Supply Of Aar "H" Type Tight Lock Centre Buffer Coupleraar "H" Type Tight Lock Centre Buffer Coupler,Design, Manufacture And Supply Of Improved High Tensile Tight Lock Centre Buffer Coupler With Aar "H" Type Head, Balanced Draft Gear And Its Associated Compone Nts For Fitment On Broad Gauge Passenger Coaches Of Indian Railways As Per Rdso Spec. No.Rdso/2011/Cg-03, Rev-03 Amd-01. Coupler Mounting Arrangement On Under Frame Shall Be Generally To Icf Drg.No.Lwgfac-2-1-001 Alt "E". One Coupler Set Shall Consists Of The F Ollowing 1.Tight Lock Coupler Head And Associated Components (Reference Rdso Approv Ed Firm Drawings)-Qty -1 No 2.Balanced Draft Gear With Pivot Pin (Reference Rdso Approv Ed Firm Drawings)-Qty-1 No. 3.Supporting Device For Coupler Head With M20 Fasteners (Re Ference Rdso Approved Firm Drawings) -Qty -1 No. 4.Manual Uncoupling Device With M12 F Asteners (Reference Rdso Approved Firm Drawings )- Qty -1 No. 5.Rear Carrier Plate For D Raft Gear With M16 Fasteners (Reference Rdso Approved Firm Drawings) -Qty -1 No. 6.Fron T Carrier Plate For Draft Gear With M16 Fasteners (Rdso Approved Firm Drawings) Qty -1 No. Special Condition : 1. Maintenance Manual In Soft Copy And Hard Copy Shall Be Supplied With Item 2.Necessary Test Certificates As Per Rdso.Specn.No. Rdso/2011/Cg-03 ,Rev-03 Am D-01 Shall Be Supplied With Item. 3. Tenderer To Submit Rdso Approved Drawings At The Ti Me Of Quoting The Tender. 4. Packing Condition: Items Are To Be Packed In Two Different B Oxes As Given Below. I. List Of Items To Be In Box-1 1. Balanced Draft Gear With Wedge Blo Ck Assembly & Wedge Block. 2. Rear Carrier Plate 3. Fornt Carrier Plate 4. Fasteners For Front And Rear Carrier Plates. Ii. List Of Items To Be In Box-2 1. Coupler Head And Associat Ed Components. 2. Main Pivot Pin. 3. Supporting Device For Coupler Head. 4. Fasteners For Supporting Device. 5. Manual Coupling Device 6. Fasteners For Manual Uncoupling Device. 7. Split Pins For Carrier Plate. 8. Balance Items, If An
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