Notice Inviting Open e-Tender under Rate Contract for Chemicals/ Media items for MAMC. -C001 £ Napthyl Acetate C002 10X PBS, pH-7.0 C003 10X Tris-Glycine SDS Buffer C004 10X Tris-Tricine SDS Buffer C005 2-Thiobarbituric acid C006 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5- diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) C007 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) C008 4-4”Diaminodiphenyl dihydrochloride C009 5X Blot Transfer Buffer C010 6x Loading dye for DNA agarose electrophoresis C011 Absolute Alcohol AR C012 Absolute Alcohol LR C013 Absolute Ethanol AR C014 Absolute Ethanol Molecular Biology C015 Acetic Acid HPLC C016 Acetic Acid Molecular Biology C017 Acetone LCMS/ HPLC Grade C018 Acid Fuchsin C019 Acrylamide Molecular Grade C020 Adonitol disc C021 Agar powder bacteriological for use in Molecular Biology C022 Agarose (purity SIGMA) Molecular Grade C023 Agarose for molecular biology C024 Albert’s stain A C025 Albert’s stain B C026 Albert's Metachromatic Stains KitC027 Alcian Blue (74240) C028 Alizarin Red S C029 Alkaline peptone water C030 alpha-Naphthylamine pure powder C031 Aluminium Chloride C032 Aluminum Sulphate C033 Ammonium Hydroxide AR C034 Ammonium Hydroxide pellets AR C035 Amplitaq Gold DNA Polymerase C036 Anaerobic Blood Agar Plate (kanamycin vancomycin laked) C037 Andrade’s indicator C038 Aniline Blue (42755) C039 Antibiotic powder – Cefiderocol C040 Antibiotic powder - cyclohexamide/actidione C041 Antibiotic powder Amikacin sulphate (pure powder) C042 Antibiotic Powder Amphotericin B C043 Antibiotic powder Aztreonam (pure powder) C044 Antibiotic powder Cefotaxime sodium salt (pure powder) C045 Antibiotic powder Ceftrixone sodium salt (pure powder) C046 Antibiotic powder Chloramphenicol (pure powder) C047 Antibiotic powder Colistin sulfate (pure powder) C048 Antibiotic Powder Cycloheximide/ Actidione C049 Antibiotic powder Dalbavancin (pure powder) C050 Antibiotic powder Daptomycin (Pure powder) C051 Antibiotic powder Erythromycin (pure powder) C052 Antibiotic Powder Fluconazole C053 Antibiotic powder Fosfomycin C054 Antibiotic powder Gentamicin (pure powder) C055 Antibiotic powder Imipenem monohydrate (pure powder) C056 Antibiotic Powder Itraconazole C057 Antibiotic powder Kanamycin powder C058 Antibiotic Powder Ketoconazole C059 Antibiotic powder Linezolid (pure powder) C060 Antibiotic powder Meropenem (pure powder) C061 Antibiotic Powder Miconazole nitrate C062 Antibiotic powder Nalidixic acid (pure powder) C063 Antibiotic powder Netillin (Netilmicin sulphate) (pure powder) C064 Antibiotic powder Nitrofurantoin (pure powder) C065 Antibiotic powder Oritavancin (pure powder) C066 Antibiotic powder Oxacillin (Pure powder)C067 Antibiotic powder Penicillin-G sodium (pure powder) C068 Antibiotic powder Potassium clavulanate (Pure Powder) C069 Antibiotic powder Teicoplanin (pure powder) C070 Antibiotic powder Tetracycline hydrochloride (pure powder) C071 Antibiotic powder Vancomycin hydrochloride (pure powder) C072 Antibiotic Powder Voriconazole C073 Antibiotic-Antimycotic C074 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Anidulafungin Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C075 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Caspofungin Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C076 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Fluconazole Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C077 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Flucytosine Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C078 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Itraconazole Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C079 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Ketoconazole Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C080 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Micafungin Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C081 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Posaconazole Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C082 Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Mic – Voriconazole Strips 0.002-32 Mcg/Ml C083 Aprotinin molecular grade C084 Arabinose disc C085 Arginine hydrochloride amino acid disc C086 Ascorbic acid HPLC Grade C087 Azure II C088 bacterial Lysis buffer for DNA extraction C089 Bacteriodes Bile Esculin agar C090 Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar base C091 Barrit’s Reagent A for VP reaction C092 Barrit’s Reagent B for VP reaction C093 Basic fuschin pure powder C094 Biebrich scarlet C095 Bile esculin agar C096 Bile salt agar C097 Bile salts powder C098 Bird Seed Agar (Staib’s Medium) C099 Borax C100 Boric acid Molecular Grade C101 Boric Acid AR C102 Bovine serum albumin C103 Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction V C104 Brain Heart Infusion Agar C105 Brain Heart Infusion Broth C106 Brewer thioglycollate medium C107 Brucella agar with 8-10 % sheep blood and vitamin k and hemin C108 Brucella blood agar with Hemin and Vit K1 C109 Buffer tablet pH 9.2 C110 Buffer tablet pH4.0 C111 Buffer tablet pH7.0 C112 BYE Agar (Barile, Yaguchi and Eveland) C113 Caffeic Acid Ferric Citrate Test Agar C114 Calcium Carbonate AR C115 Calcium Chloride AR C116 Calcofluor White Stain C117 Campylobacter Agar Base C118 Campylobacter Supplement- III (Skirrow) C119 Candida Differential Agar Medium C120 Candida identification kit C121 Carbol Fuchsin, Practical Grade C122 Carbol Fuschin (Dilute) C123 Carbol fuschin (Strong) for ZN staining C124 Carmine C125 Cary Blair transport media C126 Cazpek Dox Agar, Granulated C127 CCFA Agar (Cycloserine Cefoxitin Fructose Agar) C128 Cell Dissociation Reagent C129 Cellobiose disc C130 Charcoal Activated C131 Chelating resin C132 Christensen’s Urea agar base C133 Chromogenic medium for detection and isolation of Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) Must be along with all required supplements/ growth factor mix/ selective mix C134 Chromogenic medium for overnight detection of gramnegative bacteria producing extended spectrum beta-lactamase with good species identification. Must be along with all required supplements/ growth factor mix/ selective mix C135 Chromogenic medium for the isolation and differentiation of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) including low level MRSA. Must be along with all required supplements/ growth factor mix/ selective mix C136 CLED Agar with bromothymol blue indicator C137 Clostridium Difficile Agar Base C138 Clostridium Difficile medium Supplement - D-cycloserine and cefoxitin C139 Columbia Blood agar base C140 Congo red (1%Aqueous solution) C141 Congo Red (22120) C142 Cooked Meat Medium C143 Cooked Meat Medium w/ Glucose, Hemin & Vitamin K C144 Coomassie Brilliant Blue AR C145 Coomb’s Sera C146 Copper Sulphate AR C147 Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate AR C148 Corn Meal Agar C149 Cresyl voilet Acetate C150 Cryptococcal Differential Agar C151 Crystal violet C152 Crystal violet ready to use C153 Deionized water C154 Deoxycholate citrate agar C155 Dexamethasone C156 Dextrose disc C157 D-Fructose Disc C158 D-Galactose Powder AR C159 D-Glucose LR grade powder C160 Diastase Powder C161 Dipotassium EDTA (anhydrous) C162 Disinfectant solution for fogging surface C163 Dithiothretol (DTT) AR Grade C164 Dithiothretol (DTT) molecular Grade C165 DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) C166 DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) C167 DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) C168 DNA away solution C169 DNA Ladder 100 bp (range 100bp to 2000bp) C170 DNA ladder 100 bp (range 100bp to 30000bp) C171 DNA Ladder 20 bp with vial of (6x)Gel Loading Dye C172 DNA ladder 50 bp (range 50bp 1500bp) C173 DNA Ladder 50 bp (range 50bp to 2500bp) C174 DNA Marker 10 bp with vial of (6x)Gel Loading Dye C175 DNA Marker 100bp with vial of (6x)Gel Loading Dye C176 DNA Marker 1kb with vial of (6x)Gel Loading Dye C177 DNA Marker 50bp with vial of (6x)Gel Loading Dye C178 DNA Marker phi X 174 with vial of (6x)Gel Loading Dye C179 DNA oligonuecliotide primers C180 DNA Primer C181 DNase Test Agar Base C182 dNTP mix 10 mM adjusted to neutral pH C183 D-Sorbitol Disc C184 Dulcitol disc C185 EDTA 0.5M solution C186 EDTA Powder Molecular Grade C187 EDTA Tri-pott. C188 Egg Albumin Flakes AR C189 Egg Yolk Agar C190 Either C191 Entamoeba Medium C192 Eosin C193 Eosin Y (C.I. 45380) C194 Ethanol AR C195 Ethanol LR Grade C196 Ethyl Alcohol Molecular Grade C197 Ethylene Glycol AR C198 Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether C199 Fast blue B B salt C200 Ferric Chloride AR C201 Fetal Bovine Seram Research Grade C202 Fetal Bovine Serum (heat inactivated, US Origin) C203 Flow cytometry Calibration Beads C204 Formalin Neutraliser C205 Formic Acid AR C206 Fructose AR C207 Fructose disc C208 Fycol-Hypaque for lymphocytes isolation C209 Galactose disc C210 GAPDH C211 Gas Mixture for Anaerobic cylinder C212 GC Agar Base C213 Gelatine C214 Gentian violet C215 Giemsa Powder (sigma) C216 Giemsa stain Powder C217 Glucose broth C218 Glucose-6-phosphate powder C219 Glycerol LR grade C220 Glycerol Molecular Grade C221 Glycogen powder C222 Glycrine AR C223 Gold Chloride C224 Gram’s iodine C225 Haematoxylene C226 Haematoxylin C227 Haematoxylin (Sigma CI 75290) C228 Haemoglobin Std.(60mg dl) drabkin solution C229 Ham's F-12K (Kaighn's) Medium C230 Hemin powder C231 Hemoglobin Powder C232 Hemoglobin Powder Enrichment Supplement C233 HEPES (1M) C234 Hexamine C235 Hippurate Hydrolysis Broth C236 Horse Blood C237 Horse Serum C238 Hugh & Leifson O/F Media with glucose C239 Hydrochloric acid LR C240 Hydrogen peroxide 30% C241 Hydrogen Peroxide LR C242 India Ink C243 Inositol discC244 Inulin disc C245 Iodine crystals C246 Iron Haematoxylene C247 Isoamyl alcohol C248 Isoamyl Alcohol Molecular C249 Isotype Controls C250 Kaolin AR C251 KCL ( research grade) C252 KCL AR C253 KOH solution 10% C254 Kupferbergs trichomonas broth base C255 KVLB Agar (Kanamycin‐Vancomycin Laked blood Agar) C256 L- Arginine Monohydrochloride C257 Laboline AR C258 Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain C259 Lactose disc C260 Lactose powder C261 Laemmli sample buffer 4X or 6X C262 L-alanyl-L-glutamine (Cell Culture Grade) C263 L-Arabinose powder C264 L-Asparagine monohydrate powder C265 L-cysteine monohydrate C266 Lead acetate paper strips C267 Leishman stain Twin pack C268 Light Green ( CI 42095) C269 Light Green (44043) C270 Lipofectamine (Transfection Reagent) C271 Liquid paraffin C272 Liquid Paraffin Thick C273 Liquid Phenol AR C274 Lithium Carbonate C275 LJ medium -first line slants(7 slants) C276 LJ medium -second line slants (10 slants) C277 LJ medium slant for cultivation of M. tuberculosis C278 LJ medium slant with amikacin (30 mg/L) C279 LJ medium slant with capreomycin (40 mg/L) C280 LJ medium slant with clofazamine (1 mg/L) C281 LJ medium slant with cycloserine (30 mg/L) C282 LJ medium slant with ethambutol (2 mg/L) C283 LJ medium slant with ethionamide (20 mg/L) C284 LJ medium slant with ethionamide (25 mg/L) C285 LJ medium slant with ethionamide (40 mg/L) C286 LJ medium slant with ethionamide (5 mg/L) C287 LJ medium slant with kanamycin (20 mg/L) C288 LJ medium slant with kanamycin (30 mg/L) C289 LJ medium slant with levofloxacin (2 mg/L) C290 LJ medium slant with linezolid (30 mg/L) C291 LJ medium slant with moxyfloxacin (2.5 mg/L) C292 LJ medium slant with ofloxacin (2 mg/L) C293 LJ medium slant with p-amino benzoic acid (2 mg/L) C294 LJ medium slant with p-amino salicylic acid (2 mg/L) C295 LJ medium slant with rifampicin (20 mg/L) C296 L-Lysine hydrochloride powder C297 Loeffler’s methylene blue C298 L-Ornithine hydrochloride powder C299 Lugols’s iodine C300 Luria Bertani Broth, Miller C301 Luria Broth C302 Lysine hydrochloride amino acid disc C303 Lysis Buffer- for Bacterial Nucleic Acid Extraction C304 Lysis Buffer- for Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction C305 Lysol C306 Lysozyme Enzyme C307 Lyticase Enzyme C308 MacConkey agar w/o Crystal violet with 0.5% Sodium taurocholate C309 MacConkey agar w/o Crystal violet, NaCl, with 0.5% Sodium taurocholate C310 MacConkey agar w/o Crystal violet, NaCl, with 0.5% Sodium taurocholate and NaCl C311 MacConkey agar with Crystalviolet, without NaCl C312 MacConkey broth (double strength) with neutral red C313 MacConkey broth with bromocresol purple C314 MacConkey broth with bromocresol purple (double strength) C315 Magnesium Chloride LR C316 Malt Extract Agar Base With Mycological Peptone C317 Maltose disc C318 Maltose LR C319 Mannitol disc C320 Mannose disc C321 Master Mix:- 2x PCR master C322 Master Mix:- 2x Syber Green PCR master mix C323 Master Mix:- Hot start Master Mix (includindgTaq DNA polymerase, buffer etc) and separate vial of MgCl2. C324 Master Mix:- Real -Time PCR Master mix C325 Mayer’s Mucicarmine Stain C326 Melibiose disc C327 MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X) C328 Menadione powder C329 Metanil Yellow (13065) C330 Methanol AR C331 Methanol dry solv. C332 Methanol HPLC/LC-MS-MS Grade C333 Methanol LR C334 Methanol solution for Leishman stain C335 Methyl Red Reagent C336 Methyl violet C337 Methylene blue C338 Methylene Blue (52015) C339 Methylene blue stain C340 Microbiology Media - Chrome UTI agar/Modified 500gm pack with supplement C341 Microbiology Media - Haemoglobin powder C342 Microbiology Media - Haemophilus growth supplement C343 Microbiology Media - Haemophilus test medium base C344 Microbiology Media - MacConkey agar without salt with crystal violet and special fractioned bile salts (MacConkey Agar No. 3) C345 Microbiology Media - MacConkey agar without salt, without crystal violet and with special fractioned bile salts (MacConkey Agar No. 2) C346 Microbiology Media - Mueller Hinton agar C347 Microbiology Media - Mueller Hinton agar Cation adjusted C348 Microbiology Media - Prepoured - Mannitol salt agar plates, C349 Microbiology Media - Prepoured - media moller decarboxylase broth base with lysine HCL tube C350 Microbiology Media - Prepoured -Moeller Decarboxylase Broth base C351 Microbiology Media - Prepoured -Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Arginine hydrochloride tube C352 Microbiology Media - Prepoured -Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with L-Ornithine hydrochloride tube C353 Middle brook 7H9 broth base C354 Middle brook OADC enrichment media, C355 Moellers decarboxylase base C356 Moellers decarboxylase base with L-Arginine C357 Moellers decarboxylase base with L-Lysine hydrochloride C358 Moellers decarboxylase base with L-Ornithine hydrochloride C359 Molecular - Tris - acetate- EDTA (TAE) 50X C360 MR-VP medium (Glucose Phosphate Broth) C361 Mycoplasma broth base C362 N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethyl-pphenylenediamine dihydrochloride C363 N,N′-Methylenebis(acrylamide) C364 N. N. Dimethyl formamide C365 N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine C366 NaCl Molecular Grade C367 N-Butanol AR C368 Neopeptone C369 Neutral Red C370 Neutral red certified C371 Nigrosin Stain 10%W/V C372 Ninhydrin reagent C373 Nitrate broth C374 Nitrate Reduction reaction Solution A C375 Nitrate reduction reaction Solution B C376 Nitrocefin disc C377 NNN Modified Medium C378 Novobiocin disc (5mcg) C379 NP40 Molecular Grade C380 Nuclear Fast Red C381 Nutrient Gelatin C382 O ‘Meara reagent C383 Oatmeal Agar C384 OCT Frozen Section Medium C385 ONPG disc C386 Optochin disc 5mcg C387 Orange -G (sigma GI 16230) C388 Ornithine hydrochloride amino acid disc C389 Para Nitro benzoic acid- C390 PEA Agar (Phenylethyl alcohol Agar) C391 Peptone water powder C392 Phenol C393 Phenol Crystals C394 Phenol red C395 Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar C396 Phenylalanine Malonate Broth C397 Phenylboronic acid C398 Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride Molecular Grade C399 Phosphate bufferC400 Phosphate buffer, pH 6 C401 Phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 C402 Phosphate buffer, pH 7 C403 Phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 C404 Phosphate buffer, pH 8 C405 Phosphate buffered saline (PBS for molecular biology) C406 Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) C407 Phosphomolybdic Acid C408 Phosphongstic acid C409 Phosphotungstic Acid C410 Plain sterile antibiotic disc C411 Plasma Rabbit C412 Poly Lysin0.1%rd C413 Ponceau S stain C414 Potash Alum C415 Potassium Hydroxide pellets C416 Potassium iodate C417 Potassium tellurite C418 Potassium tellurite 1% (1ml) C419 Potassium Chloride AR C420 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate C421 Potassium Ferrocyanide AR C422 Potassium Hydroxide AR C423 Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) C424 PPLO Agar base/ Mycoplasma agar without crystal violet C425 Pre-poured liquid medium in tubes- Andrade Peptone water C426 Pre-poured liquid medium in tubes- Brain heart infusion broth C427 Pre-poured liquid medium in tubes- Lysine-Ornithine-Arginine kit C428 Pre-poured liquid medium in tubes- MR/VP broth (Glucose phosphate broth) C429 Pre-poured liquid medium in tubes- Nitrate broth C430 Pre-poured liquid medium in tubes- OF media with glucose C431 Prepoured media - RPMI 1640 agar plates (RPMI 1640 (with Lglutamine and no bicarbonate) + MOPS + glucose agar) for antifungal susceptibility testing on 14" plate Part supply every 2 weeks, QC certificate for each batch must be provided C432 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate - Nutrient Agar plate C433 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate - TCBS agar plate C434 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate Deoxycholate citrate agar (DCA) agar) plate C435 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate MacConkey Agar plate C436 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate Mueller Hinton Agar plate C437 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate tellurite blood agar plate C438 Pre-poured media in 90mm polystyrene plate Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar (XLD) agar) plate C439 Pre-poured Medium - Chocolate Agar (prepoured plates) C440 Prepoured medium - Chromogenic medium, should provide rapid, reliable identification of MRSA C441 Prepoured medium - Chromogenic medium, should provide rapid, reliable differentiation and identification of E. faecium and E. faecalis as well as more general screening for VRE. C442 Prepoured medium - Chromogenic medium, should provide rapid, reliable identification of Carbapenemases C443 Prepoured medium - Chromogenic medium, should provide rapid, reliable identification of ESBL C444 Prepoured medium - Mueller Hinton + 5% Horse Blood + 20mg/l β-NAD* for sensitivity testing for S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus and Morexalla C445 Prepoured medium - Muller hinton agar no. 2 + 5% Sheep Blood C446 Prepoured Medium- Columbia Blood agar w/ 10% sheep blood C447 Pre-poured medium for blood culture in glass bottles- Brain heart infusion broth supplemented with 0.05% SPS C448 Pre-poured medium for blood culture in glass bottles- Brain heart infusion broth supplemented with 0.05% SPS C449 Pre-poured medium for blood culture in glass bottles- Tryptone soya broth supplemented with 0.05% SPS C450 Prepoured Medium- MacConkey agar with crystal violet without NaCl with special fractioned bile salts C451 Prepoured Medium- MacConkey agar without crystal violet with NaCl w/ special fractioned bile salts C452 Prepoured Medium- Tryptic soya agar w/ 10% sheep blood C453 Pre-poured Prepared Sheep Blood (5-10%) Agar Plates C454 Prestained Low Range Protein Ladder C455 Prestained Protein Ladder, 10 to 250 kDa C456 Primers C457 Primers C458 Primer for Real Time PCR-ßactin C459 Primer for Real Time PCR-ßactin C460 Primer Akt 1 C461 Primer Akt 2 C462 Primer Beta Actin C463 Primer Gapdh C464 Primer Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 C465 Primer Insulin Receptor Substrate 2 C466 Primer for PCR C467 Primer for PCR C468 Primer for Real time PCRStreptococcus Pneumonaie serotyping as per attached annexure 1. C469 Primer for Real time PCR-Rabies LN34 Positive control (gene synthesis) C470 Primer for Real Time PCR-Rabies PCR primers (F1) C471 Primer for Real Time PCR-Rabies PCR primers (F2) C472 Primer for Real Time PCR-Rabies PCR primers (R) C473 Primer for Real Time PCR-Rabies PCR Probe LN34 lagob C474 Primer for Real Time PCR-Rabies PCR Probe LN34b C475 Primer for Real-Time PCR - Fungal 18S PCR C476 Primer for Real-Time PCR - Fungal 18S PCR C477 Primer for Real-Time PCR - RnaseP C478 Primer for Real-Time PCR - RnaseP C479 Primer -Lyt A primer C480 Primer -Lyt A primer C481 Primer -Lyt A probe C482 Primer MTHFR promoter methylation C483 Primer of Factor V C484 Primer of Prothrombin C485 Primer probe for Real-time pcr -P. malariae Probe C486 Primer probe for Real-time pcr-P. falciparum Probe C487 Primer probe for Real-time pcr-P. ovale Probe C488 Primer probe-P. Vivax Probe C489 Primer Beta Actin C490 Primer Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor C491 Primer HER2/Neu C492 Primer LINE- 1 methylation C493 Primer LINE- 1 NON-methylated C494 Primer MTHFR A1298C C495 Primer MTHFR C677T C496 Primer MTHFR promoter NONMethylation C497 Primer PD-L1 C498 Primer PPAR Gamma C499 Primer PTEN C500 Primers for Real time PCR (16srRNA Primers) C501 Primers for Real time PCR (16srRNA Primers) C502 Probe for Real Time PCR-ß-actin C503 Probe for Real time PCR (16srRNA Probe) C504 Probe for Real-Time PCR -Fungal 18S PCR C505 Probe for Real-Time PCR - RnaseP probe set C506 Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail C507 Protease Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail C508 PYR broth C509 PYR reagent C510 Radioimmunoprecipitation buffer C511 Raffinose disc C512 Rapid urease test broth C513 Real Time PCR Probe length upto 40bp with FAM and BHQ C514 Real Time PCR Probe length upto 40bp base pair with VIC and BHQ C515 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with Cy3 dye C516 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with Cy5 dye C517 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with HEX dye C518 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with QUASAR 670 dye C519 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with QUASAR 705 dye C520 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with ROX dye C521 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with TAMRA dye C522 Real Time PCR Probe upto 40bp length base pair with TEXAS RED dye C523 Restriction enzyme AluI C524 Restriction enzyme BseMI/BsrDI C525 Restriction enzyme BsrI C526 Restriction enzyme HindIII C527 Restriction enzyme HinfI C528 Restriction enzyme MboII C529 Restriction enzyme MspI C530 RESTRICTION ENZYMES 1. Mspl C531 RESTRICTION ENZYMES 10. BsmAI C532 RESTRICTION ENZYMES BsaAI C533 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Dral C534 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Acil C535 RESTRICTION ENZYMES CviKl-I C536 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Hpy188 III C537 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Nla III C538 RESTRICTION ENZYMES HinfI C539 RESTRICTION ENZYMES AfeI C540 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Hpy99I C541 RESTRICTION ENZYMES BstNI C542 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Acil C543 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Msel C544 RESTRICTION ENZYMES Fnu4HI C545 Rhamnose disc C546 Ribose C547 RIPA Lysis Buffer C548 RNAase away solution C549 RNase A enzyme C550 RPMI – 1640: W/L- glutamine WO-Sodium bicarbonate C551 RPMI 1640 Medium C552 RPMI -1640 medium with 0.165mol/L MOPS C553 RPMI-1640 C554 Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar C555 Safranine Liquid C556 Safranine Powder C557 Salicin disc C558 Salmonella Shigella Agar C559 Saponin Powder C560 Saponin powder C561 Selenite F broth (twin pack) C562 Sequencing Reagent-Ampure Beads C563 Sequencing Reagent-Qubit Ds DNA solution C564 Sheep blood C565 Sheep blood C566 Silver Oxide C567 Skim Milk powder C568 SLC5A5 (NIS) C569 Sodium barbiturate C570 Sodium chloride AR C571 Sodium Chloride Molecular grade C572 Sodium citrate Powder Form C573 Sodium Deoxycholate Molecular Grade C574 Sodium deoxycholate Powder Form C575 Sodium hippurate Powder Form C576 sodium hydrogen phosphate C577 Sodium hydroxide C578 Sodium Hydroxide pellets AR C579 Sodium Iodate C580 Sodium Metabi sulphate C581 Sodium Pyruvate C582 Sodium Pyruvate AR C583 Sodium taurocholate C584 Sodium Thiosulfate AR C585 Sorbitol disc C586 Soyabean casein digest broth C587 SP selective supplement I C588 Spectinomycin 100mcg/disc C589 SPS-sodium polyanethol sulfonate C590 standard reference Buffer Solution pH-4.0 C591 standard reference Buffer Solution pH-7.0 C592 standard reference Buffer Solution pH-9.2 C593 Stuart’s transport medium base C594 Sucrose disc C595 Sudan Black B C596 Sudan III C597 Sudan IV C598 Sulphuric Acid C599 Sulphuric acid AR C600 Sulphuric acid LR C601 Surface DNA removal solution C602 Surface RNA removal solution C603 T.C.A C604 TAE Buffer(Tris Acetate EDTA) 10x C605 TAE Buffer(Tris Acetate EDTA) 50x C606 Taq DNA Polymerase 5U/μL with 10X buffer and separate vial of 25mMMgCl2 C607 Teepol Tetramethylethylenediamine) C609 Thallium acetate C610 Thioglycollate agar C611 Thioglycollate Broth C612 TMB/H2O2 Substrate for Localisation C613 TMB-Blotting Substrate Solution C614 Todd Hewitt broth C615 Toluidine blue (52040) C616 TPO C617 Transport swabs w/ alternative thioglycollate Medium C618 Trehalose disc C619 Trehalose Powder AR C620 TRI Reagent Molecular Grade C621 Tri sodium citrate AR grade C622 Trichloroacetic acid AR C623 Trifluoroacetic acid C624 Tris Borate EDTA Buffer (10X) C625 Tris HCl C626 Tris HCl AR C627 Tris HCl Buffer Molecular Biology C628 Tris Saturated Phenol C629 Tris-Buffer Saline C630 Tris-Buffer Saline Blocking Buffer C631 Trizol C632 Trypan Blue (0.5%) C633 Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%) C634 Tryptic Soya Broth C635 Tryptone soya agar C636 TRα1 C637 TRβ1 C638 TSHR C639 Turpentine Oil IP C640 Tween 20 AR Grade C641 Tween 20 Molecular grade C642 Tween 40 Molecular Grade C643 Tween 80 AR Grade C644 Tween 80 Molecular Grade C645 Uranyl Nitrate C646 Urea 40% (5ml per vial) C647 V factor disc C648 Vancomycin Screen Agar base with all required supplements C649 VCNT supplement for selective isolation of Neisseria gonorrheae C650 Vibrio O129 differential disc (150mcg) C651 Vitamin K1 Supplement C652 Vitamino growth supplement C653 Vitamino growth supplement for cultivation of N. gonorrheae C654 Whatman 903 Protein Saver Card C655 Wright stain powder C656 X factor disc C657 X+V factors disc C658 Xylene AR C659 Xylene Cyanol Molecular Grade C660 Xylene Sulphur free C661 Xylose disc C662 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) Agar C663 Yeast Carbon Base C664 Yeast Carbon Base C665 Yeast Morphology Agar C666 Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar C667 Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar C668 Zinc dust C669 zinc hydrosulfite C670 Zinc Sulphate