously B21[KP1074]) K643 Lyophilized microorganism M. tuberculosis ATCC 25177 (H37Ra) K644 Lyophilized microorganism M. tuberculosis ATCC 27294 (H37Rv) K645 Lyophilized microorganism Mycoplasma hominis ATCC® 15488 K646 Lyophilized microorganism Mycoplasma pneumoniae ATCC®15531 K647 Lyophilized microorganism Neisseria gonorrhoeae ATCC® 49226 K648 Lyophilized microorganism Peptostreptococcus anaerobius ATCC® 27337 K649 Lyophilized microorganism Porphyromonas ginigivalis ATCC® 33277 K650 Lyophilized microorganism Prevotella Intermedia ATCC® 25611 K651 Lyophilized microorganism Prevotella melaninogenica ATCC® 25845 K652 Lyophilized microorganism Propionibacterium acnes ATCC® 11827 K653 Lyophilized microorganism Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 27853 K654 Lyophilized microorganism S. aureus ATCC® 29213 K655 Lyophilized microorganism S. aureus ATCC® 43300 K656 Lyophilized microorganism S. aureus ATCC® BAA-1708TM K657 Lyophilized microorganism S. aureus ATCC® BAA-976 K658 Lyophilized microorganism S. aureus ATCC® BAA-977TM K659 Lyophilized microorganism Staphylococcus aureus ATCC® 25923 K660 Lyophilized microorganism Streptococcus mutans ATCC® 25175 K661 Lyophilized microorganism Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC® 49619 K662 Lyophilized microorganismAcinetobacter baumannii NCTC 13304 K663 Lyophilized microorganismKlebsiella pneumoniae ATCC® 700603 K664 Mammaglobin RTU K665 McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standards- complete set K666 MDM2,RTU K667 Mesothelin RTU K668 Micro RNA c-DNA Synthesis kit K669 Micro RNA extraction kit from whole blood K670 Micro RNA PCR assay Kit for Human K671 MLH1,RTU K672 MLL probe for FISH for blood and bone marrow K673 MOC31,RTU K674 Monospecific Anti coomb’s sera c3d K675 Monospecific Anti coomb’s sera IgG K676 Monospecifis Anti coomb’s sera ’IgM K677 MSH2,RTU K678 MSH6,RTU K679 MTB DNA purification kit K680 MTHFR Kit K681 MUC 1,RTU K682 MUC 2,RTU K683 MUC 4,RTU K684 MUC 5,RTU K685 MUM1, RTU K686 Myc probe for FISH for formalin fixed , parafin embedded (FFPE) tissue K687 MYD88 Mutation Detection Kit K688 MyO D1RTU K689 Myoglobin RTU K690 NANOG K691 Napsin A RTU K692 NBT Dye (sigma) K693 Neuro Filament RTU K694 NP40 K695 NPM 1 K696 NSE RTU K697 Oct 2, RTU K698 Oct3/4 RTU K699 P 120 Candcnin RTU K700 P 53,RTU K701 P 63, RTU K702 P16, RTU K703 P21, RTU K704 P40, RTU K705 P57 RTU K706 Pan TRK RTU K707 Pancytokeratin RTU K708 PARP (Polyribos Polymerase) K709 PAX 5 , RTU K710 PAX8, RTU K711 PCNA, RTU K712 PCR – fungal DNA extraction kit from fungal growth K713 PCR kit for Leishmanis (Real-Time Probe Based PCR) K714 PCR kit For Toxoplasma (Real-Time Probe Based PCR) K715 PCR – yeast DNA extraction kit from fungal growth K716 PD1 RTU K717 PDL 1 RTU K718 PDL 2 K719 PIK3CA Mutation Detection Kit K720 PLAP K721 PML-RARA Quantitative K722 PMS 2 K723 Pneumocystis jirovecii (P. carinii) IFA Test Kit DFA kit K724 PNH gel card K725 Poly specific Anti coomb’s sera( IgG, IgM, c3d) K726 Poly-lysin Polymer based HRP detection systein with liquidDAB chromogen K727 Polysin for coating glass slides K728 Progesterone receptor K729 PSA, RTU K730 PTEN RTU K731 Rapid Immunochromatographic test for detection of Filariasis K732 Rapid Immunochromatographic test for Kalazar Detection K733 Rapid card test for detection and identification of carbapenemases (OXA-48, KPC, NDM, VIM and IMP) K734 Rapid card test for detection of group 1 (CTX-M-15-like) and group 9 (CTX-M-14-like) CTXM- type ß-lactamases from a bacterial colony growing on agar plate K735 Rapid card test for simultaneous detection of Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica from stool sample K736 Rapid card test for the detection and identification of carbapenemases (OXA- 23,OXA-40, OXA-58 and NDM) in Acinetobacter spp. K737 Rapid card test immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative detection of Clostridium difficile Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH), Toxin and Toxin B in stool samples.K738 Rapid Immunochromatographic card test for detection of Norovirus in stool specimen K739 Rapid Immunochromatographic card test for detection of Rotavirus and Adenovirus in stool specimen K740 Rapid immunochromatographic test for detection of MPT64 (M..tuberculosis complex) antigen K741 Rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Legionella pneumophila antigen in urine specimens with positive and negative controls K742 Rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen in urine specimens with positive and negative controls K743 Rapid Immunochromatographic test Leismaniasis IgG/IgM combo. K744 Rapid lateral flow assay-for differential detection of Influenza virus type Aand B K745 Rapid plasma reagin ( Card test) K746 Rapid test- Cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay test kits K747 Rapid Test- Cryptococcus infection Detection kit K748 Rapid test for detection of Calprotectin in fecal sample K749 Rapid test for detection of Helicobacter pylori antigen in stool sample K750 Rapid test for detection of Lactoferrin in fecal sample K751 Rapid test for Qualitative Helicobacter pylori antibody detection in serum/ blood K752 Rapid Test- histoplasma antigen rapid kit for urine K753 Rapid Test- Lateral flow assay Candida Mannan IgM Antibody detection by lateral flow assay K754 Rapid Test-Lateral flow assay for detection of Lipoarabinomannan antigen in urine K755 Rapid Test-Trichomonas vaginalis Rapid Test K756 Ready to use kit to detect carbapenemase producing bacteria by Carba NP test method K757 Reagent test strips for urinalysis Should be able to detect at least the following parameters: 100 tests/unit K758 Real Time PCR based detection kit with multiplexing technology for detecting at least the following HPV genotypes: Nineteen High-risk HPV genotypes: 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 69, 73, 82; Nine Low-risk HPV genotypes: 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70 K759 Real Time PCR Detection Kit for the specific identification and differentiation of diarrheagenic E. coli such as Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli(STEC), Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC)/Shigella in human stool. K760 Real Time PCR kit - Bacterial Meningitis real time PCR Kit K761 Real Time PCR Kit - Epstein – Barr Virus (EBV) Real Time PCR Kit K762 Real Time PCR kit - Fast SYBR Green PCR Kit K763 Real Time PCR kit - Fast SYBR Green PCR Kit K764 Real time PCR Kit - Kit for detection and quantification of hepatitis B virus (HBV) from blood sample. K765 Real Time PCR Kit - Kit for Multiplex detection of viral gastroenteritis such as noroviruses GI and GII; human astrovirus; rotavirus; human adenovirus; sapovirus with internal control by Real Time PCR from stool sample. K766 Real time PCR Kit - Kit for detection and quantification of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in Blood and Urine samples. K767 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex PCR for detection of blood stream infection pathogens and key antimicrobial resistance K768 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex PCR for detection of CNS pathogens K769 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex PCR for detection of gastrointestinal pathogens K770 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex PCR for detection of joint infections K771 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex PCR for detection of respiratory pathogens K772 Real Time PCR kit - Multiplex PCR for detection of respiratory pathogens and key antimicrobial resistance genes K773 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex PCR Kit for Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus, Salmonella spp., West Nile virus, Plasmodium spp., Rickettsia spp., Zika virus and Leptospira spp. K774 Real Time PCR kit - Multiplex Real Time PCR Kit for Dengue virus , Chikungunya virus and Rickettsia in Blood samples. K775 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex Real-Time PCR kit for detection of Bordetella pertussis in throat specimen with internal control. K776 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex Real time PCR kit for detection of HCV genotypes in Serum/ plasma sample K777 Real Time PCR Kit - Multiplex single tube assay for Adenovirus, Cytomegalovirus, and Epstein - Barr virus with internl controls. K778 Real Time PCR kit - Viral meningitis K779 Real time PCR Kit for Dengue 1-4 serotyping in plasma. K780 Real time PCR Kit for CNS infections K781 Real Time PCR Kit for detection of Measles Virus in Blood and CSF K782 Real Time PCR kit for detection and differentiation of Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) and of Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV- 2) K783 Real time PCR kit for detection and quantification of herpes simplex virus 1 & 2 (HSV- 1&2),) in Blood / CSF samples. K784 Real Time PCR Kit for detection and quantification of Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) in CSF K785 Real time PCR kit for detection of and quantification of Human delta virus (HDV) from clinical samples . K786 Real time PCR kit for detection of Chandipura Virus. K787 Real Time PCR kit for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae K788 Real time PCR kit for detection of COVID-19 virus. K789 Real time PCR kit for detection of extended Genotype(14 High - Risk) of HPV from clinical sample . K790 Real time PCR kit for detection of extended Genotype(23) of HPV from clinical sample . K791 Real time PCR kit for detection of extended Genotype(28 genotypes) of HPV from clinical sample . K792 Real Time PCR Kit for detection of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1) in Blood and CSF K793 Real Time PCR kit for detection of high-risk types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and typing K794 Real time PCR kit for detection of MPOX virus. K795 Real time PCR kit for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex K796 Real time PCR kit for detection of species of Non tuberculer mycobacteria K797 Real Time PCR Kit for detection of Dengue virus /Chikungunya virus . K798 Real Time PCR Kit for Entamoeba histolytica Detection K799 Real time PCR kit for H1N1 influenza virus. K800 Real time PCR kit for H5N1 influenza virus. K801 Real time PCR Kit for Hepatitis E virus infection K802 Real time PCR kit for HSV 1 & 2 and VZV K803 Real time PCR kit for MDR-TB K804 Real Time PCR kit for Mycoplasma detection K805 Real time PCR kit for Respiratory viruses. K806 Real Time PCR kit for the detection and quantification of of JCV (John Cunningham virus from clinical samples. K807 Real Time PCR kit for the detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae ‘s Serotype from clinical samples. K808 Real time PCR kit for the detection and differentiation of Japanese Encephalitis and Hantavirus in clinical samples including CSF. K809 Real Time PCR kit for the detection and quantification of BK virus (human polyomavirus)from clinical samples. K810 Real Time PCR kit for the detection of of human T lymphotropic virus from clinical samples. K811 Real time PCR kit for the detection of Respiratory Bacterial infections from clinical samples. K812 Real Time PCR kit for the detection of Haemophilus influenzae serotypes from clinical samples. K813 Real Time PCR kit for the detection of Neisseria meningitidis Serotype from clinical samples. K814 Real Time PCR kit for the detection of of human herpesvirus -8 (HHV-8) from clinical samples. K815 Real Time PCR kit for the detection of SV 40 (Simian virus ;human polyomavirus)from clinical samples. K816 Real time PCR kit for the detection of Influenza virus A (H1N1) and RSV in Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal swab specimen. K817 Real time PCR kit for XDR-TB K818 Real time PCR kit for detection and quantification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) from blood sample. K819 Real time PCR kit for detection of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in Blood / Urine/CSF samples. K820 Real time PCR kit to differentiate Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Non tuberculer mycobacterium K821 Real Time PCR Malaria Detection Kit (Multiplex) The kit is intended for specific detection of P. vivax & P. falciparum K822 Real Time PCR Malaria Detection Kit (Real-Time Probe Based PCR) K823 Real Time RT-PCR kit for the detection of Gram- Positive Bacteria and Gram- Negative Bacteria from clinical samples. K824 Real-Time PCR based detection kit with multiplexing technology for detecting (qualitative and quantitative) at least the following pathogens: G. vaginalis (Q), A. vaginae (Q), Megasphaera type 1, BVassociated bacteria 2, Mobiluncus spp., B. fragilis, Lactobacillus spp. (Q). K825 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of AmpC genes, preferably including CMY02, DHA, ACC, FOX, MOX, etc. K826 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of Carbapenamases genes, preferably including atleast KPC, NDM, VIM, IPM, OXA- 48. K827 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of colistin resistance encoding mcr-1 with Internal Control in a single tube K828 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of ESBL encoding genes atleast SHV, CTX-M, TEM and OXA- 10/11 with Internal Control in a single tube K829 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of genes encoding the carbapenemase enzymes, including atleast NDM, KPC, IMP, VIM, OXA-48 along with Internal control. K830 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of Group A Streptococcus in throat specimen with internal control. K831 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of multiple variants of plasmidmediated mobilized colistin resistant (mcr) gene. K832 Real-Time PCR kit for respiratory pathogens K833 Real-Time PCR kit for respiratory pathogens K834 Real-Time PCR kit for respiratory pathogens K835 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection and differentiation of diarrheagenic E. coli such as Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli(STEC), Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC)/Shigella in human stool. K836 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection Multiplex PCR for detection of gastrointestinal pathogens: Multiplex PCR/film array for detection of Campylobacter (jejuni, coli & upsaliensis), Clostridium difficile (Toxin A/B), Plesiomonas shigelloides, Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Vibrio (parahaemolyticus, vulnificus, cholerae), Vibrio cholerae, E. coli O157, Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) lt/st, Shiga-like toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) stx1/stx2 E. coli O157, Shigella/Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), Adenovirus F 40/41, Astrovirus, Norovirus GI/GII, Rotavirus A, Sapovirus (I,II, IV, and V), Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia K837 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection of for Multiplex detection of bacterial pathogens causing gastroenteritis such as Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter coli/jejuni/lari, enterohemorrhagic E. coli vtx+ and internal control by Real Time PCR from stool. K838 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection of for Multiplex detection of viral gastroenteritis such as noroviruses GI and GII; human astrovirus; rotavirus; human adenovirus; sapovirus with internal control by Real Time PCR from stool sample. K839 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus and its Methicillin- Resistance from various sources of clinical samples K840 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection of vanA, vanB and Enterococcus spps. along with Internal Control K841 Real-Time PCR kit for the detection specific identification of Clostridium difficile Toxin A (tcdA) and Toxin B (tcdB) genes in human stool samples. K842 Real-Time PCR kit for detection of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL) genes, preferably including atleast TEM, SHV, CTX-M, OXA. K843 Reticulocyte stain kit of 120 ml each K844 RTPCR kit- HLA B51/52 Realtime PCR Kit K845 RTPCR based detection kit with multiplexing technology for detecting at least the following C. albicans,C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, C. lusitaniae, C. dubliniensisK846 RTPCR based detection kit with multiplexing technology for detecting at least the following HPV genotypes: Fourteen Highrisk HPV genotypes: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68 K847 RTPCR based detection kit with multiplexing technology for detecting at least the following pathogens: Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum K848 RTPCR based detection kit with multiplexing technology for detecting at least the following pathogens: Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), C. trachomatis LGV, T. pallidum, H. ducreyi K849 RTPCR Kit- HLAb27 allele detection Real-Time PCR kitK850 RTPCR Kit- Beta Thalassemia Real Time PCR Kit K851 RTPCR Kit- HLA-B27 Real time PCR Kit K852 RTPCR Kit- Y Chromosome Microdeletion Real-time PCR Kit K853 S-100 RTU K854 SALL 4 K855 SATB RTU K856 SATB2 K857 Secondary antibody Polyclonal K858 Secondary antibody Polyclonal K859 Sequencing Kit-16s bacterial genome sequencing kit for for Oxford nanopore genome sequencer K860 Sequencing Kit-16s bacterial genome sequencing kit for Ion Gene Studio S5 genome sequencer(Thermo fisher scientific) K861 Sequencing Kit-Denovo sequencing kit for Oxford nanopore genome sequencerK862 Sequencing Kit-Rabies virus genome sequencing kit for Oxford nanopore genome sequencer K863 Sequencing Kit-viral genome sequencing kit for Ion Gene Studio S5 genome sequencer(Thermo fisher scientific) K864 Sequencing Kit-viral genome sequencing kit for Oxford nanopore genome sequencer K865 SF-1 RTU K866 Smooth Muscle Actin (SMA), RTU K867 SOX10 K868 SOX11, RTU K869 SSCx K870 SSX1 RTU K871 Stained Widal antigen ( TO, TH, AH, BH) with controls for tube agglutination K872 STAT 6 RTU K873 Survivin, RTU K874 Synaptophysin RTU K875 TFE 3 RTU K876 Thyroglobulin RTU K877 TLE-1 RTU K878 Total RNA Extraction kit K879 TRPS 1 K880 Tryponema pallidum haemeagglutination test kit (TPHA) K881 TTF1, RTU K882 VE -1 RTU K883 VEGF receptor RTU K884 VEGF RTU K885 Vimentin RTU K886 Vitamin A/E HPLC Kit K887 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid (including RNA and DNA) fungal extraction kit. K888 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Bacterial Nucleic Acid Extraction) kit. K889 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Total Nucleic Acid Extraction) kit. K890 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid extraction Kit- (Bacterial DNA extraction kit) . K891 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Bacterial DNA &RNA Extraction) kit. K892 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Total Nucleic Acid Extraction) kit. K893 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Total Nucleic Acid Extraction) kit. K894 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction) kit. K895 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid ( Viral DNA &RNA Extraction) kit. K896 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid (Fungal DNA) extraction kit. K897 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid (Genomic DNA) extraction Kit K898 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid (including RNA and DNA) extraction kit K899 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid (including RNA and DNA) extraction kit K900 Whole Cell Nucleic Acid extraction Kit- (Bacterial DNA extraction kit) . K901 Whole Cell Nucleic acid -Viral RNA/DNA extraction kit K902 WT 1 K903 WT-1 CTerminal RTU